本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-12
职 称:
苏忠民,博士,东北师大化学学院教授,博士生导师,教育部****奖励计划特聘教授。从事化学学科本科生、硕士和博士研究生的教学工作,主要讲授过博士生课程:固体量子化学、功能材料化学进展;硕士研究生课程:量子化学、代数与群论、量子化学计算方法;本科生课程:物质结构、晶体化学、群论化学、量子化学半经验计算方法。指导硕士研究生38名,博士研究生16名,留学生3名,博士后6名。苏忠民立足于东北师范大学,多年坚持“功能材料化学”和“量子化学”研究。近年来理论与实验相结合,致力于金属—氧簇类材料的设计与合成;光电功能材料合成与应用;功能有机分子/配合物材料的非线性光学性质和电子传输性质的理论研究,以及新型功能纳米材料结构性质研究等。苏忠民主持和完成国家科技部“863计划”和“973计划”项目、国家自然科学基金委重点和面上项目、教育部****奖励计划及创新团队项目、吉林省科技厅应用基础项目等10项。申报国家发明专利15项。2000年以来发表SCI学术论文340多篇,包括:《Nature Commun.》、《Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.》(4篇),《J.Am.Chem.Soc.》(2篇),《Adv.Mater.》(2篇)及《Chem.Sci》、《Chem.Eur.J.》、《Chem.Commun.》、《Adv.Func.Mater.》、《Small》、《J.Phys. Chem. (A,B,C)》、《Inorg.Chem.》、《Nanotechnology》、《Chem.Phys.Lett.》等。论文被SCI引用共达3600多次,其中包括国际权威化学杂志《Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.》、《J.Am.Chem.Soc.》《Adv.Mater.》、《NanoLett.》等引用。 曾获教育部科学技术奖一等奖、吉林省科技进步奖一等奖和吉林省第三届青年科技奖。1993年获国务院政府特殊津贴。1995年获“长春市跨世纪杰出青年人才”称号;2000年获吉林省人民政府第六批有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才称号;2000年获“吉林省杰出青年基金”资助;2000年获教育部“跨世纪优秀人才”基金资助;2002年获教育部“全国高等学校优秀骨干教师”奖励;2004年10月吉林省“首批拔尖创新人才”称号;2005年11月吉林省“高级专家”称号。2007年1月受聘教育部****奖励计划特聘教授。2009年1月国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。 近5年的主要学术贡献有:系列合成基于多金属氧酸盐和功能金属配合物的金属-有机骨架材料,已合成具有晶体结构的化合物300种,探索结构-性质规律;对Keggin、Lindqvist及Strandberg 型等多金属氧酸盐阴离子体系稳定性、氧化还原、手性及形成机理等性质进行系统理论研究,深入进行分子设计;利用常规、水热等合成方法制备系列强荧光有机金属配合物材料,利用理论方法探讨电子转移性质和发光机理,并制备光电器件;研究各类非碳纳米管的结构稳定性及其光电性质;合成淀粉基接枝共聚高分子吸水材料,开发生产,用于农、林、草业和中草药种植。 1978年10月—1983年7月东北师范大学化学系化学教育专业理学学士学位 1986年9月—1989年6月东北师范大学化学系物理化学专业量子化学方向理学硕士学位(导师:黄敬安教授,赵成大教授) 1994年9月—1997年6月东北师范大学化学系无机化学专业理论无机化学方向理学博士学位(导师:王荣顺教授,支志明院士) 1995年12月—1997年11月香港大学化学系访问学者(支志明院士,陈冠华教授研究组) 2000年9月—2001年3月日本国立大阪工业技术研究所客座研究员(K.Ohta教授研究组) 2001年11月—2002年1月德国慕尼黑工业大学高级访问学者(N.Roesch教授研究组) 2004年2月—2004年3月香港大学化学系访问教授(陈冠华教授研究组) 1998年4月—2000年4月吉林大学理论化学研究所博士后(导师:孙家钟院士,封继康教授)1977年7月—1978年9月吉林省抚松县万良镇仁义村下乡知识青年 1983年7月—1985年4月东北师范大学科研处科员 1992年12月—1994年9月东北师范大学化学系物理化学专业副教授 1994年9月—现在东北师范大学化学系物理化学专业教授 1998年10月—现在东北师范大学化学系博士生指导教师(无机化学、物理化学专业) 2000年6月—2013年9月东北师范大学化学学院教授委员会教授 1998年4月—现在东北师范大学化学学院,功能材料化学研究所所长 1999年1月—1999年10月东北师范大学校长助理 1999年10月—2003年12月东北师范大学校长助理兼科技处处长 2000年11月—2001年8月东北师范大学网络信息中心主任(兼) 2003年11月—2013年8月东北师范大学研究生院院长 2004年1月—2006年10月东北师范大学计算机学院院长(兼) 2007年1月—现在教育部****特聘教授 2010年8月—现在 东北师范大学副校长
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
2017-12-31 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖
2017-12-31 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖
2017-12-31 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖
2017-11-10 吉林省科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖
2014-12-12 国家自然科学奖二等奖
2012-12-31 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖一等奖
2010-12-30 吉林省科学技术进步奖二等奖
2007-12-26 吉林省科学技术进步一等奖
2006-12-31 2006年度吉林省科技进步奖三等奖
2005-11-01 2005年度教育部提名国家科学技术奖二等奖
2003-12-01 教育部提名国家科学技术二等奖
1997-12-01 吉林省教委科技进步一等奖
1995-05-01 国家教委科技进步二等奖
教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)
科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
1. 微孔材料在锂硫电池正极和隔膜材料的应用研究,2017年
2. 新型电化学池LEC发光材料的设计合成,2015年
3. 以硅藻土为基质固载酞菁/多酸复合多孔材料的脱硫催化研究,2014年
4. 人参新品种选育与种源基地建设,吉林省科技厅,2014年
5. 面向公共安全用纳米材料及诊断技术的研发,科技部,2014年
6. 设施人参栽培专用营养块技术研究与示范,吉林省发展和改革委员会,2013年
7. 用于太阳能转换反应的磷光金属化合物,教育部,2013年
8. 基于有机金属配合物的聚集诱导磷光材料发光机理探索与设计合成,国家自然科学基金委员会,2012年
9. 硅藻土复合可降解高分子保水材料研制与应用,吉林省科技厅,2012年
10. 用于人参育苗的鹿粪活性炭复合有机营养块及其制备方法,靖宇县盛源参茸土特产品有限责任公司,2012年
11. 多酸型染料敏化氧化锌纳米晶太阳能电池的研制,国家自然科学基金委员会,2011年
12. 手性金属-有机网络的设计与构筑,教育部,2011年
13. 纳米尺寸高核金属—氧簇的合成与功能特性研究,科技部,2010年
14. 复合有机营养块育苗技术与示范研究,吉林省科技厅,2010年
15. 新型锂离子动力电池正极材料磷酸亚铁锂产业化关键技术,科技部,2010年
16. 多酸基化合物NLO特性的可逆氧化还原开关效应,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
17. 功能高分子金属络合物发光材料的分子设计与合成,教育部,2009年
18. 发光金属有机高分子材料的实验合成和理论研究,教育部,2009年
19. 含硫杂环有机功能超分子的合成、组装与理论研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
20. 基于纳米晶的潜在生物印迹显现材料的研发,科技部,2009年
21. 多酸构筑单元的设计组装与功能特性,教育部,2009年
22. 抗旱保水材料在人参专用复合肥中的应用,吉林省科技厅,2009年
23. 新型电致发光材料的分子设计、合成及其光器件性能的研究,吉林省科委,2009年
24. 新型金属有机高分子电致发光材料的合成及其性能研究,教育部,2009年
25. 生物有机分子中氢键问题的量子化学研究,校内自然科学青年基金,2009年
26. 用玉米生产土壤抗旱保肥剂,长春市科委,2009年
27. 用玉米直接生产农林作物抗旱保肥剂的中试研究,吉林省科委,2009年
28. 用玉米粉直接生产复合型农林作物抗旱报肥剂的应用研究,长春市净月开发区管理委员会,2009年
29. 电子聚合物的电子性质的理论研究及其分子设计,教育部,2009年
30. 电子聚合物的结构与能态的基础理论研究及其分子设计,吉林省科委,2009年
31. 簇型多金属氧酸盐电子性质和非线性光学性质的DFT研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
32. 蓝光螺旋共轭型咪唑配合物的TD-DFT理论研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
33. 蓝色发光咪唑型配合物的TD-DFT研究及其设计合成,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年
34. 蓝色咪唑型配合物发光材料的实验合成和理论研究,教育部,2009年
35. 螺旋共轻型发光配合物的DFT研究,教育部,2009年
36. 高分子金属络合物光电材料的分子设计与合成,中国博士后科学基金会,2009年
37. 高吸水材料在中草药种植上的应用,长春麦斯特实业有限公司,2009年
38. 新型有机发光材料体系与理论探索,科技部,2009年
1. 晶体化学,东北师大化学系,01-6年
2. 量子化学计算方法在多酸化学中的应用,东北师范大学出版社,01-1年
3. 基础量子化学,东北师范大学出版社,01-1年
1. Polyoxometalates in dye-sensitized solar cells,CHEM SOC REV,2019年
2. 硫铝桥键稳定平面CAl4结构的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2018年
3. Steam-assisted assemblies of {Ni6PW9}-based inorganic-organic hybrid chains: synthesis, crystal structures and properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2018年
4. Constructing Stable Pi-Dimers: Two Parallel Pancake Pi-Pi Bonds,CHEM-EUR J,2018年
5. New cationic Ir(III) complexes without "any soft substituents": aggregation-induced emission and piezochromic luminescence,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018年
6. Ultrasmall C-TiO2-x nanoparticle/g-C3N4 composite for CO2 photoreduction with high efficiency and selectivity,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
7. Tailored Surfaces on 2D Material: UFO-Like Cyclodextrin-Pd Nanosheet/Metal Organic Framework Janus Nanoparticles for Synergistic Cancer Therapy,ADV FUNCT MATER,2018年
8. The regulation of hydroboration of olefins by oriented external electric field,NEW J CHEM,2018年
9. A simple strategy to achieve remarkable mechanochromism of cationic Ir(iii) phosphors through subtle ligand modification,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018年
10. Polyurethane derivatives for highly sensitive and selective fluorescence detection of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol(TNP),JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018年
11. An unprecedented {CuII14TeIV10} core incorporated in a 36-tungsto-4-silicate polyoxometalate with visible light-driven catalytic hydrogen evolution activity,DALTON T,2018年
12. A polyoxometalate-based metal-organic polyhedron constructed from a {V5O9Cl} building unit with rhombicuboctahedral geometry,ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY,2018年
13. Metal-Organic Frameworks with Organogold(III) Complexes for Photocatalytic Amine Oxidation with Enhanced Efficiency and Selectivity,CHEM-EUR J,2018年
14. Polyoxometalates/Active Carbon Thin Separator for Improving Cycle Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018年
15. Sublimable cationic Ir(iii) phosphor using chlorine as a counterion for high-performance monochromatic and white OLEDs,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
16. fluorescence, Phosphorescence, or Delayed Fluorescence?-A Theoretical Exploration on the Reason Why a Series of Similar Organic Molecules Exhibit Different Luminescence Types,J PHYS CHEM C,2018年
17. Functionalized polyoxometalate-based metal-organic cuboctahedra for selective adsorption toward cationic dyes in aqueous solution,DALTON T,2018年
18. Supercapacitor with high cycling stability through electrochemical deposition of metal-organic frameworks/polypyrrole positive electrode,DALTON T,2018年
19. 立方八面体构型的多酸基金属-有机笼的合成与吸附染料性能,科学通报,2018年
20. Monodisperse and Tiny Co2N0.67 Nanocrystals Uniformly Embedded over Two Curving Surfaces of Hollow Carbon Microfibers as Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction,ACS Applied Nano Materials,2018年
21. Beryllium-Beryllium double-Pi bonds in the octahedral cluster of Be2(u2-X)4 (X=Li, Cu, BeF),PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2018年
22. Structure-property relationships of coronene in external electric field,ORG ELECTRON,2018年
23. Dual drug delivery and sequential release by amphiphilic Janus nanoparticles for liver cancer theranostics,BIOMATERIALS,2018年
24. Theoretical Mechanistic Study of Nickel(0)/Lewis Acid Catalyzed Polyfluoroarylcyanation of Alkynes: Origin of Selectivity for C-CN Bond Activation,ORGANOMETALLICS,2018年
25. Orthogonal reactivity of Ni(I)/Pd(0) dual catalysts for Ullmann C-C cross-coupling: theoretical insight,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
26. A theorectical design of performant chlorinated benzothiadiazole-based polymers as donor for organic photovoltaic devices,ORG ELECTRON,2018年
27. Theoretical studies on the chiral polyoxoanions [P2Mo18O62]6- and [PMo9O31(OH2)3]3- with histidine: chiral inversion and chiral induction,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018年
28. Stimulating intra- and intermolecular charge transfer and nonlinear optical response for biphenalenyl biradicaloid dimer under an external electric field,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2018年
29. IrIII/NiII-Metallaphotoredox catalysis; the oxidation state modulation mechanism versus the radical mechanism,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
30. Aggregation-Induced Long-Lived Phosphorescence in Nonconjugated Polyurethane Derivatives at 77 K,MACROMOLECULES,2018年
31. Hierarchical and High-Stable Conductive Networks Cathode for Ultra-Flexible Li-S Batteries,ACS Applied Energy Materials,2018年
32. Spadix-Bract Structured Nanobowls for Bimodal Imaging-Guided Multidrug Chemo-Photothermal Synergistic Therapy,CHEM MATER,2018年
33. Photoreduction of carbon dioxide under visible light by ultra-small Ag nanoparticles doped into Co-ZIF-9,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018年
34. The electronic and optical properties of carbon nitride derivatives: A first principles study,APPL SURF SCI,2018年
35. Molecular Engineering of Phenylbenzimidazole-Based Orange Ir(III) Phosphors toward High-Performance White OLEDs,INORG CHEM,2018年
36. Single step synthesized three dimensional spindlelike nanoclusters as lithium-ion battery anodes,CRYSTENGCOMM,2018年
37. Guest exchange in a porous cucurbit[6]uril-based metal-organic rotaxane framework probed by NMR and X-ray crystallography,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
38. Quasi-Solid-State Sodium-Ion Full Battery with High-Power/Energy Densities,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018年
39. Realizing performance improvement of blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecule DABNA by introducing substituents on the paraposition of boron atom,CHEM PHYS LETT,2018年
40. A water cluster (H2O)12 guested coordination polymer as proton conducting solid electrolytes,SOLID STATE IONICS,2018年
41. Ternary hybrids as efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts derived from bimetallic metal-organic-frameworks for overall water splitting,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
42. DFT study on sulfur-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets as a photocatalyst for CO2 reduction reaction,J PHYS CHEM C,2018年
43. Exploiting aggregation induced emission and twisted intramolecular charge transfer in a BODIPY dye for selective sensing of fluoride in aqueous medium and living cells,J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A,2018年
44. Theoretical investigation on the effect of fluorine and carboxylate substitutions on the performance of benzodithiophene‑diketopyrrolopyrrole‑based polymer solar cells,THEOR CHEM ACC,2018年
45. Uniform Pomegranate-Like Nanoclusters Organized by Ultrafine Transition Metal OxideaNitrogen-Doped Carbon Subunits with Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties,ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018年
46. First-principles calculation of geometric, electronic structures and optical properties of Lindqvist-type polyoxometalates functionalized carbon nitride,COMP MATER SCI,2018年
47. Redox-switchable structures and NLO property: Li2 doped into the cavity of pyridine helix,ORG ELECTRON,2018年
48. NICS values scan in three-dimensional space of the hoop-shaped π-conjugated molecules [6]8cyclacene and [16]trannulene,NEW J CHEM,2018年
49. Selective sensing of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP) in aqueous media with "aggregation-induced emission enhancement" (AIEE)-active iridium(III) complexes,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
50. Exploring more effective polymer donors for the famous non-fullerene acceptor ITIC in organic solar cells by increasing electron-withdrawing ability,ORG ELECTRON,2018年
51. Selective sensing of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol(TNP) in aqueous media with "aggregation-induced emission enhancement" (AIEE)-active iridium(III) complexes,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
52. A Well-Established POM-based Single-Crystal Proton-Conducting Model Incorporating Multiple Weak Interactions,CHEM-EUR J,2018年
53. Dimethyltin-functionalized cyclic selenotungstates based on {Se2W12} units,DALTON T,2018年
54. Metal-organic framework composites with luminescent pincer platinum(II) complexes: 3MMLCT emission and photoinduced dehydrogenation catalysis,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2018年
55. The attractive isomers of 1,1'-bis(verdazyl)ferrocene diradical on structure-property relationship,DYES PIGMENTS,2018年
56. Honeycomb-patterned hybrid films of Surfactantencapsulated Polyoxometalates by a breath figure method and its electrocatalysis for BrO3-,DALTON T,2018年
57. Three Zinc Coordination Polymers Constructed from 5-(4-carboxybenzyloxy)isophthalic Acid: Synthesis, Structures, and Luminescence Sensing,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2018年
58. Recent advances in luminescent dinuclear iridium(III) complexes and their application in organic electroluminescent devices,POLYHEDRON,2018年
59. A Practicable Li/Na-Ion Hybrid Full Battery Assembled by a High-Voltage Cathode and Commercial Graphite Anode: Superior Energy Storage Performance and Working Mechanism,ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018年
60. Theoretical insights into the catalytic mechanism for the oxygen reduction reaction on M3(hexaiminotriphenylene)2 (M = Ni, Cu),PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2018年
61. A PTA@MIL-101(Cr)-diatomite composite as catalyst for efficient oxidative desulfurization,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2018年
62. Synergistic mechanistic study of nickel(0)/Lewis acid catalyzed cyanoesterification: Effect of Lewis acid,ORGANOMETALLICS,2017年
63. An AIE-active phosphorescent Ir(III) complex with piezochromic luminescence (PCL) and its application for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs),JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2017年
64. Exploring what prompts ITIC to become a superior acceptor in organic solar cell by combining molecular dynamics simulation with quantum chemistry calculation,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2017年
65. Tuning the inter-molecular charge transfer, second-order nonlinear optical and absorption spectra properties of a Pi-dimer under an external electric field,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2017年
66. Highly tuneable proton-conducting coordination polymers derived from a sulfonate-based ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2017年
67. Rational molecular design of aggregation-induced emission cationic Ir(III) phosphors achieving supersensitive and selective detection of nitroaromatic explosives,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2017年
68. Intra- and Intermolecular Charge Transfer in a Novel Dimer: Cooperatively Enhancing Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity,J PHYS CHEM C,2017年
69. Self-assembly and photocatalytic H2 evolution activity of two nanoscale polytantalotungstates based on unprecedented {Cr3Ta6} and {Cr4Ta12} clusters,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
70. Recognition of harmful fused aromatic hydrocarbons via a metal-organic framework with hydrophobic pores,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2017年
71. Precise synthesis of unique polydopamine/mesoporous calcium phosphate hollow Janus nanoparticles for imaging-guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017年
72. Boron/nitrogen substituted the staggered hetero-dimers: Fascinating intermolecular charge-transfer and large NLO responses,DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
73. One-pot controllable synthesis of CoFe2O4 solid, hollow and multi-shell hollow nanospheres as superior anode materials for lithium ion batteries,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
74. A novel 3D Zn(II) coordination polymer for highly luminescent sensing of nitro compounds,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2017年
75. Near-infrared light and pH-responsive Auacarbon/calcium phosphate nanoparticles for imaging and chemo-photothermal cancer therapy of cancer cells,DALTON T,2017年
76. Facile one-pot synthesis of hollow mesoporous fluorescent Gd2O3 :Eu/calcium phosphate nanospheres for simultaneous dual-modal imaging and pH-responsive drug delivery,DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
77. Superatoms-Induced Effects of Phenalenyl Pi-Dimer on NICS and NLO Properties: Not Always Enhancement,J PHYS CHEM C,2017年
78. Theoretical studies on Lindqvist polyoxometalates [M6O19] n- (M = Mo, W, n=2; M = V, Nb, Ta, n=8) and derivatives: Electronic structures, stability and bonding,J THEOR COMPUT CHEM,2017年
79. Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence in CuI Complexes Originating from Restricted Molecular Vibrations,CHEM-EUR J,2017年
80. Achieving High Performances of Nondoped OLEDs Using Carbazole and Diphenylphosphoryl-Functionalized Ir(III) Complexes as Active Components,INORG CHEM,2017年
81. An unprecedented 3D architecture based on a Nb/W mixed-addendum polyoxometalate and lanthanide-organic complex:synthesis, crystal structure and properties,NEW J CHEM,2017年
82. From blue to full color-theoretical design and characterization of a series of Ir(III) complexes containing azoline ligand with potential application in OLEDs,DALTON T,2017年
83. A theoretical exploration of the effect of fluorine and cyano substitutions in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer donor for organic solar cells,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2017年
84. Aromaticity of graphene nanoflakes in a new way:fragment analysis by combination of the nucleus-independent chemical shifts and the anisotropy of current induced density,J MOL MODEL,2017年
85. How does a little difference in structure determine whether molecules have thermally activated delayed fluorescence characteristic or not?,ORG ELECTRON,2017年
86. Design of Hexabenzocoronene Derivatives as Non-Fullerene Acceptors in Organic Photovoltaics by Bridging Dimers and Modulating Structural Twists,Solar Rrl,2017年
87. Electrochemical and diffuse reflectance study on tetrahedral e-Keggin-based metal-organic frameworks,RSC ADVANCES,2017年
88. A novel Ta/W mixed-addendum polyoxometalate with photocatalytic properties,DALTON T,2017年
89. Di-/Trinuclear cationic Ir(III) complexes: design, synthesis and application for highly sensitive and selective detection of TNP in aqueous solution,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2017年
90. A hexanuclear cobalt metal-organic framework for efficient CO2 reduction under visible light,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
91. Metal-organic frameworks constructed from tib and carboxylate acid ligands: selective sensing of nitro explosives and magnetic properties,DALTON T,2017年
92. Low-cost p-type dye-sensitized solar cells based on Dawson-type transition metal-substituted polyoxometalate inorganic co-sensitizers,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2017年
93. First principles study for the key electronic, optical and nonlinear optical properties of novel donor-acceptor chalcones,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2017年
94. Theoretical design of three-dimensional non-fullerene acceptor materials based on an arylenediimide unit towards high efficiency organic solar cells,NEW J CHEM,2017年
95. A stable pillared-layer Cu(II) metal-organic framework with magnetic properties for dye adsorption and separation,NEW J CHEM,2017年
96. Investigation on the effect of connected bridge on thermally activated delayed fluorescence property for DCBPy emitter,DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
97. Influence of Aggregation on the Structure and Fluorescent Properties of a Tetraphenylethylene Derivative: a Theoretical Study,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2017年
98. Rational design and synthesis of cationic Ir(III) complexes with triazolate cyclometalated and ancillary ligands for multi-color tuning,DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
99. Effect of polyoxometalate in organic-inorganic hybrids on charge transfer and absorption spectra towards sensitizers,DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
100. Conductive metal adatoms adsorbed on grapheme nanoribbons: a first-principles study of electronic structures, magnetization and transport properties,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2017年
101. Oxidative Polyoxometalates Modified Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Visible-Light CO2 Reduction,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017年
102. Metal-organic fameworks based on multi-carboxylate ligands with threefold symmetries and luminescence properties,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2017年
103. Synthesis of red-emitting cationic Ir(III) complex and its application in white light-emitting electrochemical cells,ORG ELECTRON,2017年
104. A neutral dinuclear Ir(III) complex for anti-counterfeiting and data encryption,CHEM COMMUN,2017年
105. Phenalenyl Pi-Dimer under the External Electric Field:Two-Electron/12-Center Bonding Breaking and Emergence of Electrostatic Interaction,J PHYS CHEM C,2017年
106. A luminescent metal organic framework with high sensitivity for detecting and removing copper ions from simulated biological fluids,DALTON T,2017年
107. Theoretical design and study on hexamolybdate-based organic-inorganic hybrids with double D-pi-A chains for high performance p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs),DYES PIGMENTS,2017年
