姓名 |
赵凯 |
性别 |
男 |
出生年月 |
1988.02 |
职称 |
副教授 |
职务 |
联系方式 |
电话:= |
教育背景 |
2007-2011,西北工业大学,本科; 2011-2014,中国工程物理研究院,硕士; 2014-2017,挪威科技大学,博士。 |
学术兼职 |
Science China Technological Science, Chemical Physics Letters等期刊审稿人 |
研究方向 |
金属材料中氢脆现象的多尺度模拟; 黏着磨损的微凸体尺度机制; 极端条件下材料物性的衍化等。 |
在研项目 |
学术成果与奖励 |
近期成果 |
在Acta Materialia,JMPS等业内顶级期刊发表多篇学术论文,在ECF,ICF等著名学术会议上进行多次口头报告。 |
近期论文 |
1. Kai Zhao and Ramin Aghababaei. Adhesive wear law at the single asperity level.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids143 (2020) 104069. 2. Hua Cheng‡, Kai Zhao‡, Yi Gong, Xiao Wang, Rui Wang, Fengyu Wang, Rui Hu, Fangkuo Wang, Xian Zhang, Jianying He and Xingyou Tian. Covalent coupling regulated thermal conductivity of Poly(vinylalcohol)/boron nitride composite film based on silane molecular structure.Composites Part A:Applied Science and Manufacturing137 (2020) 106026. (‡共同一作) 3. Kai Zhao, Jianying He and Zhiliang Zhang. Effect of grain boundary on the crack-tip plasticity under hydrogen environment: An atomistic study.Journal of Applied Physics127 (2020) 015101. 4. Kai Zhao, A.E. Mayer, Jianying He and Zhiliang Zhang. Dislocation based plasticity in the case of nanoindentation.International Journal of Mechanical Science148 (2018) 158-173. 5. Kai Zhao, Jianying He, I.G. Ringdalen and Zhiliang Zhang. Effect of amorphization-mediated plasticity on the hydrogen-void interaction in ideal lattices under hydrostatic tension.Journal of Applied Physics123 (2018) 245101. 6. Kai Zhao, Jianying He, A.E. Mayer and Zhiliang Zhang. Effect of hydrogen on the collective behavior of dislocations in the case of nanoindentation.Acta Materialia148 (2018) 18-27. 7. Kai Zhao, Inga Gudem Ringdalen, Jianyang Wu, Jianying He and Zhiliang Zhang. Ductile mechanisms of metals containing pre-existing nanovoids.Computational Materials Science125 (2016) 36-50. 8.赵凯,蔡灵仓,张修路,罗雰。过渡金属钼高压物性的第一原理研究。高压物理学报,2016,30:94-100. 9.殷鹏飞,张蓉,熊江涛,赵凯,李京龙。搅拌摩擦焊准稳态温度场数值模拟。西北工业大学学报,2012,30(4):622-627. |