职称: 副教授
办公地址: 朱共山楼248
电子邮件: ggwang(at)nju.edu.cn
(1)美国弗吉尼亚理工大学Robert J. Bodnar教授
(2)丹麦奥胡斯大学Thomas Ulrich副教授
(3)美国Juniata学院Ryan Mathur教授
(1) 国家重点研发计划课题“超临界流体的元素迁移和成矿作用”的典型矿床研究专题(Grant no. 2018YFA**), 2019-2024, 主持,在研
(2)国家自然科学基金委重点项目:石英脉型黑钨矿床成矿流体和成矿机制的精细解剖(Grant no. **), 2020-2024, 参加,在研
(3) 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:石英脉型黑钨矿床成矿流体和成矿机制的精细解剖(Grant no. **), 2019-2022, 参加,在研
(4) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目: 江西德兴斑岩铜(钼)矿田矿石矿物和共生脉石矿物的流体包裹体对比研究(Grant no. **), 2018-2021, 主持,在研
(5) 国家重点研发计划课题6之专题: 钦杭成矿带成矿作用的深部过程、演化与成矿模式(Grant no. 2016YFC**), 2016-2020, 主持,在研
(6) 国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目: 钦杭带北东段十字头斑岩钼矿的成矿流体、成矿岩体及成矿模式研究(Grant no. **), 2015-2017,主持,结题
(7)中国地质调查局整装勘查区项目: 朱砂红-铜厂-富家坞重点勘查区找矿预测研究(Grant no. 601), 2014-2016, 主持,结题
(8)中国地质调查局矿集区项目: 福建省中东部矿集区找矿预测(Grant no. [2015]02-09-02-011), 2015-2016, 项目副负责,结题
(9)丹麦科学技术创新局资助国际合作项目:International research collaboration between Denmark and China on ore forming processes of molybdenite deposits, 2016-2017,项目骨干,结题
(10)安徽省国土资源科技项目: 秦岭-大别造山带东段(安徽部分)钼金多金属成矿规律与找矿方向研究, 2010-2012, 项目骨干,结题
(11)全国危机矿山接替资源找矿项目: 闽浙赣相邻区铜多金属矿床成矿规律总结研究(编号:**), 2008-2012, 项目骨干,结题
(1) 内生金属矿床国家重点实验室学术秘书
(3)《Frontiers in Earth Science》(IF=2.892)杂志的编委会成员(Review Editor)
(4) 青年地学论坛理事会理事
(5) 《黄金科学技术》杂志第七届编委会青年编委
(6) 中国地球物理学会构造物理化学专业委员会副主任委员
(7) 创办、运营《矿床学》微信公众号
(8) 国际矿床学会(SEG)会员
(10) 南京大学第六届教职工代表大会(2016-2020年)
(11) 南京大学理科实验班(地科-地理-环院-大气方向)认识实习队副队长(2017年度)
1)《Frontiers in Earth Science》(IF=2.892)杂志的专辑"New Analytical Methods constraining the Mesozoic-Cenozoic large scale mineralization in China"专辑链接:
(2) 2019年,组织青年地学论坛的专辑,刊出在《地球科学进展》杂志。
黄金科学技术(年度优秀论文, 2019年)
南京大学地球科学与工程学院模范党支部书记 ,2018年
Ore Geology Reviews(Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, 2017年)
黄金科学技术(优秀审稿专家, 2017年)
Lithos(Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, 2016年)
Earth Science Reviews, Ore Geology Reviews, Lithos, Chemical Geology, Scientific Reports, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Gondwana Research, Lithosphere, Resource Geology, Geofluids, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, International Joural of Earth Sciences, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Journal of African Earth Sciences,Canadian Earth Science, Journal of Earth Science, Geological Journal, Frontiers of Earth Science, Acta Geochimica, Acta Geologica Sinica, Carbonates and Evaporties, Diamond and related materials, Petroleum Science, Green Processing and Synthesis,岩石学报,矿床地质,中国地质,地质通报,黄金科学技术,地质学报,地球化学,高校地质学报,地球学报,南京大学学报自然科学版,吉林大学学报,中国地质,矿物岩石地球化学通报等。
(27) “青年矿床学家网络论坛”. ZOOM平台. 2020.会议组织者
(26)第九届黄金科技论坛. 济南. 2020. 主题报告.青年分论坛组委会主席
(25)构造物理化学理论和应用学术研讨会.焦作. 2020.大会报告.
