
南京大学人工智能学院 吴建鑫(教授)

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-15


Cover image Essentials of Pattern Recognition: An Accessible Approach is now available!New!

模式识别教材封面 《模式识别》教材中文版现已出版!


Ph. D. in College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009; Advisor Prof. Jim Rehg.
B.S. & M.S., 1999 & 2002, in Nanjing University, China


2013.7 -- present Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology & School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University, China
2009.8 -- 2013.7 Assistant professor, School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Associate Editor IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2020.09--
  Pattern Recognition, 2017.1--
Tutorial chair CVPR 2023
Area chair/senior AC ICCV 2015, CVPR 2017, AAAI 2019, CVPR 2020, ECCV 2020, CVPR 2021, IJCAI 2021
SPC/AC AAAI 2016 (this year does not have the area chair rank), 2017, 2018, 2020, IJCAI 2013, 2018, 2019
Area chair ACCV 2012, PSIVT 2010, 2011, 2013, ICPR 2020
Publication chair ACCV 2014, PCM 2012
Finance chair ACML 2012


Most of my papers are available for download in this Publications page, and here is my Google Scholar Citations profile.
A list of the LAMDA group publications also include my papers.


The 2021 version of the Pattern Recognition course to come soon ...


  Institute Starting Graduated Program First job/Currently
Guoqing Liu (刘国清) NTU, Singapore 2010.8 2013 Ph.D. Founder of Minieye (深圳佑驾)
Yu Zhang (张宇) NTU, Singapore 2010.8 2014.8 Ph.D. (after 2013.7 with Jianfei Cai; degree 2015.7) Southeast university (东南大学)
Hao Yang (杨昊) NTU, Singapore 2011.8 2015.8 Ph.D. (after 2013.7 with Jianfei Cai; degree 2016.7) Amazon
Yang Xiao (肖阳) NTU, Singapore 2012.3 2013.2 Postdoc Huazhong University of Science and Technology (华中科技大学)
Xiu-Shen Wei (魏秀参) NJU 2014.9 2018.6 Ph.D. Megvii/Face++ (旷视) / Currently at NJUST (南京理工大学)
Bin-Bin Gao (高斌斌) NJU 2014.9 2018.6 Ph.D. Tencent (腾讯优图)
Jian-Hao Luo (罗建豪) NJU 2015.9 2020.6 Ph.D. Huawei (华为南研所)
Chen-Lin Zhang (张晨麟) NJU 2016.9 in progress Ph.D. -
Guo-Hua Wang (王国华) NJU 2018.9 in progress Ph.D. -
Yun-Hao Cao (曹云浩) NJU 2020.9/2018.9 in progress Ph.D./Ms.C. -
Hao Yu (余浩) NJU 2019.9 in progress Ph.D. -
Guo-Bing Zhou (周国兵) NJU 2013.9 2016.7 Ms.C. Huatai Securities (华泰证券)
Wang Zhou (周旺) NJU 2014.9 2017.7 Ms.C. Baidu (百度)
Chen-Wei Xie (谢晨伟) NJU 2015.9 2018.6 Ms.C. Alibaba (阿里巴巴)
Hong-Yu Zhou (周洪宇) NJU 2015.9 2018.6 Ms.C. Tencent (腾讯优图), currently PhD student @ HKU
Hao Zhang (张皓) NJU 2016.9 2019.9 Ms.C. Tencent (腾讯优图)
Xin-Xin Liu (刘鑫鑫) NJU 2017.9 2020.6 Ms.C. Huawei (华为海思)
Kun Yi (易坤) NJU 2017.9 2020.6 Ms.C. Tencent (腾讯)
Yong-Shun Zhang (张永顺) NJU 2019.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Yi-Fan Ge (葛一帆) NJU 2019.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Huuan-Yu Wang (王环宇) NJU 2019.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Ying-Xiao Du (杜映潇) NJU 2020.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Yin-Yin He (何银银) NJU 2020.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Lin Sui (隋霖) NJU 2020.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Yi-Fann Zhou (周逸帆) NJU 2020.9 in progress Ms.C. -
Zhu Ke (朱可) NJU 2020.9 in progress Ms.C. -


I am mainly interested in computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML), especially when the computing resources (CPU, GPU, running time, memory, model size, etc.) or data resources (size and distribution of training set, quality of labels and annotations, etc.) are limited. Deep learning (DL) with resource constraints are my current focus.

  • CV & ML with limited computing resources
    • Deep network compression, acceleration, and generation
      • CURL: Network compression with only small dataset and/or residual connections: Paper [C51]
      • AutoPruner: Variable ratio channel pruning: Paper [J42]
      • Channel pruning based on activation approximation: Papers [C41], [J37]
      • A simple acceleration trick for detection using deep networks: Paper [C42]
    • Deep learning beyond CNN/RNN/Attention
      • NRS: Nerual random subspace: Paper [J45]New!
  • CV & ML with limited data resources
    • Weakly supervised localization & detection
      • Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL): Paper [C52] (proposing a paradigm shift for WSOL)
      • Object co-localization using deep models: Papers [C39], [J38]
    • Learning with partial, incomplete, noisy, and weak labels
      • Theoretical results and practical algorithm for semi-supervised deep learning: Paper [C50]
      • End-to-end deep learning in the presence of noisy labels: Paper [C48]
      • Using weak labels for recognition: Papers [C38], [J32], [C46]
      • Fine-grained classification and retrieval without using bounding box annotations: Papers [J22], [J31]
    • Dealing with imbalanced & long-tailed data distribution
      • Long-tailed recognition: AAAI'21 paper (bag of tricks for long-tailed recognition) New!
      • Learning with imbalanced datasets: Papers [C5], [C12], [J6]
      • Imbalance in face detection: Papers [C4], [J4], [J5]
    • Multi-instance learning
      • Scalable MIL: Papers [C33], [J21]
      • MIL with multi-view: Paper [C34]
  • Earlier work & other work
    • CV & ML with limited computing resources
      • Kernel approximation (in SVM and beyond): Papers [C10], [C17], [J10], [J19], [C25]
      • Cascade structured classifier and detector: Papers [C3], [C4], [J4], [J5]
      • Creating visual codebooks using additive kernels: Papers [C8], [J8], [J17]
      • High-dimensional visual features and their compact representations: Papers [C28], [C37], [J24]
      • Real time object detection based on HIK: Papers [C10], [C13], [J12]
      • Detection and recognition using sensors beyond camera (RFID, mobile sensor, etc.), and beyond the computer (robot, mobile phone etc.): Papers [C6], [C11],[C15]
      • Visual representation based on the Census Transform: Papers [C7], [C8], [J7], [J14]
    • Actions: Papers [J11], [J13], [C30], [C32] (physics based modeling), [J20] (good practices), [J27] (from single image)
    • Visual Place Categorization, mapping, and navigation: Papers [C9], [C29], my Ph.D. dissertation, [J16]
    • Find the appropriate level of sparsity: [C14]
    • Ensemble learning: [C1], [C2], [J2] (many could be better than all)
    • (Very) early work on faces: Papers [J1], [J3], [J18]
My picture

Jianxin Wu (吴建鑫)

Professor (中文简介)
Department of Computer Science and Technology & School of Artificial Intelligence
Nanjing University

I am in the LAMDA group.

Email: For research related matters (paper, code, review, etc.): wujx2001 {AT} gmail.com
Email: For teaching related matters (teaching, admission, hiring, etc.): wujx2001 {AT} nju.edu.cn
My email box will treat 126, 163, 189, QQ, Sina, Yeah email addresses as spam. Emails from these addresses will not be read by me.

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