108. A noncovalently connected metal-organic framework assembled from a Ni(iii)-supported polyoxometalate-imidazolate hybrid,CRYSTENGCOMM,2017年
109. Graphene-coated hybrid electrocatalysts derived from bimetallic metal-organic frameworks for efficient hydrogen generation,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
110. Encapsulation of an iridium complex in a metal-organic framework to give a composite with efficient white light emission,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2017年
111. Theoretical Design of Perylene Diimide Dimers with Different Linkers and Bridged Positions as Promising Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaic Cells,J PHYS CHEM C,2017年
112. Syntheses, structures, luminescent and photocatalytic properties of two Zn(II) coordination polymers assembled with mixed bridging N-donors and 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,5-imidazole dicarboxylic acid ligand,J MOL STRUCT,2017年
113. Self-organization towards complex multi-fold meso-helices in the structures of Wells-Dawson polyoxometalate-based hybrid materials for lithium-ion batteries,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
114. Control of bulk homochirality and proton conductivity in isostructural chiral metal-organic frameworks,CHEM COMMUN,2017年
115. Fluorescence response and detection of Cu2+ with 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzimidazole in aqueous medium,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2017年
116. Changes of coordination modes of Cu-based coordination complexes as tuneable proton-conducting solid electrolytes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
117. Theoretical study on the charge transfer mechanism at donor/acceptor interface: Why TTF/TCNQ is inadaptable to photovoltaics?,J CHEM PHYS,2016年
118. Tuning Emission of AIE-Active Organometallic Ir(III) Complexes by Simple Modulation of Strength of Donor/Acceptor on Ancillary ligands,ORGANOMETALLICS,2016年
119. Ir(III) Phosphors Modified with Fluorine Atoms in Pyridine-1,2,4-triazolyl Ligands for Efficient OLEDs Possessing Low-Efficiency Rolloff,ORGANOMETALLICS,2016年
120. Metal-Organic Framework with Aromatic Rings Tentacles: High Sulfur Storage in Li-S Batteries and Efficient Benzene Homologues Distinction,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016年
121. An Anionic Interpenetrated Zeolite-Like Metal-Organic Framework Composite As a Tunable Dual-Emission Luminescent Switch for Detecting Volatile Organic Molecules,CHEM-EUR J,2016年
122. Triptycences as thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials: Effect of pi-conjugation length and donors,CHEM PHYS LETT,2016年
123. Low efficiency roll-off and high performance OLEDs employing alkyl group modified iridium(III) complexes as emitters,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
124. Aggregation-induced emission (AIE) active iridium complexes toward highly efficient single-layer non-doped electroluminescent devices,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2016年
125. Two-electron/24-center (2e/24c) bonding in novel diradical pi-dimers,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2016年
126. Mechanistic Investigation into Olefin Epoxidation with H2O2 Catalyzed by Aqua-Coordinated Sandwich-Type Polyoxometalates: Role of the Noble Metal and Active Oxygen Position,CHEMISTRYOPEN,2016年
127. Theoretical design and characterization of high-efficiency organic dyes with different electron-withdrawing groups based on C275 toward dye-sensitized solar cells,NEW J CHEM,2016年
128. The transport properties of silicon and carbon nanotubes at the atomic scale: a first-principles study,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2016年
129. Dye regeneration mechanisms of dye sensitized solar cells: Quantum chemical studies on the interaction between iodide and O/S-containing organic dyes,DYES PIGMENTS,2016年
130. The Enhancement on Proton Conductivity of Stable Polyoxometalate-Based Coordination Polymers by the Synergistic Effect of MultiProton Units,CHEM-EUR J,2016年
131. The inner-induced effects of YCN in C76on the structures and nonlinear optical properties,J MOL MODEL,2016年
132. Synthesis, structures, and magnetic properties of metal-organic polyhedra based on unprecedented {V7} isopolyoxometalate clusters,DALTON T,2016年
133. Two-State Reactivity Mechanism of Benzene C−C Activation by Trinuclear Titanium Hydride,J AM CHEM SOC,2016年
134. Facile one-pot synthesis of carbon/calcium phosphate/Fe3O4 composite nanoparticles for simultaneous imaging and pH/NIR-responsive drug delivery,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
135. A designed synthesis of multifunctional Fe3O4@carbon/zinc phosphate nanoparticles for simultaneous imaging and synergic chemo-photothermal cancer therapy,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2016年
136. Ligand-Directed Assembly of Polyoxovanadate-Based Metal-Organic Polyhedra,INORG CHEM,2016年
137. TiO2 film decorated with highly dispersed polyoxometalate nanoparticles synthesized by micelle directed method for the efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells,J POWER SOURCES,2016年
138. Keplerate-type polyoxometalate/semiconductor composite electrodes with light-enhanced conductivity towards highly efficient photoelectronic devices,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016年
139. The interaction between Boron-carbon-nitride heteronanotubes and lithium atoms: Role of composition proportion,CHEM PHYS LETT,2016年
140. A comparative study of a fluorene-based nonfullerene electron acceptor and PC61BM in an organic solar cell at a quantum chemical level,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
141. A visible-light responsive zirconium metal-organic framework for living photopolymerization of methacrylates,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
142. NIR-responsive NaYF4:Yb,Er,Gd fluorescent upconversion nanorods for the highly sensitive detection of blood fingerprints,DYES PIGMENTS,2016年
143. Anderson-like alkoxo-polyoxovanadate clusters serving as unprecedented second building units to construct metal-organic polyhedra,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
144. Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks with Anthracene Chromophores: Small-Molecule Sensing and Highly Selective Sensing for Nitro Explosives,CRYST GROWTH DES,2016年
145. A carbon-free polyoxometalate molecular catalyst with a cobalt-arsenic core for visible light-driven water oxidation,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
146. Large Size Color-tunable Electroluminescence from Cationic Iridium Complexes-based Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016年
147. Facile Fabrication of Well-Dispersed Pt Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Silica with Large Open Spaces and Their Catalytic Applications,CHEM-EUR J,2016年
148. A highly electrical conducting, 3D supermolecular Ag(I) coordination polymer material with luminescent properties,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2016年
149. Theoretical studies on oxidation-switchable second-order nonlinear optical responses of metallosalen-Keggin polyoxometalate derivatives,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
150. Theoretical design of organic-inorganic hybrids based on hexamolybdate toward high performance dye-sensitized solar cells,MOL SIMULAT,2016年
151. Structure and Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) energies of a-Keggin-type polyoxometalate [PW12O40]3-: A systematical study with different functionals of density functional theory,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2016年
152. A machine learning correction for DFT non-covalent interactions based on the S22, S66 and X40 benchmark databases,JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS,2016年
153. Simple molecular structure design of iridium(III) complexes: Achieving highly efficient non-doped devices with low efficiency roll-off,ORG ELECTRON,2016年
154. Assembly of two novel 3D organic-inorganic hybrids based on Keggin-type polyoxometalates: syntheses, crystal structures and properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
155. A fluorescent sensor for highly selective sensing of nitro explosives and Hg(ii) ions based on a 3D porous layer metal-organic framework,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
156. Connecting effect on the first hyperpolarizability of armchair carbon-boron-nitride heteronanotubes: pattern versus proportion,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2016年
157. A simple oxazoline as fluorescent sensor for Zn2+ in aqueous media,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2016年
158. Assembly of Mn-Containing Unprecedented Selenotungstate Clusters with Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity,CRYST GROWTH DES,2016年
159. Derivation and Decoration of Nets with Trigonal-Prismatic Nodes: A Unique Route to Reticular Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks,J AM CHEM SOC,2016年
160. Towards an efficient blue emission cationic Ir(iii) complex with azole-type ancillary ligands: a joint theoretical and experimental study,NEW J CHEM,2016年
161. Trimeric hexa-dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstate [{Sn(CH3)2(CH3COO)}3{Sn(CH3)2}3{Se2W18O62(OH)(H2O)}3]18-,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
162. A theoretical design and investigation on Zn-porphyrinpolyoxometalate hybrids with different pi-linkers for searching high performance sensitizers of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells,DYES PIGMENTS,2016年
163. 染料敏化太阳能电池中过渡金属取代的 Keggin 型磷钨酸盐染料性能的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2016年
164. Syntheses, crystal structures and properties of metal-organic rotaxane frameworks with cucurbit[6]uril,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
165. Coordination and supramolecular assembly of {Cd2Ge8V12O48} building block and cucurbit[6] to form rotaxane-shaped hybrids,DALTON T,2016年
166. Electrical conductivity and electroluminescence of a new anthracene-based metal-organic framework with pi-conjugated zigzag chains,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
167. Highly efficient visible-light-driven CO2 reduction to formate by a new anthracene-based zirconium MOF via dual catalytic routes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016年
168. Latent harmony in dicarbon between VB and MO theories through orthogonal hybridization of 3ag and 2au,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2016年
169. Polyoxovanadate-based organic-inorganic hybrids: from {V5O9Cl} clusters to nanosized octahedral cages,DALTON T,2016年
170. A stable Alq3@MOF composite for white-light emission,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
171. Three Keggin-Type Transition Metal-Substituted Polyoxometalates as Pure Inorganic Photosensitizers for p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,CHEM-EUR J,2016年
172. Pure inorganic D-A type polyoxometalate/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for the photoanode of dye-sensitized solar cells,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016年
173. SnO2@N-Doped Carbon Hollow Nanoclusters for Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes,EUR J INORG CHEM,2016年
174. Tailored Synthesis of Octopus-type Janus Nanoparticles for Synergistic Actively-Targeted and Chemo-Photothermal Therapy,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2016年
175. High performance 5 V LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel cathode materials synthesized by an improved solid-state method,J ALLOY COMPD,2016年
176. TDDFT studies on the chiroptical properties of a chiral inorganic polythioanion Mobius strip,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2016年
177. A luminescent dye@MOF as dual-emitting platform for sensing explosives,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
178. A Highly Energetic N-Rich Zeolite-Like Metal-Organic Framework with Excellent Air Stability and Insensitivity,Advanced Science,2015年
179. High-Nuclear Vanadoniobate {Nb48V8} Multiple-Strand Wheel,INORG CHEM,2015年
180. 高性能D-π-A型三芳胺类光敏染料的理论设计和表征,中国科学 化学(专刊),2015年
181. Rational modifications on ruthenium terpyridine sensitizers with large Jsc for dye-sensitized solar cells: combined DFT and relativistic TDDFT studies,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
182. A sulfur-free iridium(iii) complex for highly selective and multi-signaling mercury(ii)-chemosensors,DALTON T,2015年
183. Oriented design and synthesis of water-stable heterometallic metal-organic frameworks by bridging ligands containing hydrophobic (−CH3) substituents,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
184. Exploration of charge transfer and absorption spectra of porphyrin-polyoxometalate hybrids to search for high performance sensitizers,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
185. Controlled synthesis of mesoporous hollow SnO2 nanococoons with enhanced lithium storage capability,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
186. A multifunctional microporous anionic metal-organic framework for column-chromatographic dye separation and selective detection and adsorption of Cr3+,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
187. Anion-specific aggregation induced phosphorescence emission (AIPE) in an ionic iridium complex in aqueous media,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
188. Ammonia borane in an external electric field: structure, charge transfer, and chemical bonding,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
189. 染料敏化太阳能电池中额外给体引入对经典D-π-A 型敏化剂性能影响的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2015年
190. An interpenetrated framework based on pentanuclear tetrahedral cluster with four-connected mdf network,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
191. Metal-organic framework composites with luminescent gold(III) complexes. Strongly emissive and long-lived excited states in open air and photocatalysis,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2015年
192. Co-sensitization promoted light harvesting with a new mixed-addenda polyoxometalate [Cu(C12H8N2)2]2[V2W4O19]·4H2O in dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2015年
193. "Dancing inside the ball": the structures and nonlinear optical properties of three Sc2S@C3v(8)-C82 isomers,J MOL MODEL,2015年
194. Charge transfer and first hyperpolarizability: cage-like radicals C59X and lithium encapsulated Li@C59X (X=B, N),J MOL MODEL,2015年
195. Spontaneous chiral resolution of a rare 3D self-penetration coordination polymer for sensitive aqueous-phase detection of picric acid,DALTON T,2015年
196. Steam-Assisted Synthesis of an Extra-Stable Polyoxometalate-Encapsulating Metal Azolate Framework: Applications in Reagent Purification and Proton Conduction,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
197. An unprecedented stable self-penetrating metal-organic framework with solvent-dependent luminescence properties,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
198. Metal-Organic Rotaxane Frameworks Assembly by Cucurbit[6]uril-Based Pseudorotaxanes and Mixed Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2015年
199. The facile synthesis of hollow Au nanoflowers for synergistic chemo-photothermal cancer therapy,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
200. Efficient piezochromic luminescence from tetraphenylethene functionalized pyridine-azole derivatives exhibiting aggregation-induced emission,DYES PIGMENTS,2015年
201. Superalkali Atoms Bonding to the Phenalenyl Radical: Structures, Intermolecular Interaction and Nonlinear Optical Properties,J MOL MODEL,2015年
202. Assembly of Zn-metal organic frameworks based on a N-rich ligand: selective sorption for CO2 and luminescence sensing of nitro explosives,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
203. Self-assembled arrays of polyoxometalate-based metal-organic nanotubes for proton conduction and magnetism,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
204. An organic-inorganic hybrid photocatalyst based on sandwich-type tetra-Co-substituted phosphotungstates with high visible light photocatalytic activity,DALTON T,2015年
205. Periodic tiling of triangular and square nanotubes in a cationic metal-organic framework for selective anion exchange,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
206. A Stable Polyoxometalate-Pillared Metal-Organic Framework for Proton-Conducting and Colorimetric Biosensing,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
207. Quantum Chemical Insight into the LiF Interlayer Effects in Organic Electronics: Reactions between Al Atom and LiF Clusters,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015年
208. Theoretical investigation of armchair silicene nanoribbons with application in stretchable electronics,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2015年
209. Cluster-based metal-organic frameworks as sensitive and selective luminescent probes for sensing nitro explosives,NEW J CHEM,2015年
210. Facile fabrication of hollow mesoporous Eu3+-doped Gd2O3 nanoparticles for dual-modal imaging and drug delivery,DYES PIGMENTS,2015年
211. New AIE-active dinuclear Ir(III) complexes with reversible piezochromic phosphorescence behaviour,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
212. Assembly of a large cerium(III)-containing tungstotellurites(IV) nanocluster: [Ce10Te8W88O298(OH)(12)(H2O)(40)]18-,DALTON T,2015年
213. Efficient improvements in the performance of Ru(II) π-expanded terpyridyl dyes in dye-sensitized solar cells: A theoretical study,J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A,2015年
214. π桥中不同吸电子基团对三苯胺-氰基丙烯酸类染料敏化太阳能电池性能影响的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2015年
215. POM-based inorganic-organic hybrid compounds: synthesis, structures, highly-connected topologies and photodegradation of organic dyes,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
216. A strategy for breaking the MOF template to obtain small-sized and highly dispersive polyoxometalate clusters loaded on solid films,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
217. Enhanced Visible Photovoltaic Response of TiO2 Thin Film with an All-lnorganic Donor-Acceptor Type Polyoxometalate,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015年
218. Coordination assemblies of seven metal-organic frameworks based on a bent connector: structural diversity and properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
219. A stable luminescent anionic porous metal-organic framework for moderate adsorption of CO2 and selective detection of nitro explosives,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
220. Phenyl Groups Result in the Highest Benzene Storage and Most Efficient Desulfurization in a Series of Isostructural Metal-Organic Frameworks,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
221. Designed preparation of polyacrylic acid/calcium carbonate nanoparticles with high doxorubicin payload for liver cancer chemotherapy,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
222. Syntheses, structures, magnetic and luminescence properties of a series of coordination polymers constructed from 1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylate and N-donor ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
223. Ultrastable Polymolybdate-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks as Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation from Water,J AM CHEM SOC,2015年
224. The effect of ring sizes and alkali metal cations on interaction energy, charge transfer and nonlinear optical properties of crown ether derivatives,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
225. Evidence of Amine-CO2 Interactions in Two Pillared-Layer MOFs Probed by X-ray Crystallography,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
226. Assembly of large purely inorganic Ce-stabilized/bridged selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to layers,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2015年
227. Exploring the influence of electron donating/withdrawing groups on hexamolybdate-based derivatives for efficient p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs),RSC ADVANCES,2015年
228. A new stable Cd(II)-framework for sensitive and selective detection of Cu2+ ions,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
229. Theoretical investigations into the electronic structures and electron transport properties of fluorine and carbonyl end-functionalized quarterthiophenes,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2015年
230. DFT characterization on the mechanism of sulfoxidation with H2O2 catalyzed by tetranuclear peroxotungstates [XO4{WO(O2)2}4] n- (X = SiIV, PV, SVI, AsV, and SeVI),DALTON T,2015年
231. Theoretical studies on tricarbonyl metal derivatives of Lindqvist-type polyoxometalate complexes: electronic structures and nonlinear optical properties,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2015年
232. Exploring the electronic properties and cation complexation of polyoxoaurates [AuIII4X4Om]n- (X = SiIV, PV, GeIV, AsV, and SeIV) using quantum chemical calculations,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2015年
233. The assembly of vanadium(IV)-substituted Keggin type polyoxometalate/graphene nanocomposite and its application in photovoltaic system,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
234. A 2D bilayered metal-organic framework as a fluorescent sensor for highly selective sensing of nitro explosives,DALTON T,2015年
235. The composite material based on Dawson-type polyoxometalate and activated carbon as the supercapacitor electrode,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2015年
236. Theoretical design and characterization of pyridalthiadiazole-based chromophores with fast charge transfer at donor/acceptor interface toward small molecule organic photovoltaics,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
237. A cascaded QSAR model for efficient prediction of overall power conversion efficiency of all-organic dye-sensitized solar cells,J COMPUT CHEM,2015年
238. Stable Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks as Dual-Functional Materials To Encapsulate Ln3+ Ions for White-Light Emission and To Detect Nitroaromatic Explosives,INORG CHEM,2015年
239. Theoretical exploration to the cation effect on the second-order nonlinear optical properties of Strandberg-type polyoxometalates,J THEOR COMPUT CHEM,2015年
