

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-17

姓 名 汪尧进 性 别 男
出生年月 1983年11月 籍贯 汉川市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师 否
行政职务 Email yjwang@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 210094
通讯地址 江苏省南京市孝陵卫200号 339-224
个人主页 http://piezo.njust.edu.cn/

学科专业(主) 0805|材料科学与工程 招生类别 博、硕士 所在学院 材料科学与工程学院格莱特研究院
研究方向 铁电半导体新材料与光能源器件

1. 2015.9至今 中国 南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 教授;
2. 2014.1-2015.8 美国 弗吉尼亚理工大学材料科学与工程系 博士后研究员;
3. 2010.8-2014.1 美国 弗吉尼亚理工大学材料科学与工程系 博士后;
4. 2007.6-2008.9 中国香港 香港理工大学 电子工程系 研究助理;
5. 2007.3-2008.6 中国香港 香港理工大学 应用物理系 研究助理;

1. 2005.9-2010.6 中国上海 上海硅酸盐研究所 材料学 博士;
2. 2001.9-2005.9 中国武汉 武汉科技大学 无机非金属材料工程 学士

2009年度,获得“上海-应用材料研究与发展基金”研究生奖学金 (上海市每年资助40名);
2009年度,获得“中国科学院-澳大利亚必和必拓BHP Billiton”奖学金(中国科学院每年资助25名);

1. SCI杂志编辑
Conference Papers in Materials Science;
Lead Guest Editor for Journal of Sensors;
Lead Guest Editor for The Scientific World Journal;
2. SCI杂志审稿人
Advanced Materials Applied Physics Letters
Advanced Electronic Materials Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Sensors IEEE Sensors Journal
Physica Status Solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters Journal of Materials Science
Ceramics International Review of Scientific Instruments
Intermetallics InfraredPhysics&Technology
Smart Materials and Structures Materials
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics Chinese Physics B


