简历: 核酸检测技术中心主任,,博士生导师,落户中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所,成立核酸检测技术研究中心。回国前在美国硅谷担任博尔诚公司(BioChain)首席技术官;在美国拜耳诊断(Bayer Diagnostics)和西门子诊断(Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics)担任主任科学家和资深研发主管十余年。1990年本科毕业于浙江大学物理系;1992年美国麻省州立大学高能物理硕士;1997年美国休斯顿大学有机化学博士;1997-2000年美国加州大学伯克利分校和伯克利国家实验室分子生物学博士后,PMMB Fellow。北美华人生物医药协会(CABS)主任委员,终身会员;美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)肿瘤早期诊断研究协会(EDRN)会员、PI。荣获2016年度“苏州市紧缺高层次人才”,2015年度“江苏省双创领军人才”,2015年度“姑苏创新创业领军人才”和2014年度“苏州市高新区科技创新创业领军人才”称号。
获奖及荣誉: 2014 第一批2014年苏州市高新区“创新创业领军人才”获奖
2011 美国西门子公司服务十年荣誉奖
2009 西门子公司全球高管培训学校荣誉奖
2006 美国拜耳公司科学技术荣誉奖:Application of the Planner Wave Guide Array Technology to CYP-450 2C9 SNP Analysis.
2006 美国拜耳公司科学技术荣誉奖:Cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 specific oligonucleotide sequences for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with drug response
2005 美国拜耳公司团队荣誉奖
1998 美国PMMB Fellow (Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology), UC Berkeley
1997 美国Bayer Foundation Scholarship, Univ. Houston
1995 美国Welch Foundation Fellowship, Univ. Houston
社会任职: 2013–目前 美国国家癌症中心(NCI),NIH肿瘤早期诊断研究协会(EDRN)会员、PI http://edrn.nci.nih.gov/sites/747-biochain/zheng-minxue
1998–目前 北美华人生物医药协会(CABS)主任委员,终身会员
2006–2013 美国微生物协会会员 American Association for Microbiology (ASM)
2006–目前 美国临床化学协会会员 American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
1996–2012 美国科学促进协会会员American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
1995–2012 美国化学学会会员 American Chemical Society (ACS)
研究方向: 癌症早期筛查,分子诊断,精准医疗
代表论著: Publication:
1. Zheng, M., Wu, M., and Tinoco, I. Jr. (2001). Formation of a GNRA tetraloop in the extended P5abc subdomain of Tetrahymena group I ribozyme can disrupt an inter-domain interaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98, 3695-3700.
2. Kao, C., Rudisser, S. and Zheng, M. (2001). A simple and efficient method to transcribe RNAs with reduced 3' heterogeneity. Methods. 23, 201-205.
3. Zheng, M., Wu, M., Silverman, S., Cech, T., and Tinoco, I., Jr. (1999). RNA folding and mutation studies of the P5abc subdomain from the tetrahymena group I intron ribozyme. FASEB Journal. 13, A1325.
4. Silverman, S., Zheng, M., Wu, M., Tinoco, I. Jr. and Cech, T. R. (1999). Quantifying the energy interplay of RNA tertiary and secondary structure interactions. RNA. 5, 1665-1674.
5. Kao, C., Zheng, M. and Rudisser, S. (1999). A simple and efficient method to reduce nontemplated nucleotide addition at the 3' terminus of RNAs transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase. RNA 5, 1268-1272.
6. Gao, X., Huang, X., Zheng, M., Smith, G. K., and Ji, J. (1998). Structure, flexibility and folding of single stranded DNA triplet repeats. Biophysical Journal. 74, A333.
7. Zheng, M., Huang, X., Smith, K., Yang, X. and Gao, X. (1996). Genetically unstable CXG repeats are structurally dynamic and have a high propensity for folding. An NMR and UV spectroscopic study. J. Mol. Biol. 264, 323–336.
8. Gao, X., Huang, X., Smith, G. K., Zheng, M., and Liu. H. (1995). A new antiparallel duplex Motif of DNA CCG repeats that is stabilized by extrahelical bases symmetrically located in the minor groove. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 8883-8884.
9. Gao, X., Smith, K., Huang, X., and Zheng, M. (1995). Unusual solution structures unveiled by NMR studies of single-stranded DNA triplet repeats. FASEB Journal. 9, A1324.
10. Gao, X., Smith, K., Huang, X., Zheng, M., and Liu, H. (1995). Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Supplement. 0, 58.
11. Wang, W., Liang, C., Zheng, M., and Gao, X. (1995). Selective acylation of N-(2-Phosphonoethyl) ethylenediamine phosphonates. Tetrahedron Letters 36, 1181-1184.
12. Zheng, M. and Tinoco, I. Jr. (2000). High resolution NMR spectroscopy of ribozymes. In Ribozyme Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 297-314, Eds. Krupp. G. and Gaur, R. Eaton Publishing, Natick. [Invited book chapter].
13. Gao, X., Huang, X., Smith, G. K., Zheng, M. (1998). Structure and dynamics of single stranded nucleic acids containing trinucleotide repeats. In Genetic instabilities and hereditary neurological diseases, 623-644. Eds. Warren, S. T. and Wells, R. D., Academic Press, San Diego. [Invited review].
1. Zheng, M., Quinn, J., and Warner, B. (2013). Dual-purpose primers and probes for providing enhanced hybridization assays by disruption of secondary structure formation. Patent No. US ** B2, issue date 3/12/2013.
2. Zheng, M., Ku, L. Shen, L. Wong, C. and Bush-Donovan, C. (2013). Reagents and methods for detecting CYP2C9 polymorphisms, Patent No. EP**B1, issue date 12/04/2013.
3. Battersby, T., Fehr, A. and Zheng, M. (2013).A method of normalizing biological samples. Patent No. WO A1, issue date 3/18/2013.
4. Fehr, A., Battersby, T. and Zheng, M. (2012). Dynamic Range Compression of Nucleic Acid Library Input for Next Generation Sequencing Systems. US provisional patent number 2012P10835US.
5. Zheng, M., Ahle, D., Warner, B., Wu, M. and Chang, C. (2011). Highly orthogonal universal sequences for use in nucleic acid assays. Patent No: US**B2, issue date 11/22/2011.
6. Schwers, S. and Zheng, M. (2010). E7-Gene-Specific Primers and Probes to Detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Cervical Cancer Screening. Siemens memorandum of invention (MOI) filed for patent application in Germany, Brief-ID: **.
7. Quinn, J., Zheng, M., and Warner, B. (2004). Dual-purpose primers and probes for providing enhanced hybridization assays by disruption of secondary structure formation. Patent No:EP**A1. Patent issued in EU (2007).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04
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