(24) 东北大学资源与土木工程学院建院25周年报告. 腾讯会议平台. 2020. 邀请报告
(23)第六届青年地学论坛“矿产与资源”.西宁. 2019. 主题秘书
(22)第五届青年地学论坛“矿产与资源”.南京. 2018. 主题报告. 主题召集人
(21)第七届黄金科技论坛. 焦作. 2018. 大会报告. 青年分论坛组委会主席
(20)第十九届全国包裹体及地质流体会议. 合肥. 2018.邀请报告
(19)ACROFI VII (6th Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions). Mumbai. India. 2016. Oral Presentation
(18)15thIAGOD (15thInternational Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits). Salta. Argentina. 2018. Oral Presentation
(17)第八届全国成矿理论和找矿方法. 南昌. 2017.口头报告. “地质流体方向”专题召集人
(16)第六届黄金科技论坛. 北海. 2017. 大会报告
(15)ACROFI VI (6th Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions). Mumbai. India. 2016. Oral Presentation
(14)IGC 35 (35th International Geological Congress). Capetown, South Africa. 2016. Oral Presentation
(13)第十八届全国包裹体及地质流体会议. 成都. 2016.邀请报告
(12)第七届全国成矿理论和找矿方法会议. 长沙. 2015.邀请报告
(11)中国地球科学联合会2015学术年会. 北京. 2015. 口头报告
(10)ACROFI -5(5th Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions). Xi’an. China. 2014. Invited Presentation
(9)IMA 2014 (21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association). Johannesburg. South Africa. 2014. Oral Presentation.
(8)IAGOD 2014 (The 14th Quadrennial International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits Symposium). Kunming. China. 2014. Oral Presentation.
(7)中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第14届学术年会. 南京. 2013. 口头报告
(6)第十七届全国包裹体及地质流体会议. 杭州. 2012.口头报告. 优秀学生论文奖
(5)ACROFI-4 (4th Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions). Brisbane. Australia, 2012. Oral Presentation.
(4)34th International Geological Congress. Brisbane. Australia. 2012. Oral Presentation.
(3)中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第13届学术年会. 广州. 2011. 口头报告
(2)第五届全国成矿理论与找矿方法学术讨论会. 昆明. 2011. 口头报告
(1)第十六届全国包裹体及地质流体学术研讨会. 南昌. 2010. 口头报告
(5)Post field trip of 15thIAGOD (15thInternational Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits). 2018. Uyuni Salar-Potosi Silver Mine- Bolivia.
(4)Post field trip of ACROFI-VI 2016. Deccan Traps, Elephanta Island, Mumbai harbour, India.
(3)Post field trip of IGC 35 2016. Barberton Greenstone Belt. South Africa.
(2)Pre field trip of IGC 35 2016. Johannesburg-Kimberley Diamond Deposits, Johannesburg. South Africa.
(1)Pre field trip of IMA 2014. Witwatersrand Gold Mine, Johannesburg. South Africa.
本人英文介绍(Personal information of Guo-Guang Wang in English)
(3) 2021年青年地学论坛,贵阳
(2) 2020年SEG年会,加拿大威士拿,疫情原因推迟举行,https://www.seg2020.org/
(1)第八届亚洲流体包裹体会议(ACROFI 8),澳大利亚汤斯维尔,疫情原因,推迟举行
47)Yuan, H.-X., P. Ni, H. Chen, Z.-C. Lv, X.-F. Yu, T. Bao, G.-G. Wang, R.-H. Hu and J.-W. Du (2020). Geology, fluid inclusion and H-O-S-Pb isotope constraint on the genesis of the Changxing gold deposit, Fujian, South China. Ore Geology Reviews: 103887.
