职 称:教授
李阳光,现任东北师范大学化学学院教授,博士生导师。校首批“东师学者”青年学术骨干。从事多酸化学研究。师从王恩波教授,获得硕士和博士学位。对新型多金属氧酸盐合成及其表面氧配位能力进行了深入研究。曾留学法国和德国2年开展博士后研究工作。目前主要科研方向是多酸化学中的手性构建与功能特性研究。从2007年-2011年,以第一作者和通讯作者发表的SCI文章48篇,包括Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Chem-Eur. J.,Chem. Commun.,Inorg. Chem.等国际著名化学杂志。编著出版学术专著二部。获吉林省自然科学学术成果一等奖一次(排名第一)。1993.09-1997.07: 东北师范大学 化学学院/学士学位1997.09-2000.07:东北师范大学 化学学院/硕士学位2000.09-2003.07:东北师范大学 化学学院/博士学位2003.11-2004.11:法国国家科学研究中心保罗帕斯卡研究所 博士后2004.11-2006.01:德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学化学学院 博士后2007.10-2008.04:法国国家科学研究中心保罗帕斯卡研究所 高访2003.04-2006.11:东北师范大学化学学院 讲师2006.12-2011.11:东北师范大学化学学院 副教授2011.12-至今: 东北师范大学化学学院 教授2008.10-至今:聘为博士生导师2008.10-至今:聘为多酸科学教育部重点实验室副主任2011.09-至今: 化学学院院长助理2009.07入选本校首批“东师学者”青年学术骨干计划
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
2014-12-12 国家自然科学奖二等奖
2012-12-31 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖一等奖
2012-11-26 吉林省科学技术进步奖二等奖
2011-11-01 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖
教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)
科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
1. 利用多酸设计和制备新型高效非贵金属电解水制氢催化剂,2016年
2. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目NCET-12-0813,教育部,2013年
3. 基于多酸的手性分子复合材料构建及催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2012年
4. 以纳米尺寸的多酸建筑基元组装具有蛋白质尺寸的新型功能材料,国家自然科学基金委员会,2011年
5. HPB抗艾滋病药物药代、机理及扩试,八六三国家高技术,2009年
6. 基于多金属氧酸盐构筑块的新型单分子磁体合成及功能特性,教育部,2009年
7. 基于有机和无机富氧多齿配体的新型单分子磁体设计与合成,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
8. 新型多核金属簇的合成及单分子磁体行为研究,校内自然科学青年基金,2009年
9. 稀土杂多蓝化合物HPB-1抗艾滋病药物研究,吉林省科技厅,2009年
1. 化学概论,高等教育出版社,01-7年
2. 多酸化学概论,东北师范大学出版社,01-7年
3. 普通化学实验(高等教育出版社),高等教育出版社,01-3年
4. 多酸高核化合物,东北师范大学出版社,01-1年
1. Polyoxometalates in dye-sensitized solar cells,CHEM SOC REV,2019年
2. Polyoxometalates nanoparticles improve anti-tumor activity by maximal cellular uptake,INORG CHIM ACTA,2019年
3. Oxygen-Doped Nickel Iron Phosphide Nanocube Arrays Grown on Ni Foam for Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis,SMALL,2018年
4. Polyoxometalate-based microcrystal arrays patterned on air-grid superwettable surface,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018年
5. Ultralong needle-like N-doped Co(OH)F on carbon fiber paper with abundant oxygen vacancies as an efficient oxygen evolution reaction catalyst,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2018年
6. Polyoxometalate-based metal-organic framework loaded with an ultra-low amount of Pt as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen production,CRYSTENGCOMM,2018年
7. A strategy for utilizing hollow polyoxometalate nanocrystals to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2018年
8. N-doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanomeshes as Oxygen Reduction in pH-Universal Media and Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts,CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018年
9. Leaf-Mosaic-Inspired Vine-Like Graphitic Carbon Nitride Showing High Light Absorption and Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution,ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018年
10. Ultrafine cable-like WC/W2C heterojunction nanowires covered by graphitic carbon towards highly efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
11. Hybridized Polyoxometalate-Based Metal-Organic Framework with Ketjenblack for the Nonenzymatic Detection of H2O2,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2018年
12. Superaerophobic P-doped Ni(OH)2/NiMoO4 hierarchical nanosheet arrays grown on Ni foam for electrocatalytic overall water splitting,DALTON T,2018年
13. Highly efficient hydrogen evolution triggered by a multi-interfacial Ni/WC hybrid electrocatalyst, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,2018年
14. Electrocatalytic performance of ultrasmall Mo2C affected by different transition metal dopants in hydrogen evolution reaction,NANOSCALE,2018年
15. A water cluster (H2O)12 guested coordination polymer as proton conducting solid electrolytes,SOLID STATE IONICS,2018年
16. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon: highly efficient trifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reversible catalysis and nitrogen reduction reaction,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
17. Inorganic open framework based on lanthanide ions and polyoxometalates with high proton conductivity,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018年
18. Polyoxometalate-based metal-organic frameworks for selective oxidation of aryl alkenes to aldehydes,INORG CHEM,2018年
19. Niobium Oxyhydroxide-Polyoxometalate Composite as an Efficient Proton-Conducting Solid Electrolyte,CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018年
20. A Co2P/WC Nano-Heterojunction Covered with N-Doped Carbon as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,CHEMSUSCHEM,2018年
21. One-step synthesis of Pt based electrocatalysts encapsulated by polyoxometalate for methanol oxidation,NEW J CHEM,2018年
22. Polyoxometalate/TiO2/Ag composite nanofibers with enhanced photocatalytic performance under visible light,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2018年
23. Polyoxometalate and Resin-Derived P-Doped Mo2C@N-Doped Carbon as a Highly Efficient Hydrogen-Evolution Reaction Catalyst at All pH Values,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2018年
24. Cross-Linked CoMoO4/rGO Nanosheets as Oxygen Reduction Catalyst,CATALYSTS,2017年
25. Highly tuneable proton-conducting coordination polymers derived from a sulfonate-based ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2017年
26. Tuning of the photocatalytic performance of g-C3N4 by polyoxometalates under visible light,DALTON T,2017年
27. Efficient MMoO4(M=Co, Ni) carbon cloth electrodes for water oxidation,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2017年
28. 多金属氧酸盐研究的文献计量分析,分子科学学报,2017年
29. 负载银纳米粒子的多酸银盐复合材料的可见光催化性能研究,中国科学:化学,2017年
30. MoP/Mo2C@C: A New Combination of Electrocatalysts for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution over the Entire pH Range,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017年
31. Highly efficient hydrogen evolution from seawater by a low-cost and stable CoMoP@C electrocatalyst superior to Pt/C, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,2017年
32. Aminated Graphene Oxide Impregnated with Photocatalytic Polyoxometalate for Efficient Adsorption of Dye Pollutants and Its Facile and Complete Photoregeneration,SMALL,2017年
33. N-Carbon coated P-W2C composite as efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reactions over the whole pH range,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
34. Ag/AgxH3-xPMo12O40 Nanowires with Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Performance,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017年
35. Ultrafine Ag/polyoxometalate-doped AgCl nanoparticles in metal-organic framework as efficient photocatalysts under visible light,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
36. A Surfactant-Encapsulating Polyoxometalate Nanowire Assembly as a New Carrier for Nanoscale Noble-Metal Catalysts,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2016年
37. Lanthanum molybdenum oxide as a new platform for highly selective adsorption and fast separation of organic dyes,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
38. Highly Dispersed Polyoxometalate-Doped Porous Co3O4 Water Oxidation Photocatalysts Derived from POM@MOF Crystalline Materials,CHEM-EUR J,2016年
39. Coupling with a narrow-band-gap semiconductor for the enhancement of visible-light photocatalytic activity: preparation of Bi2OxS3−x/Nb6O17 and application to the degradation of methyl orange,DALTON T,2016年