240. Facile and Scalable Synthesis of Novel Spherical Au Nanocluster Assemblies@Polyacrylic acid/Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles for Dual-Modal Imaging-Guided Cancer Chemotherapy,SMALL,2015年
241. A stable metal-organic framework with suitable pore sizes and rich uncoordinated nitrogen atoms on the internal surface of micropores for highly efficient CO2 capture,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
242. Simultaneous modification of N-alkyl chains on cyclometalated and ancillary ligands of cationic iridium(iii) complexes towards efficient piezochromic luminescence properties,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2015年
243. A novel [4 + 3] interpenetrated net containing 7-fold interlocking pseudo-helical chains and exceptional catenane-like motifs,DALTON T,2015年
244. Multifunctional spherical gold nanocluster aggregate@polyacrylic acid@mesoporous silica nanoparticles for combined cancer dual-modal imaging and chemo-therapy,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2015年
245. One lithium atom binding with P-nitroaniline: lithium salts or lithium electrides?,J MOL MODEL,2015年
246. Assembly of tetrameric dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to one-dimensional chains,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
247. Pillared metal organic frameworks for the luminescence sensing of small molecules and metal ions in aqueous solutions,DALTON T,2015年
248. Theoretical studies on POM-based organic-inorganic hybrids containing double D-A1-π-A2 chains for high performance p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs),PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2015年
249. Manipulating efficiencies through modification of N-heterocyclic phenyltriazole ligands for blue iridium(III) complexes,DYES PIGMENTS,2015年
250. Role of Excess Electrons in Nonlinear Optical Response,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015年
251. Rational synthesis, structural characterization and theoretical exploration on third-order nonlinear optical properties of isolated Agn (n=5, 8, 12) alkynyl clusters,DYES PIGMENTS,2015年
252. Photoelectrochemical enhancement of ternary nanocomposite electrode polyoxometalate/copper quantum dots/TiO2 with electrocatalytic performance of formic acid oxidation,ELECTROCHIM ACTA,2015年
253. The copper(I) metal azolate framework showing unusual coordination mode for the 1,2,4-triazole derivative and photocatalytic activity,DALTON T,2015年
254. Assembly of organic-inorganic hybrid materials constructed from polyoxometalate and metal-1,2,4-triazole units: synthesis, structures, magnetic, electrochemical and photocatalytic properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
255. Photosensitive polyoxometalate-induced formation of thermotropic liquid crystal nanomaterial and its photovoltaic effect,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
256. Redox and acidic properties of chalcogenidosubstituted mixed-metal polyoxoanions: a DFT study of a-[PW11O39ME]4− (M = Nb, Ta; E = O, S, Se),INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2015年
257. Modification of iridium(III) complexes for fabrication of high-performance non-doped organic light-emitting diode,DYES PIGMENTS,2015年
258. Modulating the Charge Transfer of D-S-A Molecules: Structures and NLO Properties,J PHYS CHEM A,2015年
259. Theoretical study and design of multifunctional phosphorescent platinum(II) complexes containing triarylboron moieties for efficient OLED emitters,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2015年
260. In situ assembly of monodispersed Ag nanoparticles in the channels of ordered mesopolymers as a highly active and reusable hydrogenation catalyst,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015年
261. Theoretical Studies on Metalloporphyrin-Polyoxometalates Hybrid Complexes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,J PHYS CHEM C,2014年
262. Fabrication of Au/ZnO nanoparticles derived from ZIF-8 with visible light photocatalytic hydrogen production and degradation dye activities,DALTON T,2014年
263. Ag(I)-mediated formation of a 2D cyano-bridged multinuclear silver(I) alkynyl network coupled with the C–C bond cleavage of acetonitrile,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
264. Rational modifications on champion porphyrin dye SM315 using different electron-withdrawing moieties toward high performance dye-sensitized solar cells,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2014年
265. New heteropolyniobates based on a bicapped Keggin-type {VNb14} cluster with selective adsorption and photocatalytic properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
266. A TiO2@{Mo368} composite: synthesis, characterization, and application in dye-sensitized solar cells,J COORD CHEM,2014年
267. Entangled structures in polyoxometalate-based coordination polymers,COORDIN CHEM REV,2014年
268. Assembly of Fe-substituted Dawson-type nanoscale selenotungstate clusters with photocatalytic H2 evolution activity,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
269. Facile assembly of 1D multinuclear Agn (n = 11, 11, 12) alkynyl chains with CF3COO- /CH3COO- as the auxiliary ligand,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
270. Unveiling photophysical properties of cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes with azadipyrromethene and dipyrromethene ancillary: a theoretical perspective,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
271. Enhanced DSSC performance with tri-pyridine-ruthenium heteropolytungstate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
272. Two carboxyethyltin functionalized polyoxometalates for assembly on carbon nanotubes as efficient counter electrode materials in dye-sensitized solar cells,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
273. Electron transport via phenyl–perfluorophenyl interaction in crystals of fluorine-substituted dibenzalacetones,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
274. Mechanism and kinetic study of 3-fluoropropene with hydroxyl radical reaction,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2014年
275. An ultrastable {Ag55Mo6} nanocluster with a Ag-centered multishell structure,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
276. The effect of the different spin multiplicity on nonlinear optical properties of lithium decahydroborate dimmers,J MOL MODEL,2014年
277. A designed bithiopheneimide-based conjugated polymer for organic photovoltaic with ultrafast charge transfer at donor/PC71BM interface: theoretical study and characterization,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2014年
278. The relationship between intermolecular interactions and charge transport properties of trifluoromethylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,ORG ELECTRON,2014年
279. Controllable synthesis of isoreticular pillared-layer MOFs: gas adsorption, iodine sorption and sensing small molecules,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014年
280. Hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a 3D inorganic–organic hybrid based on Keggin-type polyanion and silver-pyrazine circles,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
281. Unexpected 1D self-assembly of carbonate-templated sandwich-like macrocycle-based Ag20S10 luminescent nanoclusters,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
282. pH-Controlled and Sulfite Anion-Directed Assembly of a Family of Cerium(III)-Containing Polyoxotungstates Clusters,INORG CHEM,2014年
283. Effect of alkyl chain length on piezochromic luminescence of iridium(iii)-based phosphors adopting 2-phenyl-1H-benzoimidazole type ligands,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2014年
284. The Effect of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Size on the HArF Interaction by NBO and AIM Analysis,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2014年
285. Stepwise modulation of the electron-donating strength of ancillary ligands: understanding the AIE mechanism of cationic iridium(iii) complexes,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
286. Syntheses, crystal structures and properties of inorganic–organic hybrids constructed from Keggin-type polyoxometalates and silver coordination compounds,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
287. ZIF-8 templated fabrication of rhombic dodecahedron-shaped ZnO@SiO2, ZIF-8@SiO2 yolk–shell and SiO2 hollow nanoparticles,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
288. A versatile metal-organic framework for carbon dioxide capture and modulating fluorescence properties of Alq3,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
289. Two hybrid materials assembled from transition metal mono-substituted Keggin polyoxoanions as photocatalysts under visible light,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
290. Probe the accumulation modes of the Au–C22H14 dimer on the structure and NLO properties,MOL PHYS,2014年
291. 卤素、氰基及N 原子修饰对四硫富瓦烯衍生物载流子传输性质影响的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2014年
292. 2D Cd(II)−Lanthanide(III) Heterometallic−Organic Frameworks Based on Metalloligands for Tunable Luminescence and Highly Selective,Sensitive, and Recyclable Detection of Nitrobenzene,INORG CHEM,2014年
293. The photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells enhanced by using Dawson-type heteropolyacid and heteropoly blue-TiO2 composite films as photoanode,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
294. Bonding interactions between sulfur dioxide (SO2) and mono-ruthenium(II)-substituted Keggin-type polyoxometalates: electronic structures of ruthenium–SO2 adducts,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2014年
295. Assembly of Keggin-/Dawson-type Polyoxotungstate Clusters with Different Metal Units and SeO32− Heteroanion Templates,CRYST GROWTH DES,2014年
296. Theoretical exploration on switchable NLO response induced by photochromic properties of covalently connected unsymmetrical spiropyran-polyoxometalate complex,DYES PIGMENTS,2014年
297. Self-assembly and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of a niobium-containing polyoxometalate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
298. Self-assembly of an all-thiol-stabilized {Ag28S23} high-nuclearity luminescent nanocluster with a "crab-like" shape,DALTON T,2014年
299. A novel organic-inorganic hybrid constructed from the Nyman-type dititanoniobate [Ti2Nb8O28]8-and copper-organic cations,DALTON T,2014年
300. A polyrotaxane-like metal–organic framework exhibiting luminescent sensing of Eu3+ cations and proton conductivity,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
301. Theoretical studies on organic D-π-A sensitizers with planar triphenylamine donor and different π-linkers for dyes-sensitized solar cells,J MOL MODEL,2014年
302. A cationic iridium(III) complex with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) properties for highly selective detection of explosives,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
303. Multilithiation Effect on the First Hyperpolarizability of Carbon–Boron–Nitride Heteronanotubes: Activating Segment versus Connecting Pattern,J PHYS CHEM C,2014年
304. Silica-Encapsulated Gd3+-Aggregated Gold Nanoclusters for In Vitro and In Vivo Multimodal Cancer Imaging,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
305. Probing the Relationship between Spin Contamination and First Hyperpolarizability: Open-Shell Mobius Anion,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2014年
306. Li doped effect of through novel noncovalent charge transfer on nonlinear optical properties,DYES PIGMENTS,2014年
307. The research of employing polyoxometalates as pure-inorganic electron-transfer mediators on dye-sensitized solar cells,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
308. Recent advances in porous polyoxometalate-based metal–organic framework materials,CHEM SOC REV,2014年
309. The effect of intermolecular interactions on the charge transport properties of thiazole/thiophene-based oligomers with trifluoromethylphenyl,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2014年
310. Superatoms (Li3O and BeF3) induce phenalenyl radical π-dimer: fascinating interlayer charge-transfer and large NLO responses,DALTON T,2014年
311. A novel strategy to fabricate multifunctional Fe3O4@C@TiO2 yolk–shell structures as magnetically recyclable photocatalysts,NANOSCALE,2014年
312. Modulation on charge recombination and light harvesting toward high-performance benzothiadiazole-based sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells: A theoretical investigation,J POWER SOURCES,2014年
313. Theoretical characterization and design of highly efficient iridium (III) complexes bearing guanidinate ancillary ligand,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2014年
314. Shedding Light on the Photophysical Properties of Iridium(III) Complexes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands from a Theoretical Viewpoint,J PHYS CHEM A,2014年
315. New ionic dinuclear Ir(III) Schiff base complexes with aggregation-induced phosphorescent emission (AIPE),CHEM COMMUN,2014年
316. A Microporous Anionic Metal-Organic Framework for Sensing Luminescence of Lanthanide(III) Ions and Selective Absorption of Dyes by Ionic Exchange,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
317. Theoretical study and design of triphenylamine-malononitrile-based p-type organic dyes with different π-linkers for dyes-sensitized solar cells,DYES PIGMENTS,2014年
318. Redox-controlled δ-Dawson {Mn2IIIW17} polyoxometalate with photocatalytic H2 evolution activity,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
319. N-Methylbenzoaza-18-crown-6-ether derivatives as efficient alkali metal cations sensors: the dipole moment and first hyperpolarizability,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
320. The V-shaped polar molecules encapsulated into Cs (10528)-C72: stability and nonlinear optical response,DALTON T,2014年
321. Helical Carbon Segment in Carbon–Boron–Nitride Heteronanotubes: Structure and Nonlinear Optical Properties,CHEMPLUSCHEM,2014年
322. Intramolecular π Stacking in Cationic Iridium(III) Complexes with Phenyl-Functionalized Cyclometalated Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, Photophysical Properties,and Theoretical Studies,EUR J INORG CHEM,2014年
323. A Novel Carboxyethyltin Functionalized Sandwich-type Germanotungstate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Photosensitivity, and Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014年
324. Switchable NLO response induced by rotation of metallacarboranes [NiIII/IV(C2B9H11)2]-/0 and C-,B-functionalized derivatives,DALTON T,2014年
325. Solid-State Structural Transformation Doubly Triggered by Reaction Temperature and Time in 3D Metal–Organic Frameworks: Great Enhancement of Stability and Gas Adsorption,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2014年
326. Suitable helical cavity, suitable alkali metal, larger first hyperpolarizability,CHEM PHYS LETT,2014年
327. Influence of Spiral Framework on Nonlinear Optical Materials,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2014年
328. Carbon nanodots@zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanoparticles for simultaneous pH-responsive drug delivery and fluorescence imaging,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
329. The influence of the diphenylphosphoryl moiety on the phosphorescent properties of heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes and the OLED performance: a theoretical study,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2014年
330. Iridium(iii) complexes adopting 1,2-diphenyl-1H-benzoimidazole ligands for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes with low efficiency roll-off and non-doped feature,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2014年
331. Structures and electro-optical properties of Mobius [n]Cyclacenes[13–18]: a theoretical study,J MOL MODEL,2014年
332. Polyoxometalate-Based Cobalt–Phosphate Molecular Catalysts for Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation,J AM CHEM SOC,2014年
333. Alkali Metals-Substituted Adamantanes Lead to Visible Light Absorption: Large First Hyperpolarizability,J PHYS CHEM C,2014年
334. A Stable Porous Anionic Metal-Organic Framework for Luminescence Sensing of Ln3+ Ions and Detection of Nitrobenzene,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2014年
335. Theoretical design of organoimido-substituted hexamolybdates with different electron donors for dye-sensitized solar cells,DYES PIGMENTS,2014年
336. Efficient greenish-blue phosphorescent iridium(III) complexes containing carbene and triazole chromophores for organic light-emitting diodes,J ORGANOMET CHEM,2014年
337. Theoretical study on the gas phase reaction of allyl chloride with hydroxyl radical,J CHEM PHYS,2014年
338. Isomeric thiophene-fused benzocarborane molecules-different lithium doping effect on the nonlinear optical property,DALTON T,2014年
339. A Comparative DFT Study on the Mechanism of Olefin Epoxidation Catalyzed by Substituted Binuclear Peroxotungstates ([SeO4WO(O2)2MO(O2)2]n- (M=TiIV, VV, TaV, MoVI, WVI, TcVII, and ReVII)),INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2014年
340. A fluorescent sensor for highly selective detection of nitroaromatic explosives based on a 2D, extremely stable, metal–organic framework,CHEM-EUR J,2014年
341. A series of coordination compounds containing rigid multi-pyridine based ligands: syntheses, structures and properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
342. Solvothermal synthesis and structural characterization of a Cd-triazole-benzenedicarboxylate framework,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
343. Three Cobalt(II)-Linked {P8W48} Network Assemblies: Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic and Photocatalysis Properties,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2014年
344. Synthesis, structure, and photocatalytic hydrogen of three environmentally friendly titanium oxo-clusters,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2014年
345. Theoretical study on the transport properties of oligothiophene- diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives: quinoidal versus aromatic,THEOR CHEM ACC,2014年
346. Polyoxometalate supported complexes as effctive electron-transfer mediators in dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2014年
347. Polyoxometalate/TiO2 Interfacial Layer with the Function of Accelerating Electron Transfer and Retarding Recombination for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,IND ENG CHEM RES,2014年
348. Prediction of second-order nonlinear optical properties of Wells–Dawson polyoxometalate derivatives [X–C(CH2O)3P2M'3M15O59]6-(X = NO2, NH2, and CH3,M' = V and Nb, M = W and Mo),INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2014年
349. Polyacrylic acid@zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanoparticles with ultrahigh drug loading capability for pH-sensitive drug release,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
350. Theoretical studies on the hole transport property of tetrathienoarene derivatives: The influence of the position of sulfur atom, substituent and π-conjugated core,ORG ELECTRON,2014年
351. Synthesis of hexagonal Zn3(OH)2V2O7.2H2O nanoplates by a hydrothermal approach: Magnetic and photocatalytic properties,MATER CHARACT,2013年
352. A promising anchor group for efficient organic dye sensitized solar cells with iodine-free redox shuttles: a theoretical evaluation,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
353. Theoretical exploration to second-order nonlinear optical properties of new hybrid complexes via coordination interaction between (metallo)porphyrin and [MSiW11O39]3− (M = NbV or VV) polyoxometalates,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2013年
354. A new porous 2D copper(II) metal-organic framework for selective adsorption of CO2 over N2,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2013年
355. Efficient and tunable white-light emission of metal–organic frameworks by iridium-complex encapsulation,Nature Communications,2013年
356. The Research of a New Polyoxometalates based Photosensitizer on Dye Sensitized Solar Cell,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2013年
357. Three neutral metal–organic frameworks with micro and meso-pores for adsorption and separation of dyes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
358. Synthesis and property investigation of two hexacobalt cluster based porous coordination polymers,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
359. 氨基酸修饰的手性多酸的电子结构和光学活性的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2013年
360. Multipoint interactions enhanced H2 storage and organosulfur removal in a microporous metal–organic framework,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
361. Eficient Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells(LECs) Based on Ionic Iridium(III) Complexes with 1,3,4-OxadiazoleLigands,ADV FUNCT MATER,2013年
362. Self-assembly of metal–organic frameworks based on N-donor ligand and flexible tricarboxylic acids with different angular characters,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
363. Theoretical investigation on the 2e/12c bond and second hyperpolarizability of azaphenalenyl radical dimers: Strength and effect of dimerization,J CHEM PHYS,2013年
364. Theoretical Exploration of Photoisomerization-Switchable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Responses of Two-Dimendional Λ- and W‑Shaped Polyoxometalate Derivatives of Dithienylperfluorocyclopentene,J PHYS CHEM A,2013年
365. New oxazoline- and thiazoline-containing heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes for highly-efficient phosphorescent organic light-emitting devices (PhOLEDs): colour tuning by varying the electroluminescence bandwidth,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2013年
366. An unprecedented (3,4,24)-connected heteropolyoxozincate organic framework as heterogeneous crystalline Lewis acid catalyst for biodiesel production,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ,2013年
367. The Symmetric and Asymmetric Thiophene-Fused Benzocarborane: Structures and First Hyperpolarizabilities,J MOL MODEL,2013年
368. 超碱金属复合物Al7X0/-( X = F,Cl,Br,I) 的结构及非线性光学性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2013年