46)Bao T, Ni P, Li S-N, Xiang H-L, Wang G-G, Chi Z, Li W-S, Ding J-Y, Dai B-Z (2020) Geological, fluid inclusion, and H-O-C-S-Pb isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Shuangqishan gold deposit, Fujian, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration214. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2020.106544.
45)Li S-N, Ni P, Wang G-G, Bao T, Huang B, Dai B-Z (2020) The Jurassic volcanic-intrusive complex in the Dehua gold orefield, coastal region of SE China: Implications for the tectonic setting and epithermal mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences197. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104390.
44)Wang G-G*, Ni P*, Li L, Wang X-L, Zhu A-D, Zhang Y-H, Zhang X, Liu Z, Li B (2020) Petrogenesis of the Middle Jurassic andesitic dikes in the giant Dexing porphyry copper ore field, South China: implications for mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences:104375. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104375.
43)Zhao Z-H, Ni P, Sheng Z-L, Dai B-Z, Wang G-G, Ding J-Y, Wang B-H, Zhang H-D, Pan J-Y, Li S-N (2020) Thermal regime reconstruction and fluid inclusion LA–ICP–MS analysis on intermediate-sulfidation epithermal Pb–Zn veins: Implications for porphyry Cu deposits exploration in the Xianhualing District, Anhui, China.Ore Geology Reviews124:103658. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103658.
42) 王国光, 倪培, 潘君屹, 2020. 花岗质岩石相关成矿系统的流体作用. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 1-9.
41) 李伟强, 赵书高, 王小敏, 李石磊, 王国光, 杨涛, 金章东, 2020. 斑岩铜矿热液流体的K-Mg同位素示踪. 中国科学:地球科学50, 245-257.Li, W., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Li, S., Wang, G., Yang, T., Jin, Z., 2020. Fingerprinting hydrothermal fluids in porphyry Cu deposits using K and Mg isotopes. Science China-Earth Sciences 63, 108-120.
40) Zhang, X., Ni, P., Wang, G.-G.*, Jiang, Y.-H., Jiang, D.-S., Li, S.-N., Fan, M.-S., 2019. Petrogenesis and oxidation state of granodiorite porphyry in the Jurassic Chuankeng skarn Cu deposit, South China: Implications for the Cu fertility and mineralization potential. J Asian Earth Sci, 104184.
39) Li, W.-S., Ni, P., Wang, G.-G., Yang, Y.-L., Pan, J.-Y., Wang, X.-L., Chen, L.-L., Fan, M.-S., 2020. A possible linkage between highly fractionated granitoids and associated W-mineralization in the Mesozoic Yaogangxian granitic intrusion, Nanling region, South China. J Asian Earth Sci 193, 104314.
38) Li, S.-N., Ni, P., Bao, T., Wang, G.-G., Chi, Z., Li, W.-S., Zhu, R.-Z., Dai, B.-Z., Xiang, H.-L., 2020. Geological, fluid inclusion, and H-O-S-Pb isotopic studies of the Xiaban epithermal gold deposit, Fujian Province, southeast China: Implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews117.
37) Chi, Z., Ni, P., Pan, J.-Y., Li, S.-N., Wang, G.-G., Yang, Y.-L., Xue, K., Liao, J.-F., 2020. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complex in the Zijinshan ore district, Southeast China: Implications for different stages of mineralization. J Asian Earth Sci192.
36)王国光, 倪培, 赵超, 姚静, 李利, 赵丹蕾, 朱安冬, 胡金山, 2019. 德兴大型铜金矿集区的研究进展和成矿模式. 岩石学报35, 3644-3658. Wang, G., Ni, P., Zhao, C., Yao, J., Li, L., Zhao, D., Zhu, A., Hu, J., 2019. The research advances and genetic model of the giant Dexing Cu-Au ore cluster. Acta Petrol Sin 35, 3644-3658.