40. Layer-by-layer assembly of polyoxometalate-pyrene-decorated fluorescent microspheres for the suspension immunoassay of Listeria monocytogenes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2016年
41. Cationic Covalent Organic Frameworks: A Simple Platform of Anionic Exchange for Porosity Tuning and Proton Conduction,J AM CHEM SOC,2016年
42. Trimeric hexa-dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstate [{Sn(CH3)2(CH3COO)}3{Sn(CH3)2}3{Se2W18O62(OH)(H2O)}3]18-,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
43. Engineering the proton conductivity of metal-organic hybrid materials by varying the coordination mode of the ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
44. Cation-mediated optical resolution and anticancer activity of chiral polyoxometalates built from entirely achiral building blocks,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2016年
45. An arsenicniobate-based 3D framework with selective adsorption and anion-exchange properties,NEW J CHEM,2016年
46. N-Doped graphene-coated molybdenum carbide nanoparticles as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016年
47. Hybrid Coordination Networks Constructed from e-Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates and Rigid Imidazole-Based Bridging Ligands as New Carriers for Noble-Metal Catalysts,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2016年
48. Luminescent hybrid metal-organic coordination polymers based on Cu/Ag-bis(benzotriazole) units and polyoxometalates,J COORD CHEM,2016年
49. Polyoxometalate-assisted synthesis of transition-metal cubane clusters as artificial mimics of the oxygen-evolving center of photosystem II,COORDIN CHEM REV,2016年
50. Co-sensitization promoted light harvesting with a new mixed-addenda polyoxometalate [Cu(C12H8N2)2]2[V2W4O19]·4H2O in dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2015年
51. Polyoxometalate-based metal-organic coordination networks for heterogeneous catalytic desulfurization,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
52. Assembly of a large cerium(III)-containing tungstotellurites(IV) nanocluster: [Ce10Te8W88O298(OH)(12)(H2O)(40)]18-,DALTON T,2015年
53. Recent progress in polyoxoniobates decorated and stabilized via transition metal cations or clusters,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
54. Keggin-Type Polyoxometalate-Based Metal-Organic Networks for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2015年
55. A strategy for breaking the MOF template to obtain small-sized and highly dispersive polyoxometalate clusters loaded on solid films,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
56. Construction of polyoxometalates from dynamic lacunary polyoxotungstate building blocks and lanthanide linkers,DALTON T,2015年
57. Extended structural materials composed of transition-metal-substituted arsenicniobates and their photocatalytic activity,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
58. Assembly of large purely inorganic Ce-stabilized/bridged selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to layers,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2015年
59. Polyoxometalate-Based Nickel Clusters as Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation Catalysts,J AM CHEM SOC,2015年
60. Organic-inorganic hybrid assemblies based on Ti-substituted polyoxometalates for photocatalytic dye degradation,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
61. Chiral recognition and selection during the self-assembly process of protein-mimic macroanions,Nature Communications,2015年
62. Assembly of tetrameric dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to one-dimensional chains,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
63. A Polyoxometalate-Encapsulating Cationic Metal-Organic Framework as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Desulfurization,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
64. Polyoxometalate-Based Entangled Coordination Networks Induced by an Extended Bis (triazole) Ligand,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2014年
65. Assembly of Fe-substituted Dawson-type nanoscale selenotungstate clusters with photocatalytic H2 evolution activity,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
66. Two carboxyethyltin functionalized polyoxometalates for assembly on carbon nanotubes as efficient counter electrode materials in dye-sensitized solar cells,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
67. Isopolymolybdate-induced organic–inorganic hybrid assemblies with copper ions and bichelate-bridging ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
68. Design and construction of a thermotropic liquid crystal material based on high-nuclear transition metal cluster-containing polyoxometalates,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
69. New organic–inorganic hybrid assemblies based on metal–bis(betaine) coordination complexes and Keggin-type polyoxometalates,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
70. Synthesis of a poly-pendant 1-D chain based on 'trans-vanadium' bicapped, Keggin-type vanadtungstate and its photocatalytic properties,DALTON T,2014年
71. New organic-inorganic hybrid assemblies based on copper(I) ion, bichelate-bridging ligand and Lindqvist-type polyoxometalate,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2014年
72. Incorporating Polyoxometalates into a Porous MOF Greatly Improves Its Selective Adsorption of Cationic Dyes,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
73. Polyoxoniobate-Based 3D Framework Materials with Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Activity,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
74. Grafting Transition Metal–Organic Fragments onto W/Ta Mixed-Addendum Nanoclusters for Broad-Spectrum-Driven Photocatalysis,CHEMPLUSCHEM,2014年
75. Polyoxometalate-Based Cobalt–Phosphate Molecular Catalysts for Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation,J AM CHEM SOC,2014年
76. Unprecedented High-Nuclear Transition-Metal-Cluster-Substituted Heteropolyoxoniobates: Synthesis by {V8} Ring Insertion into the POM Matrix and Antitumor Activities,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
77. New Entangled Coordination Networks Based on Charge-Tunable Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2014年
78. 多酸构筑的单分子磁体,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2013年
79. Assembly of multinuclear Ag complexes and Keggin polyoxometalates adjusted by organic ligands;syntheses,structures and luminescence,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
80. Assembly of trimeric polyoxovanadate aggregates based on [MnV13O38]7- building blocks and lanthanide cations,DALTON T,2013年
81. Polyoxometalate-Induced New Self-Assemblies Based on Copper Ions and Bichelate-Bridging Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2013年
82. Integration of Ln-Sandwich POMs into Molecular Porous Systems Leading to Self-Assembly of Metal–POM Framework Materials,EUR J INORG CHEM,2013年
83. Assembly of chainlike polyoxometalate-based lanthanide complexes in one-pot reaction system,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
84. Modification of Tetranuclear Zirconium-Substituted Polyoxometalates -Syntheses, Structures, and Peroxidase-Like Catalytic Activities,EUR J INORG CHEM,2013年
85. Polyoxometalate-based purely inorganic porous frameworks with selective adsorption and oxidative catalysis functionalities,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
86. A new paratungstate-A-based organic-inorganic hybrid compound: Synthesis,structure and photocatalytic property of [Co(en)3]2[H2W7O24].8H2O,SOLID STATE SCI,2013年
