

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

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Email: caozhichao@bjtu.edu.cn
2017年1月工学博士毕业于北京交通大学,博士专业:交通运输规划与管理。2017年至2018年赴新西兰奥克兰大学(QS世界大学排名:82位)从事博士后研究工作,师从交通领域顶级专家****Avi Ceder教授(Avi Ceder教授毕业于美国加州伯克利大学,University of California, Berkeley)。自硕士博士阶段起,一直从事城市轨道交通开行方案设计、列车运行图、公共交通系统优化方面的研究,2018年5月回国来江苏南通大学工作,迄今以发表文章28篇,其中第一作者18篇, SCI、EI 检索论文9篇。主要包括交通领域权威期刊《Transportation Research Part C》二篇、鼓励发表期刊《Transportmetrica A: Transport Science》、《Journal of Intelligent TransportationSystems》以及SSCI一区期刊《International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch & Public Health》,中文期刊包括《铁道学报》、《中国铁道科学》、《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》等国内权威EI期刊等。2019年主持教育部人文社科青年基金一项。2020年主持江苏省科技计划项目青年基金一项。2019年1月1日至2019年12月31日,南通大学推荐至国家自然科学基金委兼聘挂职一年。
1. 城市轨道交通突发大客流演化机理和管控策略研究(江苏省自然科学基金,BK**, 2020/07-2023/06,100万元,主持在研)
2.基于客流序化控制的城市轨道交通网络换乘优化研究(教育部人文社科司,19YJCZH002, 2019/07-2022/06,10万元,主持在研)
1. CaoZhichao, Ceder Avishai, and Zhang Silin. Real-Time Schedule Adjustments forAutonomous Public Transport Vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: EmergingTechnologies, 2019, 109, 60-78. (交通领域Top期刊,SCI一区刊源,检索号:004)
2. CaoZhichao, Ceder Avishai. Autonomous Shuttle Bus ServiceTimetabling and Vehicle Scheduling Using Skip-Stop Tactic. Transportation Research Part C: EmergingTechnologies, 2019, 102, 370-395. (交通领域Top期刊,SCI一区刊源,检索号:021)
3. CaoZhichao, Ceder Avishai, Li Dewei, and Zhang Silin. Robust and Optimized Urban RailTimetabling Using a Marshaling Plan and Skip-Stop Operation. TransportmetricaA: Transport Science. 2020, 16(3), 1217-1249. (交通领域鼓励发表期刊,SSCI一区刊源,检索号:0005**)
4. CaoZhichao, Ceder Avishai, Li Dewei, and Zhang Silin. Optimalsynchronization and coordination of actual passenger-rail timetables. Journal ofIntelligent Transportation Systems. 2019, 23(3), 231-249. (交通领域鼓励发表期刊,SSCI一区刊源,检索号:003)
5.Cao Zhichao, Yuan Zhenzhou, and Zhang Silin. Performance Analysis of Stop-SkippingScheduling Plans in Rail Transit under Time-Dependent Demand.InternationalJournal of Environmental Research & Public Health.2016, 13(7):707-730. (SSCI一区刊源,检索号:083)
6. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 李得伟. 城市轨道交通同步协调的优化模型[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016(1): 221-225. (EI检索号:20**1)
7. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 李得伟, 等. 城市轨道交通列车运行图鲁棒性优化模型[J]. 中国铁道科学, 2017, 38(3): 130-136. (EI检索号:20**7)
8. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 李得伟, 等. 城市轨道交通跨站越行模式的开行方案优化[J]. 铁道学报, 2017, 39(11): 15-22. (EI检索号:20**6)
9. Cao Zhichao, Yuan Zhenzhou, and Zhang Silin. ExperimentalExploration of RSSI Model for the Vehicle Intelligent Position System.Journal ofIndustrial Engineering & Management 2015, 8.1(2015):372-378.(EI检索号:20**8)
10. Cao Zhichao, Yuan Zhenzhou, Li Dewei. Estimation Method for a Skip-stop OperationStrategy for Urban Rail Transit in China [J]. Journal of Modern Transportation,2014, 22(3):174-182. (SCD检索)
11. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 李得伟, 等. 结合列车时间表的地铁换乘同步性优化[J]. 现代城市轨道交通, 2014, (5):59-62.
12. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 张思林, 等. 城市轨道交通大客流等车时间计算模型[J]. 铁道标准设计, 2015, (3):33-37.
13. 曹志超, 袁振洲, 高永峰, 等. 路面破损情况下车辆行驶换道行为的建模[J]. 公路与汽运, 2014(2):53-57.
14. 曹志超, 李得伟. 新加坡地铁人性化设计与安全对我国地铁的启示[J]. 都市快轨交通, 2013, 26(2):138-142.
