论文目录: (1) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等) "Influence of water layer on sparking potentials and voltage-current characteristics for electrostatic precipitators with wire-plane configuration"(线板型静电湿式除尘器 水层对火花放电及伏安特性的影响)Institute for high-voltage research of Sweden,VVRIE218-89,1989 (2) Xu Dexuan(许德玄第二位) "Analysis of the current for a negative point to plane corona discharge in air",(空气中点一面负电晕放电的电流分析)J. of Electrostatics, Vol.25,P221,1990 [EI检索] (3) 许德玄等“负点电极对附水极板的电晕及火花放电”,《电除尘和静电技术》 万国出版社P111,199 (4) 许德玄等“微小液滴荷电特性的研究”《环境工程》 Vol.10 (No.3) P29,1992 (5) 许德玄等“脉冲电晕放电中自由电子荷电的影响”《第二届国际应用静电会议论文集》P30,北京1993 (6) 许德玄等“用密立根油滴仪同时测量粉尘的粒径和荷电量”《大学物理》 Vol.14(No.9) P32,1995 (7) 许德玄(第二位)“电晕线雾化半湿式除尘技术的研究”《环境科学学报》Vol.16 (No.3) P379,1996 (8) 许德玄等“静电旋风除尘技术的现场试验” 《环境科学》 Vol.18 (No.6) P39,1997 [EI检索] (9) 许德玄等“电除尘预荷电的研究”《环境工程》Vol.15(No.6) P25,1997 (10) Xu Dexuan (许德玄) "The electrons, ions and electric field between electrodes in negative corona discharge"(负电晕放电极间的电子、离子和电场)《Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applied Electrostatics 》 Shanghai,China ,P50,1997 (11) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等) "Removal of the Aerosol Formed in PPCP and EBDS by Electrostatic Precipitator"(用静电除尘器去除脉冲电晕等离子体和电子束脱硫法形成的气溶胶)《Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation》P229,KYONGJU,KOREA,1998 (12) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等) "The Influence of Pulse Streamer Corona on Collecting Aerosol Particles"(脉冲流注电晕放电对收集气溶胶颗粒的影响)《Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation》P369,KYONGJU,KOREA,1998 (13) 许德玄等“窄脉冲电晕放电脱硫产物粒径分析的研究” 《环境科学》 Vol.19(No.6) p18-20,1998 [EI检索] (14) 许德玄等“V型极板抑制高比电阻粉尘反电晕的研究”《环境科学学报》Vo1.18(No.5)1998 (15) 许德玄等“放电极喷过饱和蒸气静电除尘技术的研究”《环境工程》Vol.16(No.4)P38,1998 (16) 许德玄等“用水雾媒质电晕等离子体处理大豆种子和植株”《现代静电科学技术研究》 西安出版社,pp199-201,1999 (17) 许德玄(第二位)“负脉冲流注电晕放电的颗粒荷电规律及其应用” 《现代静电科学技术研究》 西安出版社,pp55-57,1999 (18) 许德玄(第二位)“窄脉冲高压电源的实验研究” 《现代静电科学技术研究》 西安出版社,pp260-263,1999 (19) 许德玄(第三位)“水放电极雾化净水技术” 《高电压技术》Vol.26(No.4):36-37,2000。 (20) 许德玄等“磁约束低汽压饱和蒸汽荷电器的研究” 中国物理学会第九届静电学术年会会议录,2000.8 石家庄,(军械工程学院学报增刊) (21) 许德玄“水雾媒质气体放电低温等离子体技术的研究”中国物理学会第九届静电学术年会会议录,2000.8 石家庄(军械工程学院学报增刊) (22) 许德玄(第二位)“改进型LAVER喷嘴磁约束的研究”《电除尘及气体净化》Vol.6,No.3 pp9-11,2000 (23) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等) "The Charging Aerosol Particles In Positive Pulsed Streamer Corona Discharges"(正流注脉冲电晕放电中气溶胶颗粒的荷电) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference qn Application Electrostatics. Oct. 8~12 2001, Dalian, China. (24) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等) " Discharge Characteristics and Applications for Electrostatic Precipitation of DC Corona with Spraying Discharge Electrodes"(直流电晕放电极雾化静电除尘的放电特性及应用)Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Application Electrostatics. Oct. 8~12 2001, Dalian, China. (25) Xu Dexuan.(许德玄第二位) "The Study on Discharge Characteristics and Decolorization Process Using the Dielectric Barrier Discharges with Grounded Spraying Water Electrodes and Wide Air Gaps" (宽气隙接地水电极雾化介质阻挡放电放电特性及脱色过程的研究)Proceedings of the 4th International Conference qn Application Electrostatics. Oct. 8~12 2001, Dalian, China. (26) Xu Dexuan(许德玄第三位)"Design of the Water Treatment Reactor by Pulsed High Voltage" Proceedings of the 4th International Conference qn Application Electrostatics. Oct. 8~12 2001, Dalian, China. (27) Xu Dexuan.(许德玄第三位) "The study on atomizing effects of DBD discharges with grounded water electrodes"(介质阻挡接地水电极放电雾化效果的研究) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference qn Application Electrostatics. Oct. 8~12 2001, Dalian, China. (28) Xu Dexuan(许德玄第五位) "Study on Increasing the SO2 Removal Efficiency with the Radicals Produced by H2O in Pulse Discharge Plasma Process"(脉冲放电等离子体过程中水自由基提高SO2脱除效率的研究) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.40 (2001) pp.L838-L840 [SCI检索] (29) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等)"Positive Short Pulse Corona Discharge Charging of Aerosol Particles"(正窄脉冲电晕放电对气溶胶颗粒的荷电)Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.42 (2003)pp.1766-1769 [SCI检索杂志] (30) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等)"Discharge characteristics and applications for electrostatic precipitation of DC corona with spraying discharge electrodes"(放电极雾化直流电晕放电的特性及其在静电除尘中的应用)J.of Electrostatics 57 (2003) 217-224 [SCI检索杂志] (31) Xu Dexuan et al.(许德玄等)"Removal of adhesive dusts from flue gas using corona discharges with spraying water"(采用雾化电晕放电去除烟气中的粘性粉尘) J.of Environmental Science 15(4)2003:561-568 [SCIE检索杂志] 专利等实用成果: (1) 许德玄等“放电极喷饱和蒸气静电烟气净化技术”,中国实用新型专利,登记号 98209932.0 (2) 许德玄等“高效臭氧净水器”中国实用新型专利 ZL00202421.7 (3) 许德玄等“水电极静电油烟净化器” 中国实用新型专利ZL01264502.8 (4) 许德玄“磁电雾化低温等离子体烟气净化器”中国实用新型专利,登记号03243692。0 |