报告题目:Conditional Color-Magnitude Distribution of Galaxies from Color/Luminosity Dependent Galaxy Clustering
摘要:The color-luminosity distribution of the overall galaxy population shows ordered patterns (e.g., blue cloud, green valley, and red sequence). Linking galaxy color and luminosity with dark matter halos can help infer the important information about galaxy formation and evolution encoded in such a distribution. We develop a global parameterization of the galaxy color-magnitude distribution as a function of halo mass, status of central and satellite galaxies, and “blue” and “red” populations of galaxies. With such a conditional color-magnitude distribution (CCMD) parameterization, we can model the abundances (space densities) and the clustering (projected two-point correlation functions) of all galaxy samples defined in fine bins of color and luminosity simultaneously. We apply the method to model galaxies in SDSS DR7, spanning nearly 2 orders of magnitude in luminosity (0.1-10L*) and almost the whole range in color, and infer the CCMD of SDSS galaxies. We present the main CCMD modeling results and discuss the implications.
9月22日 Conditional Color-Magnitude Distribution of Galaxies from Color/Luminosity Dependent Galaxy Cl
紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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