主要科研成果 数理统计 2006年 1.一个计算积分的替代抽样方法(胡果荣、史宁中、张宝学),吉林大学学报(理学版) 2006, 44(3):357-362 2.正态总体均值与标准差比在树序约束下的最大似然估计(李树有、史宁中、赵世舜),吉林大学学报(理学版) 2006, 44(6):893-897 2005年 1.The restricted EM algorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters(Shi,N.Z., Zheng, S.R. and Guo, J.H.), Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2005, 92: 53-76 2.具有缺失数据的线性模型的一般线性不等式约束EM算法(郑术蓉、史宁中、郭建华),中国科学 A辑 数学,2005,35: 231-240 3.Estimating cell probabilities under order-restricted odds ratios(Gao, W. and Shi, N.Z.), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2005, 49: 77-84 4.A Note on Nonautonomous Logistic Equation with Random Perturbation(Jiang, D.Q. and Shi, N.Z.), J. Math. Anal . Appl., 2005, 303:164-172 5.The Restricted EM Algorithm under Linear Inequalities in a Linear Model with Missing Data(Zheng, S.R.,Shi, N.Z. and Guo, J.H.), Science in China Series A, 2005, 48, 819-828 6.On the formula for admixture linkage disequilibrium(Guo,W., Fung, W.K. ,Shi, N.Z. and Guo, J.H.), Human Heredity, 2005, 60, 177-180 7.Minimax confidence bound of the normal mean under an asymmetric loss function(Xiao, Y.S ,Takada, Y.and Shi,N.Z.), Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 57, 167-182 8.Existence, Uniqueness and Global Stability of Positive Solutions to the Food-limited Population Model with Random Perturbation(Jiang, D.Q.,Shi,N.Z. and Zhao, Y.N.), Mathematics and Computer Model, 2005, 41, 651-658 9.Stepwise method based on confidence bound and information incorporation for identifying the maximum tolerated dose(with Wang, X.L. and Tao J.), Northeastern Mathematics Journal, 2005, 21, 117-126 10.改进的确定最大耐受剂量的逐步连续重新评价方法(史丽君、陶剑、史宁中),东北师范大学学报自然科学版,2005,37(3), 1-6 2004年 1.The maximum likelihood estimates of expected frequencies under the loop order(Shi, N.Z. and Zheng, S.R.), Statistica Sinica, 2004, 14: 283-295 2.Estimation and test for the parameters of ARCH(q) under ordered restriction(Wang, D.H. ,Song, L.X. and Shi, N.Z.), Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2004, 25(4): 483-499 3.Testing for homogeneity of relative difference under inverse sampling( Guo, J.H., Ma, Y.P.,Shi, N.Z. and Lau, T.S.), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2004, 44: 613-624 4.Drug risk assessment with determining the number of sub-populations under finite mixture normal models(Tao, J.,Shi,N.Z. and Lee, S.Y.), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2004, 46: 661-676 5.Modeling agreement between ratings on an ordinal scale(with Gao, W.), Proceedings of the 8th China-Japan Symposium on Statistics, 2004, 66-69, Guilin, China 6.The restricted EM algorithm under linear inequality restrictions on the parameters(Shi, N.Z., Zheng, S.R. and Guo, J.H.), Proceedings of the 8th China-Japan Symposium on Statistics, 2004, 392-393, Guilin, China 7.Minimax and admissible confidence interval with application to safety assessment(with Tao, J. and Guo, J.H.), Proceedings of the 8th China-Japan Symposium on Statistics, 2004, 278-281, Guilin, China 2000年 1.Universal admissibility of least squares estimator(Lu, C.Y. and Shi,N.Z.), Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2000, 72: 22-29 2.序约束下正态总体均值和方差极大似然估计的数值解法(崔青、史宁中),应用数学,2000,13(4),74-77 教育及其他 2006年 1.对数感及其教学的思考(史宁中、吕世虎),数学教育学报,2006,15(2),9-11 2.现行教科书课程难度的静态定量对比分析(孔凡哲、史宁中),《教育科学》,2006,22(3), 40-43 3.四边形课程难度的定量分析比较(孔凡哲、史宁中),数学教育学报,2006,15(1), 11-15 4.藏、汉学生数学学习元认知差异的研究(巴桑卓玛、史宁中), 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版) ,2006, 3, 151-155 5.《标准》与《大纲》中几何部分内容难度的比较研究(吕世虎、史宁中、陈婷),《课程.教材.教法》,2006,26(8),38-43 6.小学生数学素质的国际比较研究及其启示(史宁中、秦德生),《上海教育研究》,2006,12,62-64 2005年 1.中国农村基础教育问题:问题、趋势与政策建议(史宁中、柳海民),《教育研究》,2005,6,31-35,《新华文摘》2005年第21期全文转载 2.PISA对我国中小学考试评价与质量监控的启示(孔凡哲、李清、史宁中),《外国教育研究》,2005,5,72-76 3.统计的意义、思想方法及其课程教学设计(上)(史宁中、孔凡哲、秦德生、杨述春),《小学青年教师》,2005,4,12-13 4.统计的意义、思想方法及其课程教学设计(下)(史宁中、孔凡哲、秦德生、杨述春),《小学青年教师》,2005,5,4-6 5.从分数的本质看小学数学教师的专业素养(史宁中、孔凡哲、杨树春),《小学青年教师》,2005,4-5 6.实行教授委员会制 凸显“教授治学”,《中国高等教育》2005,3-4,27-28 7.课程难度模型:我国义务教育几何课程难度的对比(史宁中、孔凡哲、李淑文),《东北师大学报》,2005,6,151-155 8.中小学统计及其课程教学设计(史宁中、孔凡哲、秦德生、杨述春),《课程?教材?教法》,2005,6,45-50 9.崇尚“美”的数学专家,中国青年报,2005,1.4 2004年 1.专业化教师教育课程的理论样态与基本结构(柳海民、史宁中),《课程?教材?教法》2004,10,71-77,《新华文摘》2005年第4期转载 2.我国教师教育发展模式的选择(史宁中、柳海民),《中国高等教育》,2004,19:28-29,《新华文摘》2005年第2期转载 3.方程思想及其课程教学设计(史宁中、孔凡哲),《课程?教材?教法》,2004,9:27-31 Equation Thinking and Its Teaching Design(Shi, N.Z. and Kong, F.Z.),Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method,2004,9:27-31 4.大学校长谈出版,《大学出版》,2004,3:9 5.培养农村新一代劳动者,《长春日报》,2004,3.10 |