87. A polyoxometalate-based single-molecule magnet with a mixed-valent {MnIV2MnIII6MnII4} core,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
88. Heterometallic appended {MMnIII4} cubanes encapsulated by lacunary polytungstate ligands,DALTON T,2013年
89. New polyoxometalate-based mononuclear lanthanide complexes with slow relaxation of magnetization,INORG CHIM ACTA,2013年
90. A high nuclear lanthanide-containing polyoxometalate aggregate synthesized in choline chloride/urea eutectic mixture,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
91. Organic–inorganic hybrid complexes based on a Keggin-type polyoxoanion,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2012年
92. An Ionothermal Synthetic Approach to Porous Polyoxometalate-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2012年
93. Assembly of new organic–inorganic hybrids based on copper-bis(triazole) complexes and Keggin-type polyoxometalates with different negative charges,CRYSTENGCOMM,2012年
94. Two wheel-like polytungstates obtained by incorporation of two {Cu4} clusters and two molybdenum centers in the {W48} wheel,DALTON T,2012年
95. A 12-connected metal–organic framework constructed from an unprecedented cyclic dodecanuclear copper cluster,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
96. Inorganic crown ethers: sulfate-based preyssler polyoxometalates,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
97. A copper( II )–ethylenediamine modified polyoxoniobate with photocatalytic H2 evolution activity under visible light irradiation,DALTON T,2012年
98. A hexa-{MnIII–Schiff-base}-decorated cyclic polyoxovanadate as photocatalyst for dye degradation,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
99. Extended structure constructed from sandwich-type tungstoantimonites fused together by water substitution on the sandwiching metal centers,J COORD CHEM,2012年
100. New supramolecular networks based on paratungstate with N-donor bridging ligands,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2012年
101. Polyoxoanion-enveloped Ag/ptz inorganic–organic hybrid system: From a single to a double template,CRYSTENGCOMM,2012年
102. Polyoxometalate-supported 3d-4f heterometallic single-molecule magnets,INORG CHEM,2012年
103. A long-term stable Pt counter electrode modified by POM-based multilayer film for high conversion efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2012年
104. A series of [MnMo9O32]6- based solids: homochiral transferred from adjacent polyoxoanions to one-, two-, and three-dimensional frameworks,CRYST GROWTH DES,2012年
105. 探索"小而精"的本科毕业论文选题设计,湖南师范大学自然科学学报(增刊),2011年
106. 两个新的含铜杂多钨酸盐的合成、晶体结构和电化学行为,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
107. A new organic–inorganic hybrid compound based on lanthanide-organic chain and Keggin-type polyoxometalate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2011年
108. Two diphosphonate-functionalized asymmetric polyoxomolybdates with catalytic activity for oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde,DALTON T,2011年
109. Hexameric Polyoxometalates Decorated by Six 3d-4f Heterometallic Clusters,DALTON T,2011年
110. The synthesis and characterization of the 3-D framework of SO42- supported Keplerate-Type polyoxometalate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2011年
111. Polyoxometalate-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Assembled under the Ionothermal Conditions,CRYST GROWTH DES,2011年
112. 基于溶剂的结构效应构筑新颖的多金属氧酸盐超分子化合物,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
113. Polyoxometalate-templated lanthanide–organic hybrid layers based on 6(3)-honeycomb-like 2D nets,DALTON T,2011年
114. An unprecedented 3D 8-connected pure inorganic framework based on Nanosized{[Na12PO16H24][P4Mo6O31H6]4}15- clusters and zinc cations,CHEM COMMUN,2011年
115. Two New Extended Frameworks Constructed from the Sandwiching Polytungstoantimonate Clusters,J CLUST SCI,2011年
116. New extended poly(oxomolybdophosphates) based on strontium(II) linkers,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
117. Two new methylimidazole modified Hervé-Sandwich type polytungstoantimonates,J COORD CHEM,2011年
118. Controllable self-assembly of two novel metal-organic frameworks based on different tetradentate in situ ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
119. Controllable self-assembly of four new metal-organic frameworks based on different phosphomolybdate clusters by altering molar ratio of H3PO4 and Na2MoO4,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
120. New class of organic-inorganic hybrid aggregates based on polyoxometalates and metal-schiff-base,DALTON T,2011年
121. New polyoxometalate-templated supramolecular networks based on transition metal ions and pyridine-N-oxide ligands,INORG CHIM ACTA,2011年
122. From ladder, net to framework: Coordination polymers based on Zn(II)/Cd(II) ions and mixed bicarboxyl- and bipyridine-containing linear ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
123. A series of inorganic-organic hybrid compounds constructed from bis(undecatungstophosphate) lanthanates and copper-organic units,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
124. New Estertin Derivatives Based on Trivacant Keggin-type [β-SbW9O33]9- Cluster,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
125. Spontaneous resolution of a new diphosphonate-functionalized polyoxomolybdate,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
126. Two New {P8W49} Wheel-shaped Tungstophosphates Decorated by Co(II), Ni(II) Ions,J CLUST SCI,2010年
127. A new pure Mo-oxide-based organic–inorganic hybrid framework templated by vanadium-substituted Keggin anions,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
128. A new polyoxoniobate with NbIVO8 center and Cu24 core,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
129. Polyoxometalate-Based Porous Framework with Perovskite Topology,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
130. A polyoxometalate-encapsulated 3D porous metal–organic pseudo-rotaxane framework,CHEM COMMUN,2010年
131. Ionothermal synthesis and characterization of two new heteropolytungstates with 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ionic liquid as solvent,J COORD CHEM,2010年
132. Resolution of Chiral Polyoxoanion [P2Mo18O62]6- with Histidine,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
133. New tetra(organotin)- decorated boat-like polyoxometalate,DALTON T,2010年
134. The synthesis and characterization of a new butterfly-like polyoxometalate: K5Na2[Mo9V3O38].9H2O ,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
135. Giant Polytungstoarsenate Clusters Derived from New [As4W19O68(H2O)]14- Building Blocks,AUST J CHEM,2010年
136. Three new polyoxometalate-based hybrids prepared from choline chloride/urea deep eutectic mixture at room temperature,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
137. Two Dumbbell-Like Polyoxometalates Constructed from Capped Molybdovanadate and Transition Metal Complexes,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
138. Preparation of polyoxometalates in ionic liquids by ionothermal synthesis,DALTON T,2010年
139. Transition Metal-Substituted Double-Dawson-Type Polyoxotungstates and Their Supramolecular Structures, ,AUST J CHEM,2010年
140. Ionothermal syntheses of three transition-metal-containing Polyoxotungstate hybrids exhibiting the Photocatalytic and electrocatalytic properties,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2010年
141. 以还原型钼磷酸盐[P4MoV6O28(OH)3]9-为建筑单元构筑新型多维延展结构材料。,CHINESE J INORG CHEM,2010年
142. New synthetic route of polyoxometalate-based hybrids in choline chloride/urea eutectic media,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
143. Two Hexa-TM-Containing (TM = Co2+ and Ni2+) {P2W12}-Based Trimeric Tungstophosphates,DALTON T,2010年