369. Influence of alkyl chain lengths on the properties of iridium(III)-based piezochromic luminescent dyes with triazole-pyridine type ancillary ligands,DYES PIGMENTS,2013年
370. An orange iridium(III) complex with wide-bandwidth in electroluminescence for fabrication of high-quality white organic light-emitting diodes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2013年
371. Conformational supramolecular isomerism in two-Dimensional fluorescent coordination polymers based on flexible tetracarboxylate ligand,CRYST GROWTH DES,2013年
372. Quantum chemical design of nonlinear optical materials by sp2-hybridized carbon nanomaterials: issues and opportunities,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2013年
373. Density functional studies on photophysical properties and chemical reactivities of the triarylboranes: effect of the constraint of planarity,J MOL MODEL,2013年
374. 染料敏化太阳能电池中二聚噻吩类光敏染料构效关系的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2013年
375. Self-Assembly and Visible-Light Photocatalytic Properties of W/Nb Mixed-Addendum Polyoxometalate and Transition-Metal Cations,CHEMPLUSCHEM,2013年
376. Assembly of Cerium(III)-Stabilized Polyoxotungstate Nanoclusters with SeO32-/TeO32- Templates: From Single Polyoxoanions to Inorganic Hollow Spheres in Dilute Solution,CHEM-EUR J,2013年
377. Enhancing the luminescence properties and stability of cationic iridium(III) complexes based on phenylbenzoimidazole ligand: a combined experimental and theoretical study,DALTON T,2013年
378. Metal ion directed metal–organic rotaxane frameworks with intrinsic features of self-penetration and interpenetration,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
379. Theoretical study on photophysical properties of Pt(II) triarylborons with a 2,2-bpy core derivatives,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2013年
380. The influence of molecular solid packings on the photoluminescence and carrier transport properties for two bow-shaped thiophene compounds: a theoretical study,THEOR CHEM ACC,2013年
381. Theoretical Study on the Gas Phase Reaction of Allyl Alcohol with Hydroxyl Radical,J PHYS CHEM A,2013年
382. Self-Assembly versus Stepwise Synthesis: Heterometal–Organic Frameworks Based on Metalloligands with Tunable Luminescence Properties,CHEM-EUR J,2013年
383. Theoretical Characterization and Design of Small Molecule Donor Material Containing Naphthodithiophene Central Unit for Efficient Organic Solar Cells,J COMPUT CHEM,2013年
384. Single-crystallineCuGeO3 nanorods: Synthesis, characterization and properties,MATER RES BULL,2013年
385. Theoretical studies on organoimido -substituted hexamolybdates dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC),DYES PIGMENTS,2013年
386. A series of coordination complexes based on unsymmetrical multicarboxylate ligands: syntheses, structures and properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2013年
387. Designed Fabrication of Unique Eccentric Mesoporous Silica Nanocluster-Based Core–Shell Nanostructures for pH-Responsive Drug Delivery,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2013年
388. 吲哚并咔唑类衍生物载流子传输性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2013年
389. Multifunctional magnetic-fluorescent eccentric-(concentric-Fe3O4@SiO2@polyacrylic acid core-shell nanocomposites for cell imaging and pH-responsive drug delivery,NANOSCALE,2013年
390. TDDFT studies on electronic structures, chiroptical properties and solvent effect on the CD spectra of diphosphonate-functionalized polyoxomolybdates,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2013年
391. Flowerlike γ-Fe2O3@NiO hierarchical core-shell nanostructures as superb capability and magnetically separable adsorbents for water treatment,RSC ADVANCES,2013年
392. Modification on C219 by coumarin donor toward efficient sensitizer for dye sensitized solar cells: A theoretical study,DYES PIGMENTS,2013年
393. pH-induced different crystalline behaviors in extended metal–organic frameworks based on the same reactants,DALTON T,2013年
394. Iodine-templated assembly of unprecedented 3d–4f metal-organic frameworks as photocatalysts for hydrogen generation,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
395. The encapsulated lithium effect of Li@C60Cl8 remarkably enhances the static first hyperpolarizability,RSC ADVANCES,2013年
396. DFT characterization on the mechanism of water splitting catalyzed by single-Ru-substituted polyoxometalates,DALTON T,2013年
397. BN Segment Doped Effect on the First Hyperpolarizibility of Heteronanotubes: Focused on an Effective Connecting Pattern,J PHYS CHEM C,2013年
398. Theoretical insights into [PMo12O40]3- grafted on single-walled carbon nanotubes,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2013年
399. Cyano or o-nitrophenyl? Which is the optimal electron-withdrawing group for the acrylic acid acceptor of D-π-A sensitizers in DSSCs? A density functional evaluation,J MOL MODEL,2013年
400. After the electronic field: Structure, bonding, and the first hyperpolarizability of HArF,J COMPUT CHEM,2013年
401. Computational Design of Host Materials Suitable for Green-(Deep) Blue Phosphors through Effectively Tuning the Triplet Energy While Maintaining the Ambipolar Property,J PHYS CHEM C,2013年
402. A photovoltaic system composed of a keplerate-type polyoxometalate and a water-soluble poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivative,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
403. Universal and facile synthesis of multicolored upconversion hollow nanospheres using novel poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) microspheres as templates,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
404. TD-DFT Studies on Electronic and Spectral Properties of Platinum(II) Complexes with Phenol and Pyridine Groups,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2013年
405. An efficient strategy for improving carrier transport performance-introducing fluorine into aryl substituted tetracene,ORG ELECTRON,2013年
406. TDDFT Studies on the Determination of the Absolute Configurations and Chiroptical Properties of Strandberg-Type Polyoxometalates,J PHYS CHEM A,2013年
407. An accurate and efficient method to predict the electronic excitation energies of BODIPY fluorescent dyes,J COMPUT CHEM,2013年
408. Theoretical investigation of second-order nonlinear optical response by linking hexamolybdate with graphene in the donor–acceptor (D–A) framework,MOL SIMULAT,2013年
409. Generalized Approach to the Synthesis of Reversible Concentric and Eccentric Polymer-Coated Nanostructures,SMALL,2013年
410. 碱金属阳离子M+的引入及质子化对[V12O32]4-二阶非线性光学性质影响的密度泛函理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2013年
411. Chiroptical, linear, and second-order nonlinear optical properties of tetrathiafulvalenylallene: a multifunctional molecular material,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2013年
412. Chiral polyoxometalate-based materials: From design syntheses to functional applications,COORDIN CHEM REV,2013年
413. Theoretical study on the rectifying performance of organoimido derivatives of hexamolybdates,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2013年
414. Control of interpenetration in S-containing metal–organic frameworks for selective separation of transition metal ions,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
415. A novel class of Zn(II) Schiff base complexes with aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AIEE) properties: Synthesis, characterization and photophysical/electrochemical properties,DYES PIGMENTS,2013年
416. Schiff-base as highly sensitive and reversible chemosensors for HCl gas,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2013年
417. Theoretical exploration to the substituting effect on second-order nonlinear optical properties for lacunary γ-Keggin polyoxometalates,CHEM PHYS LETT,2013年
418. Quantum chemical characterization and design of host materials based on phosphine oxide-substituted (triphenylamine) fluorene for (deep) blue phosphors in OLEDs,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2013年
419. The Application of ZnO Nanoparticles Containing Polyoxometalates in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,EUR J INORG CHEM,2013年
420. Polyoxometalate–anatase TiO2 composites are introduced into the photoanode of dye-sensitized solar cells to retard the recombination and increase the electron lifetime,DALTON T,2013年
421. A polyoxometalate-based single-molecule magnet with a mixed-valent {MnIV2MnIII6MnII4} core,CHEM COMMUN,2013年
422. Controllable synthesis of iridium(III)-based aggregation-induced emission and/or piezochromic luminescence phosphors by simply adjusting the substitution on ancillary ligands,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2013年
423. Solvatochromic Behavior of Chiral Mesoporous Metal–Organic Frameworks and Their Applications for Sensing Small Molecules and Separating Cationic Dyes,CHEM-EUR J,2013年
424. Theoretical Studies on the Photoisomerization-Switchable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Responses of DTE-Linked Polyoxometalate Derivatives,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2013年
425. A Rational Design for Dye Sensitizer: Density Functional Theory Study on the Electronic Absorption Spectra of Organoimido- Substituted Hexamolybdates,J PHYS CHEM C,2013年
426. A new electrodeposition approach for preparing polyoxometalates-based electrochromic smart windows,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
427. Serendipitous Anion-Templated Self-assembly of a Sandwich-like Ag20S10 Macrocycle-based High-nuclearity Luminescent Nanocluster,DALTON T,2013年
428. Metal-organic frameworks as potential drug delivery systems,EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY,2013年
429. Reply to “Comment on ‘How the Number and Location of Lithium Atoms Affect the First Hyperpolarizability of Graphene’”,J PHYS CHEM C,2013年
430. 最小二乘支持向量机方法用于提高低水平量子化学方法计算吸收能的精度,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
431. Theoretical Insight into the Origin of Large Stokes Shift and Photophysical Properties of Anilido-Pyridine Boron Difluoride Dyes,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2012年
432. Building Blocks and Formation Thermodynamics of α-Keggin-Type [PW12O40]3- Anion,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2012年
433. Chiroptical, linear, and second-order nonlinear optical propertiesof binaphthol derivatives,ORG BIOMOL CHEM,2012年
434. Effect of dehydrogenation/hydrogenation on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of Li@porphyrins,J MOL MODEL,2012年
435. Density Functional Theory Investigation on the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Chlorobenzyl-o-Carborane Derivatives,CHINESE J CHEM,2012年
437. Controllable synthesis of a non-interpenetrating microporous metal–organic framework based on octahedral cage-like building units for highly efficient reversible adsorption of iodine,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
438. The self-assembly mechanism of the Lindqvist anion [W6O19]2− in aqueous solution: a density functional theory study,DALTON T,2012年
439. Syntheses, characterization and crystal structure of d(10) coordination architectures: From 1D to 3D complexes based on mixed ligands,INORG CHIM ACTA,2012年
440. Functional heterometallic coordination polymers with metalloligands as tunable luminescent crystalline materials,J MATER CHEM,2012年
441. TDDFT studies on chiral organophosphonate substituted divacant Keggin-type polyoxotungstate: diplex multistep-redox-triggered chiroptical and NLO switch,DALTON T,2012年
442. General route to multifunctional uniform yolk/mesoporous silica shell nanocapsules: a platform for simultaneous cancer-targeted imaging and magnetically guided drug delivery,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
443. Redox-active polyoxometalate-based crystalline material-immobilized noble metal nanoparticles: spontaneous reduction and synergistic catalytic activity,J MATER CHEM,2012年
444. First principle investigation of transport properties of Lindqvist derivatives based molecular junction,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2012年
445. Endohedral metallofullerene Sc3NC@C84: a theoretical prediction,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2012年
446. Self-Assembly and Photocatalytic Properties of Polyoxoniobates: {Nb24O72}, {Nb32O96}, and {K12Nb96O288} Clusters,J AM CHEM SOC,2012年
447. An Ionothermal Synthetic Approach to Porous Polyoxometalate-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2012年
448. Synthesis, structure and photophysical properties of cationic Ir(III) complexes with functionalized 1,10-phenanthroline ancillary ligands,J ORGANOMET CHEM,2012年
449. Piezochromic luminescence (PCL) behavior and aggregation-induced emission (AIE) property of a new cationic iridium(III) complex,DALTON T,2012年
450. Controllable synthesis of microporous, nanotubular and mesocage-like metal–organic frameworks by adjusting the reactant ratio and modulated luminescence properties of Alq3@MOF composites,J MATER CHEM,2012年
451. The Excess Electron in a Boron Nitride Nanotube: Pyramidal NBO Charge Distribution and Remarkable First Hyperpolarizability,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
452. Theoretical investigation on two-dimensional molecule-based second-order nonlinear optical materials of the disubstituted o-carborane derivatives,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2012年
453. Intramolecular π-stacking in cationic iridium(III) complexes with a triazole-pyridine type ancillary ligand: synthesis, photophysics, electrochemistry properties and piezochromic behavior,J MATER CHEM,2012年
454. Multifunctional florescent-magnetic polyethyleneimine functionalized Fe3O4–mesoporous silica yolk–shell nanocapsules for siRNA delivery,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
455. Selected-Control Synthesis of Monodisperse Fe3O4@C Core-Shell Spheres, Chains and Rings as High-Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
456. 氟代寡聚噻吩系列衍生物的载流子传输性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
457. Inorganic crown ethers: sulfate-based preyssler polyoxometalates,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
458. The interplay of intermolecular interactions, packing motifs and electron transport properties in perylene diimide related materials: a theoretical perspective,J MATER CHEM,2012年
459. A Promising Tool to Achieve Chemical Accuracy for Density Functional Theory Calculations on Y-NO Homolysis Bond Dissociation Energies,INT J MOL SCI,2012年
460. Synthesis and characterization of two self-catenated networks and one case of pcu topology based on the mixed ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2012年
461. Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of a new inorganic–organic hybrid compound with photocatalytic activity based on Keggin-type polyanion and cadmium-1,2,4-triazolate units,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
462. An unprecedented organic-inorganic hybrid based on the first {Nb10V4O40(OH)2}12- clusters and copper cations,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
463. A new organic-inorganic hybrid based on the crescent-shaped polyoxoanion [H6SiNb18O54]8- and copper-organic cations,DALTON T,2012年
464. N-rich zeolite-like metal–organic framework with sodalite topology: high CO2 uptake, selective gas adsorption and efficient drug delivery,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2012年
465. Probing the linear and nonlinear optical properties of nitrogen-substituted carbon nanotube,J MOL MODEL,2012年
466. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 as efficient pH-sensitive drug delivery vehicle,DALTON T,2012年
467. Lindqvist 型[M6-nMonO19]p-阴离子( M = W,Nb,Ta)电子性质的密度泛函理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
468. Assembly of Sandwich-Like Supermolecules Li Salts CpLi-C60: Structures, Stabilities, and Nonlinear Optical Properties,ORGANOMETALLICS,2012年
469. Spiral Intramolecular Charge Transfer and Large First Hyperpolarizability in Mobius Cyclacenes: New Insight into the Localized π Electrons,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2012年
470. How to design proper π-spacer order of the D-π-A dyes for DSSCs? A density functional response,DYES PIGMENTS,2012年
471. Enhanced quantum efficiency of cationic iridium(III) complexes with carbazole moiety as a steric hindrance unit,J MOL STRUCT,2012年
472. Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of a new 2D inorganic–organic hybrid compound based on {Ni6PW9}2 subunit,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
473. Construction and property investigation of three metal phosphates based on N-donor ligands,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
474. Hydrothermal synthesis and magnetic properties of nanoplate-assembled hierarchical structured Co1-xS microrods,MATER CHARACT,2012年
475. Unusual microporous polycatenane-like metal–organic frameworks for the luminescent sensing of Ln3+ cations and rapid adsorption of iodine,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
476. Lindqvist型钼酸盐修饰的碳纳米管二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
477. TDDFT studies on the structures and ECD spectra of chiral bisarylimidos bearing different lengths of o-alkoxy chain-substituted polyoxomolybdates,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2012年
478. Influence of the central atom on the electronic properties of Lindqvist polyoxometalates,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2012年
479. A DFT study on the second-order nonlinear optical properties of the plenary mixed-metal polyoxometalate,MOL SIMULAT,2012年
480. Controlled synthesis and magnetically separable photocatalytic properties of magnetic iron oxides@SnO2 yolk–shell nanocapsules,J MATER CHEM,2012年
481. Alkylene-Chain Effect on Microwire Growth and Crystal Packing of π-Moieties,CHEM MATER,2012年
482. Construction and property investigation of inorganic–organic hybrid materials based on metal–salens and Keggin polyoxometalates,INORG CHIM ACTA,2012年
483. Theoretical study on charge transport properties of cyanovinyl-substituted oligothiophenes,ORG ELECTRON,2012年
484. Synthesis of cationic iridium(III) complexes with high quantum yield via enhancing the steric hindrance of ligands,J ORGANOMET CHEM,2012年
485. TDDFT Studies on the Electronic Structures and Chiroptical Properties of Mono-Tin-Substituted Wells–Dawson Polyoxotungstates,J PHYS CHEM A,2012年
486. Assembly of a luminescent core–shell nanocluster featuring a Ag34S26 shell and a W6O216- polyoxoanion core,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
487. Effect of metal ions on the structures of metal-organic frameworks based on mixed ligands,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
488. Probing the Chemical Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Multiple Carbon Ad-Dimer Defects,CHEMPHYSCHEM,2012年
489. 咔唑衍生物DiPICz 载流子传输性能的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
490. Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of a new inorganic-organic hybrid compound with photocatalytic activity based on Keggin-type polyanion and cadmium-1, 2, 4-triazolate units,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2012年
491. Carbonyl Amine/Schiff Base Ligands in Manganese Complexes: Theoretical Study on the Mechanism, Capability of NO Release,INORG CHEM,2012年
492. Red- and White-Emitting Organic Light-Emitting Diodes based on Trimetallic Dendritic Europium (III) Complex: Eu3(DBM)9(TMMB),SOLID STATE ELECTRON,2012年
493. Theoretical investigation on electronic structure and second-order nonlinear optical properties of novel hexamolybdate-organoimido-(car)borane hybrid,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2012年
494. Electronic properties and stabilities of methoxy-substituted Lindqvist polyoxometalates [Nb2W4O19CH3] 3-by DFT,CHINESE SCI BULL,2012年
495. Polyoxometalate-based crystalline tubular microreactor: redox-active inorganic–organic hybrid materials producing gold nanoparticles and catalytic properties,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2012年
496. Auxiliary ligand induced structural allomorphism in nanotubular microporous metal–organic frameworks based on discrete magnesium clusters,DALTON T,2012年
497. Density functional theory studies on structures and absorption spectra of [Au(tpy)Cl]2+ and its derivatives: Role of basis set, functional, solvent effect, and spin orbit effect,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2012年
498. The origin of the unusual broad and intense visible absorption of tetrathiafulvalene-annulated zinc porphyrazine: A density functional theory study,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2012年
499. Potential of bifluorenylidene derivatives as nonfullerene small-molecule acceptor for heterojunction organic photovoltaics: a density functional theory study,THEOR CHEM ACC,2012年
500. Toward design of high-performance optoelectronic materials: comparative theoretical studies on the photophysical and charge transport properties of fluorene-based compounds,THEOR CHEM ACC,2012年
501. Theoretical studies of the effect of electron-withdrawing dicyanovinyl group on the electronic and charge-transport properties of fluorene-thiophene oligomers,THEOR CHEM ACC,2012年
502. Selected-Control Fabrication of Multifunctional Fluorescent–Magnetic Core–Shell and Yolk–Shell Hybrid Nanostructures,CHEM-EUR J,2012年
503. DFT study of ionic peapod structures from single-walled carbon nanotubes and Lindqvist tungstates,DALTON T,2012年
504. Polyoxometalate-supported 3d-4f heterometallic single-molecule magnets,INORG CHEM,2012年
505. 基于平均影响值的反向传播神经网络方法用于提高密度泛函理论计算Y—NO键均裂能精度,CHEM J CHINESE U,2012年
506. Hydrothermal synthesis and luminescence properties of hierarchical SrF2 and SrF2:Ln3+ (Ln = Er,Nd,Yb,Eu,Tb) micro/nanocomposite architectures,MATER RES BULL,2012年
507. A long-term stable Pt counter electrode modified by POM-based multilayer film for high conversion efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells,DALTON T,2012年
508. Reversible piezochromic behavior of two new cationic iridium(III) complexes,CHEM COMMUN,2012年
509. Theoretical study of the bridging effect on the charge carrier transport properties of cyclooctatetrathiophene and its derivatives,J MATER CHEM,2012年
510. The structure–property relationship of chiral 1,1'-binaphthyl-based polyoxometalates: TDDFT studies on the static first hyperpolarizabilities and the ECD spectra,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2012年
