职 称:教授
鹿颖,女,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2005年于东北师范大学获得理学博士学位。2006到2008年在德国乌尔姆大学进行博士后研究。目前的研究方向为新型金属有机骨架催化材料的设计、合成及催化研究。先后主持留学归国基金项目、校内青年基金项目、吉林省科技计划青年基金项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目4项,参与国家级项目4项。至今公开发表论文50余篇,均为SCI检索,其中作为第一作者和通讯联系人发表论文30篇。著作1部(合著),参编国外图书1部。教育经历1995.09 - 1999.07 东北师范大学化学学院 获理学学士学位1999.09 - 2002.07 东北师范大学化学学院 获理学硕士学位2002.09 - 2005.12 东北师范大学化学学院 获理学博士学位2006.03 - 2008.03德国乌尔姆大学 做博士后研究工作经历2002.01 - 2005.07 东北师范大学化学学院 助教2005.07-2008.12东北师范大学化学学院 讲师2009.01至今东北师范大学化学学院 副教授
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
2012-11-26 吉林省科学技术进步奖二等奖
2011-11-01 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖
教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)
科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
1. 多酸基稀土MOFs晶态杂化材料构筑及质子导电性能研究,2016年
2. 模拟金属酶结构的金属有机骨架的配体修饰、客体引入及催化性能研究,吉林省科技厅,2013年
3. 金属酶模拟的金属有机骨架材料的设计、合成及催化性能研究,教育部,2010年
4. 基于氧化还原活性多金属单元的金属有机骨架材料的设计、合成及催化研究,校内自然科学青年基金,2010年
5. 模拟金属酶结构的金属有机骨架材料的设计、合成及其催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
6. 氧化还原活性金属有机骨架材料的设计、合成及催化性能研究,吉林省科技厅,2009年
1. 化学基础实验(第二版),高等教育出版社,01-7年
2. 多酸化学概论,东北师范大学出版社,01-7年
1. Synthesis and proton conductivity of two novel molybdate polymers,NEW J CHEM,2018年
2. Syntheses, structure and magnetic property of two metal-organic frameworks based on carboxylate-functionalized salen ligands,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2018年
3. Lewis-Basic Lanthanide Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Versatile Multi-Active-Site Synergistic Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018年
4. A gel-like/freeze-drying strategy to construct hierarchically porous polyoxometalate-based metal-organic framework catalysts,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
5. Series of polyoxometalates-based metal-organic frameworks exhibiting high photocatalytic activities for the degradation of methylene blue,INORG CHIM ACTA,2018年
6. Synthesis and properties of a POM-based trinuclear copper(II) triazole framework,RSC ADVANCES,2018年
7. A Nanocrystalline POM@MOFs Catalyst for the Degradation of Phenol: Effective Cooperative Catalysis by Metal Nodes and POM Guests,CHEM-EUR J,2018年
8. Windmill-type mixed-metal clusters containing Schiff-base ligands as an efficient catalyst for cyclohexene oxidation,NEW J CHEM,2017年
9. A 3D cadmium-vanadium bimetallic framework with luminescence properties,NEW J CHEM,2017年
10. Controllable proton-conducting pathways via situating polyoxometalates in targeting pores of a metal-organic framework,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
11. An UV equipped box for photoactivation with a fluorescent coordination polymer for recognizing amine gases by "turn-color" in air,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2017年
12. Aminated Graphene Oxide Impregnated with Photocatalytic Polyoxometalate for Efficient Adsorption of Dye Pollutants and Its Facile and Complete Photoregeneration,SMALL,2017年
13. Magnetic and luminescence properties of an inorganic 3D nickel-vanadium bimetallic framework,NEW J CHEM,2017年
14. A Vanadogermanate Dimer-Based Chain with Magnetic and Luminescent Properties,EUR J INORG CHEM,2016年
15. A new organic-inorganic hybrid based on dimeric [Mn2V22O64]10- polyoxoanion as catalyst for oxidation of sulfides,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2016年
16. Surfactant-encapsulated high-nuclear polyoxometalate complexes for catalytic oxidative desulfurization of model oil,INORG CHIM ACTA,2016年
17. An arsenicniobate-based 3D framework with selective adsorption and anion-exchange properties,NEW J CHEM,2016年
18. Synthesis, structure, and characterization of two 1-D homometallic coordination polymers based on carboxylate-functionlized salen ligands,J COORD CHEM,2015年
19. Polyoxometalate-Based Nickel Clusters as Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation Catalysts,J AM CHEM SOC,2015年
20. The assembly of vanadium(IV)-substituted Keggin type polyoxometalate/graphene nanocomposite and its application in photovoltaic system,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
21. Two new homometallic coordination polymers based on a carboxylate-functionalized salen ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
