

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

职称: 副教授
岗位: 仅研究系列选择
办公地址: 朱共山楼260
电子邮件: youyir@nju.edu.cn
课题组链接: https://njugeophy.com.cn/

南京大学地球科学与工程学院副教授。2012年博士毕业于美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,2012-2017分别在布朗大学和普林斯顿大学开展博士后研究,2018 年任南京大学副教授。主要研究领域为(1)高性能计算地震学:谱元法地震波数值模拟、全波形反演、人工智能地震信号拾取;(2)海洋地球物理:海底地震仪数据处理和远震面波成像;(3)理论地震学:面波的有限频率理论和滞弹性结构(衰减Q 值)成像。与美国普林斯顿大学 (理论与计算地震学)和布朗大学(海洋地球物理)等高校保持长期合作。

2007 - 2012 Ph.D., Geophysics, Virginia Tech
2004 - 2007 M.S., Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China
1999 - 2003 B.S., Physics, Hubei University

2018 - 至今 南京大学 副教授
2014 - 2017 美国普林斯顿大学 博士后
2012 - 2014 美国布朗大学 博士后



基于谱元法(Spectral-element method)的地震波数值模拟,主要研究有起伏地形的非弹性介质中的波传播现象。借助超算平台(比如神威太湖之光)对全球三维内部结构、青藏高原区域壳幔结构、以及城市浅部探测等问题进行全波形反演成像。利用卷积神经网络等人工智能手段,来研究地震信号的智能拾取,提高波形反演中的数据处理效率。

主要研究海底地震仪的数据处理技术,发明了水压和位移比值法 (D/P ratio) 来研究深海沉积层的速度或者监测岩浆囊的动态变化。利用海底地震仪台网记录的远震面波反演速度和Q值模型,研究洋中脊和俯冲带小尺度运动的动力学机制。


江文彬博士后(2019-2020)毕业去向:南京师范大学 / 华为南京 (未定)

有意攻读硕士和博士的学生,请发送CV 至youyir@nju.edu.cn,欢迎加入我们的研究团队!

·2020春季 计算与勘探地球物理(Computational and Exploration Geophysics)
·2019春季 勘探地震学
·2018秋季 勘探地震学

·2020秋季 地震学
·2019秋季 地震学



[16] Zhang Z., B. Wei, Z. Shen, N. Wu, T. Wang, B. Wang, Y. Ruan(2020), Effects of the Hutubi underground gas storage in 2016 on the surrounding seismic activities, Chinese J. Geophys.63 (9). doi:10.6038/cjg2020.
[15] Wenjie Lei, Youyi Ruan, Ebru Bozda?, Daniel Peter, Matthieu Lefebvre, Dimitri Komatitsch, Jeroen Tromp, Judith Hill, Norbert Podhorszki, David Pugmire(2020), Global adjoint tomography—model GLAD-M25, Geophys. J. Int., 223, 1–21.
[14] ?rsvuran, R., E. Bozdag, R. Modrak, W. Lei, and Y. Ruan(2020),Double-difference measurements in global full-waveform inversions, Geophys. J. Int., 220, 661 - 680.
[13] Ruan Y., W. Lei, R. Modrak, R. ?rsvuran, E. Bozdag, and J. Tromp (2019),Balancing unevenly distributed data in seismic tomography: a global adjoint tomography example,Geophys. J. Int.,219, 1225-1236.
[12] Ruan Y., D. W. Forsyth, and S. W. Bell (2018), Shear Attenuation Beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for Mantle Flow and Dehydration, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 496, 189-197.
[11] Lefebvre M., Y. Chen, W. Lei, D. Luet, Y. Ruan, E. Bozdag , J. Hill, D. Komatitsch, L. Krischer, D. Peter, N. Podhorszki, J. Smith, and J. Tromp, Data and Workflow Challenges for Exascale Global Adjoint Tomography, Exascale Scientific Applications: Programming Approaches for Scalability, Performance, and Portability, Eds. T. Straatsma, K. Antypas, and T. Williams, CRC Press, 2017.
[10] Kedar, S., J. Andrade, B. Banerdt, P. Delage, M. Golombek, M. Grott, T. Hudson, A. Kiely, M. Knappmeyer, B. Knapmeyer-Endrun, C. Krause, T. Kawamura, P. Lognonne, T. Pike, Y. Ruan, T. Spohn, N. Teanby, J. Tromp, J. Wookey (2017), Analysis of regolith properties using seismic signals generated by InSight HP3 penetrator, Space Science Review, 211(10), 1-23.
[9] Bozdag, E., Y. Ruan, N. Metthez, A. Khan, K. Leng, M. van Driel, C. Larmat, D. Giardini, J. Tromp, P. Lognonne ? and B. Banerdt (2017), Simulations of seismic wave propagation on Mars, Space Science Review, (3),1-24.
[8] Panning et al. (2016), Planned products of the Mars Structure Service for the InSight mission to Mars, Space Science Review, 211(1-4), 1-40.
[7] Bell, S., Y. Ruan, and D. W. Forsyth (2016), Ridge asymmetry and deep aqueous alteration at the trench observed from Rayleigh wave tomography of the Juan de Fuca plate, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth,121, 7298-7321.
[6] Krischer L., J. Smith, W. Lei, M. Lefebvre, Y. Ruan, E. S. Andrade, N. Podhorszki, E. Bozdag, and J. Tromp (2016), An Adaptable Seismic Data Format, Geophys. J. Int., 207, 1003-1011.
[5] Bell, S. W., Y. Ruan, and D. W. Forsyth (2015), Shear velocity structure of abyssal plain sediments in Cascadia, Seismol. Res. Lett., 86, 1247-1252.
[4] Bell, S. W., D. W. Forsyth, and Y. Ruan(2015), Removing noise from the vertical component records of ocean bottom seismometers: Results from year one of the Cascadia Initiative, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 105, doi: 10.1785/.
[3] Ruan Y., D. W. Forsyth and S. W. Bell (2014), Marine sediment shear velocity structure from the ratio of displacement to pressure of Rayleigh waves at seafloor, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, 6357-6371.
[2]Ruan Y., and Y. Zhou (2012), The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure on surface-wave am- plitudes, Geophys. J. Int., 189, 967-983.
[1] Ruan Y., and Y. Zhou (2010), The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure on surface-wave phase delays, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 479-492.



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