511. Phenylcarbazole and phosphine oxide/sulfide hybrids as host materials for blue phosphors: effectively tuning the charge injection property without influencing the triplet energy,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2012年
512. Theoretical investigation of structural and electronic propertyies of [PW12O40]3- on graphene layer,DALTON T,2012年
513. Quantum chemical investigation on the structure and first hyperpolarizability for Nsubstituted [n]cyclacene,J PHYS ORG CHEM,2012年
514. The stability and nonlinear optical properties: Encapsulation of an excess electron compound LiCN/Li within boron nitride nanotubes,J MATER CHEM,2012年
515. Structure-dependent optical properties of single-walled silicon nanotubes,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2012年
516. pH variation induced construction of a series of entangled frameworks based on bi- and tri-metallic cores as nodes,CRYSTENGCOMM,2012年
517. Facile and fast synthesis of urchin-shaped Fe3O4@Bi2S3 core-shell hierarchical structures and their magnetically recyclable photocatalytic activity,J MATER CHEM,2012年
518. Theoretical investigation on redox-switchable second-order nonlinear optical responses of push–pull Cp*CoEt2C2B4H3-expanded (metallo)porphyrins,J COMPUT CHEM,2012年
519. Theoretical Study on Photophysical Properties of Novel Bis(BF2)-2,2'- Bidipyrrins Dyes: Effect of Variation in Monomer Structure,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2012年
520. A cationic iridium(III) complex showing aggregation-induced phosphorescent emission (AIPE) in the solid state: synthesis, characterization and properties,DALTON T,2012年
521. A series of pillar-layer metal–organic frameworks based on 5-aminoisophthalic acid and 4,4’-bipyridine,DALTON T,2012年
522. An Effective Method for Accurate Prediction of the First Hyperpolarizability of Alkalides,J COMPUT CHEM,2012年
523. Secondary ligand-directed assembly of metal–organic coordination polymers based on a 2-(pyridin-4-yl)-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid ligand: Syntheses, structures and photoluminescent properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2012年
524. Density functional theory characterization and design of high-performance diarylamine-fluorene dyes with different π spacers for dye-sensitized solar cells,J MATER CHEM,2012年
525. Nonaqueous synthesis of uniform polyaniline nanospheres via cellulose acetate template,J POLYM SCI POL CHEM,2012年
526. Redox and Photoisomerization Switching the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Tetrathiafulvalene Derivative Across Six States: A DFT Study,J PHYS CHEM C,2011年
527. Ab initio and density functional study on fullerene C44 and its derivatives,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2011年
528. Chiral Nanoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks with High Porosity as Materials for Drug Delivery,ADV MATER,2011年
529. Theoretical Study on the Chiroptical Optical Properties of Chiral Fullerene C60 Derivative,J PHYS CHEM A,2011年
530. 二缺位γ-Keggin型多金属氧酸盐电子性质的密度泛函理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
531. Identification of nonplanar small molecule for G-quadruplex grooves: Molecular docking and molecular dynamic study,BIOORG MED CHEM LETT,2011年
532. A novel route for designing C60 derivatives with large first hyperpolarizability:Cage-opened cases,SYNTHETIC MET,2011年
533. Adsorption of volatile organic compounds in porous metal–organic frameworks functionalized by polyoxometalates,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2011年
534. Quantum chemical studies of Lindqvist-type polyoxometalates containing late 3d transition metals ([(py)MIIW5O18]4-(M = Fe,Co,Ni)): MII–N bonding and second-order nonlinear optical properties,THEOR CHEM ACC,2011年
535. Study of a hydrothermal reaction system of copper, imidazole and polyoxometalates: selective assembly of a 3D porous metal-organic pseudorotaxane framework and encapsulation of polyoxometalate clusters,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
536. Three-dimensional porous metal-organic replica of natural mineral α-Al2O3 based on hexadentate triazine derivative,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2011年
537. Stepwise assembly of metal-organic framework based on a metal–organic polyhedron precursor for drug delivery,CHEM COMMUN,2011年
538. Chiral salen-metal derivatives of polyoxometalates with asymmetric catalytic and photocatalytic activities,DALTON T,2011年
539. MnIII–Salen composite materials based on Keggin heteropolyanions exhibiting photocatalytic and electrocatalytic activities,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2011年
540. Two unusual self-threading frameworks self-assembled from mixed ligands and cobalt/zinc ions,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
541. Boron/Nitrogen Substitution of the Central Carbon Atoms of the Biphenalenyl Diradical πDimer: A Novel 2e–12c Bond and Large NLO Responses,CHEM-EUR J,2011年
542. Fabrication of doxorubicin functionalized gold nanorod probes for combined cancer imaging and drug delivery,DALTON T,2011年
543. Novel Trumpet-Shaped Conjugation Bridge (Carbon Nanocone) for Nonlinear Optical Materials,J PHYS CHEM C,2011年
544. The effect of multiple weak interactions on the charge transport ability in polymorphs,SYNTHETIC MET,2011年
545. Au原子对并五苯传输性质影响的理论探讨,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
546. A theoretical discussion on the relationships among molecular packings, intermolecular interactions, and electron transport properties for naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimide derivatives,J MATER CHEM,2011年
547. DFT studies on the electronic properties of organometallic-polyoxomolybdate anions [CpnMo6O19-n](2-n)- (n=1or2): Revealing bonding features of Cp*–Mo,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2011年
548. Widening or Lengthening? Enhancing the First Hyperpolarizability of Tubiform Multilithium Salts,J PHYS CHEM C,2011年
549. An Exceptional 54-Fold Interpenetrated Coordination Polymer with 103-srs Network Topology,J AM CHEM SOC,2011年
550. Theoretical study on stability and nonlinear optical properties of tetrahydropyrrole diradical and its isoelectronic systems in different electronic states,Science China Chemistry,2011年
551. An interpenetrating architecture based on the wells-dawson polyoxometalate and AgI⋯AgI interactions,CRYST GROWTH DES,2011年
552. A theoretical study of ambipolar organic transport material: 1,4-Bis(pentafluorobenzyl)[60]-fullerene,CHEM PHYS LETT,2011年
553. Molecular tectonics of metal–organic frameworks based on ligand-modulated polynuclear zinc SBUs and aromatic multicarboxylic acids,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
554. Comparative study of the electrostatic potential of perfect and defective single-walled carbon nanotubes,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2011年
555. Determination of the charge transport abilities of polymorphs [C6F5Cu]2(4,4'-bipy) with different interactions: a density functional theoretical investigation,THEOR CHEM ACC,2011年
556. 3D Chiral Microporous (10,3)-a Topology Metal-Organic Framework Containing Large Helical Channels,CRYST GROWTH DES,2011年
557. 染料敏化太阳能电池中具有不同电子给体的吩噻嗪类有机光敏染料的理论研究 ,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
558. Synthesis and characterizations of novel spindle-like terphenyl-type chromophores for non-linear optical materials,TETRAHEDRON,2011年
559. Multifunctional Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanocages for Cancer Cell Detection and the Combined Chemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2011年
560. Quantum chemical study of structures, electronic spectrum, and nonlinear optical properties of polynuclear lithium compounds,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2011年
561. Syntheses, structures, and photoluminescence of d10 coordination architectures:From 1D to 3D complexes based on mixed ligands,SOLID STATE SCI,2011年
562. A novel 3-connected [3 + 3] topological net showing both rotaxane- and catenane-like motifs,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
563. Building block approach to a series of substituted Keggin-type inorganic-organic hybrids,SOLID STATE SCI,2011年
564. A series of POM-based entangled frameworks with the rigid ligand 1,4-bis (1-imidazolyl)benzene and different isomers of octamolybdate,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2011年
565. Synthesis, Characterization, and Luminescence of Two New Zinc(II) Coordination Polymers Constructed by 5-(4-Carboxybenzyloxy)Isophthalic Acid Ligand,Z ANORG ALLG CHEM,2011年
566. Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of low-bandgap polymers based on N-arylcarbazole,POLYMER,2011年
567. DFT Study on the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Property of 12-Vertex Close-Carborane Derivatives,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2011年
568. Improving the Accuracy of Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculation for Homolysis Bond Dissociation Energies of Y-NO Bond :Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Grey Relational Analysis and Principal Component Analysis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2011年
569. Computational Study on Redox-Switchable 2D Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Push-Pull Mono-tetrathiafulvalene-Bis(Salicylaldiminato) Zn(II) Schiff Base Complexes,J PHYS CHEM C,2011年
570. Step-wise synthesis of inorganic-organic hybrid based on γ-octamolybdate-based tectons,DALTON T,2011年
571. 不同桥联二噻吩低带隙给受体共聚物的电子结构和光物理性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
572. Combined density functional theory and ensembled Elman network correction approach for electronic excitation energies,2011 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Wearable Computing Systems(APWCS2011),2011年
573. Time-Dependent Current Distributions of a Two-Terminal Carbon Nanotube-Based Electronic Device,J PHYS CHEM B,2011年
574. Synthesis and characterization of two {Mo6}-based/templated metal-organic frameworks ,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
575. A Sodalite-type Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks with Polyoxometalate Templates: Adsorption and Decomposition of Dimethyl Methylphosphonate,J AM CHEM SOC,2011年
576. Preparation and Application of Multiple- Component-Doped Keggin Polyoxometalate Microtubes—Towards a Component-Tunable Hollow Structure,CHEM-EUR J,2011年
577. Creation of cationic iridium(III) complexes with aggregation-induced phosphorescent emission (AIPE) properties by increasing rotation groups on carbazole peripheries,DALTON T,2011年
578. The influence of thienyl-S,S-dioxidation on the photoluminescence and charge transport properties of dithienothiophenes: a theoretical study,THEOR CHEM ACC,2011年
579. Forward molecular design for highly efficient OLED emitters: A theoretical analysis of photophysical properties of platinum(II) complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands,DALTON T,2011年
580. An unprecedented 3D 8-connected pure inorganic framework based on Nanosized{[Na12PO16H24][P4Mo6O31H6]4}15- clusters and zinc cations,CHEM COMMUN,2011年
581. 四氮唑衍生物构筑的金刚烷拓扑金属-有机骨架的合成、表征和荧光性质,CHEM J CHINESE U,2011年
582. Thermochemical stabilities, electronic structures, and optical properties of C56X10 (X=H, F, and Cl) fullerene compounds,J COMPUT CHEM,2011年
583. Quantum Chemical Research on Structures, Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of the Li@n-Acenes Salt (n=1,2,3,and 4),J PHYS CHEM A,2011年
584. Fluorescent hollow/rattle-type mesoporous Au@SiO2 nanocapsules for drug delivery and fluorescence imaging of cancer cells,J COLLOID INTERF SCI,2011年
585. Uniform hollow mesoporous silica nanocages for drug delivery in vitro and in vivo for liver cancer therapy,J MATER CHEM,2011年
586. Three-propeller-blade-shaped electride: remarkable alkali-metal-doped effect on the first hyperpolarizability,THEOR CHEM ACC,2011年
587. Bonding Interactions between Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Mono-Ruthenium Substituted Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates: Electronic Structures of Ruthenium/N2O Adducts,EUR J INORG CHEM,2011年
588. Quantum chemical characterization of the generation of high-valent oxoruthenium species of Keggin type polyoxometalates: electronic structure and bonding features,DALTON T,2011年
589. pH-Tuned self-assembly of organic-inorganic hybrids based on different vanadate chains, Zn(II) ions and flexible ligands: crystallizing in polar and centrosymmetric space group,CRYSTENGCOMM,2011年
590. Syntheses, structures and luminescent properties of a series of 3D lanthanide coordination polymers with tripodal semirigid ligand,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2011年
591. Theoretical discussions on electron transport properties of perylene bisimide derivatives with different molecular packings and intermolecular interactions,J MATER CHEM,2011年
592. Synthesis, structure and properties of one 2-D Ag(I) complex based on trinuclear silver(I) cluster and arene-linked bis(pyrazolyl)methane ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2011年
593. Capturing a Synergistic Effect of a Conical Push and an Inward Pull in Fluoro Derivatives of Li@B10H14 Basket: Toward a Higher Vertical Ionization Potential and Nonlinear optical Response,J PHYS CHEM A,2011年
594. Charge transport and electronic properties of N-heteroquinones: quadruple weak hydrogen bonds and strong π–π stacking interactions,THEOR CHEM ACC,2011年
595. A peanut-like Keggin-type POM-incorporated metal-organic framework,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
596. A series of inorganic-organic hybrid compounds constructed from bis(undecatungstophosphate) lanthanates and copper-organic units,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
597. A en-Templated 3D Coordination Polymer Based on H2pzdc with Macrometallocycles,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
598. Anion-directed genuine meso-helical supramolecular isomers of two 1D Ag(I) complexes based on arene-linked bis(pyrazolyl)methane ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
599. Secondary Ligand-Directed Assembly of ZnII and CdII Coordination Architectures: From 1D to 3D Compounds Based on Pyridine Carboxylate Ligands,J MOL STRUCT,2010年
600. Inorganic-organic hybrid compounds based on the co-existence of different isomers or forms of polymolybdate,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
601. How the Number and Location of Lithium Atoms Affect the First Hyperpolarizability of Graphene,J PHYS CHEM C,2010年
602. Metal-organic replica of chiral natural material β-SnF2: an enantiopure binodal (3,5)-connected net based on triangular and trigonal bipyramidal coordination,CHEM COMMUN,2010年
603. Fluorescent Gold Nanoprobes for the Sensitive and Selective Detection for Hg2+,NANOSCALE RES LETT,2010年
604. 3d–4f Heterometallic Complexes for the Construction of POM-based Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Compounds: from Nanoclusters to One-Dimensional Ladder-Like Chains,AUST J CHEM,2010年
605. Prediction of second-order optical nonlinearity of porphyrin-metal-polyoxometalate sandwich compounds,DALTON T,2010年
606. Accurate prediction of optical absorption energies by neural network ensemble approach,The 5th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology,2010年
607. Accurate Prediction of Transition Energies in Organic Molecules,The 5th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology,2010年
608. Broad absorbing low-bandgap polythiophene derivatives incorporating separate and content-tunable benzothiadiazole and carbazole moieties for polymer solar cells,EUR POLYM J,2010年
609. Donor–acceptor conjugates-functionalized zinc phthalocyanine: Towards broad absorption and application in organic solar cells,SOL ENERG MAT SOL C,2010年
610. A new 2D 5-connected coordination polymer based on 3,4-bis(pyridin-4-ylmethoxy)benzoic acid ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
611. Theoretical Study on Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Spin Crossover Fe(III) Phenolate-Pyridyl Schiff Base Complexes,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2010年
612. Polyoxometalate-Based Porous Framework with Perovskite Topology,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
613. Hydrothermal syntheses of two novel coordination polymers based on tetranuclear metal cluster constructed by 1,3,5-Tris(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)benzene ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
614. Molecular simulation study of the binding mechanism of [α-PTi2W10O40]7– for its promising broad-spectrum inhibitory activity to FluV-A neuraminidase,CHINESE SCI BULL,2010年
615. Charge Transport and Luminescent Properties of C6F5Cu(py) and Their Relationships with Cuprophilic Interactions: a Density Functional Theory Investigation,THEOR CHEM ACC,2010年
616. A theoretical study on the efficient reversible redox-based switching of the second-order polarizabilities of two-dimensional nonlinear optical-active donor–acceptor phenanthroline-hexamolybdate,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2010年
617. Quantum Chemical Design for Enhanced Second-Order NLO Response of Terpyridine-Substituted Hexamolybdates,EUR J INORG CHEM,2010年
618. 含四硫富瓦烯Schiff碱配体和配合物二阶非线性光学性质的密度泛函理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2010年
619. Two inorganic–organic hybrid compounds based on [Ni2(V3O9)2]2− cluster and {Co2V2} cage subunits,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2010年
620. Theoretical study on the electron transfer and phosphorescent properties of iridium(III) complexes with 2-phenylpyridyl and 8-hydroxyquinolate ligands,DALTON T,2010年
621. Coordination between [H2P2W12O48]12− and antimony(III): synthesis and characterization of sandwich complex derived from the new {P2W13O51} fragment ,DALTON T,2010年
622. Theoretical investigation of electronic properties and redox properties for purely inorganic and aryloxide substituted Ti-containing POM derivatives,MOL PHYS,2010年
623. A polyoxometalate-encapsulated 3D porous metal–organic pseudo-rotaxane framework,CHEM COMMUN,2010年
624. Length-Dependent Direction-Tunable Charge-Transfer Behavior of Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Keggin-Type Organosilicone Derivative [PW11O39(RSi)2O]3-: A TDDFT Study,J CLUST SCI,2010年
625. Aspects of the Nonlinear Optical Properties as a Guide to Protonation Sites: A Theoretical Study upon α-Keggin [SiW12O40]4- and [SiV3W9O40]7-,CHEM LETT,2010年
626. Prediction of robustly large molecular second-order nonlinear optical properties of terpyridine-substituted hexamolybdates: Structural modelling towards a rational entry to NLO materials,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2010年
627. Hydrogen adsorption in polyoxometalate hybrid compounds based on porous metal-organic frameworks,EUR J INORG CHEM,2010年
628. Helical channels, low framework density and structure-directing effect:a novel non-centrosymmetric zinc phosphate NIS-4prepared by ionothermal reaction,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
629. Improving the Accuracy of Low Level Density Functional Theory Calculation for Absorption Energies:The Least Squares Support Vector Machine,2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation,2010年
630. Metal–organic Frameworks Based on Different Benzimidazole Derivatives: Effect of Length and Substituent Groups of the Ligands on the Structures,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
631. Theoretical investigation on structures, electronic spectra and nonlinear optical properties of gold compounds [X-{Au(PMe3)}2],Science China Chemistry,2010年
632. Fabrication of fluorescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles with confined 8-hydroxyquinoline functionalized ZnS nanoparticles and their transparent polymer nanocomposites,MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT,2010年
633. pH-dependent self-assembly of divalent metals with a new ligand containing polycarboxylate: syntheses, crystal structures, luminescent and magnetic properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
634. Quantum Chemical Study of Benzimidazole Derivatives to Tune the Second-order Nonlinear Optical Molecular Switching by Proton Abstraction,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2010年
635. Chirality and magnatism of an open-framework cobalt phosphite containing helical channels from achiral material,CHEM COMMUN,2010年
636. 13顶点金属碳硼烷结构与非线性光学性质的DFT研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2010年
637. Complex–Surfactant-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Properties of Hierarchical Worm-Like Cobalt Sulfide Microtubes Assembled by Hexagonal Nanoplates,CHEM-EUR J,2010年
638. pH-Dependent Binary Metal Organic Compounds Assembled from Different Helical Units: Structural Variation and Supramolecular Isomers,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
639. Auxiliary aromatic-acid effect on the structures of a series of Zn-II coordination polymers: Syntheses, crystal structures, and photoluminescence properties,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2010年
640. A series of novel chiral lanthanide coordination polymers with channels constructed from 16Ln-based cage-like building units,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
641. 2-苯基吡啶铱(III)配合物及其衍生物光谱性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2010年
642. 二邻苯二胺合镍(II)载流子传输性能的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2010年
643. Colorimetric Detection of Pb2+ Using Glutathione Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2010年
644. High luminescence, organic-inorganic nanocomposite films with covalently linked 8-hydroxyquinoline anchored to ZnS nanoparticles,DYES PIGMENTS,2010年
645. Ionothermal synthesis of a new open-framework zinc phosphite NIS-3 with low framework density,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
646. Theoretical study on the structures, isomerization and stability of SiC4 isomers,THEOR CHEM ACC,2010年
647. An equatorial tri-iron substituted Wells–Dawson type tungstophosphate with magnetic and bifunctional electrocatalytic properties,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
648. Electronic Properties of Unprecedented Bridging Organoimido-Substituted Hexamolybdate: New Insights from Density Functional Theory Study,J PHYS CHEM B,2010年