35) Li, M., Zhang, X., Han, L., Gong, E.-P., Wang, G.-G*. (2019) The Metallogenic Setting of the Jiangjiatun Mo Deposit, North China: Constraints from a Combined Zircon U–Pb and Molybdenite Re–Os Isotopic Study. Minerals9, 723.
34) Zhu, R.-Z., Ni, P., Wang, G.-G., Ding, J.-Y., Fan, M.-S., Ma, Y.-G. (2019) Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Laozhaishan dolerite sills in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton and their geological implication. Gondwana Research67, 131-146.
33) Zhu, R.-Z., Ni, P.*, Ding, J.-Y., Wang, G.-G.(2019) Geochemistry of Magmatic and Xenocrystic Spinel in the No.30 Kimberlite Pipe (Liaoning Province, North China Craton): Constraints on Diamond Potential. Minerals9, 382.
32) Zhu, R.Z., Ni, P., Ding, J.Y., Wang, G.G., Fan, M.S., Li, S.N. (2019) Metasomatic processes in the lithospheric mantle beneath the No. 30 kimberlite (Wafangdian region, North China Craton). Canadian Mineralogist57, 499-517.
31) Ni, P.*, Li, S.-N., Bao, T., Zheng, W.-Y., Wang, G.-G., Xiang, H.-L., Chi, Z., Pan, J.-Y., Huang, B., Ding, J.-Y., Dai, B.-Z. (2019) Mapping of fluid, alteration and soil geochemical anomaly as a guide to regional mineral exploration for the Dehua gold orefield of Fujian Province, SE China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis19, 74-90.
30) Ni Pei*, Wang Tian?Gang, Wang Guo?Guang *, Li Wen?Sheng, Pan Jun?Yi, 2019, Metamorphic fluid superimposition of the Changba-Lijiagou Pb-Zn deposit West Qinling Orogen Central China, The Geological Society Special Publications, 478, 265-286
29) Wang G.G., Ni P.*, Zhu An-Dong, Wang Xiao-Lei, Li Li, Hu Jin-Shan, Lin Wen-Hai, Huang Bao, 2017, 1.01-0.98 Ga mafic intra-plate magmatism and related Cu-Au mineralization in the eastern Jiangnan orogen: evidence from Liujia and Tieshajie basalts , Precambrian Research, 309, 6-21, DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.04.018
28) Ni, P., Pan, J.-Y., Huang, B., Wang, G.-G., Xiang, H.-L., Yang, Y.-L., Li, S.-N., Bao, T. (2018) Geology, ore-forming fluid and genesis of the Qiucun gold deposit: Implication for mineral exploration at Dehua prospecting region, SE China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration195, 3-15.
27) Li Su-Ning, Ni Pei*, Bao Tan, Li Chang-Ze, Xiang Hong-Liang, Wang Guo-Guang, Huang Bao, Chi Zhe, Dai Bao-Zhang, Ding Jun-Ying, 2018, Geology, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope systematics of the Dongyang epithermal gold deposit, Fujian Province, southeast China: Implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.02.009
26) Li Su-Ning, Ni Pei *, Bao Tan, Xiang Hong-Liang, Chi Zhe, Wang Guo-Guang, Bao Huang, Jun-Ying Ding, Bao-Zhang Dai, 2018, Genesis of the Ancun epithermal gold deposit, southeast China: Evidence from fluid inclusion and stable isotope data, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.01.016
25) Chen Li-Li, Ni Pei *, Li Wen-Sheng, Ding Jun-Ying, Pan Jun-Yi, Wang Guo-Guang, Yang Yu-Long, 2018, The link between fluid evolution and vertical zonation at the Maoping tungsten deposit, Southern Jiangxi, China: Fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.01.001
24) Li, W.S., Ni, P., Pan, J.Y., Wang, G.G., Chen, L.L., Yang, Y.L., Ding, J.Y. (2018) Fluid inclusion characteristics as an indicator for tungsten mineralization in the Mesozoic Yaogangxian tungsten deposit, central Nanling district, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration192, 1-17.
