

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

职称: 副教授
岗位: 仅研究系列选择
办公地址: 朱共山楼260
电子邮件: twang0630(AT)nju.edu.cn

Wang, Tao

Research Interests:
Studying seismic structure of the Earth’s deep interior (Mantle Transition Zone and Inner Core);Extracting body waves by seismic interferometry;Applying AI techniques for geophysical researches

Oct.2016 - Associate professor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, China
Sep.2013 - Oct.2016 Post-doc,School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, China

Sep.2008-Jul. 2013 PhD., Geophysics, Universityof Minnesota, USA
Sep.2005-Jul. 2008 MSc., Geophysics, Instituteof Geologyand Geophysics, Chinese Academyof Sciences
Sep.2000-Jul.2004BSc., Geophysics, Department of Earth & Space Science, Universityof Scienceand Technology of China

1, Introduction to Seismology

Publications (First author or corresponding author):
1, Shi, J.,Wang, T.*and Chen, L., 2020, Receiver function velocity analysis technique and its application to remove multiples,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,doi: 10.1029/2020JB019420
2, Xu, Z.,Wang, T.*, Xu, S.H., Wang, B.S., Feng, X.P., Shi, J. and Yang, M.H., 2019, Active source seismic identification and automatic picking of P-wave first arrival using convolutional neural network, Earthquake research in China, doi: 10.19743/j.cnki.0891-4176..
3, Lai, Y.J., Chen, L.*,Wang, T.*and Zhan, Z.W., 2019, Mantle transition zone structure beneath Northeast Asia from 2Dtriplicated waveform modeling: Implication for asegmented stagnant slab,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,doi:10.1029/2018JB016642.
4, Feng, X.P. andWang, T.*,2019, Influence of source factors on extracting empirical Green's functions by coda interferometry,ChineseJournal of Geophysics (inChinese), doi: 10.6038/cjg2019M0518.
5,Wu, B.J., Xia, H.,Wang, T.*and Shi, X.Q., 2018, Simulation of core phases from coda interferometry,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2017JB015405.
6,Wang, T.andSong, X.D.,2018,Support for equatorial anisotropy of Earth’s inner-inner core from seismic interferometry at low latitudes, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2017.03.004.
7,Wang, T., Song, X.D. and Xia, H., 2015, Equatorial anisotropy in the inner part of Earth’s inner core from autocorrelation of earthquake coda, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo2354.(Full paper;Altmetric score)
8,Wang, T., J. Revenaugh and Song,X.D.,2014, Two-dimensional/three-dimensional waveform modeling of subducting slab and transition zone beneath Northeast Asia,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 119(6), 4766-4786, doi:Doi 10.1002/2014jb011058.
9,Wang, T.and Chen, L., 2009. Distinct velocity variations around the base of the upper mantle beneath northeast Asia, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 172(3-4): 241-256.

Other publications:
10, Zhang, J.R., Wei, B., Shen, Z.H., Wunier, Wang, T., Wang, B.S., Ruan, Y.Y.*, 2020, Effects of the Hutubi underground gas storage in 2016 on the surrounding seismic activities,ChineseJournal of Geophysics (inChinese), doi: 10.6038/cjg2020O0138
11, Zhang, L.M., Li, J*., Wang, T.,Yang, F. and Chen, Q.F., 2020, Body waves retrieved from noise cross-correlation reveal lower mantle scatters beneath the Northwest Pacific subduction zone, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2020GL088846
12, Zhang, Z.T., Wu, B.J.,Wang, T.andHui, H.J.*, 2020, Settling of immiscible droplets: A theoretical model for the missing link between microscopic and outcrop observations,Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018829
13, Zhang, Y.P., Wang, B.S.*, Lin, G.Q., Ouyang, Y.P.,Wang, T., Xu, S.H., Song, L.L. and Wang, R.C., 2020, Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure of the Zhuxi ore deposit, south China revealed by control-source first-arrival tomography, Minerals, 10(2), 148;https://doi.org/10.3390/min**
14,Wang, W.T.*, Wang, X., Meng, C.M., Dong, S., Wang, Z.G., Xie, J.J. Wang, B.S., Yang, W., Xu, S.H. andWang, T., 2019, Characteristics of the Seismic Waves from a New Active Source Based on Methane Gaseous Detonation, Earthquake research in China, DOI: 10.19743/j.cnki.0891-4176..
15, Xia, H.H., Song, X.D.* andWang, T., 2016, Extraction of triplicated PKP phases from noise correlations,Geophysical Journal International,205: 499-508
16, Xin, D.H., Song, X.D.* andWang, T., 2015, Localized temporal variation of Earth’s inner-core boundary from high-quality waveform doublets, Earthquake Science, 28(3): 175-185
17, Chen, L.*,Wang, T., Zhao, L. and Zheng, T.Y., 2008,Distinct Lateral Variation of Lithospheric thickness in the Northeastern North China Craton, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,267(1-2): 56~68
18, Chen, L.*, Zhu, R. X. andWang, T., 2007, Progress in continental lithosphere studies,Earth Science Frontiers(in Chinese),14(2), 58-75.

在读:石静(个人网页, 18硕士,已硕博连读)、杨明翰(19硕士)、康健聪(20直博)、于智翰(21直博)、余一凡(18本科)、陈涵(18本科)
已毕业(毕业去向):徐震(17硕士,AI公司)、冯旭平(16硕士,南科大读博)、苟远聪(16本科,UC Berkeley读博)、杨明翰(15本科,南大读研)、张卓然(14本科,南大读研)、申宗航(14本科,清华金融读研)

Last Updated @ 2020/9/11










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