649. DFT Study on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties ofthe Derivatives of Disubstituted Seven-vertex Cobaltacarborane Metallocenyl,J THEOR COMPUT CHEM,2010年
650. Theoretical study on the tetranuclear endohedral vanadyl carboxylates withguest-switchable redox properties and large polarizability,DALTON T,2010年
651. Tuning Second-Order Non-linear (NLO) Optical Response of Organoimido-Substituted Hexamolybdates through Halogens: Quantum Design of Novel Organic-Inorganic Hybrid NLO Materials,AUST J CHEM,2010年
652. White light emission from Mn2+ doped ZnS nanocrystals through the surface chelating of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5- sulfonic acid,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2010年
653. The Influence of M…M Attraction on Nonlinear Optical Properties of (XMPH3)2 (X = F, Cl; and M = Au, Ag and Cu): A Theoretical Study,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2010年
654. Using Flexible and Rigid Organic Ligands to Tune Topology Structures Based on Keggin Polyoxometalates,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
655. Monoorganooxotin Cage, Diorganotin Ladders, Diorganotin Double Chain and Triorganotin Single Chain Formed with Phosphonate and Arsonate Ligands,DALTON T,2010年
656. Construction and property investigation of transition-metal complexes modified octamolybdate hybrid materials based on V-shaped organic ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2010年
657. Theoretical Study on Dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]phosphole Derivatives: High-efficiency Blue Emitting Materials with ambipolar semiconductor behavior,THEOR CHEM ACC,2010年
658. Construction of a series of 0D, 2D and 3D inorganic–organic hybrid coordination polymers based on octamolybdate and 2-(2-pyridyl)imidazole and its derivative,INORG CHIM ACTA,2010年
659. L-cysteine functionalized gold nanoparticles for the colorimetric detection of Hg2+ induced by ultraviolet light,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2010年
660. Mechanistic and kinetic study of CH2O+O3 reaction,J PHYS CHEM A,2010年
661. Theoretical Investigation of the Reactions of CF3CHFOCF3 with the OH Radical and Cl Atom,J PHYS CHEM A,2010年
662. 双噻唑苯二聚体自由基分子的极化率与二阶超极化率的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2010年
663. 双咪唑苯和双三唑苯及其衍生物非线性光学性质的密度泛函研究,ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN,2010年
664. Two Heterometallic Aggregates Constructed from the {P2W12}-Based Trimeric Polyoxotungstates and 3d-4f Heterometals.,CRYST GROWTH DES,2010年
665. Two new extended structures built from condensed Keggin-type polyoxotungstates and copper(II)-organic units,SOLID STATE SCI,2010年
666. Theoretical study of the impact factor on redox property and second-order nonlinear response for organoimido derivatives of [Mo6O19]2-: Electron donors with magnitude of conjugated groups or length of conjugated chain,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2010年
667. A theoretical study of ground and excited state proton transfer and rotamerim in salicylanilide and its 1:1 complex with methanol,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2010年
668. The modulation of electronic and optical properties of OXD-X through introduction of the electron-withdrawing groups: A DFT study,J MOL GRAPH MODEL,2010年
669. A Quantum Mechanical Study of the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Aryldiazenido-Substituted Hexamolybdates: A Surprising Charge Transfer,EUR J INORG CHEM,2009年
670. Theoretical studies on the structures and absorption spectra ofCnR2n+1(R = H,F;n =1,2) substituted 5-(2-pyridyl) pyrazolate boron complexes,MOL PHYS,2009年
671. Triphenylamine-based pH chemosensor: Synthesis, crystal structure, photophysical properties and computational studies,SYNTHETIC MET,2009年
672. Syntheses and Characterization of Two Coordination Polymers Constructed by the Ligand 3,5-Bis(pyridin-4-ylmethoxy)benzoic Acid,Z ANORG ALLG CHEM,2009年
673. Interpenetrating metal-organic frameworks formed by self-assembly of tetrahedral and octahedral building blocks,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
674. Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Transition-Metal-Trisubstituted Polyoxometalate-Diphosphate Complexes: A Donor-Conjugated Bridge-Acceptor Paradigm for Totally Inorganic Nonlinear Optical Materials,J PHYS CHEM C,2009年
675. Tin Alkylarsonate Clusters: C-H…X (X=Cl,O,and π) Interaction-Mediated Supramolecular Formation,CRYST GROWTH DES,2009年
676. A novel luminescent 3D metal–organic framework possessing 4-fold interpenetrating (3,4)-connected net,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
677. A new (3,4,7)-connected topology framework based on [Cd2(CO2)3O4N2] second building unit,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
678. From Racemic Compound to Spontaneous Resolution: a Linker-Imposed Evolution of chiral [MnMo9O32]6--based Polyoxometalate Compounds,CHEM-EUR J,2009年
679. Theoretical Investigation on Electronic Transition of Tris(8-quinolinolate) Aluminum Grafted on Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Units with the Localized-density-matrix Method,CHINESE J CHEM,2009年
680. 含有噻唑生色团的Y-型有机分子的二阶非线性光学性质,ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN,2009年
681. Penta-, Hexa-, and Heptanuclear Organotin-Oxygen Arsonate Clusters Constructed from an Acetate Drum Cluster Precursor and Different Arsonate Anions,EUR J INORG CHEM,2009年
682. Syntheses and characterizations of five coordination polymers constructed by 3,5-bis(pyridin-3-ylmethoxy)benzoic acid ligand,POLYHEDRON,2009年
683. Photophysical and charge-transport properties of hole-blocking material-TAZ:A theoretical study,SYNTHETIC MET,2009年
684. Realization of High-Energy Emission from [Cu(N-N)(P-P)]+ Complexes for Organic Light-Emitting Diode Applications,J PHYS CHEM C,2009年
685. A Facile Method for Preparation of Dye-Doped Silica-Based Raspberry-Like Microspheres and Fluorescent Films,J NANOSCI NANOTECHNO,2009年
686. Protein-Sized Chiral Fe168 Cages with NbO-Type Topology,J AM CHEM SOC,2009年
687. Two New Helical Compounds Based on Pitch-Tunable Keggin Clusters,EUR J INORG CHEM,2009年
688. 6,6'-二氧-3,3'-二四联氮自由基及其衍生物不同构象NLO性质的DFT研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2009年
689. The effect of phenyl group on the electronic and phosphorescent properties of cyclometalated analogues of platinum(II) terpyridine complexes: a theoretical study,THEOR CHEM ACC,2009年
690. Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Trisubstituted Keggin and Wells-Dawson Polyoxometalates: Density Functional Theory Investigation of the Inorganic Donor-Conjugated Bridge-Acceptor Structure,INORG CHEM,2009年
691. Knot-Isomers of Mobius Cyclacene: How Does the Number of Knots Influence the Structure and First Hyperpolarizability?,J PHYS CHEM C,2009年
692. Three novel 3D (3,8)-connected metal-organic frameworks constructed from flexible-rigid mixed ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2009年
693. Theoretical studies on nitrido ruthenium (VI) porphyrin and high valent ruthenium nitrido derivatives of Keggin typical polyoxometalate ([PW11O39(RuVIN)]4): electronic structures and bonding features,DALTON T,2009年
694. Quantum Mechanical Design and Structure of the Li@B10H14 Basket with a Remarkably Enhanced Electro-Optical Response,J AM CHEM SOC,2009年
695. Two new octamolybdate-based metal–organic polymers: Structures, semiconducting and photoluminescent properties,J MOL STRUCT,2009年
696. Thermally Induced Reversible Phase Transformations Accompanied by Emission Switching Between Different Colors of Two Aromatic-Amine Compounds,ADV MATER,2009年
697. Highly sensitive oxygen sensors based on Cu(Ⅰ) complex-polystyrene composite nanofibrous membranes prepared by electrospinning,CHEM COMMUN,2009年
698. Silver/Polyaniline Composite Nanotubes: One-Step Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Activity for Neurotransmitter Dopamine,J PHYS CHEM C,2009年
699. Investigation of Dibenzoboroles Having π-Electrons: Toward a New Type of Two-Dimensional NLO Molecular Switch?,J PHYS CHEM C,2009年
700. Redox-Switchable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Responses of Push-Pull Monotetrathiafulvalene-Metalloporphyrins,INORG CHEM,2009年
701. Unprecedented interweaving of single-helical chains into a chiral metal-organic framework based on a flexible ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2009年
702. Bottom-Up Synthesis of Porous Coordination Frameworks: Apical Substitution of a Pentanuclear Tetrahedral Precursor,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2009年
703. 金丝桃素分子结构及其与HIV病毒蛋白酶作用的分子动力学研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2009年
704. 14顶点双取代碳硼烷和金属碳硼烷极化率和二阶超极化率的DFT研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2009年
705. Improving the accuracy of low level quantum chemical calculation for absorption energies: the genetic algorithm and neural network approach,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2009年
706. A Quantum Chemical Study of the Structure, Bonding Characteristics and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Aryloxido and Salicylaldehydo Derivatives of [XW5O18]3(X = Zr or Ti),EUR J INORG CHEM,2009年
707. Theoretical Study on the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Nonconjugated D-π-A Chromophores,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2009年
708. Assembly of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Based on Dawson-Type Polyoxometalate and Multinuclear Copper-Phen Complexes with Unique Magnetic Properties,CRYST GROWTH DES,2009年
709. Incorporation of Znq2 complexes into mesoporous silica and their transparent polymer luminescent nanocomposites,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
710. An accurate density functional theory calculation for electronic excitation energies: The least-squares support vector machine,J CHEM PHYS,2009年
711. Theoretical Study on the two-dimensional Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties:a Series of Charge-Transfer Covalently Bonded Organoimido Derived Hexamolybdate Complexes,THEOR CHEM ACC,2009年
712. Syntheses and characterizations of three coordination polymers based on dipyridylbenzoates and 1,4-bezenedicarboxylate,POLYHEDRON,2009年
713. Quantum chemical study of redox-switchable second-order optical nonlinearity in Keggin-type organoimido derivative [PW11O39(ReNC6H5)]n-(n=2-4),THEOR CHEM ACC,2009年
714. Prediction of Remarkably Large Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organoimido-Substituted Hexamolybdates,J PHYS CHEM A,2009年
715. Theoretical investigation of structures, electronic spectra and nonlinear optical properties of gold-pentacene (Au2C22H14) complexes,J ORGANOMET CHEM,2009年
716. Investigation on fluorescence properties of ultrafine PVA fiber mats-contained polyoxometalate with different molecular structure,J APPL POLYM SCI,2009年
717. Self-assembly of zinc polymers based on a flexible linear ligand at different pH values: Syntheses, structures and fluorescent properties,SOLID STATE SCI,2009年
718. Syntheses, Structures, and Luminescent Properties of Zinc(II) and Cadmium(II) Coordination Complexes Based on Different (Pyridyl)imidazole Derivatives and 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylate,CRYST GROWTH DES,2009年
719. Highly Stable Crystalline Catalysts Based on a Microporous Metal-Organic Framework and Polyoxometalates,J AM CHEM SOC,2009年
720. DFT study on second-order nonlinear optical properties of Pt(II) complexes with different chromophores,SCI CHINA SER B,2009年
721. Two novel supramolecular isomers based on 2,2'-biimidazole derivative and zinc ions: Syntheses, structures and luminescent properties,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2009年
722. Organic–inorganic hybrids constructed by Anderson-type polyoxoanions and copper coordination complexes,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
723. Rational design microporous pillared-layer frameworks: syntheses, structures and gas sorption properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2009年
724. Assemblies of Copper Bis(triazole) Coordination Polymers Using the Same Keggin Polyoxometalate Template,INORG CHEM,2009年
725. The comparative investigation on redox property and second-order nonlinear response of Keggin-type α-[PM12O39NPh]3-(M = W and Mo) and Mo6NPh,CHINESE SCI BULL,2009年
726. Combination of POMs and deliberately designed macrocations: a rational approach for synthesis of POM-pillared metal-organic framework,DALTON T,2009年
727. Two eight-connected self-penetrating porous metal-organic frameworks: configurational isomers caused by different linking modes between terephthalate and binuclear nickel building units,CRYSTENGCOMM,2009年
728. Quantum Chemical Studies on High-Valent Metal Nitrido Derivatives of Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates ([PW11O39(MVIN)]4- (M = Ru, Os, Re)): M-VI-N Bonding and Electronic Structures,INORG CHEM,2009年
729. Metal-organic replica of γ-Pu: the first uninodal 10-connected coordination network based on pentanuclear cadmium clusters,CHEM COMMUN,2009年
730. Construction of a Three-Dimensional Polynuclear Zinc Compound Based on Unique Metallophthalocyanine-like Subunits,INORG CHEM,2009年
731. A theoretical investigation of intermolecular interaction of a phthalimide based "on-off" sensor with different halide ions: tuning its efficiency and electro-optical properties,THEOR CHEM ACC,2009年
732. Phosphorescence Enhancement Triggered by П Stacking in Solid-state [Cu(N-N))(P-P)]BF4 Complexes,LANGMUIR,2009年
733. Density functional study of magnetic exchange of dinuclear manganese complexes with the heteropolymolyanion: [MnII2(Xn+Mo9O33)2]2(n-10)- (X = PV, AsV, SeVI),SCI CHINA SER B,2008年
734. 联吖叮氮氧自由基体系及其衍生物NLO性质的密度泛函理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
735. d(10)-Metal coordination polymers based on analogue di(pyridyl) imidazole derivatives and 4,4,DALTON T,2008年
736. Generalized Fabrication of Surfactant-Stabilized Anisotropic Metal Nanoparticles to Amino-Functionalized Surfaces: Application to Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,J NANOSCI NANOTECHNO,2008年
737. Self-Assembly of 2D→2D Interpenetrating Coordination Polymers Showing Polyrotaxane- and Polycatenane-like Motifs: Influence of Various Ligands on Topological Structural Diversity,INORG CHEM,2008年
738. Spontaneous Resolution of Chiral Polyoxometalate-Based Compounds Consisting of 3D Chiral Inorganic Skeletons Assembled from Different Helical Units,CHEM-EUR J,2008年
739. A ligand exchange route to highly luminescent surface-functionalized ZnS nanoparticles and their transparent polymer nanocomposites,ADV FUNCT MATER,2008年
740. Polyaniline Nanorods and Hollow-Microspheres Prepared by Using Copper Wires or Rings as Template,J NANOSCI NANOTECHNO,2008年
741. d10-Metal coordination polymers based on analogue di(pyridyl)imidazole derivatives and 4,4'-oxydibenzoic acid: influence of flexible and angular characters of neutral ligands on structural diversity,Dalton Transactions,2008年
742. A novel pentanuclear Zn(II) coordination polymer with double helices: Synthesis, structure and luminescent property,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
743. A metal-organic framework containing meso-helical chains: Synthesis, characterization and luminescent property,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
744. A series of lead(II)-organic frameworks based on pyridyl carboxylate acid N-oxide derivatives: Syntheses, structures, and luminescent properties,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
745. A (3,12)-connected 3D metal-organic framework based on nanosized octanuclear zinc clusters,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
746. Theoretical study on the considerable second-order nonlinear optical properties of naphthylimido-substituted hexamolybdates,J PHYS CHEM A,2008年
747. Influence of anionic sulfonate-containing co-ligands on the solid structures of silver complexes supported by 4,4'-bipyridine bridges,Dalton Transactions,2008年
748. Theoretical study on the electronic structures and optical properties of oxadisilole-substituted acenes,CHEM PHYS LETT,2008年
749. 咪唑氧自由基分子NLO性质的密度泛函理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2008年
750. 十二顶点邻位双取代碳硼烷衍生物二阶NLO性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
751. Theoretical study on a novel series of fullerene-containing organometallics Fe(η(5)-C55X5)(2) (X = CH, N, B) and their large third-order Nonlinear optical properties,J PHYS CHEM A,2008年
752. Self-assembly of polyoxometalate-based metal organic frameworks based on octamolybdates and copper-organic units: from Cu-II, Cu-I,Cu-II to Cu-I via changing organic amine,INORG CHEM,2008年
753. Theoretical characterization of a typical hole/exciton-blocking material bathocuproine and its analogues,J PHYS CHEM A,2008年
754. Hydrothermal syntheses, crystal structures and properties of three coordination frameworks based on a new semirigid ligand and benzenedicarboxylate,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2008年
755. Two Dawson-templated three-Dimensional metal-organic frameworks based on oxalate-bridged binuclear cobalt(II)/nickel(II) SBUs and bpy linkers,INORG CHEM,2008年
756. Assembly of a chiral bikitaite zeolite metal-organic framework based on the asymmetrical tetrahedral building blocks,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
757. Tuning the Dimensionality of the Coordination Polymer Based onPolyoxometalate by Changing the Spacer Length of Ligands,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
758. Synthesis, Structures, Electronic States, and Luminescent Properties of Novel Blue-light Emitting Aryl-Substituted 9,9-Di(4-(di-p-tolyl) aminophenyl) fluorenes,ADV FUNCT MATER,2008年
759. DFT study on second-order nonlinear optical properties of the derivatives of 7-vertex cobalt-carborane metallocenyl,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2008年
760. Theoretical study on the mechanism for the reaction of pentafulvenone with HNC in singlet and triplet states, interconversions and solvation effect,MOL PHYS,2008年
761. 溶剂化效应对6-亚甲基环戊二烯酮与HCN的反应机理影响的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
762. Catenation of loop-containing 2D layers with a 3D pcu skeleton into a new type of entangled framework having polyrotaxane and polycatenane character,INORG CHEM,2008年
763. Construction of different dimensional inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on polyoxometalates and metal-organic units via changing metal ions: from non-covalent interactions to covalent connections,Dalton Transactions,2008年
764. A novel (4,8)-connected 3D polyoxometalate-based metal-organic framework containing an in situ ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2008年
765. Reversible redox-switchable second-order optical nonlinearity in polyoxometalate: A quantum chemical study of [PW11O39(ReN)]n- (n=3-7),INORG CHEM,2008年
766. Two unprecedented 1D coordination polymer Chains based on tetranuclear copper (ΙΙ) Building blocks,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2008年
767. Computational study on second-order nonlinear response of a series of Two-dimensional carbazole-cored chromophores,J.PHYS.CHEM.C,2008年
768. Polyaniline nanotubes prepared using fiber mats membrane as the template and their gas-response behavior,J.PHYS.CHEM.C,2008年
769. Synthesis and properties of transparent luminescent nanocomposites with surface functionalized semiconductor nanocrystals,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2008年
770. Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Flexible Bis(benzimidazole) Ligands,EUR J INORG CHEM,2008年
771. A (4,8)-Connected Fluorite Topology Framework Based on Mononuclear and Dinuclear MetalCenters,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
772. Unusual parallel and inclined interlocking modes in polyrotaxane-like metal-organic frameworks,CHEM COMMUN,2008年
773. Tin- Oxo Clusters Based on Aryl Arsonate Anions,CHEM-EUR J,2008年
774. 硅杂环戊二烯衍生物电子结构与光谱性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
775. pH-Dependent Assembly of Hybrids Based on Wells-Dawson POM/Ag Chemistry,INORG CHEM,2008年
776. Theoretical study on the structures, isomerization and stability of SiC3H isomers,THEOR CHEM ACC,2008年
777. Theoretical studies on the formation mechanism and structure of pentafulvenone and azafulvenone,JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY,2008年
778. A Novel Chiral 3D Supramolecular Framework Based on Organooxotin Cluster,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2008年
779. Versatile Frameworks Constructed from Divalent Metals and 1,2,3,4-Butanetetracarboxylate Anion: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Luminescence and Magnetic Properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2008年
780. Structures and Luminescent Properties of a Series of Zinc(II) and Cadmium(II) 4,4'-Oxydiphthalate Coordination Polymers with Various Ligands Based on Bis(pyridyl imidazole) under Hydrothermal Conditions,CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
781. Inorganic–organic hybrid materials with different dimensions constructed from copper-fluconazole metal-organic units and Keggin polyanion clusters,Dalton Transactions,2008年
782. Unprecedented Dinuclear Tin Derivative of Deprotonated β–Cyclodextrins,INORG CHEM,2008年
783. Cooperative enhancement of two-photon absorption cross sections in three-branched oligofluorene with boron center,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2008年
784. Effect of п-conjugated length of bridging ligand on the optoelectronic properties of platinum(II) dimers,INORG CHEM,2008年
785. Structures and Luminescent Properties of Seven Coordination Polymers of Zinc(II) and Cadmium(II) with 3,3',4,4'-Benzophenone Tetracarboxylate Anion and Bis(imidazole),CRYST GROWTH DES,2008年
786. Theoretical predication of third-order optical nonlinearities of [Al4MAl4]n- (n=0-2, M = Ti, V and Cr) clusters,THEOR CHEM ACC,2008年
787. Assembly of the Highest Connectivity Wells-Dawson PolyoxometalateCoordination Polymer: the Use of Organic Ligand Flexibility,INORG CHEM,2008年
788. Stabilities, electronic properties of exohedral fluorine and trifluoromethyl derivatives for Td C28 fullerene C28F4-n(CF3)n (n=0,1,2,3,4),INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2008年
789. 具有不同生色团的Pt(II)配合物二阶非线性光学性质的DFT研究,中国科学B辑,2008年
790. Theoretical study on endohedral complexes C2H2-C60, C2H4-C60, and C2H6-C60,JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY,2008年