23) Chen H., Ni P.*, Chen R.-Y., Lü Z.-C., Ye Tian-Zhu, Wang, G.-G.,Pan Jun-Yi, Pang Z.-S., Xue Jian-Ling, Yuan H.-X., 2017, Constraints on the Genesis of the Jiande Polymetallic Copper Deposit in South China using Fluid Inclusion and O-H-Pb Isotopes, Journal Geological Society of India, 90, 546-557.
22) 倪培,王国光. 2017. 大陆再造与钦杭带北东段多期铜金成矿作用. 岩石学报, 33(11): 3373-3394 (Ni Pei and Wang Guo-Guang. 2017. Multiple episodes of Cu-Au mineralization in the northeastern section of the Qin-Hang metallogenic belt induced by reworking of continental crust. Acta Petologica Sinica, 33(11): 3373-3394)
21)Zhu Ren-Zhi, Ni Pei*, Ding Jun-Ying, Wang Dian-Zhong, Ju Yi, Kang Ning, Wang Guo-Guang, 2017, Petrography, chemical composition, and Raman spectra of chrome spinel: constraints on the diamond potential of the No. 30 pipe kimberlite in Wafangdian, North China Craton, Ore Geology Reviews, Doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.08.015.
20) Yang Yu-Long, Ni Pei,Pan Jun-Yi,Wang Guo-Guang,Xu Ying-Feng, 2017, Constraints on the mineralization processes of the Makeng iron deposit, eastern China: Fluid inclusion, H-O isotope and magnetite trace element analysis, Ore Geology Reviews, 88, 791-808,Doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.11.018.
19)Chen H., Ni, P.*, Wang G.G.*, Che, R.Y., L, Z.C., Pan, Z.S., Gen, L., Zhang B.S., Yuan H.X., 2017, Petrogenesis of Ore-Related Granodiorite Porphyry in the Jiande Copper Deposit, SE China: Implications for the Tectonic Setting and Mineralization, Resource Geology, 67, 117-138.
18)Wang G.G., Ni P.*, Zhao C., Che H., Yuan H.X., Cai Y.T., Li L., Zhu A.D.2017, A combined fluid inclusion and isotopic geochemistry study of the Zhilingtou Mo deposit, South China: implications for ore genesis and metallogenic setting, Ore Geology Reviews,81, 884-897,Doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.1011.1023.
17)Ni P.*,Wang G.-G. *,Cai Y.-T., Zhu X.-T., Yuan H.-X., Huang B., Ding J.-Y., Chen H. 2017, Genesis of the Late Jurassic Shizitou Mo deposit, South China: evidence from fluid inclusion, H-O isotope and Re-Os geochronology, Ore Geology Reviews,81, 871-883, DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.1008.1013.
16)Ni P.*, Pan J.-Y., WangG.-G., Chi Z., Qin H., Ding J.-Y., Chen H. 2017, A CO2-rich porphyry ore-forming fluid system constrained from a combined cathodoluminescence imaging and fluid inclusion studies of quartz veins from the Tongcun Mo deposit, South China, Ore Geology Reviews, 81, 856-870, DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.07.007
15)Li L., Ni P.*, Wang G.G.*, Zhu A.D., Pan J.Y., Chen H., Huang B., Yuan H.X., Wang Z.K., Fang M. H.2017, Multi-stage fluid boiling and formation of the giant Fujiawu porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in South China, Ore Geology Reviews, 81, 898-911, Doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.1011.1020
14)Wang G.G.,Ni P*., Zhao C., Wang, X.L., Li, P.F., Chen, H., Zhu, A.D., Li, L., 2016. Spatio-temporal reconstruction of Late Mesozoic silicic large igneous province (SLIP) and related epithermal mineralization in South China: insights from the Zhilingtou volcanic-intrusive complex.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(11), 7903-7928,DOI: 10.1002/2016JB013060.
13)Zhu X.T., Ni P.*, Wang G.G.*, Cai Y.T., Chen H., Pan J.Y.2016, Fluid inclusion, H-O isotope and Pb-Pb age constraints on the genesis of the Yongping copper deposit, South China,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 171, 55-70.
