

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

传 真:

  主持国家自然科学基金4项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,参与国家重点基金,中科院STS重点项目等,包括国家基金项目“半导体诱发的可见光-Fenton催化体系降解有机污染物研究”、“沉水植物来源的DOM对湖泊沉积物中铁磷赋存和释放的影响机制研究”、“典型湖区有色可溶性有机物来源、组成和转化的过程与机制”;江苏省基金“湖泊中溶解性有机物质光化学反应机理及其和Fe光化学过程相互作用研究”,中科院STS重点项目 “湖泊水污染治理与生态景观恢复技术研究示范”等。
  目前发表学术论文40多篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者论文25篇,第一作者 TOP SCI 论文11篇。论文发表于Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment,Environmental Pollution、环境科学、湖泊科学等环境领域知名杂志。

1. Du Y., Lu Y., Roebuck J. A., Liu D., Chen F., Zeng Q., Xiao K., He H., Liu Z., Zhang Y. and Jaffé R. (2021) Direct versus indirect effects of human activities on dissolved organic matter in highly impacted lakes. Science of The Total Environment 752, 141839. (SCI二区, TOP, IF=6.551)
2. Du Y., Zhang Q., Liu Z., He H., Lürling M., Chen M. and Zhang Y. (2019) Composition of dissolved organic matter controls interactions with La and Al ions: Implications for phosphorus immobilization in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Pollution 248, 36-47. (SCI二区, TOP, IF=6.792)
3. Du Y., Ramirez C. E. and Jaffé R. (2018) Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Matter by Co-Precipitation with Iron: Effects of Composition. Environmental Processes.
4. Du Y., Zhang Y., Chen F., Chang Y. and Liu Z. (2016) Photochemical reactivities of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a sub-alpine lake revealed by EEM-PARAFAC: An insight into the fate of allochthonous DOM in alpine lakes affected by climate change. Science of The Total Environment 568, 216-225. (SCI二区, TOP, IF=6.551)
5. Du Y., Chen H., Zhang Y. and Chang Y. (2014) Photodegradation of gallic acid under UV irradiation: Insights regarding the pH effect on direct photolysis and the ROS oxidation-sensitized process of DOM. Chemosphere 99(0), 254-260. (SCI二区, TOP, IF=5.778)
6. Du Y., Zhao L. and Zhang Y. (2014) Roles of TaON and Ta 3 N 5 in the visible-Fenton-like degradation of atrazine. Journal of Hazardous Materials 267, 55-61. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
7. Du Y., Zhao L., Chang Y. and Su Y. (2012) Tantalum (oxy) nitrides nanotube arrays for the degradation of atrazine in vis-Fenton-like process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 225, 21-27. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
8. Du Y., Zhao L. and Su Y. (2011) Tantalum (oxy) nitrides: Preparation, characterisation and enhancement of photo-Fenton-like degradation of atrazine under visible light. Journal of Hazardous Materials 195, 291-297. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
9. Du Y., Fu Q. S., Li Y. and Su Y. (2011) Photodecomposition of 4-chlorophenol by reactive oxygen species in UV/air system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186(1), 491-496. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
10. Du Y., Su Y., Lei L. and Zhang X. (2009) Role of oxygen in the degradation of atrazine by UV/Fe (III) process. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 208(1), 7-12.
11. Du Y., Zhou M. and Lei L. (2007) Kinetic model of 4-CP degradation by Fenton/O2 system. Water Research 41(5), 1121-1133. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.13)
12. Du Y., Zhou M. and Lei L. (2007) The role of oxygen in the degradation of p-chlorophenol by Fenton system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 139(1), 108-115. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
13. Du Y., Zhou M. and Lei L. (2006) Role of the intermediates in the degradation of phenolic compounds by Fenton-like process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 136(3), 859-865. (SCI一区, TOP, IF=9.038)
14. Du Y., Zhou M. and Lei L. (2005) Novel photocatalysis oxidation system UV/Fe2+/air to degrade 4-CP wastewater. Chinese Science Bulletin 50(18), 2118-2120.
15. 张巧颖, 杜瑛珣*, 罗春燕,刘正文 (2019) 镧改性膨润土钝化湖泊中的磷及其生态风险的研究进展. 湖泊科学31 (6),1499-1509.
16. 孙伟, 巩小丽, 陈煜, 郑建伟, 李琪,杜瑛珣* (2018) 太湖藻源溶解性有机质光化学降解研究. 湖泊科学 30(1), 91-101.
17. Zhang Y., Du Y*., Liu D. and Bian W. (2014) The role of dissolved oxygen in the Ta(O)N-driven visible Fenton-like degradation of atrazine. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2(3), 1691-1698.
18. 赵璐, 邓一荣, 杜瑛珣*,傅翔 (2012) 掺氮 Ta2O5 诱发可见光-类 Fenton 体系降解阿特拉津研究. 环境科学 33(4), 1252-1259.
19. 杜瑛珣,雷乐成 (2010) 对氯酚经 Fenton 体系预降解后的生物流化床处理. 环境科学学报 (3), 497-503.
20. 杜瑛珣, 年跃刚, 周明华 and 雷乐成 (2005) 类 Fenton 降解对氯苯酚中 Fe3+ 的还原——两种途径及其作用. 浙江大学学报: 工学版 39(10), 1618-1622.
21. 杜瑛珣, 周明华,雷乐成 (2005) Fenton 处理对氯酚过程中间产物对 Fe 3+的还原作用. 化工學報 56(10), 1942-1947.

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