15. Cao Zhichao, Yuan Zhenzhou, Gao Yongfeng, et al. Modeling for Vehicles' Safe DrivingBehavior for Pavements Damage[C]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014,543-547:263-267. (EI 会议)
16. Cao Zhichao, Li Dewei. No. 3 pier bored pile construction optimization based on the networkplanning technique[C]. Advances in Civil, Transportation and EnvironmentalEngineering, 2013, 140: 37. (EI 会议)
17. Cao Zhichao, Li Dewei. Exploration of Parameter Factor in the RSSI Model[C]//AppliedMechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications, 2013, 268: 1822-1831. (EI 会议)
18. Cao Zhichao, Ceder Avishai, Li Dewei, and Zhang Silin. A Robust Urban Rail TimetablingOptimization Design with Marshalling Plan and Skip-Stop Operation [C]. 97thTransportation Research Board 2018 Annual Meeting, 2018. (交通领域顶级会议,美国华盛顿TRB会议)
19. He Xinghong,Cao Zhichao, Zhang Silin*, et al., Coordination Investigation ofthe Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits of Urban Public TransportInfrastructure in 13 Cities, Jiangsu Province, China. International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch & Public Health 2020,13(7): 707-730. (SSCI一区刊源,检索号:001)
20. Zhang Silin, Ceder Avishai, and Cao Zhichao*(通讯作者). Integrated optimization for feeder bus timetabling and procurement schemewith consideration of environmental impact. Computers & Industrial Engineering,145,(2020): 106501. (交通领域Top期刊,SCI二区刊源,检索号:019)
21. Zhang Silin, Yuan Zhenzhou, and Cao Zhichao*(通讯作者). A frequency-based assignment model under day-to-day information evolutionof oversaturated conditions on a feeder bus service.Information,8.1 (2017):19.
22. Yin Yonghao, Li Dewei, Nikola Be?inovi?, and Cao Zhichao. Hybrid Demand-Driven and Cyclic Timetabling ConsideringRolling Stock Circulation for a Bidirectional Railway Line.Computer-AidedCivil and Infrastructure Engineering,34, 2 (2019): 164-187.
23. Wang Yizhen, Li Dewei, Cao Zhichao. Integrated timetable synchronization optimization withcapacity constraint Integrated timetable synchronization optimization withcapacity constraint. Computers & Industrial Engineering,142,(2020): 106374.
24. Zhao Yi, Xue Qingwan, Cao Zhichao, and ZhangXi. A Two-Stage Chance Constrained Approach with Application to StochasticIntermodal Service Network Design Problems.Journal of Advanced Transportation,2018(2018).
25. Yuan Yuan, Shao Chunfu, Cao Zhichao, et al.Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow Forecasting Method Based on the Coupling ofArtificial Fish Swarm and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.Sustainability,2019.
26. Yuan Yuan, Shao Chunfu, Cao Zhichao, et al. BusDynamic Travel Time Prediction: Using a Deep Feature Extraction Framework Basedon RNN and DNN.Electronics,2020.
27. 张思林, 袁振洲, 曹志超. 考虑容量限制的多公交车型运行计划优化模型[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2016, 17(1): 150-156.
28. 张思林,袁振洲,曹志超. 接运公交车辆配置和发车频率的优化模型. 北京理工大学学报, 2016, 36(S2): 177~180. (交通领域鼓励发表的期刊,EI)
29. 张思林, 袁振洲, 曹志超. 基于出行成本和运营成本的接驳城市轨道交通社区公交站点布设研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报, 2016, 40(6): 57.
30. 吴昊灵, 袁振洲, 李慧轩, 曹志超, 张思林. 考虑行人异质性的地铁站楼梯通行能力仿真模型.交通运输系统工程与信息,2016, 16(3), 141-147.
31. 张珊珊, 袁振洲, 曹志超. 道路交叉口不同相序下车辆碰撞风险模型研究[J]. 公路与汽运, 2014 (6): 43-48.
32. 吕双, 袁振洲, 曹志超. 基于公交车到达率的港湾式车站对路段通行能力的影响分析[J]. 公路与汽运, 2015 (4): 46-50.

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