12)Xu, Y.-F., Ni P. *,Wang G.-G. ,Pan J.-Y., Guan S.-J., Chen H., Ding J.-Y., Li L. 2016, Geology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of the Huangshan orogenic gold deposit: Implications for future exploration along the Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault zone, South China,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 171, 37-54.
11)Cai, Y.-T., Ni P. *,Wang G.-G.,Pan J.-Y., Zhu X.-T., Chen H., Ding J.-Y. 2016, Fluid inclusion and H-O-S-Pb isotopic evidence for the Dongxiang manto-type copper deposit, South China,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 171, 71-82.
10)Wang G.G., Ni P.*, Yao J., Wang X.L., Zhao K.D., Zhu R.Z., Xu Y.F., Pan J.Y., Li L., Zhang Y-H.2015, The link between subduction-modified lithosphere and the giant Dexing porphyry copper deposit, South China: constraints from high-Mg adakitic rocks,Ore Geology Reviews, 67, 109-126, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.12.004.
9)Ni P.,Wang G.G. *, Chen H., Xu Y.F., Guan S.J., Pan J.Y., Li L.2015, An Early Paleozoic orogenic gold belt along the Jiang-Shao Fault, South China: evidence from fluid inclusions and Rb-Sr dating of quartz in the Huangshan and Pingshui deposits,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103, 87-102, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.11.031.
8)Ni P.*, Wang G.-G. *, W. Yu, H. Chen, Jiang L.L., Wang B.H., Zhang H.D., Xu Y.F.2015, Evidence of fluid inclusions for two stages of fluid boiling in the formation of the giant Shapinggou porphyry Mo deposit, Dabie Orogen, Central China,Ore Geology Reviews, 65(0), 1078-1094, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.09.017.
7)Ni P.*, Wang X.-D. , Wang*G.-G., Huang J.-B., Pan J.-Y., Wang T.-G. 2015, An infrared microthermometric study of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite from Late Mesozoic tungsten deposits in the Gannan metallogenic belt, South China,Ore Geology Reviews, 65, Part 4(0), 1062-1077, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.08.007.
6)Wang G.G., Ni P.*, W. Yu, H. Chen, L.L. Jiang, B.H. Wang, H.D. Zhang, Li P.-F.2014, Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous post-collisional granitoids at Shapinggou, Dabie Orogen: implications for crustal architecture and porphyry Mo mineralization,Lithos, 184-187, 393-415.
5)Chen, H., Ni P. *, Wang R.-C.,Wang G.-G.,Zhao K.-D., Ding J.-Y., Zhao C., Cai Y.-T., Xu Y.-F. 2014, A combined fluid inclusion and S–Pb isotope study of the Neoproterozoic Pingshui volcanogenic massive sulfide Cu–Zn deposit, Southeast China,Ore Geology Reviews, 66, 388-402, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.11.002.
4)Zhao C., Ni P.*, Wang G.G.*,Ding J.Y., Chen H., Zhao K.D. , Cai Y.T., Xu Y.F.2013, Geology, fluid inclusion, and isotope constraints on ore genesis of the Neoproterozoic Jinshan orogenic gold deposit, South China,Geofluids, 13(4), 506-527.
3)Wang G.G., Ni P.*, Wang R.C., Zhao K.D., Chen H., Ding J.-Y., Zhao C., Cai Y.-T.2013, Geological, fluid inclusion and isotopic studies of the Yinshan Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, South China: implications for ore genesis and exploration, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74, 343-360.
2)Wang G.G.,Ni P.*, Zhao K.D., Wang X.L., Liu J.Q., Jiang S.Y., Chen H. 2012, Petrogenesis of the Middle Jurassic Yinshan volcanic-intrusive complex, SE China: Implications for tectonic evolution and Cu-Au mineralization, Lithos, 150, 135-154.
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[01]于文,倪培,王国光,商力,江来利,王波华,张怀东(2012),安徽金寨县沙坪沟斑岩钼矿床成矿流体演化特征,南京大学学报(自然科学版), 48(3), 240-255.
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