
9月25日 What is Nature Astronomy and how do I get published in it?_紫金山天文台

紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14

题目:What is Nature Astronomy and how do I get published in it?

  Nature Astronomy, launched in January 2017, is a new research journal published by Springer Nature. Sitting alongside our sister journal Nature, we aim to publish high impact research in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science. In this talk I will cover the motivation and scope of the journal, the types of manuscripts we publish, and what we look for in papers. We offer a range of services to our authors, which I will also discuss. In the last part of this talk, I will cover common pitfalls of writing and submitting papers and I will share hints and tips on how to maximize the impact of your paper, from writing an engaging but informative title and a properly contextualized but concise abstract, to structuring your paper in a way that your results are communicated succinctly.

  《自然-天文》杂志是一份于2017年1月由Springer Nature出版新创办的期刊。作为《自然》杂志的子刊,我们将致力于在天文学、天体物理学和行星科学领域发表高影响力的研究成果。在本次报告中,我将着重介绍本杂志的收录机制和范围、符合出版条件的稿件类型,以及我们筛选稿件的要点。我还将介绍这本杂志可以为投稿作者提供的一系列的服务。最后,我将介绍一些写作和投稿上的常见误区,并分享这些问题的解决方法和技巧,比如,如何增加论文的影响力,如何在提炼研究报告内容的基础上编写引人入胜、内容丰富同时简明扼要的标题,如何组织结构清晰简洁的文章脉络等。

  报告人:Nature Astronomy副主编Marios Karouzos博士

  个人介绍:Marios Karouzos undertook his doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany. For his research, Marios has used ground and space telescopes to observe galaxies in wavelengths ranging from gamma-rays to the radio regime. His main area of expertise is the evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes as potential regulators of their growth. Other interests include relativistic outflows, binary supermassive black holes and galactic environments. After that, Marios worked on active galactic nuclei at Seoul National University in South Korea. Since 2016 August, he joined the Springer Nature publishing group and serves as Associate Editor of Nature Astronomy.

  Marios Karouzos博士毕业于德国波恩的马克斯·普朗克射电天文研究所。其研究领域包括利用地面和空间望远镜观测星系(观测波段涵盖从伽码射线到射电)、研究星系的演化和超大质量黑洞的生长、相对论性外流、超大质量黑洞对和星系环境等。博士毕业后他在韩国首尔国立大学继续从事活动星系核相关领域的研究工作。从2016年8月起,Karouzos博士加入斯普林格自然出版集团,担任《自然-天文》期刊副主编。

  报告时间:2017年9月25日 上午9:00~10:00




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