22. Photosensitive polyoxometalate-induced formation of thermotropic liquid crystal nanomaterial and its photovoltaic effect,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
23. Series of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Rare Earth Derivatives Based on [MnV13O38]7- Polyoxoanion: Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties,CRYST GROWTH DES,2015年
24. Synthesis of a poly-pendant 1-D chain based on 'trans-vanadium' bicapped, Keggin-type vanadtungstate and its photocatalytic properties,DALTON T,2014年
25. Incorporating Polyoxometalates into a Porous MOF Greatly Improves Its Selective Adsorption of Cationic Dyes,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
26. The research of employing polyoxometalates as pure-inorganic electron-transfer mediators on dye-sensitized solar cells,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
27. Grafting Transition Metal–Organic Fragments onto W/Ta Mixed-Addendum Nanoclusters for Broad-Spectrum-Driven Photocatalysis,CHEMPLUSCHEM,2014年
28. Unprecedented High-Nuclear Transition-Metal-Cluster-Substituted Heteropolyoxoniobates: Synthesis by {V8} Ring Insertion into the POM Matrix and Antitumor Activities,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
29. Single-crystal to single-crystal transformation from a hydrophilic–hydrophobic metal–organic framework to a layered coordination polymer,INORG CHIM ACTA,2014年
30. Assembly of trimeric polyoxovanadate aggregates based on [MnV13O38]7- building blocks and lanthanide cations,DALTON T,2013年
31. Two three-dimensional porous frameworks built from metal-organic coordination polymer sheets pillared by polyoxometate clusters,DALTON T,2013年
32. Two new metal–organic frameworks based on cyclic dodecanuclear copper units,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2013年
33. Polyoxometalate-based purely inorganic porous frameworks with selective adsorption and oxidative catalysis functionalities,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
34. Expansion of sodalite-type metal–organic frameworks with heterometallic metal–oxo cluster and its cation exchange property,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
35. A high nuclear lanthanide-containing polyoxometalate aggregate synthesized in choline chloride/urea eutectic mixture,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
36. Organic–inorganic hybrid complexes based on a Keggin-type polyoxoanion,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2012年
37. An Ionothermal Synthetic Approach to Porous Polyoxometalate-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2012年
38. A 12-connected metal–organic framework constructed from an unprecedented cyclic dodecanuclear copper cluster,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
39. Three hybrid networks based on octamolybdate: Ionothermal synthesis, structure and photocatalytic properties,DALTON T,2012年
40. A three-dimensional metal–organic framework based on hexanuclear copper units with unsaturated Cu II centers,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
41. A long-term stable Pt counter electrode modified by POM-based multilayer film for high conversion efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2012年
42. A (3,6)-connected metal-organic framework consisting of chair-like {Fe6} clusters and BTC linkers,J COORD CHEM,2012年
43. 两个新的含铜杂多钨酸盐的合成、晶体结构和电化学行为,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
44. Pyrazolate-Based Cobalt(II)-Containing Metal-Organic Frameworks in Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation Reactions: Elucidating the Role of Entatic States for Biomimetic Oxidation Processes,CHEM-EUR J,2011年
45. Three organic-inorganic hybrid complexes based on the Wells-Dawson polyoxoanion,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2011年
46. Polyoxometalate-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Assembled under the Ionothermal Conditions,CRYST GROWTH DES,2011年
47. Two New Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials Based on the Polyoxotungstoaluminates,INORG CHIM ACTA,2011年
48. The construction of a new POMs-based inorganic-organic hybrid framework involving in-situ ligand conversion from 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane to isonicotinic acid,INORG CHIM ACTA,2011年