汪尧进教授长期从事铁电压电材料与智能器件的研究,共发表包括Advanced Materials (2篇), Materials today, Energy & Environment Science, Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Physical Revew Applied, Physical Review B(3篇), Applied Physical Letters(18篇)等SCI学术论文87篇,影响因子大于3的论文37篇。被引用1750余次,H因子为22。具体文章列表参考课题组网站主页 http://www.fmd-njust.com/Publications/
37) Anmeng Deng,Laihui Luo, Weiping Li, Feifei Wang,Yaojin Wang,0-3 type magnetoelectric 0.94Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3:CoFe2O4composite ceramics with a deferred thermal depolarization, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(4):1407-1415
36) Ding Wang,Guoliang Yuan, Gengqian Hao,Yaojin Wang*. All-inorganic flexible piezoelectric energy harvest enabled by two-dimensional micaNano Energy,2018, 43:351-358
35) Yaojin Wang*,Guoliang Yuan, Haosu Luo, Li Jiefang, D. Viehland,Phase transition in the near-surface region of ternary Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3relaxor ferroelectric crystals, Physics Review Applied,2017, 8:034032
34) Ding Wang,Guoliang Yuan, Haosu Luo, Li Jiefang, D. Viehland,Yaojin Wang*, Structural origin of room temperature poling enhanced piezoelectricity in modified Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-30%PbTiO3crystals, Journal of the American Ceramics Scoiety, 2017, 100(10):4938-4944
33) Wenxiu Gao, Lu You,Yaojin Wang, Guoliang Yuan, Ying-Hao Chu, Zhiguo Liu and Junming Liu, Flexible PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3Capacitors with Giant Piezoelectric Response and Dielectric Tunability, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2017, 3(8):**
32) Yuxi Yang, Guoliang Yuan(袁国亮), Zhibo Yan,Yaojin Wang, Xubing Lu, Junming Liu(刘俊明), Flexible, Semitransparent, and Inorganic Resistive Memory based on BaTi0.95Co0.05O3Film, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(26):**
31) Yaojin Wang*, He Ma, Guoliang Yuan, Haosu Luo and D Viehland. Heterogeneous domain configurations in ferroelectric crystals during thermal depolarization Journal of the American Ceramics Scoiety, 2017, 100(4):1751–1759
30) Yaojin Wang*, Ding Wang, Guoliang Yuan, He Ma, Feng Xu, Jiefang Li, D.Viehland and Peter M. Gehring, Fragile morphotropic phase boundary and phase stability in the near-surface region of the relaxor ferroelectric PZN-x%PT: [001] field-cooled phase diagrams. Physical Review B, 2016, 94(17):174103
29) Yaojin Wang*, Lijun Chen, Ding Wang, Guoliang Yuan, Haosu Luo, Jiefang Li and D.Viehland,Large field-induced-strain at high temperature in ternary ferroelectric crystals. Scientific Reports,2016, 6:35120.
28) Chao Chen, Xiangyong Zhao,Yaojin Wang, Haiwu Zhang, Hao Deng, Xiaobing Li, Xingan Jiang, XiangpingJiang and Haosu Luo. Giant strain and electric-field-induced phase transition in lead-free (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3-BaTiO3-(K0. 5Na0. 5) NbO3single crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108:022903.
27) Deepam Maurya, Yuan Zhou,Yaojin Wang, Yongke Yan, Jiefang Li, D.Viehland and Shashank Priya.Giant strain with ultra-low hysteresis and high temperature stability in grain oriented lead-free K0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3-Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3piezoelectric materials. Scientific Report,2015, 5:8595.
26) Chengtao Luo, Yaojin Wang*, Zhiguang Wang, Wenwei Ge, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland, Haosu Luo. Phase coexistence and transformations in field-cooled ternary piezoelectric single crystals near the morphotropic phase boundary. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105: 232901-232905. (IF=3.515)
25) Yaojin Wang*, Zhiguang Wang, Wenwei Ge, Chengtao Luo, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland, Jianwei Chen, Haosu Luo. Temperature- and electric-field-induced phase transitions in rhombohedral Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 ternary single crystals. Physical Review B, 2014, 90:134107-134116. (IF=3.664)
24) Yaojin Wang*, Peter Finkel, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Piezoelectric single crystal and magnetostrictive Metglas composites: Linear and nonlinear magnetoelectric coupling. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104: 142909. (IF=3.515)
23) Yaojin Wang*, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Magnetoelectrics for magnetic sensor applications: status, challenges and perspectives. Materials Today, 2014, 17(6):269-275, (invited review article). (IF=17.793)
22) Yaojin Wang*, Ying Shen, Junqi Gao, Menghui Li, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Nonlinear magnetoelectric response of a Metglas/piezofiber laminate to a high frequency bipolar AC magnetic field. Applied Physics Letters, 2013,102(10): 102905. (IF=3.515)
21) Yaojin Wang*, Menghui Li, D. Hasanyan, Junqi Gao, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Geometry-induced magnetoelectric effect enhancement and noise floor reduction in Metglas/piezofiber sensors. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,101(9): 092905. (IF=3.515)
20) Yaojin Wang*, D. Hasanyan, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland, Haosu Luo. Shear-mode magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composite with an enhanced magnetoelectric coefficient. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,100(20): 202903. (IF=3.515)
19) Yaojin Wang*, Junqi Gao, Menghui Li, D. Hasanyan, Ying Shen, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland, Haosu Luo. Ultralow equivalent magnetic noise in a magnetoelectric Metglas/Mn-doped Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,101(2): 022903. (IF=3.515)
18) Yaojin Wang*, David Gray, David Berry, Junqi Gao, Menghui Li, Jiefang Li, Dwight Viehland. An Extremely Low Equivalent Magnetic Noise Magnetoelectric Sensor. Advanced Materials, 2011,23(35): 4111-4114. (IF=15.409)
17) Yaojin Wang*, Xiangyong Zhao, Wenning Di, Haosu Luo, Siu Wing Or. Magnetoelectric voltage gain effect in a long-type magnetostrictive/piezoelectric heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2009,95(14): 143503-143505. (IF=3.515)
16) Yaojin Wang*, Feifei Wang, Siu Wing Or, Helen Lai Wa Chan, Xiangyong Zhao, Haosu Luo. Giant sharp converse magnetoelectric effect from the combination of a piezoelectric transformer with a piezoelectric/magnetostrictive laminated composite. Applied Physics Letters, 2008,93(11): 113503-113505. (IF=3.515)
15) Yaojin Wang*, Siu Wing Or, Helen Lai Wa Chan, Xiangyong Zhao, Haosu Luo. Magnetoelectric effect from mechanically mediated torsional magnetic force effect in NdFeB magnets and shear piezoelectric effect in 0.7Pb(Mg(1/3)Nb(2/3))O(3)-0.3PbTiO(3) single crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 2008,92(12): 123510-123512. (IF=3.515)
14) Yaojin Wang*, Siu Wing Or, Helen Lai Wa Chan, Xiangyong Zhao, Haosu Luo. Giant magnetoelectric effect in mechanically clamped heterostructures of magnetostrictive alloy and piezoelectric crystal-alloy cymbal. Applied Physics Letters, 2008,93(21): 213504-213506. (IF=3.515)
13) Deepam Maurya, Yuan Zhou, Yaojin Wang, Yongke Yan, Jiefang Li, D.Viehland and Shashank Priya. Giant strain with ultra-low hysteresis and high temperature stability in grain oriented lead-free K0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3-Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 piezoelectric materials. Scientific Report, 2015, 5, 8595.
12) M. Staruch, Jiefang Li, Yaojin Wang, D.Viehland and P. Finkel. Giant magnetoelectric effect in nonlinear Metglas/PIN-PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105, 105902.
11) Zhiguang Wang, Yue Zhang, Yaojin Wang, Yanxi Li, Haosu Luo, Jiefang Li, and Dwight Viehland. Magnetoelectric assisted 180° magnetization switching for electric field addressable writing in magnetoresistive random-access memory. ACS Nano, 2014 8(8):7793-800.
10) Zhiguang Wang, Yaojin Wang, Haosu Luo, Jiefang Li, and Dwight Viehland. Crafting the strain state in epitaxial thin films: A case study of CoFe2O4 films on Pb(Mg,Nb)O3-PbTiO3. Physical Review B, 2014, 90, 134103.
9) Zhiguang Wang, Yaojin Wang, Wenwei Ge, Jiefang Li, Dwight Viehland. Volatile and nonvolatile magnetic easy-axis rotation in epitaxial ferromagnetic thin films on ferroelectric single crystal substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103(13): 132909-132914.
8) Menghui Li, Zhiguang Wang, Yaojin Wang, Jiefang Li, Dwight Viehland. Giant magnetoelectric effect in self-biased laminates under zero magnetic field. Applied Physics Letters, 2013,102(8): 082404.
7) Ying Shen, Junqi Gao, Yaojin Wang, Peter Finkel, Jiefang Li, Dwight Viehland. Piezoelectric strain-dependent non-linear magnetoelectric response enhancement by flux concentration effect. Applied Physics Letters, 2013,102(17): 172904.
6) Ying Shen, Junqi Gao, Yaojin Wang, Jiefang Li, Dwight Viehland. Thermal stability of magnetoelectric sensors. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,100(17): 173505-173505.
5) Menghui Li, Yaojin Wang, Davresh Hasanyan, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Giant converse magnetoelectric effect in multi-push-pull mode Metglas/Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3/Metglas laminates. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,100(13): 132904-132906
4) Menghui Li, Yaojin Wang, Junqi Gao, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in self-stressed multi-push-pull mode Metglas/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/Metglas laminates. Applied Physics Letters, 2012,101(2): 022908.
3) Junqi Gao, Liangguo Shen, Yaojing Wang, David Gray, Jiefang Li, D. Viehland. Enhanced sensitivity to direct current magnetic field changes in Metglas/Pb(Mg(1/3)Nb(2/3))O(3)-PbTiO(3) laminates. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011,109(7): 074507.
2) Qinhui Zhang, Yaoyao Zhang, Feifei Wang, Yaojin Wang, Di Lin, Xiangyong Zhao, Haosu Luo, Wenwei Ge, D. Viehland. Enhanced piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties in Mn-doped Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3 single crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2009,95(10): 102904-102906
1) Linhua Liu, Xiaobing Li, Xiao Wu, Yaojin Wang, Wenning Di, Di Lin, Xiangyong Zhao, Haosu Luo, Norbert Neumann. Dielectric, ferroelectric, and pyroelectric characterization of Mn-doped 0.74Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.26PbTiO(3) crystals for infrared detection applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2009,95(19): 192903-192905.