144. Two Heterometallic Aggregates Constructed from the {P2W12}-Based Trimeric Polyoxotungstates and 3d-4f Heterometals.,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
145. Polxoxmetalate-assisted elexctrochemical depcsition of ZnO spindled in an ionic liquid.,MATER LETT,2010年
146. Polyoxometalate-based eight-Connected self-catenated network and fivefold interpenetrating framework,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2010年
147. A new sandwich-type polyoxometalate constructed from penta-lacunary [HPW7O28] 8- units and MnIII ion.,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
148. Two new cantilevev-type pbyoxomgtalates consrvucted {Mo2O4}2+ fvagments and diphosphcnates,,DALTON T,2010年
149. Polyoxometalate-based {MnIII2}–Schiff base composite materials exhibiting single-molecule magnet behaviour,CHEM COMMUN,2009年
150. A New Ni12 Cluster Based on Polyoxometalate Ligands,INORG CHEM,2009年
151. A {Cu6}-containing inorganic-metal-organic sandwich-type tungstoantimonite and its 3D supramolecular framework,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
152. A 1-D ladder–like aggregate constructed from Preyssler anion and transition metal linkers,J COORD CHEM,2009年
153. Two new extended frameworks constructed from the sandwiching polytungstoarsenate clusters,INORG CHIM ACTA,2009年
154. From Racemic Compound to Spontaneous Resolution: a Linker-Imposed Evolution of chiral [MnMo9O32]6--based Polyoxometalate Compounds,CHEM-EUR J,2009年
155. Protein-Sized Chiral Fe168 Cages with NbO-Type Topology,J AM CHEM SOC,2009年
156. One-pot Assembly of a New Mixed-valent Aggregate Based on Inorganic Polyoxometalate Ligands,Z ANORG ALLG CHEM,2009年
157. A new molybdenum(V) nickel phosphate based on divacant [H30(MoV16O32)Ni14(PO4)26O2(OH)4(H2O)8]12- wheel,DALTON T,2009年
158. A New Supramolecular Assembly Based on Triple-Dawson-Type Polyoxometalate and 3d-4f Heterometallic Cluster,INORG CHEM,2009年
159. A new polyoxotungstate-based {W72V30} spherical cage,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
160. Synthesis, crystal structure, and characterization of a new high-dimensional phosphomolybdate architecture built from silver-complex fragments and hexa-connected P2Mo5 clusters,J COORD CHEM,2009年
161. Base-Directed Self-Assembly of Octamolybdate-Based Frameworks Decorated by Flexible N-Containing Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2009年
162. APolyethylene-Glycol-Functionalized Ring-Like Isopolymolybdate Cluster,INORG CHIM ACTA,2009年
163. A series of pure inorganic eight-connected self-catenated network based on Silverton-type polyoxometalate,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
164. A series of novel organic-inorganic hybrids based on α-[AlW12O40]5- polyoxoanions and transition-metal organoamine complexes,Dalton Transactions,2009年
165. Two New Ladder-like Inorganic Chains Constructed from Cu-Containing Sandwich Polyoxoanions,J COORD CHEM,2009年
166. Racemic twin crystals containing left- and right-handed polyoxometalate chains induced by the asymmetric coordination of metal–organic units,INORG CHIM ACTA,2009年
167. Two new polyoxometalate-based organic-inorganic hybrids: synthesis, crystal structure and characterization,J COORD CHEM,2009年
168. Entangled zinc–ditetrazolate frameworks involving in situ ligand synthesis and topological modulation by various secondary N-donor ligands,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
169. A new (8,3)-connected anionic 3-D open-framework based on paradodecatungstate and CuII linkers,INORG CHIM ACTA,2009年
170. A new polynuclear Fe(III) cluster based on inorganic O-donor polyoxometalate and organic N-donor ligands,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
171. A new supramolecular compound based on MnIII-Schiff-base and β-octamolybdate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
172. An extended architecture built upon the double-Dawson-type polyoxoanion,Dalton Transactions,2009年
173. Mixed-Valent {Mn14} Aggregate Encapsulated by the Inorganic Polyoxometalate Shell: [MnIII13MnIIO12(PO4)4(PW9O34)4]31-,INORG CHEM,2009年
174. Enantiomerically Pure Chiral {Fe28} Wheels,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2009年
175. Two new polyoxometalates-based hybrids firstly Synthesied in the Ionic Liquids,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
176. A New Sandwich Polyoxometalate Constructed from a Zn612+ Hexagon Cluster Sandwiched by Two B-α-[BiW9O33]9-,J CLUST SCI,2008年
177. Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of new MnIII-CuII heterometallic aggregates based on multidentate Schiff-base ligands,J COORD CHEM,2008年
178. 新颖的[4,4'-bipy]{[Ag(4,4'-bipy)]3.[PMo(VI)12O40]}.H2O 三维超分子多金属氧酸盐的合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
179. Transition of Classic Decatungstate to Paratungstate: Synthesis, Structure and Luminescence Properties of Two Paratungstate-based 3-D Compounds,Z NATURFORSCH B,2008年
180. 3D-transition metal mono-substituted Keggin polyoxotungstate with an antenna molecule: synthesis, structure and characterization,Dalton Transactions,2008年
181. A New Series of Polyoxometalate Compounds Built up of Paradodecatungstate Anions and Transition Metal/Alkaline-Earth Metal Cations,SOLID STATE SCI,2008年
182. New anion-templated 3D heterobimetallic open frameworks bases on lanthanide-carboxylate layers and copper pillars.,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2008年
183. Synthesize novel highly-nuclear polytungstoarsenate cluster by careful control of pH value,J MOL STRUCT,2008年
184. An unprecedented (3,4)-connected self-penetrating network of zinc complex: in situ formation of a tetradentate N-heterocyclic ligand under POMs-mediated hydrothermal conditions,INORG CHIM ACTA,2008年
185. A zinc-substituted polyoxovanadate functionalized by flexible organic ligands and zinc-organoamine subunits,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
186. Metal-controlled self-assembly of arsenic–vanadium-cluster backbones withorganic ligands,Dalton Transactions,2008年
187. Extended Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Based on Dawson and Double-Dawson-Type Polyoxometalates,INORG CHEM,2008年
188. A novel (4,8)-connected 3D polyoxometalate-based metal-organic framework containing an in situ ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2008年
189. Synthesis, structure and magnetism of new polynuclear transition metal aggregates assembled with Schiff-base ligand and anionic N-donor ligands,J MOL STRUCT,2008年
190. Structural characterization of two lanthanide complexes attached to [H2W12O40]6-,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2008年
191. A New Heart-Like Co-Containing Polyoxoanion Based on the Lacunary Preyssler Anion,Dalton Transactions,2008年
192. Two-Dimensional (3,6)-Topological Inorganic Aggregate Based on the Sandwich-Type Polyoxometalate and Lanthanide Linkers,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
193. A new polyoxometalate-based 3d–4f heterometallic aggregate: a model for the design and synthesis of new heterometallic clusters,Dalton Transactions,2008年
194. Synthesis and characterization of the highest connected 3D Wells-Dawson POM/TMC hybrid,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
195. Synthesis,crystal structure and electrochemical behavior of tetranuclear transition metal clusters based on lacunary silicotungstates:[M4(H2O)2(SiW9 O34)2]10- (M = Ni2+ ,Co2+) and [Fe4(μ-O)2(μ-OH)2(SiW10 O37)2 ]14-,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2008年
196. Synthesis and Characterization of New Tungstosilicate Aggregates Assembled with a Mixture of Mono- and Trivacant Keggin Fragments,INORG CHIM ACTA,2008年