49. Controllable self-assembly of four new metal-organic frameworks based on different phosphomolybdate clusters by altering molar ratio of H3PO4 and Na2MoO4,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
50. Polyoxometalate-Based Porous Framework with Perovskite Topology,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
51. Two Heterometallic Aggregates Constructed from the {P2W12}-Based Trimeric Polyoxotungstates and 3d-4f Heterometals.,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
52. Polyoxometalate-based {MnIII2}–Schiff base composite materials exhibiting single-molecule magnet behaviour,CHEM COMMUN,2009年
53. A New Ni12 Cluster Based on Polyoxometalate Ligands,INORG CHEM,2009年
54. From Racemic Compound to Spontaneous Resolution: a Linker-Imposed Evolution of chiral [MnMo9O32]6--based Polyoxometalate Compounds,CHEM-EUR J,2009年
55. Protein-Sized Chiral Fe168 Cages with NbO-Type Topology,J AM CHEM SOC,2009年
56. Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation by MFU-1:A Cobalt(II)-Containing Metal–Organic Framework,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2009年
57. A New Supramolecular Assembly Based on Triple-Dawson-Type Polyoxometalate and 3d-4f Heterometallic Cluster,INORG CHEM,2009年
58. Base-Directed Self-Assembly of Octamolybdate-Based Frameworks Decorated by Flexible N-Containing Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2009年
59. A Cobalt(II)-containing Metal-Organic Framework Showing Catalytic Activity in Oxidation Reactions,Z ANORG ALLG CHEM,2008年
60. A new family of polyoxometalate compounds built up of preyssler anions and trivalent lanthanide cations,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
61. A novel two-dimensional mixed molybdenum-vanadium polyoxometalate:Synthesis, Magnetic property and characterization of [PMo8ViMo4ⅤO40(VIVO)2{Co(phen)2}2] (H3O)2[PMo4ViMo8VO40(VIVO)2{Co(phen)2(H2O)}2],J MOL STRUCT,2007年
62. Synthesis, structure, and thermal properties of two honeycombs like three-dimensional complexes composed by cobalt salt and asymmetric ligand,J MOL STRUCT,2007年
63. New photoluminescence coordination polymers constructed from different ligands, which are generated from maleic acid at hydrothermal conditions,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
64. Different aliphatic acid controlledassembly of coordination polymers constructed from cobalt,J COORD CHEM,2007年
65. Self-assembly of four three-dimensional reduced molybdenum(V) phosphates decorated with transitional metal complexes,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
66. Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of two unprecedented photoluminescent coordination polymers constructed from Cd salt and mixed ligand,J COORD CHEM,2007年
67. A new grid network based on diphosphopentamolybdate cluster supported transition metal complexes,J COORD CHEM,2007年
68. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of two luminescent three-dimensional supramolecular complexes generated from mixed ligands,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2006年
69. Syntheses, Structure Characterizations and Fluorescent Properties of Two Reduced Molybdenum(V) Phosphates Functionalized by Zinc Coordination Complexes.,J CLUST SCI,2006年
70. Self-assembly of four new extended architectures based on reduced polyoxometalate clusters and cadmium complexes.,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2006年
71. Synthesis, structure, and luminescent property of one mixed-valence Cu-halide complex constructed from pyridine-3-carboxylate.,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
72. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a new cobalt phosphomolybdate that contains [(Mo16O32)Co16(H2O)18(PO4)6(HPO4)18]wheels.,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2006年
73. Metal-Controlled Assembly of Coordination Polymers with the Flexible Ligand 1,1’-Biphenyl-2,2’-dicarboxylate Acid.,CRYST GROWTH DES,2006年
74. Synthesis and structure characterization of two new one-dimensional reduced molybdenum(V) phosphates with covalently bonded transition metalcomplexes.,J MOL STRUCT,2006年
75. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of two new modified polyoxometalates based on {PMo8V6O42} clusters.,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2006年
76. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of two α–Keggin derivatives decorated by transition metal complexes.,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2006年
77. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel three-dimensional supramolecular network containing cyclic water hexamers:[Co(en)3]4 [P2Mo5O23]2?9H2O(en = ethylenediamine),J MOL STRUCT,2006年
78. New Polyoxometalate Compounds Builtup of Lacunary Wells-Dawson Anions and Trivalent Lanthanide Cations,INORG CHEM,2006年
79. Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of an unprecedented layeredCd-citrate complex containing helical chains,J MOL STRUCT,2006年
80. Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of two unprecedented coordination polymers: {Co3[O2C(CH2)4CO2]3[1,10'-phen]2}n and {Co2[O2C(CH2)3CO2]2[1,10'-phen]2}n,J MOL STRUCT,2005年
81. A novel reduced α-Keggin type polyoxometalate coordinated to two and a hlf copper complex moieties:[Cu(2,2'-bipy)2][PMoVI8Mov4O40{Cu(2,2'-bipy)}2.5] .H2O,J MOL STRUCT,2005年
82. [H2bpyl2][{Cu(btepy)2}Mo5P2O23] . 4H2O:A Three-Dimensional Framework Built from Transition-Metal Coordination polymer sheets Pillared by Polyoxomolybdophoosphate Clusters,EUR J INORG CHEM,2005年
83. [Cd(phen)2{MoO4}].H2O, a one-dimensional coordination polymer with bridging molybdate groups,Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2005年
84. Novel two-Dimensional Network Constructed from polyoxomolybdate Chains linked through Copper-Organonitrogen Coordination polymer Chains:Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structure of [H2bpy][Cu(4,4'-bpy)]2 [HPCuMo11O39],CRYST GROWTH DES,2005年
85. Synthesis and crystal structures of two nickel coordination polymers generated from asymmetric malate ligand,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2005年
86. Two novel diphosphopentamolybdate cluster supported transition metal complexes: (H2bpy)0.5{[Ni(H2O)5][Ni(Hbpy)(H2O)4][Mo5P2O23]} and (H2bpy)0.5 {[Co(H2O)5][Co(Hbpy)(H2O)4][Mo5P2O23]},J MOL STRUCT,2005年
87. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure ofahybrid material based on[Cu4(bpy)4(H2O)2(PO4)2]2+ and an α-Keggin polyoxoanion,J MOL STRUCT,2005年
88. Synthesis, structural characterization and biological activity of polyoxometallate-containing protonated amantadine as a cation,J COORD CHEM,2004年
89. Hydrothermal synthesis and structures of two novel chain-like heteropolymolbdate formed by Keggin cluster units,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
90. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a layered vanadium oxide with an interlayer metal coordination complex: [Co(phen)3][V10O26] .H2O,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2004年
91. Preparation of new materials based on the polyoxometalate building blocks in the hydrothermal environment,Hydrothermal Reactions and Techniques,2003年
92. A two-dimensional molybdenum(V)phosphate with covalently bonded transition metal coordination complexes:hydrothermal synthesis and structure characterization of Na2[{Mn(phen)2(H2O)}{Mn(phen)2}3{MnMoⅤ12O24(HPO4)6(PO4)2(OH)6}].4H2O(phen=1,10-phenanthroline),J SOLID STATE CHEM,2003年
93. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a new open-framework 3-D vanadium phosphate: [C2N2H10]{(VO)(VO2) [V(OH2)](PO3.5)4}.H2O,J MOL STRUCT,2003年
94. A novel three-dimensional metal-organic framework constructed from two-dimensional interpenetrating layers based on trinuclear cobalt clusters: [Co3(btec)(C2O4)(H2O)2]n,EUR J INORG CHEM,2003年
95. A layered vanadium arsenate network decorated with the directly coordinated organonitrogen ligands: [V4O7(HAsO4)2(o-phen)2] (o-phen=o-phenanthroline),J SOLID STATE CHEM,2003年
96. A novel chain-like binuclear vanadium(V) coordination polymer containing mixed ligands: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of . (tp = terephthalate),INORG CHIM ACTA,2003年
97. 一种新颖的六帽Keggin型钼钒砷酸盐(H3O)3[AsMo12O40 (VO)6] .6H2O 的水热合成和晶体结构,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
