论文: 1. Bai, Z. D., Miao, B. Q. and Jin, B. S. (2007).On limit theorem for the eigenvalues of product of two random matrices. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 98:76–101. 2. Bai, Z. D., Lee, S. C. and Penrose M. D. (2006). Rooted edges of a minimal directed spanning tree on random points. Adv. Appl. Prob(SGSA). 38:1-30. 3. Yan, X. Y., Cheng Y. and Bai, Z. D. (2006).Asymptotics of adaptive design with two alternating generating matrices. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 136:4043–4058. 4. Bai, Z. D., Devroye L., Hwang, H. K. and Tsung-Hsi Tsai. (2005). Maxima in hypercubes. Random structure and algorithms. 5. Bai Z. D. and YAO, J. (2005). On the convergence of the spectral empirical process of Wigner matrices. Bernoulli 11(6): 2005, 1059–1092. 6. Bai, Z. D. and Hu, F. F. (2005). Asymptotics in randomized urn models. Ann. Appl. Probab. 15: 914-940. 7. Bai, Z. D. and Silverstein, J. W. (2004). CLT for linear spectral statistics of large-dimensional sample covariance matrices. Ann. Probab. 32: 553-605. 8. Bai, Z. D. and He, X. M. (2004). A chi-square test for dimensionality with non-Gaussian data. J. Multivariate Anal. 88 : 109--117. 9. Bai, Z. D., Chen, M. and Li, G. (2003). Rank estimation for longitudinal data with subject attrition due to response selection. Sankhya 65: 72--90. 10. Chen, Y. M., Chen, G. J., Bai, Z. D. and Hu, F. F. (2003). Some results on two-stage clinical trials. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 19: 447--458. 11. Bai, Z. D., Miao, B. Q. and Yao, J. F. (2003). Convergence rates of spectral distributions of large sample covariance matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 25:105-127 (electronic). 12. Bai, Z. D., Hwang, H. K. and Tsai, T. H. (2003). Berry-Esseen bounds for the number of maxima in planar regions. Electron. J. Probab. 8: 26 pp. (electronic). 13. Bai, Z. D., Chen, Z. H. and Wu, Y. H. (2003). Convergence rate of the best-r-point-average estimator for the maximizer of a nonparametric regression function. J. Multivariate Anal. 84:319--334. 14. Bai, Z. D. and Chen, L. (2003). Weighted W test for normality and asymptotics a revisit of Chen-Shapiro test for normality. J. Stat. Plan. Infer. 113: 485-503. 15. Bai, Z. D. and Chen, Z. H. (2003). On the theory of ranked-set sampling and its ramifications. J. Stat. Plan. Infer. 109: 81-99. 16. Bai, Z. D. and Rao, C. R., Chow, M. and Kundu, D. (2003). An efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of superimposed exponential signals. J. Stat. Plan. Infer. 110: 23-34. 17. Fu, J. C., Lou, W. Y. W., Bai, Z. D. and Li, G. (2002). The exact and limiting distribution for the number of successes in success runs within a sequence of Markov-dependent two-state trials. Ann. I. Stat. Math. 54: 719-730. 18. Mukherjee, K. and Bai, Z. D. (2002). R-estimation in auto regression with square-integrable score functions. J. Multivariate Anal. 81: 167-186. 19. Bai, Z. D., Hu, F. and Rosenberger, W.F. (2002). Asymptotic properties of adaptive designs for clinical trials with delayed response. Ann. Stat. 30:122-139. 20. Bai, Z. D., Hu, F. F. and Zhang, L. X. (2002). Gaussian approximation theorems for urn models and their applications. Ann. Appl. Probability. 12:1149-1173. 21. Bai, Z. D. Miao, B. Q. and J. Tsay (2002). Convergence rates of the spectral distributions of large Wigner matrices. International Mathematical Journal. 1:65-90. 22. Bai, Z. D., Hu, F. F. and Liang, S. (2002). Adaptive design for multi-arm clinical trials. J. Multivariate Anal. 81:1-18. 23. Huang, Su, Y. and Bai, Z. D. (2002). Wavelets, Advanced Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Techno logy, 3rd Edition. 17:753-771. 24. Bai, Z. D. and Krishonaiah, P. R. (2002). Reduction of Dimensionality. Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd Edition. 14:55-73. 25. Guo, M. Huang, H. Mong-Na Lo, Chen, Y. H. Bai, Z. D. and Hsieh, Kai-Sheng Hsieh (2001). Important ECG diagnosis aiding indices of ventricular defect children with or without congestive heart failure. Statistics in Medicine. 20:1125-1141. 26. Bai, Z. D., Chen, G. J. and Hu, F. F. (2001). A kind of urn model for adaptive sequential design. Acta Math. Sci . Ser. B Engl. Ed. 21:224--228. 27. Bai, Z. D., Chen, G. J. and Hu, F. F. (2001). Limit theorems in an urn model with time trends in sequential experiments. Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A. 22:89--96. 28. Bai, Z. D., Hwang, H. K., Liang, W. Q. and Tsai T. H. (2001). Limit theorems for the number of maxima in random samples from planar regions. Electronic Journal of Probability. 6:1-41. Website www.math.washington.edu/ejpecp/Ejp 6/paper3.abs.html 29. Bai, Z. D., Chen, M. and Li, G. (2001). Rank Estimation for Longitudinal data with subject Attrition due to response selection. Accepted by Sankhya. A. 30. Chen, Z. and Bai, Z. D. (2000). The optimal ranked-set sampling scheme for parametric families. Sankhya A : 178-192. 31. Shieh, Grace S., Bai, Z. D. and Tsai, W. Y. (2000). Rank tests for independence --- with a weighted correlation alternative. Scientia Sinica, 10:577-593. 32. Bai, Z. D. and Chow, Mosuk (2000). A note on sequential estimation of the size of a population under general loss functions. Stat. & Probability. Letters, 47:159-164. 33. Bai, Z. D. and Cheng, P. E. (2000). Marcinkiewicz strong law for linear statistics. Stat. & Probability. Letters, 46: 105-112. 专著: Bai Z. D. and Jack W. Silverstein. (2006). Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices. China, Science Press; 林正炎,白志东. (2006). 概率不等式. 科学出版社; Chen Z. H., Bai Z. D. and B. K. Sinha. (2003). Ranked Set Sampling. Theory and Applications. Germany, Springer Verlag. |