[3] 郝耿谦,汪尧进,陈鑫,杨娜娜,汪洋,陈轩。一种柔性电卡制冷器件。中国发明专利,申请号:3.1
[2] 陈鑫,汪尧进,郝耿谦,汪洋,杨娜娜,陈轩。基于黑磷二维半导体的柔性铁电光伏场效应管的制备方法。中国发明专利,申请号:4.3
[1] 孙星浩,汪尧进,钟茂,杨斌,王鼎。一种全无机柔性上转化发光器件及其制备方法。中国发明专利,申请号:6.2

1. 材料的显微结构演变【英文】
2. 材料物理性能
3. 学科前沿讲座

姓名 在课题组时
Ziwei Zhang(张紫薇) Undergraduate Graduate student atUniversity of Stuttgart,Germany (德国)
Gengqian Hao (郝耿谦) Undergraduate Graduate student at Nanjing University of Science and Technology,China (中国)
Zhuowei Han (韩卓炜) Undergraduate Graduate student at Rice University, USA (美国)
Xinhao Sun (孙星浩) Undergraduate Graduate student atSoutheast University,China (中国)
Mao Zhong(钟茂) Undergraduate Graduate student atHarbin Institute of Technology,China (中国)
Bing Yang (杨斌) Undergraduate Graduate student at Nanjing University of Science and Technology,China (中国)
Ding Wang (王鼎) Graduate Engineer atHuawei Technologies Co. Ltd.(华为技术有限公司)
Lijun Chen (陈励君) Graduate Engineer at Everdisplay Optronics (Shanghai) Limited (上海和辉光电有限公司)


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