197. Structure and Characterization of Zero- to Two-Dimensional compounds built up of the sandwich-type clusters and transition-metal linkers,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2008年
198. Two New Multi-Cobalt-Containing Heteropolyoxotungstates,INORG CHIM ACTA,2008年
199. New Trimeric Polyoxotungstate Aggregates Based on [P2W12O48]14- Building Blocks,CHEM COMMUN,2008年
200. Two extended structures constructed from sandwich-type polyoxometalates functionalized by organic amines,Dalton Transactions,2008年
201. Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of two 6-cobalt-containing dimeric polyoxoanions: [Co2(H2O)10Co4(H2O)2(B-α-XW9O34)2]8-(X=Ge and Si),J MOL STRUCT,2008年
202. Entangled 3D metal-organic architectures from the self-assembly of mixed ligands and transition-metal ions,J MOL STRUCT,2008年
203. A Novel Dimeric polyoxotungstate decorated by 3D-4F atoms: K4LaH [As2W20CuO67(H2O)3]Cl2.22.5H2O,J CLUST SCI,2007年
204. Building block approach to nanostructures: step-by-step assembly of large lanthanide-containing polytungstoarsenate aggregates,Dalton Transactions,2007年
205. An Unprecedented Fivefold Interpenetrating Network Based on Polyoxometalate Building Blocks,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
206. Wells-Dawson anion, a useful building block to construct one-dimensional chain as a chelate ligand coordinating with transition metal cations,J MOL STRUCT,2007年
207. Two Mulit-Copper-Containing Heteropolyoxotungstates Constructed from the Lacunary Keggin Polyoxoanion and the High-Nuclear Spin Cluster,INORG CHEM,2007年
208. Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structure of a new dimeric tetra-Ni-substituted sandwich tungstogermanate,J MOL STRUCT,2007年
209. A Basket-Like [SrCP6MoV4MoVI14O73]10–Polyoxoanion Modified with {Cu(phen)(H2O)x} (x = 1–3) Fragments: Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic, and Electrochemical Properties,EUR J INORG CHEM,2007年
210. Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Double-Cubane-Substituted and Asymmetric Penta-Ni-Substituted Dimeric Polyoxometalates,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
211. Chiral Polyoxometalate-Induced Enatiomerically 3D Architectures:A New Route for Synthesis of High-Dimensional Chiral Compounds,J AM CHEM SOC,2007年
212. Syntheses and Structures of Three Unprecedented Metal-Ciprofloxacin Complexes with Helical Characters,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
213. A new molybdenum-oxide-based organic-inorganic hybrid framework templated by double-Keggin anions,CHEM COMMUN,2007年
214. A novel bismuth ion-bridged chainlike assembly from paradodecatungstate [H2W12O42]10-anions:(NH4)7[Bi(H2W12O42)]·20H2O,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2007年
215. Hydrothermal synthesis and structures of organic-inorganic hybrid solids based on arsenic-vanadate building blocks,J COORD CHEM,2007年
216. A new family of polyoxometalate compounds built up of preyssler anions and trivalent lanthanide cations,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
217. A functionalizedPolyoxometalate by Hexanuclear Copper-amino Acid Coordination Complexes,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2007年
218. Exceptional Self-Penetrating Networks Containing Unprecedented Quintuple-Stranded Molecular Braid, 9-Fold Meso Helices, and 17-Fold Interwoven Helices,INORG CHEM,2007年
219. Synthesis and characterization of two novel high-dimensional extended structures based on Keggin-type Polyoxometalates and potassium-glycine complex subunits,J MOL STRUCT,2007年
220. An Inorganic Aggregate Based on a Sandwich-Type Polyoxometalate with Lanthanide and Potassium Cations: From 1D Chiral Ladder-Like Chains to a 3D Open Framework,EUR J INORG CHEM,2007年
221. A New 3-D Network Based on Large Mo18-Polyoxometalate Anionic Units and Alkaline Cations,结构化学学报,2007年
222. Syntheses and structures of four organic-inorganic hybrids based on the surface restricted [AsIII8VIV14O42] building unit and various zinc coordination groups,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
223. From Chain to Network: Design and Analysis of Novel Organic-Inorganic Assemblies from Organically Functionalized Zinc-Substituted Polyoxovanadates and Zinc Organoamine Subunits,INORG CHEM,2007年
224. A new chain-like heteropolytungstate formed by Keggin cluster units: Synthesis and structure of [H2bpy]3[SiMnW11O39].1.25H2O,CHINESE CHEM LETT,2007年
225. Self-assembly of four three-dimensional reduced molybdenum(V) phosphates decorated with transitional metal complexes,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
226. Two unprecedented inorganic-organic boxlike and chainlike hybrids based on arsenic-vanadium clusters linked by nickel complexes,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2007年
227. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of dimeric polyoxometalates based on the [γ-SiW10O36]8- units,J MOL STRUCT,2007年
228. A Series of New Organic-Inorganic Molybdenum Arsenate Complexes Based on [(ZnO6)(As3O3)2Mo6O18]4- and [HxAs2Mo6O26](6-x)- Clusters as SBUs,INORG CHEM,2007年
229. Molecular and Multidimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Basedon Polyoxometalates and Copper Coordination Polymer with Mixed4,4'-Bipyridine and 2,2'-Bipyridine Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2006年
230. Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of two newpolyoxomolybdate wheel clusters,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
231. Syntheses, Structure Characterizations and Fluorescent Properties of Two Reduced Molybdenum(V) Phosphates Functionalized by Zinc Coordination Complexes.,J CLUST SCI,2006年
232. A Novel Copper (I) Halide Framework Templated by Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polyoxometalate Chains Formed In Situ: A New Route for the Design and Synthesis of Porous Frameworks.,EUR J INORG CHEM,2006年
233. Self-Assembly of Nanometer-Scale [Cu24I10L12]14+ Cages and Ball-Shaped Keggin Clusters into a (4, 12)-Connected 3D Framework with Photoluminescent and Electrochemical Properties,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2006年
234. Self-assembly of four new extended architectures based on reduced polyoxometalate clusters and cadmium complexes.,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2006年
235. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a new cobalt phosphomolybdate that contains [(Mo16O32)Co16(H2O)18(PO4)6(HPO4)18]wheels.,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2006年
236. Self-Assembly of Extended High-Dimensional Architectures from Anderson-type Polyoxometalate Clusters.,CRYST GROWTH DES,2006年
237. New potassium ion-bridged chainlike assembly from bisupporting Keggin units:K[M(phen)2(H2O)]2[PW12O40] ?2H2O (M=Fe, Cu).,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
238. Synthesis and structure characterization of two new one-dimensional reduced molybdenum(V) phosphates with covalently bonded transition metalcomplexes.,J MOL STRUCT,2006年
239. [Cu5Cl(4,4’-bipy)5][SiW12O40]?1.5H2O: A novel three-dimensional Framework constructed from polyoxometalate clusters and trinuclear Cu(I) complex.,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
240. A bridge between Pillared-Layer and Helical Structures: A Series of Three-Dimensional Pillared Coordination Polymers with Multiform Helical Chains.,CHEM-EUR J,2006年
241. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of two new modified polyoxometalates based on {PMo8V6O42} clusters.,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2006年
242. Synthesis and characterization of a new dimeric polyoxometalate based on Anderson-type polyoxoanions and a trinuclear lanthanide coordination complex.,J COORD CHEM,2006年