98. New Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Networks Constructed from 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylate and Chelate Ligands,INORG CHEM,2003年
99. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of an one-dimensional mixed-valence molybdenum oxide [MoO(2,2'-bipy)],J MOL STRUCT,2003年
100. 新型化合物[Ni(en)3]2[Ni(en)2(H2O)2][As6V15 O42]·4H2O晶体的水热合成与表征,高等学校化学学报,2002年
101. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Novel Sphere Compound of Mo8V2O28.7H2O,CHEM.RES.CHINESE U ,2002年
102. Hydrothermal syntheses and crystal structures of new cage-like mixed-valent polyoxovanadates.,Pergamon ,2002年
103. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a hybrid material based on [Co4(phen)8(H2O)2(HPO3)2]4+ complex and highly reduced polyoxoanion.,J. Chem. Soc.,Dalton Trans,2002年
104. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a hybrid material based on [Co4(phen)8(H2O)2,DALTON FULL PAPER,2002年
105. A novel one-dimensional manganese phosphomlybdate with rectangular cavities:[H3N(CH2)4NH3](H3O)2{,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS ,2002年
106. Hydrothermal synthesisand crystal structure of a layered vanadium phosphate with a directly coordinate organonitrogen ligand: [V4O7(HPO4)2 (2,2 -bipy)2].,J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,2002年
107. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of bimetallic cluster complex [{Mn(phen)2},Solid State Sciences ,2002年
108. An organic-inorganic vanadium oxide with noe-dimensional ladder-type structure:hydrothermal,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2002年
109. Hydrothermal synthesis and X-ray single crystal structure of bimetallic cluster complrx [{Co(phen)2}2V,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2001年
110. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of dibenzo-18-crown-6 sodium isopolytungstates,Journal of Molecular Structure ,2001年
111. 一个新型层状化合物[Ni(C10H8N2)2V3)8.5]的水热合成与晶体结构,高等学校化学学报,2001年
112. Hydrothermal Snthesis and Structure of [{Mo8V4O36(VO4)(VO)2}n]7n- Bi-capped a-Keggin,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2001年
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-12
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无该教师信息 职 称: 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件: 个人简历苏忠民,博士,东北师大化学学院教授,博士生导师,教育部****奖励计划特聘教授。从事化学学科本科生、硕士和博士研究生的教学工作,主要讲授过博士生课程:固体量子化学、功能材料化学进展;硕士研究生课程:量子化学、代数与群论、量子化学计算方法;本科生课程:物质结构、晶体化学、群论化学、量子化学半经验计算方法。指导硕士研究生38 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-秦超
秦超 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:多酸化学办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:qinc703@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历秦超,东北师范大学化学学院,多酸科学教育部重点实验室,副教授,硕士生导师。从事多酸化学和配位化学研究。硕士生导师许林教授,博士生导师王恩波教授, 2013-2014留学美国新泽西州立罗格斯大学访问。主要研究方向为新型多金属氧酸盐合成及表征,多酸基金属有机网络 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-王春刚
王春刚 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:纳米生物材料办公电话:办公地点:化学楼331电子邮件:wangcg925@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历王春刚,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才。2001年于吉林师范大学获得学士学位,2004年于东北师范大学获得硕士学位,2007年于东北师范大学获得博士学位,2007年10月至2009年3月在美国普渡大学从事博士后研究。主要研究方向是多 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-王广
王广 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:高分子化学与物理(有机聚合物光电功能材料)办公电话:**,办公地点:逸夫科学馆232房间电子邮件:wangg923@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历1989年和1997年在东北师范大学化学学院分别获理学学士和硕士学位,2001年底在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子化学与物理国家重点实验室获博士学位,师从王利祥研究员。2003.4-2005. ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-谭华桥
谭华桥 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:多酸及无机微纳米材料合成、催化性能研究办公电话:**办公地点:化学学院228室电子邮件:tanhq870@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历谭华桥,东北师范大学化学学院副教授,博士生导师,主要从事有关多酸、无机微纳米材料的设计合成及催化性能研究。目前,已在Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Energy Env ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-孙海珠
孙海珠 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:新能源材料设计与合成办公电话:NULL办公地点:化学学院128电子邮件:sunhz335@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历个人基本情况: 姓名:孙海珠所属单位: 东北师范大学 化学学院 高分子教研室职称:教授博士生导师 教育经历1996.09-2000.07东北师范大学化学教育 理学学士2000.09-2003.07东北师范大学物理化学 理 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12