791. Syntheses and characterizations of four metal coordination polymers constructed by the pyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate ligand,POLYHEDRON,2008年
792. Theoretical study on the relationship between spin multiplicity effects and nonlinear optical properties of the Pyrrole radical(C4H4N.),J PHYS CHEM A,2008年
793. Supramolecular isomerism with polythreaded topology based on [Mo8O26]4- isomers,INORG CHEM,2008年
794. Spontaneous resolution of a 3D chiral polyoxometalate-based polythreaded framework consisting of an achiral ligand,CHEM COMMUN,2008年
795. 六钼酸盐有机胺杂化衍生物与SARS-CoV 3CLpro 相互作用的分子动力学模拟,CHEM J CHINESE U,2008年
796. Monodispersed Gold Nanorod-Embedded Silica Particles as Novel Raman Labels for Biosensing,ADV FUNCT MATER,2008年
797. Tetraaquabis(2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-4-carboxylato-kO4)nickel(II),ACTA CRYSTALLOGR E,2008年
798. An unusual polyoxometalate-encapsulating 3D polyrotaxane framework formed by molecular squares threading on a twofold interpenetrated diamondoid skeleton,CHEM COMMUN,2007年
799. Building block approach to nanostructures: step-by-step assembly of large lanthanide-containing polytungstoarsenate aggregates,Dalton Transactions,2007年
800. An Unprecedented Fivefold Interpenetrating Network Based on Polyoxometalate Building Blocks,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
801. Two Mulit-Copper-Containing Heteropolyoxotungstates Constructed from the Lacunary Keggin Polyoxoanion and the High-Nuclear Spin Cluster,INORG CHEM,2007年
802. Ferromagnetically Coupled Dimer of CuII-Substituted γ-Decatungstosilicate,INORG CHEM,2007年
803. Assembly of Multitrack Cu-N Coordination Polymeric Chain-Modified Polyoxometalates Influenced by Polyoxoanion Cluster and Ligand,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
804. Theoretical studies on the electronic structure and spectral properties of versatile diarylethene-containing 1,10-phenanthroline ligands and their rhenium(I) complexes,J ORGANOMET CHEM,2007年
805. Synthesis and characterization of three Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) supramolecular complexes bridged by biphenyl 2,2'-dicarboxylate,SOLID STATE SCI,2007年
806. Bis{4,4-[(2,2'-bi-1H-imidazole-1,1'-diyl)dimethylene]dipyridinium}β-octamolybdate,Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2007年
807. ITO electrode modified by self-assembling multilayer film of polyoxometallate on poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers and its electrocatalytic behavior,ELECTROCHIM ACTA,2007年
808. Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Double-Cubane-Substituted and Asymmetric Penta-Ni-Substituted Dimeric Polyoxometalates,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
809. Biorecognition-Driven Self-Assembly of Gold Nanorods: A Rapid and Sensitive Approach toward Antibody Sensing,CHEM MATER,2007年
810. Syntheses and Structures of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Compounds Based on Metal-Fluconazole Coordination Polymers and the β-Mo8O26 Anion,INORG CHEM,2007年
811. Structure and second-order NLO property of the molecules bridged through n-vertex bis-substituted carborane (n=5,6,7),CHINESE SCI BULL,2007年
812. Chiral Polyoxometalate-Induced Enatiomerically 3D Architectures:A New Route for Synthesis of High-Dimensional Chiral Compounds,J AM CHEM SOC,2007年
813. A 3D chiral nanoporous coordination framework consisting of homochiral nanotubes assembled from octuple helices,CHEM COMMUN,2007年
814. An unprecedented (6,8)-connected self-penetrating network based on two distinct zinc clusters,CHEM COMMUN,2007年
815. Structural Study of Silver(Ⅰ) Sulfonate Complexes with Pyrazine Derivatives,INORG CHEM,2007年
816. Mixed-Valence Iron(II, III) Trimesates with Open Frameworks Modulatedby Solvents,Inorg.Chem,2007年
817. ITO electrode modified with chitosan nanofibers loading polyoxometalate by one step self-assembly method and its electrocatalysis,ELECTROCHEM COMMUN,2007年
818. A new molybdenum-oxide-based organic-inorganic hybrid framework templated by double-Keggin anions,CHEM COMMUN,2007年
819. Controllable colours and shapes of silver nanostructures based on pH: application to surface-enhanced Raman scattering,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2007年
820. Preparation and formation mechanism of different α-Fe2O3 morphologies from snowflake to paired microplates, dumbbell, and spindle microstructures,J.PHYS.CHEM.C,2007年
821. A novel large heteropolytungstate constructed from two types of lacunary Keggin anions:K7Na13[(PW11O39)2 (PW9O34)2(W2O3)2]·25H2O,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
822. A chiral 3D polymer with right- and left-helices based on 2,2'-biimidazole: Synthesis, crystal structure and fluorescent property,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2007年
823. DFT studies on second-order nonlinear optical properties of mono(salicyaldiminato) Nickel(II) polyenyl Schiff-base metal complexes,CHEM PHYS LETT,2007年
824. Exceptional Self-Penetrating Networks Containing Unprecedented Quintuple-Stranded Molecular Braid, 9-Fold Meso Helices, and 17-Fold Interwoven Helices,INORG CHEM,2007年
825. Theoretical Studies on the Structures and Absorption Spectra of -Ph and t-Bu Substituted 5-(2-pyridyl) Pyrazolate Boron Complexes,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2007年
826. Design and synthesis of 1,4-bis[4-(1,1-dicyanovinyl)styryl]-2,5-bis(alkoxy)benzenes as red organic electroluminescent PPV analogs,POLYMER,2007年
827. 5,6,7顶点双取代碳硼烷桥连分子的结构和二阶NLO性质,科学通报,2007年
828. Improving the accuracy of density-functional theory calculation:The genetic algorithm and neural network approach,J CHEM PHYS,2007年
829. Theoretical study on one- and two-photon absorption properties of PPV derivatives with electron-donor phenylanthracene as pendent group,CHINESE J CHEM,2007年
830. Two novel lead-carboxylate complexes based on nicotinic acid N-oxide: Synthesis, crystal structures and luminescent properties,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2007年
831. Quantum chemical study of structures, electronic spectrum, and nonlinear optical properties of gold-pentacene complexes,ORGANOMETALLICS,2007年
832. Theoretical study on photophysical properties of phenolpyridyl boron complexes,J PHYS CHEM A,2007年
833. 单壁碳纳米管内包合有机小分子(乙炔,乙烯和乙烷)结构的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2007年
834. Photoluminescent metal-organic framework with hex topology constructed from infinite rod-shaped secondary building units and single e,e-trans-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic dianion,INORG CHIM ACTA,2007年
835. Syntheses and Characterization of Six Coordination Polymers of Zinc(Ⅱ) and Cobalt(Ⅱ) with1, 3, 5-Benzenetricarboxylate Anion and Bis(imidazole) ligands,INORG CHEM,2007年
836. Synthesis of an Organotin Oligomer Containing a Heptanuclear Tin Phosphonate Cluster by Debenzylation Reactions: X-ray Crystal Structure of {Na6(CH3OH)2(H2O)} {[(BzSn)3(PhPO3)5(μ3-O)(CH3O)]2Bz2Sn}.CH3OH,ORGANOMETALLICS,2007年
837. Charge Carrier Transporting, Photoluminescent, and Electroluminescent Properties of Zinc(II)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate Complex,CHEM MATER,2007年
838. Syntheses, characterization, and luminescent properties of three 3D lead-organic frameworks with 1D channels,CRYST GROWTH DES,2007年
839. Electronic structures of 4d transition metal monoxides by density functional theory,THEOR CHEM ACC,2007年
840. 14顶点闭合型碳硼烷异构体的结构和稳定性的密度泛函理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2007年
841. Keggin POMs Modified by Bonding to Multitrack Cu(bipy) Chains through Linearly Arrayed Terminal and Bridging Oxygen Atoms of the M3O13 Triad,EUR J INORG CHEM,2007年
842. Transesterification of Vegetable Oil to Biodiesel using a Heteropolyacid Solid Catalyst,ADV SYNTH CATAL,2007年
843. On the chlorides of C26 fullerene. A theoretical study,MOL PHYS,2007年
844. Studies on the interactions of Ti-containing polyoxometalates (POMs) with SARS-CoV 3CLpro by molecular modeling,J INORG BIOCHEM,2007年
845. Electronic structures of 5d transition metal monoxides by density functional theory,THEOR CHEM ACC,2007年
846. Time-dependent density functional theory study on electronic and spectroscopic properties for Ph(2)Bq and its complexes,THEOR CHEM ACC,2007年
847. cis-Dichlorobis[2-(2-pyridyl)-1H-imidazole-_N3]zinc(II) hemihydrate,Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2006年
848. Anion-directed assembly of two novel cadmium(II) complexes constructed by 2,2' -(1,4-butanediyl)bis(1H-benzimidazole) ligand,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
849. [M6Om(C25N4H18)n]2- (M=W, Mo; n=1, 2; m=17, 18)的二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2006年
850. A Series of New Organotin-Cyanometalate Compounds Based on Triorganotin, Diorganotin, and Organooxotin Clusters,ORGANOMETALLICS,2006年
851. A DFT Study on the Electronic and Redox Properties of [PW11O39(ReN)]n-(n = 3, 4, 5) and [PW11O39(OsN)]2-,EUR J INORG CHEM,2006年
852. Theoretical studies on one- and two-photon absorption properties of rubrene and its derivatives,SYNTHETIC MET,2006年
853. Theoretical study on the electronic spectrum and the origin of remarkably large third-order nonlinear optical properties of organoimide derivatives of hexamolybdates,J PHYS CHEM B,2006年
854. Optimized LiFePO4-polyacene cathode material for lithium-ion batteries,ADV MATER,2006年
855. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Sandwich-Type Keggin-γ- Lacunary Silicotungstates with an Open Wells–Dawson-Like Structure,EUR J INORG CHEM,2006年
856. ‘One-step’ controllable synthesis of Ag and Ag2S nanocrystals on a large scale,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2006年
857. A first-principles study of oxidation pattern in magic Si-7 cluster,CHEM PHYS LETT,2006年
858. How do the different defect structures and element substitutions affect the nonlinear optical properties of lacunary Keggin polyoxometalates? A DFT study,EUR J INORG CHEM,2006年
859. Hyperpolarizabilities of para-nitroaniline and bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl] squaraine: The effects of functional/basis set based on TDDFT-SOS method,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2006年
860. DFT study on second-order nonlinear optical properties of a series of mono Schiff-base M(II) (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) complexes,CHEM PHYS LETT,2006年
861. H3PAuR型单核Au(I)配合物的结构和非线性光学系数的量子化学计算比较,CHEM J CHINESE U,2006年
862. A facile method to produce highly monodispersed nanospheres of cystine aggregates,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2006年
863. Polyoxotungstates containing uranyl group: Germanotungstates with Keggin sandwich structure,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2006年
864. Prediction of second-order optical nonlinearity of trisorganotin-substituted β-Keggin polyoxotungstate,INORG CHEM,2006年
865. TD-DFT investigation on the low-lying excited states of spiro-bithiophene,CHEM PHYS LETT,2006年
866. Self-Assembly of Nanometer-Scale [Cu24I10L12]14+ Cages and Ball-Shaped Keggin Clusters into a (4, 12)-Connected 3D Framework with Photoluminescent and Electrochemical Properties,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2006年
867. Two-Dimensional Lanthanide Heteropolyvanadates of Manganese(IV) and Nickel(IV) Containing Two Types of Heteropoly Anions with 1:13 and 1:12 Stoichiometry,INORG CHEM,2006年
868. {μ-1,4-Bis[2-(2-pyridyl)imidazol-1-yl]butane}-bis[dichlorocopper(II)],Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2006年
869. Synthesis and characterization of one- to three-dimensional compounds composed of paradodecatungstate-B cluster and transition metals as linkers,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2006年
870. Theoretical study on C32 fullerenes and derivatives,CHEM PHYS LETT,2006年
871. 具有三维结构的 Co(II)配合物二阶非线性光学性质的DFT研究,物理化学学报,2006年
872. Synthesis, Assembly, and Biofunctionalization of Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods for Colorimetric Biosensing,ADV FUNCT MATER,2006年
873. Synthesis, structre and luminescent proportion of two three-dimensionald10 metal complexes constructed from pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid with new network topologies.,J MOL STRUCT,2006年
874. Density functional study of protonation sites of α-Keggin isopolyanions,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2006年
875. Oxidation pattern of small silicon oxide clusters: Structures and stability of Si6On (n=1-12),J PHYS CHEM A,2006年
876. Theoretical study on photophysical and charge transport properties of 1,6-bis(2-hydroxyphenol)pyridylboron bis(4-n-butylphenyl)phenyleneamine compound,J PHYS CHEM A,2006年
877. A bridge between Pillared-Layer and Helical Structures: A Series of Three-Dimensional Pillared Coordination Polymers with Multiform Helical Chains.,CHEM-EUR J,2006年
878. Controlled cutting carbon with polyoxometalates assisted renewable method.,MATER LETT,2006年
879. Chiral 3D Architectures with helical Channels Constructed from Polyoxometalate Clusters and Copper-Amino Acid Complexes.,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2006年
880. 小檗碱质谱碎片离子稳定性分析及碎裂机理的量子化学研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2006年
881. Intercalation and Phootophysical Propertes of the Tetra- (8-hydroxyquinato) BoronComplex and 3,3’,4,4’-Benzophenone Tetracarboxylic Anion into Mg-Al layered DoubledHydroxides,INORG CHEM,2006年
882. MP2 theory investigation on the halides of D6hC36:C36Xn ?X=F,Cl,Br; n=2,4,6,12…,J CHEM PHYS,2006年
883. 水杨醛缩乙二胺双席夫碱及其Ni (II)配合物的电子结构和非线性光学性质的INDO/CI研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2006年
884. Theoretical study on the second-order nonlinear optical properties of asymmetric spirosilabifluorene derivatives,J PHYS CHEM A,2006年
885. Quantum chemistry studies on the Ru-M interactions and the 31P NMR in [Ru(CO)3(Ph2Ppy)2(MCl2)] (M = Zn, Cd, Hg),J ORGANOMET CHEM,2006年
886. 金配合物[Au(C≡C-4-LNO2)(PPh3)二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,分子科学学报,2006年
887. Synthesis, structure and characterization of a new cobalt-containinggermanotungstate with open Wells-Dawson structure:K13[{Co(H2O)}(m-H2O)2K(Ge2W18O66)],J MOL STRUCT,2006年
888. Metal Nuclearity Modulated Four-, Six-, and Eight-Connected Entangled Frameworks Based on Mono-, Bi-, andTrimetallic Cores as Nodes.,CHEM-EUR J,2006年
889. Synthesis ,crystal structures and properties of five-coordinate Schiff-base,J COORD CHEM,2006年
890. Facile method to detect oligonucleotides with functionalized polydiacetylene vesicles,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2006年
891. Synthesis and self-assembly of silica-coated anisotropic gold nanoparticle films,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2006年
892. Heterogeneous hydroxylation catalyzed by multi-walled carbon nanotubes at low temperature,待定,2006年
893. Improved performance of electrophosphorescent devices based on Re(CO)3Cl-dipyrido[3,2-a : 2',3'-c]phenazine,APPL PHYS LETT,2006年
894. Theoretical study on characteristics of structure and vibrational frequency of spiro-linked complex Zn(PyIm)2 (PyIm=2(2'-pyridine)-imidazole) in excited state,CHEM PHYS LETT,2006年
895. Design and syntheses of blue luminescent zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes with bidentate or tridentate pyridyl-imidazole ligands,POLYHEDRON,2006年
896. Colorimetric detection of immunoglobulin G by use,ANAL BIOANAL CHEM,2006年
897. Theoretical studies on electronic spectra and second-order nonlinear optical properties of glucosyl substituted barbituric acid derivatives,CHINESE J CHEM,2006年
898. Density Functional Theory Study on the First Hyperpolarizabilities of Organoimido Derivatives of Hexamolybdates,J PHYS CHEM B,2005年
899. 石墨负极充放电过程的DFT研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
900. 乌头碱类生物碱电喷雾串联质谱行为及碎片离子稳定性的量子化学计算,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
901. 主成分分析-神经网络方法用于硝基苯及其同系物的QSAR研究,计算机与应用化学,2005年
902. Influence of neutral ligands on the structures of silver(I) sulfonates,INORG CHEM,2005年
903. Poly[bis(4,4’-bipyridine)(μ3-4,4’-dicarboxybiphenyl-3,3’-dicarboxylato)cobalt(II)],Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2005年
904. Theoretical Studies of the relative stabilities and electronic properties on B endohedral and exohedral fullerenes,SYNTHETIC MET,2005年
905. Rationally Designed, Polymeric,Extended Metal-Ciprofloxacin Complexes,CHEM-EUR J,2005年
906. 2-(2,5-二羟基苯基)-5-甲基-2,5-二氢吡咯并[3,4]富勒烯的合成和电子光谱的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2005年
907. Predication of second-order optical nonlinearity of [(Bu2(t) Im)AuX] (X=halogen) using time-dependent density-functional theory combined with sum-over-states method,J CHEM PHYS,2005年
908. Electronic Properties of Strandberg Anions:A DFT study of [X2Mo5O23](n-), (X = P-V, S-VI, As-V, Se-VI), and [(RP)(2)Mo5O21](4-) (R = H, CH3, C2H5),INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2005年
909. Three-dimensional mesomeric networks assembled from helix-linked sheets:syntheses, structures, and magnetisms,Dalton Transactions,2005年
910. An organic-inorganic hybrid material constructed from a three-dimensional coordination complex cationic framework and entrapped hexadecavanadate clusters,CHEM COMMUN,2005年
911. pH-tuned systhesis of gold nanostructures from gold nanorods with different aspect ratios,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2005年
912. 单、双、三硝基取代吡啶衍生物一阶超极化率的理论研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2005年
913. Theoretical investigation of electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of functionalized bis-silicon-bridged stilbene homologue,SYNTHETIC MET,2005年
914. Self-assembling structures and thin-film microscopic morphologies of amphiphilic rod-coil block oligomers,J COLLOID INTERF SCI,2005年
915. An unprecedented eight-connected self-penetrating network based on pentanuclear zinc cluster building blocks,CHEM COMMUN,2005年
916. Calculations of two-photon absorption cross-sections of stibene and bis(styry1) benzene derivatives by means of TDDFT-SOS method,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2005年
917. SARS冠状病毒E蛋白的结构研究及功能预测,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
918. PH 值对2-(2-吡啶基)咪唑荧光光谱的影响研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
919. Entangled Coordination Networks with Inherent Features of Polycatenation, Polythreading, and Polykntting,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2005年
920. DFT/FF Study on Electronic Structure and Second-Order NLO Property of Dinuclear Gold Complex [Au(SeC2B10H11)(PPh3)]2,SYNTHETIC MET,2005年
921. A Series of Three-Dimensional Lanthanide Coordination Polymers with Rutile and Unprecedented Rutile-Related Topologies,INORG CHEM,2005年
922. An unprecedented fivefold interpenetrated lvt network containing the exceptional racemic motifs originated from nine interwoven helices,CHEM COMMUN,2005年
923. Theoretical study on stability and nonlinear optical properties of novel subphthalocyanine dimer and trimer,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2005年
924. Luminescent compounds diphenylboron analogs of Alq(3) and its methyl substituents: A theoretical investigation of their electronic and spectroscopic properties,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2005年
925. 含氯不对称配体8-羟基喹啉铝配合物电子和光谱性质的TDDFT研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2005年
926. A novel cadmium(II) coordination polymer with biphenyl-3,3',4,4'-tetracarboxylic acid and 4,4'-bipyridine,ACTA CRYSTALLOGR C,2005年
927. Theoretical study on the mechanism of the gas-phase radical-radical reaction of CH3O with NO2,CHEM PHYS LETT,2005年
928. CH3O与ClO双自由基反应机理的量子化学研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2005年
929. Theoretical interpretation of different nanotube morphologies among Group III (B, Al, Ga) nitrides,CHEM PHYS LETT,2005年
930. Absolute configuration determination of a new chiral rigid bisetherketone macrocycle containing binaphthyl and thioether moieties by vibrational circular dichroism,MACROMOL CHEM PHYS,2005年
931. Obtaining carbon nanotubes from grass,NANOTECHNOLOGY,2005年
932. Effect of water on zinc (II), cadmium (II) complexes with pyridylimidazole: Theoretical study of stability and electronic spectrum,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2005年
933. Theoretical studies of ground and excited electronic states of OLED material bis(2-methyl-8-quinolinolato)gallium(iii) chlorine,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2005年
934. Structure, stability, and aromaticity of M-SubPc (M=B, Al,and Ga): Computational study,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2005年
935. Dispersion of polyacenic semiconductor (PAS) in polyethylene: Molecular dynamics simulation,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2005年
936. Controllable Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube and Nanobelt with a Polyoxometalate-Assisted Mild Hydrothermal Process,J AM CHEM SOC,2005年
937. A three-dimensional porous metal–organic framework with the rutile topology constructed from triangular and distorted octahedral building blocks,CHEM COMMUN,2005年
938. HCCO 与CH (2п) 双自由基反应微观动力学的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
939. Theoretical study on geometrical structure and electronic spectrum properties of two stable conformers of boron hydroxyphenylpyridine excimers,J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM,2005年
940. 稻壳制备锂离子电池负极材料的研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2005年
941. 硝基取代亚酞菁衍生物的电子光谱和非线性光学性质的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
942. 吡咯同系物C4H4XH(X=N, P, As, Sb)二阶超极化率的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2005年
943. 呋喃同系物C4H4X(X=O, S, Se, Te)非线性光学性质的TDDFT-SOS理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2005年
944. Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics for HCCO Radical with NO,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2005年
945. Electronic Properties and Stability of DititaniumⅣ Substituted α-Keggin Polyoxotungstate with Heteroatom Phosphorus by DFT,INORG CHEM,2005年
946. 杂多阴离子[P2Mo5O23]6-的稳定结构和电子性质DFT比较研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2004年
947. 中心对称吡嗪衍生物电子光谱和三阶非线性光学性质的理论计算研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
948. 用表面等离子共振仪进行生物分子相互作用研究的评述,分子科学学报,2004年
949. OXO (X= Cl, Br) 与H(2S) 反应机理的量子化学研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