243. Chiral 3D Architectures with helical Channels Constructed from Polyoxometalate Clusters and Copper-Amino Acid Complexes.,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2006年
244. Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Two Novel High-Nuclear Nickel-Substituted Dimeric Polyoxometalates.,INORG CHEM,2006年
245. New Polyoxometalate Compounds Builtup of Lacunary Wells-Dawson Anions and Trivalent Lanthanide Cations,INORG CHEM,2006年
246. X-Ray Crystal Structure and Characterize of A Tetra-vanadyl Capped Highly Reduced Polyoxometalate Anion,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2006年
247. New Valence-Sandwich [MnII4MnIII4MnII4] Aggregate Showing Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior,INORG CHEM,2006年
248. Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of an unprecedented layeredCd-citrate complex containing helical chains,J MOL STRUCT,2006年
249. Rationally Designed, Polymeric,Extended Metal-Ciprofloxacin Complexes,CHEM-EUR J,2005年
250. Three-dimensional mesomeric networks assembled from helix-linked sheets:syntheses, structures, and magnetisms,Dalton Transactions,2005年
251. A new pseudo Keggin-type polyvanadate(NH4)4 [H12VⅤ12O36(VⅣO4)].11H2O:hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2005年
252. A novel reduced α-Keggin type polyoxometalate coordinated to two and a hlf copper complex moieties:[Cu(2,2'-bipy)2][PMoVI8Mov4O40{Cu(2,2'-bipy)}2.5] .H2O,J MOL STRUCT,2005年
253. Entangled Coordination Networks with Inherent Features of Polycatenation, Polythreading, and Polykntting,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2005年
254. Open-Framework Polar Compounds:Synthesis and Characterization of Rare-Earth Polyoxometalates (C6NO2H5)2[Ln(H2O)5(CrMo6H6O24)] . 0.5H2O(Ln=Ce and La),EUR J INORG CHEM,2005年
255. A Novel Pillar-Layered Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Based on Lanthanide Polymer and Polyomolybdate Clusters: New Opportunity toward the Design and Synthesis of Porous Framework,CRYST GROWTH DES,2005年
256. Synthesis and characterization of two new extended structures based on Anderson-type polyoxoanions,J MOL STRUCT,2005年
257. An unprecedented fivefold interpenetrated lvt network containing the exceptional racemic motifs originated from nine interwoven helices,CHEM COMMUN,2005年
258. [H2bpyl2][{Cu(btepy)2}Mo5P2O23] . 4H2O:A Three-Dimensional Framework Built from Transition-Metal Coordination polymer sheets Pillared by Polyoxomolybdophoosphate Clusters,EUR J INORG CHEM,2005年
259. Self-Assembly of a Series of Extended Architectures Based on Polyoxometalate Clusters and Silver Coordination Complexes,INORG CHEM,2005年
260. A series of new polyoxoanion-based inorganic-organic hybrids:(C6NO2H5)[(H2O)4(C6NO2H5)Ln(CrMo6H6O24)].4H2O (Ln=Ce, Pr, La and Nd) with a chiral layer structure,NEW J CHEM,2005年
261. A novel three-dimensional hybrid framework based on fishbone-like copper halide inorganic units,INORG CHIM ACTA,2005年
262. Self-assembly of a novel 3D open framework from Anderson-type polyoxoanions,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2005年
263. Self-assembly of polyoxometalate clusters into a 3-D heterometallic framework via covalent bonding: synthesis, structure and characterization of Na4[Nd8(dipic)12(H2O)9][Mo8O26]·8H2O,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
264. Antiferromagnetic order in a supramolecular assembly of manganese trimers based on imidazole and Schiff base ligands,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
265. Novel hydrogen-bonded three-dimensional network complexes containing cobalt-pyridine-2,6-bicarboxylic acid,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2004年
266. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a three-dimensional metal selenite containing double helical chains:Fe3(H2O)(SeO3)3,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
267. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of a novel polyoxometalate-templated three-dimensiomal supramolecular network,J COORD CHEM,2004年
268. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel one-dimensional arsenic vanadate decorated with organonitrogen ligand:[H3V3O26(AsO4)4(phen)8(H2O)2]. 2H2O (phen=phenanthrolne),INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
269. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of an unprecedented η-type octamolybdate:[{Ni(phen)2}2(Mo8O26)],INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
270. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of an infinite 1D ladderlike metal-organic compound: [Cu2(btec)(2,2'-bipy)2]∞(btec=1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate),J MOL STRUCT,2004年
271. Synthesis, structural characterization and biological activity of polyoxometallate-containing protonated amantadine as a cation,J COORD CHEM,2004年
272. A novel three-dimensional metal-organic network, Zn2 (btec)(popz) (H2O) (btec= 1,2,4,5- benzenetetracarboxylate, pipz=piperazine), with blue fluorescent emission,INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
273. Hydrothermal synthesis and structures of two novel chain-like heteropolymolbdate formed by Keggin cluster units,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
274. Synthesis and crystal structure of a novel three-dimensional supramolecular network containing one-dimensional honeycomb-like channels,INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
275. Dehydrogenative coupling of 2,2'-bipyridine:hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel polyoxovanadate decorated with the 2,2';6',2";6",2'"-quaterpyridine ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
276. A novel organic-inorganic hybrid with Anderson type polyanions as building blocks:[(Gly)2Cu] [Na(H2O)4Cr(OH)6Mo6O18]. 9.5H2O (Gly=glycine),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
277. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a new layered titanium vanadate decorated with organoniteogen ligand:[Ti(2,2'-bpy)V2O7],J MOL STRUCT,2004年
278. The Syntheses and Crystal Structure of two new Isopolyoxoanion Complexes: [M2(DMF)12[Mo6O19]2] (M= Co, Ni, DMF= dimethylfomamide),J COORD CHEM,2004年
279. Designed double layer assembly: a three-dimensional open framework with two types of cavities by connection of infinite two-dimensional bilayer,CHEM COMMUN,2004年
280. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a nocel two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid copper molybdate with mixed organodiamine and dicarboxyl ligands,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
281. Novel Cadmium(II) Adipate Coordination Polymers with Structural Transformation via Oxalate Ligand:Syntheses, Structures and Fluorescence Properties,EUR J INORG CHEM,2004年
282. Synthesis and Structure of an Unprecedented Layered Vanadate Complex Containing Double-Helical Chains: [{CoIII(phen)2}2V8O23],EUR J INORG CHEM,2004年
283. The first vanadate oxide phase containing two types of modified metal centers:{MnⅡ(2,2'-bpy)}[{VⅤO2(2,2'-bpy)}(VⅤO3)(VⅤ2O6)](2,2'-bpy=2,2'-bipyridine),INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
284. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterizations of a novel 2-D double-layers metal-organic coordination polymer involving in situ ligand synthesis,INORG CHIM ACTA,2004年
285. A novel three-dimensional inorganic framework: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of CuMo3O10.H2O,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
286. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a layered coordination polymer:[Zn3(C2O4)3(4,4'-bipy)4]n(4,4'-bipy=4,4'-bipyridine),J MOL STRUCT,2004年
287. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel layered vanadaate complex containing double helical chains:[{Zn(2,2'-bipy)]2V8O21](2,2'-bpy=2,2'-bipyridine),J MOL STRUCT,2004年
288. Syntheses, Structures, and Photoluminescence of a Novel Class of d10 Metal Complexes Constructed from Pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid with Different Coordination Architectures,INORG CHEM,2004年
289. A novel metal-organic supramolecular framework constructed by benzene-1, 2, 4-tricarboxylate:{[Fe(phen)(btc)(OH2)]2.CH3CH2OH}n (btc=benzene-1, 2, 4-tricarboxylate),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
290. A nove three-dimensional metal-organic interpenetrating framework constructed from mixed adipate and 4,4'-bipy ligands:[Co(OOC(CH2)4COO)(4,4'-bipy)](adipate=HOOC(CH2)4COOH,4,4'-bipy=4,4'-bipyridine),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
291. A novel one-dimensional arsenic vanadate decorated with a transition metal complex:[Cu(2,2'-bipy)](VO2)(AsO4)(2,2'-bpy=2,2'-bipyridine),J MOL STRUCT,2004年
292. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structures of two novel rare earth coordination polymers based on pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid,J MOL STRUCT,2004年
293. 新型混价铜配合物[CuI CuII(Ophen)2Cl] .H2O (Hophen=2-羟基-1, 10-邻菲咯啉)的水热合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
294. A novel one-dimensioal vanadium arsenate grafted with the directly coordinated organonitrogen ligands:[(VO)2(HasO4)2(phen)2] (phen=phenanthroline),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
295. A novel chain-like Polymer constructed from heteropolyanions covalently linked by lanthanide cations:(C5H9NO2)2[La(H2O)7 CrMo6H6O24] .11H2O (Proline=C5H9NO2),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
296. 过渡金属配合物连接的多金属钒酸盐 [Co(o-phen)]V2O6 . H2O的水热合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
297. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Properties of Open-Framework Mixed-valence lron Phosphates FeIII2FeII1.5(PO4)3 with Three-dimensional Structure,CHINESE J CHEM,2004年
298. Preparation of new materials based on the polyoxometalate building blocks in the hydrothermal environment,Hydrothermal Reactions and Techniques,2003年
299. A Novel Three-Dimensional Network Constructed from Tetramolybdate Clusters Linked via Two Types of Copper Complex Fragments: Synthesis, Characterization, and Magnetic Behavior of [CuII(2,2'-bpy)}{CuII(IN)2}{Mo4O12(OH)2}],INORG CHEM,2003年
300. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel three-dimensional mixed-valence iron coordination polymer [Fe2IIIFeIIO2(IN)2(ox)] (IN = isonicotinate, ox = oxalate),J. Mol. Struc,2003年
301. Two Novel Vanadium Tellurites Covalently Bonded with Metal-Organic Complex Moieties: M(phen)V2TeO8 (M = Cu, Ni),INORG CHEM,2003年
302. A novel organic-inorganic hybrid material with fluorescent emission: [Cd(PT)(H2O)]n (PT = phthalate),NEW J CHEM,2003年
303. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a three-dimensional vanadium tellurite V4Te4O18,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2003年
304. Hydrothermal synthesis, structure, and characterization of two one-dimensional chainlike hybrid complexes [(CuX)2(o-phen)]... (X=Br, Cl; o-phen=o-phenanthroline),INORG CHIM ACTA,2003年
305. Novel two-dimensional sodium molybdenum phosphates containing {M(enMe)2}2+ bridging groups (M=Ni, Cu; enMe=1,2-diaminopropane),INORG CHIM ACTA,2003年
306. A two-dimensional molybdenum(V)phosphate with covalently bonded transition metal coordination complexes:hydrothermal synthesis and structure characterization of Na2[{Mn(phen)2(H2O)}{Mn(phen)2}3{MnMoⅤ12O24(HPO4)6(PO4)2(OH)6}].4H2O(phen=1,10-phenanthroline),J SOLID STATE CHEM,2003年
307. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a metal-organic coordination polymer with double-helical structure: [Fe(phen)(ipt)]n (ipt=isophthalate, phen=1,10-phenanthroline),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2003年
308. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel polyoxomolybdate with the hydroxylated N-heterocycle ligand: Mo2O5(ophen)2 (Hophen=2-hydroxy-1,10-phenanthroline),J MOL STRUCT,2003年
309. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a new open-framework 3-D vanadium phosphate: [C2N2H10]{(VO)(VO2) [V(OH2)](PO3.5)4}.H2O,J MOL STRUCT,2003年
310. Synthesis, Properties and Crystal Structure of a New 12-Molybdogermanic Salt of Lanthanum Coordinated to N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone,J COORD CHEM,2003年
311. A Novel Three-dimensional Framework with Tunnels Based on the Cobalt-containing Molybdenum Phosphate Moieties,CHINESE J CHEM,2003年
312. A novel three-dimensional metal-organic framework constructed from two-dimensional interpenetrating layers based on trinuclear cobalt clusters: [Co3(btec)(C2O4)(H2O)2]n,EUR J INORG CHEM,2003年
313. A layered vanadium arsenate network decorated with the directly coordinated organonitrogen ligands: [V4O7(HAsO4)2(o-phen)2] (o-phen=o-phenanthroline),J SOLID STATE CHEM,2003年
314. A new 2-D selenic vanadate network decorated by a coordination complex fragment: [Cu(phen)(H2O)2][V3Se3O14] .H2O,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2003年
315. A novel chain-like molybdenum phosphate: hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure and characterization of [NH3(CH2CH2)2NH3]3[NH3(CH2CH2)2NH2]Na5[Mo6O12(OH)3(PO4)(HPO4)3]2.4H2O,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2003年
316. Modified Polyoxometalates: Hydrothermal Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Three Novel Reduced and Capped Keggin Derivatives Decorated by Transition Metal Complexes,INORG CHEM,2003年
317. Novel Polyoxometalate-Templated, 3-D Supramolecular Networks Based on Lanthanide Dimers: Synthesis, Structure, and Fluorescent Properties of [Ln2(DNBA)4(DMF)8][Mo6O19] (DNBA = 3,5-Dinitrobenzoate),INORG CHEM,2003年
318. A novel chain-like binuclear vanadium(V) coordination polymer containing mixed ligands: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of . (tp = terephthalate),INORG CHIM ACTA,2003年
319. 一种新颖的六帽Keggin型钼钒砷酸盐(H3O)3[AsMo12O40 (VO)6] .6H2O 的水热合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
320. New Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Networks Constructed from 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylate and Chelate Ligands,INORG CHEM,2003年
321. New High-Dimensional Networks Based on Polyoxometalate and Crown Ether Building Blocks,INORG CHEM,2003年
322. A novel two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid compound with a (4,6)-lattice-type network: {[Co(H2O)2][Co2(phen)2 (btc)2]}n (btc = benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate),INORG CHEM COMMUN,2003年
323. A novel 2D arsenic vanadate network grafted with a transition metal complex: [Cu(phen)]2[VIVVV4As2O19]. ?0.5H2O.,Dalton Transactions,2003年
324. A novel two-dimensional arsenic vanadate network grafted with a transition metal complex: [Cu(phen)]2[VIVVV4As2O19]·0.5H2O,Dalton Transactions,2003年
325. Convenient Controllable Synthesis of Inorganic ID Nanocrystals and 3D High-Ordered Microtubes,EUR J INORG CHEM,2003年
326. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of an one-dimensional mixed-valence molybdenum oxide [MoO(2,2'-bipy)],J MOL STRUCT,2003年
327. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of [(CH3CH2)4N]4[(La12 (OH)12MoO29)], a novel cluster compound with a MoO5 hexahedron center surrounded by La-O octahedron,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2003年
328. A new a-Keggin type polyoxometalate coordinated to four silver complex moieties: {PW9V3O40[Ag(2,2'-bipy)]2[Ag2(2,2'-bipy)3]2},Dalton Transactions,2003年
329. [{(NiOH)2Mo10O36(PO4)Ti2}n]5n-: a novel chainlike trimetal heteropolyanion based on pseudo-keggin fragments,Journal of Solid State Chemistry ,2003年
330. 新型笼状同多钒酸盐 [Ni(1,10 -phen)3]2[V2ⅣV8ⅤO26]的水热合成和晶体结构,高等学校化学学报,2003年
331. 新型笼状同多钒酸盐[Ni(1,10'-phen)3]2.[V2ⅣV8ⅤO26]的水热合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
332. Synthesis,properties and crystal struture of a new,J.Coord.Chem.,2002年
333. Novel Hydrogen-bonded Three-Dimensional Networks Encapsulating One-Dimensional Covalent Chains: [M(4,4 -bipy)(H2O)4] (4-abs)2·nH2O (4,4 -bipy = 4,4 -Bipyridine; 4-abs = 4-Aminobenzenesulfonate),Inorg. Chem. ,2002年
334. A novel chiral coordinaton polymer with a two dimensional undulated networkCo4 2 2 bipyH2o2 btec 2ln,NEW J CHEM,2002年
335. [H2N(C2H4)2NH2]4(H3O) [PMoV2MoVI6VIV4O40 (VIVO)2]·H2O: A New Highly Reduced, Bicapped Pseudo-Keggin Vanadylpolymolybdo-phosphate.,Chin. J. Chem,2002年
336. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structure of [CH3NH3]2[(VivO)2(VvO4)2]:A New Layered Mixed-valence Vanadium Oxide Incorporated with Organic Cations,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2002年
337. 新型化合物[Ni(en)3]2[Ni(en)2(H2O)2][As6V15 O42]·4H2O晶体的水热合成与表征,高等学校化学学报,2002年
338. An Unusual Organic-Inorganic Chainlike Hybrid Complex [(CuCl)2(o-phen)]∞ (o-phen = o-phenanthroline).,Journal of Solid State Chemistry ,2002年
339. Hydrothermal syntheses and crystal structures of new cage-like mixed-valent polyoxovanadates.,Pergamon ,2002年
340. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a hybrid material based on [Co4(phen)8(H2O)2(HPO3)2]4+ complex and highly reduced polyoxoanion.,J. Chem. Soc.,Dalton Trans,2002年
341. 具有内孔道的层状超分子化合物[(CuI)2(o-phen)2]的水热合成与晶体结构。,高等学校化学学报,2002年
342. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel compound:[Ni(phen)3]2[SiMo10VIV2O40(VIVO)2].2H2O,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS ,2002年
343. 新型稀土杂多蓝的合成及其抗艾滋病病毒(HIV-1)活性和毒性研究,高等学校化学学报,2002年
344. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a hybrid material based on [Co4(phen)8(H2O)2,DALTON FULL PAPER,2002年
345. A novel one-dimensional manganese phosphomlybdate with rectangular cavities:[H3N(CH2)4NH3](H3O)2{,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS ,2002年
346. Hydrothermal synthesisand crystal structure of a layered vanadium phosphate with a directly coordinate organonitrogen ligand: [V4O7(HPO4)2 (2,2 -bipy)2].,J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,2002年
347. A highly reduced polyoxoanion with phosphorus-centered alternate layers of Mo/V oxides,[PMVo2MoVI6VIV,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2002年
348. Synthesis,properties and structural characterization of an intermolecular photosensitive complex:,Materials CHEMISTRY,2002年
349. RAPID COMMUNICATION Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a One-Dimensional Ladder-like Chain Complex [V4vO10(phen)2],Journal of Solid State Chemistry ,2002年
350. Hydrothermal synthesis and Crystal Structure of a One-Dimensional Ladder-like Chain Complex[Vv4O10(phen)2],Journal of Solid State Chemistry ,2002年
351. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of bimetallic cluster complex [{Mn(phen)2},Solid State Sciences ,2002年
352. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of an Unusual Compound:[Cu(en)2]4[SiMo8V4VO40(VIVO)2],Journal of Solid State Chemistry ,2002年
353. An organic-inorganic vanadium oxide with noe-dimensional ladder-type structure:hydrothermal,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2002年
354. Hydrothermal synthesis,crystal structure and properties of [HPDA][H2PDA]2[As2IIIAsMo8V4O40].3H2O,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2002年
355. Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of a bi-capped lD chain,INORCANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATONS,2001年
356. Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of a bi-capped Keggin polyoxoanion,[As2IIIAsVMo8VIV4O40]5-,INORCANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIOXS ,2001年
357. An Alkali Metal-Crown Ether Complex Supported by a Keggin Anion through the Three Terminal,Inorganic Chemistry,2001年
358. Hydrothermal synthesis and X-ray single crystal structure of bimetallic cluster complrx [{Co(phen)2}2V,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2001年
359. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of dibenzo-18-crown-6 sodium isopolytungstates,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2001年
360. 一个新型层状化合物[Ni(C10H8N2)2V3)8.5]的水热合成与晶体结构,高等学校化学学报,2001年
361. Synthesis and crystal structure of a novel compound constructed from tris-(2,2 -bipy)ruthenium(II),INORCANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS ,2001年
362. 多金属氧酸盐有机-无机杂化材料,化学通报 ,2001年
363. Hydrothermal Snthesis and Structure of [{Mo8V4O36(VO4)(VO)2}n]7n- Bi-capped a-Keggin,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2001年
364. Syntheses, characterization and anti-HIV activity of chargetransfer heteropolycomplexes,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2001年
365. 多酸超分子化合物的合成及液晶性质,高等学校化学学报,1999年
366. 系列夹心型钨砷杂多化合物的合成及溶质液晶性质,科学通报(中、英文版) ,1999年
一种具有缓慢磁弛豫行为的多酸基稀土离子配合物制备方法 2015-07-08
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-12
相关话题/化学 东北师范大学
历凤燕 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:多酸基光催化材料及光电材料办公电话:**办公地点:逸夫科技馆313电子邮件:lify525@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历历凤燕,女,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2008年于东北师范大学获得理学博士学位。2007年,获得国家留学基金委资助,赴英国格拉斯哥大学进行为期一年的中英联合培养博士生计划。在英国的学习研究中,主要从事多酸的有机官能化 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-刘术侠
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刘群 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:**办公地点:电子邮件:liuqun@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历 1982年2月毕业于东北师范大学化学系,获学士学位 1985年6月,毕业于东北师范大学化学系,获硕士学位 1997年11月,毕业于东北师范大学化学系,获博士学位 1989年9月-1990年10月,南安普敦大学化学系(英国),访问学者 1998年3月-1 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-鹿颖
鹿颖 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:**办公地点:电子邮件:luy968@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历鹿颖,女,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2005年于东北师范大学获得理学博士学位。2006到2008年在德国乌尔姆大学进行博士后研究。目前的研究方向为新型金属有机骨架催化材料的设计、合成及催化研究。先后主持留学归国基金项目、校内青年基金项目、吉林省科技计划青年基金项目 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-罗芳
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尚庆坤 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:逸夫科学馆 438室电子邮件:shangqk995@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历教育经历:1981/09 - 1985/7,东北师范大学,化学,理学学士1992/09 - 1995/7,长春地质学院,岩矿分析与测试,工学硕士2000/09 - 2003/12,中科院长春研究生,无机化学,理学博士2004/10 -20 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-吕长利
吕长利 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:功能高分子材料及其纳米杂化材料办公电话:**办公地点:化学楼129电子邮件:lucl055@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历吕长利,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。从事本科生和研究生高分子专业课程的教学和科研工作,主要讲授过硕士生课程:高分子物理、高分子化学、高分子研究方法;本科生专业基础课程:高分子科学。目前,主要研究领域为功能高分子材料及其 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-潘秀梅
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马建方 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:majf247@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历一. 自然情况姓名:马建方性别:男民族:汉族 党派:无 出生年月:1966年9月 籍贯:河北邯郸 单位: 长春市 东北师范大学化学学院 邮编: 130024电话: (0431)**(办)传真: (0431)** (办)E-mail: majf247@nenu.ed ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-
无该教师信息 职 称: 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件: 个人简历苏忠民,博士,东北师大化学学院教授,博士生导师,教育部****奖励计划特聘教授。从事化学学科本科生、硕士和博士研究生的教学工作,主要讲授过博士生课程:固体量子化学、功能材料化学进展;硕士研究生课程:量子化学、代数与群论、量子化学计算方法;本科生课程:物质结构、晶体化学、群论化学、量子化学半经验计算方法。指导硕士研究生38 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12