950. Why Does Disubstituted Hexamolybdate with Arylimido Prefer to Form an Orthogonal Derivative?Analysis of Stability,Bonding Character,and Electronic Properties on Molybdate Derivatives by Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study,J PHYS CHEM B,2004年
951. Improving the Accuracy of Density-Functional Theory Calculation:The Statistical Correction Approach,J PHYS CHEM A,2004年
952. 双水杨醛缩苯二胺锌荧光量子效率的研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2004年
953. Keggin型杂多阴离子α-[AlW9Mo3O40]5-电子性质的密度泛函理论研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2004年
954. 双水杨醛缩环己二胺类西佛碱及其配合物的合成、性质研究,分子科学学报,2004年
955. Interlocked and Interdigitated Architectures from Self-Assembly of Long Flexible Ligands and Cadmium Salt,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2004年
956. 2-(4,5-二硫甲基-1,3-二硫环戊烯基)-3,4-富勒吡咯烷的合成表征及电子光谱的INDO/S研究,化学物理学报,2004年
957. Electrochemical performance studies of tin oxide prepared by sol-gel,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2004年
958. Synthesis,crystal structure and spectroscopic studies of a supramolecular compound [Cu(IDA)(phen)(H2O)].4H2O built from p-p interactions and hydrogen bonds,TRANSIT METAL CHEM,2004年
959. HNCS与CX(X=H,F,Cl)自由基反应的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2004年
960. 一个新的超分子化合物(C10H18N)6As2Mo18O62.6CH3CN.8H20的合成、结构及性质,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2004年
961. 钌(Ⅱ)表面活性剂配合物的合成、表征及其液晶和发光性质,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
962. Density functional study on the mechanism of collision reaction among protons, N2 and water vapor,,CHINESE J CHEM,2004年
963. Density Functional Theory Study on Isomerization Reactions ofPyridazine Derivatives Having N,N-Dialkylaminoethyl Group,,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2004年
964. Quantum Chemical Study on the Reaction Mechanism of OBrO Radical with OH Radical,CHINESE J CHEM,2004年
965. Mechanism and kinetics for the reaction of NCS and OH radicals,CHINESE J CHEM,2004年
966. Theoretical Studies on Electronic Spectra and Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Barbituric Acid Derivatives Substituted with Schiff Base,CHINESE J CHEM,2004年
967. Synthesis and characterization of a small molecule thiazolidinone cftr chloride channel inhibitor,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2004年
968. 巴比妥酸-3,4-C60吡咯衍生物的电子光谱及二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2004年
969. Electronic Structure and Molecular Orbital Study of the First Excited State of the High-efficiency Blue OLED Material Bis(2-methyl-8-quinolinolato)aluminum(Ⅲ) Hydroxide Complex from Abinitio and TD-B3LYP,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2004年
970. OXO (X = Cl, Br) 与 X (2P 3/2)反应机理的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2004年
971. A novel mixed-valence tin-oxygen cluster containing six peripheral ferrocene units,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,2004年
972. NCS自由基与NO反应动力学的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2004年
973. Syntheses and Structure of a Novel Layered Lanthanide–Zinc Coordination Polymer: [LaZn(HIDA)(IDA)2?0.5H2O]n,CHEM LETT,2004年
974. Tetraaqua(2,2’- bipyridine)zinc(II) terephthalate,Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online,2004年
975. A novel strong fluorescent three-dimensional supramolecular coordination polymer based on bridging terephthalate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2004年
976. Structural conversion and intramolecular electron transfer in ferrocenylanthraquinones triggered by Keggin type of heteropoly acid serving as proton source,CHINESE SCI BULL,2004年
977. 以Keggin型杂多酸为质子源驱动二茂铁-蒽醌有机电子给体(D)- 受体(A)Л共轭体系分子内电子转移和结构转化,科学通报,2004年
978. Crystal and Electronic Structure of a Protonated Imidazole Diphosphopentamolybdenum(VI) Polyoxometalate: (C4H7N2)4[HP2Mo5O23]?H3O?4.5H2O,J COORD CHEM,2004年
979. OCIO+NO→CIO+NO2反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2003年
980. 掺杂ZnCl2对酚醛树脂炭化物结构与性能的影响,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
981. 六元环硼氮烷对称取代方酸的电子光谱和非线性光学性质的DFT研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
982. 杂多酸催化合成淀粉聚醚多元醇及其反应中间体稳定性,分子科学学报,2003年
983. 二维电荷转移型水杨醛缩乙二胺类双席夫碱及其Zn(II)配合物的电子光谱及非线性光学性质的DFT理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
984. OBrO+NO反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2003年
985. OClO与OH反应机理的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2003年
986. TD-DFT study on electronic spectrum property for Bepp2 and its related complexes,SYNTHETIC MET,2003年
987. BeQ2衍生物中金属配体间相互作用对前线分子轨道和非线性光学性质影响的理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
988. 巴比妥酸苯胺取代衍生物二阶非线性光学性质和电子光谱的INDO/CI研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2003年
989. 9-(4,5-二硫甲基-1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-甲叉基)-蒽-10(9H)-酮的合成及量子化学计算,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2003年
990. Theoretical study on C-60-doped polyacenic semiconductor (PAS) through phosphorylation,Synth. Met.,2003年
991. Theoretical study on C-60-doped polyacenic semiconductor(PAS) interacting with lithium,Synth. Met.,2003年
992. Spin coupling properties for the diradicals of 2,2-bipyridine and its derivatives,Synth. Met.,2003年
993. Theoretical study on excited state structures and charge transfer characteristics of ipyridine: pyridine-imidazole ligands and their complexes,SYNTHETIC MET,2003年
994. Ab initio research on third-order nonlinear optical properties of linear complexes [M(I)(PH3)2]+(M=Cu, Ag, Au),SYNTHETIC MET,2003年
995. Calculated UV-Visible spectra and third-order nonlinear optical properties of heteroaromatic derivatives of stilbene inserted with 1,3-squaraine,,SYNTHETIC MET,2003年
996. Theoretical studies on electronic spectrum property of 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)pyridine via time-dependence density functional theory method,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2003年
997. Why silicon nanotubes stably exist in armchair structure?,CHEM PHYS LETT,2003年
998. 8-羟基喹啉铍及其衍生物电子光谱性质的含时密度泛函理论研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
999. 淀粉系高吸水性树脂反应中间体稳定性及反应活性的量子化学研究,高等学校化学学报,2003年
1000. Crystal Structure and Electronic Structure of a Luminescent Compound 2-(2-Pyridyl) Benzimidazole,CHINESE J STRUC CHEM,2003年
1001. 淀粉系高吸水性树脂反应中间体稳定性及反应活性的量子化学研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
1002. Synthesis and electronic properties of 6-chloro-2- diethylaminoethyl-3(2H)-pyridazinone,Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. ,2003年
1003. Electronic structures and nonlinear optical properties of XAuPH3,Chin. Sci. Bull. ,2003年
1004. 给/吸电子基团取代对PPV类电致发光聚合物光电特性的影响,高等学校化学学报,2002年
1005. C2(X1Σg+)与C2H2反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,高等学校化学学报(增刊) ,2002年
1006. HNCO与CX2(X=F、Cl)单重态自由基反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,高等学校化学学报(增刊) ,2002年
1007. HNCO+H←CH2+NO→NH+HCO反应机理的DFT理论研究,高等学校化学学报(增刊) ,2002年
1008. 给/吸电子基团取代对PPV类电致发光聚合物光电特性的影响,CHEM J CHINESE U,2002年
1009. HNCO与CX(X=F,Cl,Br)自由基反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2002年
1010. XAuPH3(X=H,F,Cl,Br,I,CN,CH3)的电子结构和非线性光学性质,科学通报(中) ,2002年
1011. 聚并苯和聚并吡啶类化合物非线性光学性质及其分子材料设计,高等学校化学学报,2002年
1012. 淀粉接枝共聚高级水性树脂的合成及其性质研究,东北师大学报(自然) ,2002年
1013. A Novel Method for Synthesizing 4,4 -Bis,Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. ,2002年
1014. Photoelectric properties of material of N Nbis4aminophenyll4quinonenediimine doped withheteropolyacid,Synth. Met.,2002年
1015. Quantum Chemical Study on Ferromagnetic Property on the N,N,INTERNATIONAL J. QUANT. CHEM.,2002年
1016. 聚并苯掺杂C60作锂离子电池负极材料的理论于性能研究,高等学校化学学报,2002年
1017. Study on the Surface Photovoltage and Fluorescence Properties of N,N -Bis(4 -aminopheny)-1,4,Chin. Chem. Lett.,2002年
1019. 2,5-取代基-3,4-C60吡咯衍生物的电子光谱和非线性光学性质的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2002年
1020. Ab initio and DFT Study on [Si(O2Ph)n]M+(n=1-3,m=0,+2),Theochem-J.Mol.Struct,2002年
1021. 含1,3-方酸苯螺旋共轭分子的设计及其电子光谱和非线性光学性质的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2002年
1022. 用解析函数拟合NH3复合分子中质子转移势能的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2001年
1023. Study on the electronic structure of phenylene vinylene dimers with different substituents,Mate.Sci.and Eng.,2001年
1024. O(3P)+O2H——OH+O2反应机理的密度泛函理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2001年
1025. CH2与NO化学反应机理的理论研究,东北师大学报自然科学版 ,2001年
1026. 聚对苯撑乙烯齐聚物及其衍生物电子结构和发光机理的理论研究,分子科学学报,2001年
1027. 水杨醛缩苯胺类席夫碱构象异构体的稳定性及其非线性光学性质的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2001年
1028. [Ti(CO)6(MPEt3)]-(M=Au,Ag,Cu)配合物稳定性及其电子性质的量子化学研究,高等学校化学学报,2001年
1029. Conformation of 1,2-Dimethoxyethaqne in Water,Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. ,2001年
1030. 1,3方酸嵌入对称二苯乙烯衍生物的三阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,分子科学学报,2001年
1031. Electronic properties and structure of vulcanized polyacene,Synth. Met.,2001年
1032. Investigation on two-dimensional band structures of trans-polyacetylene doped with n-type dopant,Synth. Met.,2001年
1033. Anisotropic conductivity of undoped and [FeCl4]-_doped trans_polyacetylene,J.Mol.Stru.(Theochem),2001年
1034. Nonlinear optical properties for pyridines and dtilbazoles adducted bu borane,Synth. Met.,2001年
1035. PM3/FF Studies on nonlinear optical properties of polyacene and its derivatives,Synth. Met.,2001年
1036. Quantum chemical studies on intercalation of lithium into polyacene,Synth. Met.,2001年
1037. 发光金属配合物8-羟基喹啉镓(Gaq3)的电子性质及其分子设计,中国科学 ,2001年
1038. Theoretical chemical study on NLO properties of polypyridinopyridine and its derivatives,Synth. Met.,2001年
1039. Electronic property and molecule design for luminescent metal co,中国科学 ,2000年
1040. N,N-二甲基苯胺及正离子自由基结构特征的理论研究,东北师大学报 ,2000年
1041. The mechanism of formation and photoluminesecence of Si quantum dots embedded in amorphous SiO2 matrix,薄膜物理与应用第四届国际年会会议文集 ,2000年
1042. Electrical Anisotropy of Oriented Trans-polyacetylene Undoped and Doped with SO3,Chin.Sci.Bull. ,2000年
1043. 给体-桥-受体型系列C60吡咯/二茂铁的电子结构及二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2000年
1044. 8-羟基喹啉铝光电性质的Ab initio和DFT研究,高等学校化学学报,2000年
1045. Identification Of H-Aggregate In A Monolayer Amphiphilic Porphyrin-TiO2 Nanoparticle Heterostructure-,J.Photochem A:Chem.,2000年
1046. Theoretical studies on the one- and two-photon absorption of symmetrical,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM,2000年
1047. 邻、间、对-二甲氧基亚甲基苯及衍生物双自由基体系的自旋耦合规律,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2000年
1048. 用有限场和耦合微扰方法线性光学性质的研究N-氧化吡啶及其-NH2,-NO2单双取代衍生物非,高等学校化学学报,2000年
1049. 螺旋共轭化合物1 ,3 ,3 -三甲基-6-羟基螺旋[2H-1-苯并吡喃-2,2 -二氢吲哚]的结构、光谱、非线性光学性质和光异构化过程的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,2000年
1050. The Effect of Conformational Dependent Properties of Radical Cations On Poly(N,N-dimethylaniline,Macromol.Chem.Phys.,2000年
1051. [Si(S2Ph)n]~m±(n=1-3)化合物稳定性的ab initio和DFT研究,东北师大学报 ,2000年
1052. 取代查尔酮衍生物非线形光学性质的FF/PM3理论计算,东北师大学报 ,2000年
1053. 卤代甲烷在一维四聚体水族上分布的理论研究,分子科学学报,2000年
1054. 对称二苯乙烯衍生物非共振二阶线性光学性质理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2000年
1055. 吡啶及其—NH_2,—NO_2单双取代衍生物的非线性光学性质的理论研究,分子科学学报,1999年
1056. S03掺杂反式聚乙炔导电性能的各向异性,科学通报,1999年
1057. 羰基代聚并苯的氢键作业对其导电能力的影响,分子科学学报,1999年
1058. n-型掺杂反式聚乙炔导电性能各向异性研究,分子科学学报,1999年
1059. 取代吡啶系列分子的光谱和二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,1999年
1060. Syntheses, Characterization and Conductivity of Polyaniline doped with H5SMiM11O40(M=W,MO),Synthetic Metals ,1999年
1063. 溴和碘掺杂高取向反式聚乙炔导电性能各向异性研究,高等学校化学学报,1999年
1064. H4PM11VO40-doped(M=W,Mo) Polyaniline Syntheses, Characterization and Catalytic Conversion of Isopropanol,Synthetic Metals ,1999年
1065. 类金刚石薄膜的微结构及其电学性质的研究,功能材料(增刊),1999年
1066. 胆碱脂酶催化反应,北京出版社 ,1999年
1067. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation about Inf Iuence of AI,5th IOMRS Intern Conf.Adv.Mater,1999年
1068. 苯乙炔树状分子的吸收光谱性质的理论研究,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1069. Mq3(M=AI,Ga,Q=8羟基喹啉)金属配合物电子性质的量子化学研究,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1070. [FeC14]掺杂反式聚乙炔导电性能各向异性理论研究,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1071. 有机物疏水参数理论模型与计算,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1072. N,N-二甲基苯胺正离子自由基的结构特性及其二聚体的磁性,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1073. [Si(O2Ph)n]m+(n=1-3)化合物稳定存在吗?一个量子化学ab initio,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1074. 取代基对聚苯撑乙烯齐聚物电子结构及性能影响的理论研究,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1075. 吡啶衍生物及其硼烷加合物非线性光学性质的理论研究,第七届全国量子化学学术会议文集 ,1999年
1076. 含氮杂环并苯高聚物结构与能带规律的从头算和半经验量子化学研究,分子科学学报,1999年
1077. 杂多酸掺杂的聚苯胺导电性质的理论研究,98国际合成金属科学技术会议 ,1998年
1078. PPV薄膜非线性光学性质的研究,发光学报,1998年
1079. 水中有机污染物微观分布的理论模型与方法,CHEM J CHINESE U,1998年
1080. 水中有机污染物微观分布的理论模型与方法,高等学校化学学报,1998年
1081. 卤代苯与水分子间作用的从头算,高等学校化学学报,1998年
1082. 卤代苯与水分子间作用的从头算,CHEM J CHINESE U,1998年
1083. Effective Hamiltonians of Polymethineimine, Polyazine and Polyazoethene:A Density Matrix Variation Approach,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,1998年
1084. Spectroscopic and Excited State Properties of Luminescent Rhenium(I) N-Heterocycle Carbene Complexes Containing Aromatic Diimine Ligands,ORGANOMETALLICS,1998年
1085. Syntheses, Crystal Structure, Photophysics and Electrochemistry of Rhenium(V) Benzylidyne Complexes,ORGANOMETALLICS,1998年
1086. H4PMIIVO40-Doped(M=Mo,W)Polyaniline-synthesis characterization a,98ICSM.International conferenon ,1998年
1088. 二联吡啶及其异构体的稳定性和电子性质,东北师大学报(环境教育研究专辑),1998年
1089. 聚丙烯腈热裂解产物结构的研究,高分子材料科学与工程,1997年
1090. 酞菁、酞菁铁及酞箐镍电子性质的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,1997年
1091. 氯代聚并苯同系物稳定性和电子极化率规律研究,高等学校化学学报,1997年
1092. H2C[P(PH)2AuX}2和HC[P(PH)AuX]3(X=I,Cl)型配合物的构象和Au(1)-Au(1)相互作用的从头算研究,高等学校化学学报,1997年
1093. 聚并苯同系分子稳定性及电子极化率规律的研究,高等学校化学学报,1997年
1094. 胆碱酯酶催化反应的量子化学研究,东北师大学报 ,1997年
1095. 聚丙烯腈热裂解产物结构的研究,东北师大学报 ,1996年
1096. 吸、推电子基团对聚苯乙炔电子离域性的影响,中国化学会第六届全国量子化学学术会议 ,1996年
1097. 酞箐类有机导体导电性的理论研究,中国化学会第六届全国量子化学学术会议 ,1996年
1098. 氯代聚并苯同系物的电子极化率规律研究,中国化学会第六届全国量子化学学术会议 ,1996年
1099. 取代对聚并苯同系物电子极化率的影响,中国化学会第九届全国量子化学学术会议 ,1996年
1100. 聚并苯和取代聚并苯电子性质的量子化学研究,分子科学学报,1996年
1101. PPV的光致发光的电致发光的研究,第七届全国胶体与界面化学学术会 ,1996年
1102. 侧基对PPV衍生物电子离域性的影响,第七届全国胶体与界面化学学术会文摘 ,1996年
1103. 苯萘及其Cl萘的极化率和稳定性的量子化学研究,分子科学学报,1996年
1104. 聚对苯撑及其系列取代聚合物的导电性能研究,化学物理学报,1996年
1105. Comarison Studies on Electronic Properties of Poly-papa-Phenylene and Polypyridne,分子科学学报,1996年
1106. Quantum Chemistry Studies on the Difference of Structures and Electronic Properties of Polyacene, Polypyridinipyridine and Paracyanogen,高等学校化学研究 ,1996年
1107. 苯、萘、蒽芳烃分子稳定性的分子极化率规率的理论研究,化学研究与应用,1996年
1108. 本征态和碘掺杂聚并吡啶材料的X射线衍射研究,东北师大学报 ,1996年
1109. 多聚氰梯型结构及其电子性质,物理化学学报,1996年
1110. Adsorption Behavior of ClO4 and Its Influence on Electronic Properties of Polypyridinipyridine,高等学校化学研究(英文) ,1996年
1111. 水分子与聚苯胺间氢健的形成对电子性质的影响,ACTA CHIM SINICA,1996年
1112. 聚异亚甲胺分子氢键的形成及其对导电性能的影响,化学物理学报,1995年
1113. 聚甲亚胺异构化机理的理论研究,化学物理学报,1995年
1114. α-羰基烯环二硫代缩醛化学,化学物理学报,1995年
1115. 聚丙烯腈热裂解产物的红外光谱研究.,高分子材料科学与工程,1995年
1116. 水分子与α(1-4)连接半乳糖醛间氢键的形成及其对构象的影响,东北师大学报 ,1995年
1117. 聚对苯乙炔共轭链的异构和它的电致发光特征,功能材料(增刊),1995年
1118. 导电聚合物导电机制的理论研究,功能材料(增刊),1995年
1119. 聚对苯乙炔类高分子电光多能研究,功能材料(增刊),1995年
1120. 苹果梨成熟和贮藏过程中有机酸含量的变化,植物生理学通报 ,1995年
1121. 聚苯亚甲基胺和聚异苯亚甲基亚胺的电子性质的量子化学研究,化学研究与应用,1995年
1122. The Study on the Conducting Properties of Poly-para-phenyl and Subtituted Poly-paraophenyl,合成金属 ,1995年
1123. 取代苯系列衍生物电子结构与毒性关系的量子化学研究,化学研究与应用,1995年
1124. The Influence of Lithium Cation Doping in Polyacene on Its Conductive Property,合成金属 ,1995年
1125. 聚丙烯腈热裂产物的ESR和固体CNMR研究,波谱学杂志,1995年
1126. 甲基取代对聚吡咯结构和性能的影响,化学研究与应用,1995年
1127. The Influence of Kiffeent Substituent on Polymer Self-doping Conductive Proterty,合成金属 ,1995年
1128. Study of Self-doping Conductive Properties of Different Oxidized States of Poly-3-(2-ethane carboxylate) pyrrole,合成金属 ,1995年
1129. 水分子体系中用解析函数拟合质子转移势能的理论研究,ACTA CHIM SINICA,1994年
1130. The Difference of Electronic Properties and the Effect of Hydrogen-bond of cis-and trans-,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,1994年
1131. 主链引入苯基对聚亚甲亚胺电子性质的影响,分子科学学报,1994年
1132. 梯型聚并苯分子宽度对体系稳定性和导电性能影响的理论研究,东北师大学报 ,1994年
1133. The Quantum Chemistry Study on the Electronic Properties of Condutive Polymers of Polypyridinopyridine Series,中国化学 英文版,1994年
1134. The Adsorption Behavior of Lithium Cation on Polyacene and Its Influence on Conductive Property,高等学校化学学报 英文版,1994年
1135. 自掺杂导电高分子中取代基对主链电荷分布的影响,东北师大学报 ,1994年
1136. 《晶体化学》选修课的教学改进与体会,教学研究,1994年
1137. 聚并苯、聚并吡咯和聚氰结构和电子性质的比较研究,吉林化工学院学报 ,1994年
1138. 锂离子在聚并苯中掺杂对导电性质的影响,合成金属科学和技术国际会议文集 英文,1994年
1139. 聚-3-(2-乙基羧酸盐)吡咯不同氧化态的自掺杂导电性质的研究,合成金属科学和技术国际会议文集 英文,1994年
1140. PPP和取代PPP导电布质的研究,合成金属科学和技术国际会议文集 英文,1994年
1141. 聚并苯二次电池的改性研究,功能材料(增刊),1994年
1142. Li掺杂对PAN电学性质的影响,94年合成金属国际学术会议 ,1994年
1143. PTM和它异构体的电学性,94年合成金属国际学术会议 ,1994年
1144. 本征态和高掺杂态聚乙炔电子的离域性,高等学校化学学报,1994年
1145. α-(-4)连接的半乳糖醛酸构象的量子化学研究,生物化学与生物物理学报,1994年
1146. The Influence of Principal Chain Inserted by Phenyl on Polyazometine,分子科学学报,1994年
1147. 硫链长度对硫化乙炔电子性质的影响,东北师大学报 ,1994年
1148. 胆碱脂酶催化反应的量子化学研究,东北师大学报 ,1993年
1149. 二聚半乳糖醛酸稳定构象与活性构象的研究,东北师大学报 ,1993年
1150. 高山红景天各部位中微量元素分析,长春中医学院学报,1993年
1151. 氟代甲酰胺和N-氟代甲酰胺异构化反应路径的理论研究,化学研究与应用,1993年
1152. 甲基取代吡咯电子结构和性能的理论研究,全国量子化学第五届学术讨论会文集 ,1993年
1153. 聚偶氮乙烯及其异构体分子的稳定性差异和电子性质的量子化学研究,高等学校化学学报,1993年
1154. Quantum Chemical Study on Self-doping Conducting Mechanism of Poly-(3-methylpyrrole-4-carboxylic acid),合成金属 ,1993年
1155. Li在聚乙炔链间迁移对垂直电导率影响的量子化学讨论,东北师大学报 ,1993年
1156. ClO4-在聚并苯分子表面的吸附行为及其电子性质,ACTA CHIM SINICA,1993年
1157. Quantum Chemical Study on the Electronic Structure and Properties of Polyacetylene Sulfide,分子科学学报,1993年
1158. Electronic Structures of Polymethineimine and Polyisomethineimene,分子科学学报,1993年
1159. 掺杂剂锂链间迁移在聚乙炔丛向导电机制的作用,化学研究与应用,1993年
1160. Electronic Structure of Poly(vinylenenitride),分子科学学报,1993年
1161. 薄层扫描法测定胃液中痕量胆汁酸,分析化学,1993年
1162. 取代聚吡硌自掺杂导电机理的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,1993年
1163. Theory Study on Cionduction Mechanism of Iodin-doped 1,4-Cis-polyisoprene,合成金属 ,1993年
1164. 天然橡胶掺杂导电机制的理论研究,高等学校化学学报,1993年
1165. 甲基五唑异构化机理的MNDO研究,东北师大学报 ,1993年
1166. Quantum Chemistry Study on the Polyazomethines--A New Kind of Polymer Structures,科学通报,1993年
1167. Theoretical Study on the Doping Mechanism and Electronic Properties of ClO4 in Polyacene,合成金属 ,1993年
1168. 聚并吡啶类导电聚合物电子性质的量子化学研究,全国量子化学第五届学术讨论会文集 ,1993年
1169. 高氯酸根掺杂聚并苯的理论研究,合成金属 ,1992年
1170. 自掺杂导电聚合物的量子化学研究,合成金属 ,1992年
1171. 教学相长共同提高----指导本科生毕业论文的做法与体会,教学研究,1992年
1172. 乙炔与氢化铝加成反应的反应路径解析和过渡态分析,高校化学学报英文版 ,1992年
1173. 硫化对聚乙炔结构和性能的影响,ACTA CHIM SINICA,1992年
1174. 氧化和硫化对聚乙炔导电能的影响,化学研究与应用,1992年
1175. 胆碱酯酶催化反应量子化学研究,催化学报,1992年
1176. 聚甲亚胺类导电高聚物的电子性质,科学通报,1992年
1177. 胆碱酯酶催化反应量子化学研究:底物对组氨酸,丝氨酸残基间氢迁移的,东北师大学报 ,1992年
1178. 聚甲亚胺和聚异亚甲亚胺的电子性质,高分子学术报告会论文集预印本 ,1992年
1179. 聚乙炔顺,反式结构对硫化聚乙炔的稳定性及其电子性质的影响,高校化学学报 ,1992年
1180. 硫化聚乙炔结构对其电子性能的影响,ACTA CHIM SINICA,1992年
1181. 聚乙烯氮的电子结构,科学通报,1992年
1182. 卤代铂络合物与烯烃络合的价键特征及催化作用的量子化学讨论,化学研究与应用,1992年
1183. 静电场作用影响酶活性部位组氨酸残基质子化学量子化学研究,化学物理学报,1992年
1184. 硫化聚乙炔中硫3d轨道对导电性的作用,科学通报,1992年
1185. Ab initio Study on the Tautomerization Mechanism and Kinetics of,高等学校化学学报英文版 ,1991年
1186. 硫化聚乙炔的电子结构及导电性能的研究,全国有机固体电子过程学术讨论会文集 ,1991年
1187. HCN及其氢加成物分子间氢键问题的量子化学研究,化学研究与应用,1991年
1188. 硫原子3d轨道对硫化聚乙炔电子性质的影响,科学通报,1991年
1189. 甲酰胺氢迁移机理的量子化学MNDO研究,东北师大学报 ,1991年
1190. 物质结构教学方法改革的实践,教学研究,1991年
1191. 乙炔与氢化铝加成反应机理的量子化学研究,中国化学会第四届全国量子化学会议文集 ,1991年
1192. 氢键对水杨酸酸度影响的量子化学研究,高等学校化学学报,1991年
1193. 胆碱脂酶催化反应的量子化学研究,催化学报,1990年
1194. 酶催化反应的量子化学研究,东北师大学报 ,1990年
1195. X射线照像法测定三方晶系晶体的结构的讨论与研究,东北师大学报 ,1989年
1196. H(bipyO")+阳离子的量子化学计算,黑龙江大学学报 ,1988年
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二氧化硅及聚苯乙烯功能化颗粒用于潜指纹显现的方法 2011-06-15
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一种锂离子电池正极——磷酸盐/聚并苯复合材料的制备方法 2007-10-17
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相关话题/化学 东北师范大学
王春刚 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:纳米生物材料办公电话:办公地点:化学楼331电子邮件:wangcg925@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历王春刚,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才。2001年于吉林师范大学获得学士学位,2004年于东北师范大学获得硕士学位,2007年于东北师范大学获得博士学位,2007年10月至2009年3月在美国普渡大学从事博士后研究。主要研究方向是多 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-王广
王广 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:高分子化学与物理(有机聚合物光电功能材料)办公电话:**,办公地点:逸夫科学馆232房间电子邮件:wangg923@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历1989年和1997年在东北师范大学化学学院分别获理学学士和硕士学位,2001年底在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子化学与物理国家重点实验室获博士学位,师从王利祥研究员。2003.4-2005. ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-谭华桥
谭华桥 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:多酸及无机微纳米材料合成、催化性能研究办公电话:**办公地点:化学学院228室电子邮件:tanhq870@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历谭华桥,东北师范大学化学学院副教授,博士生导师,主要从事有关多酸、无机微纳米材料的设计合成及催化性能研究。目前,已在Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Energy Env ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-孙海珠
孙海珠 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:新能源材料设计与合成办公电话:NULL办公地点:化学学院128电子邮件:sunhz335@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历个人基本情况: 姓名:孙海珠所属单位: 东北师范大学 化学学院 高分子教研室职称:教授博士生导师 教育经历1996.09-2000.07东北师范大学化学教育 理学学士2000.09-2003.07东北师范大学物理化学 理 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-
无该教师信息 职 称: 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件: 个人简历 社会兼职 获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) 教学信息 (数据来源:教务处) 科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-王芒
王芒 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:有机合成化学办公电话:**办公地点:逸夫科学馆209B电子邮件:wangm452@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历东北师范大学化学学院教授,博士生导师。2006年回国后,独立开展研究工作,目前课题组有博士研究生及硕士研究生14名。已毕业博士研究生12人,硕士研究生27人。主要研究领域为有机硫化学和有机氟化学。发展了系列具潜在生物活性的杂环、碳 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-邢宏珠
邢宏珠 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:功能配位聚合物办公电话:办公地点:化学楼301室电子邮件:xinghz223@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历邢宏珠,副教授,博士生导师。2005年7月毕业于吉林大学化学学院,获理学学士学位。2010年6月于吉林大学无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室,导师于吉红教授。2010年7月于东北师范大学任教至今。曾先后在英国曼彻斯特大学化学系和日本 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-王新龙
王新龙 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:多酸化学办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:wangxl824@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历东北师范大学,化学学院,教授。主要从事配位化学与多金属氧簇化学领域的研究,在功能配合物或金属-有机网络化合物的新结构探索合成、基于金属氧簇的组装规律研究、结构调控与功能性质研究等方面取得系列创新性成果。获得2009年全国优秀博士学位论文奖,2009年入 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-熊涛
熊涛 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:有机合成 , 金属有机,不对称催化办公电话:办公地点:逸夫科学馆221电子邮件:xiongt626@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历熊涛,教授,博士生导师。2011年于东北师范大学获得有机化学博士学位。2012年到2013年在美国科罗拉多州立大学进行博士后研究。现在主要研究方向为:过渡金属催化的有机方法学研究;不对称合成。主持国家自然科学基金 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学化学学院导师教师简介-谢海明
谢海明 东北师范大学化学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:锂离子电池办公电话:办公地点:长春市人民大街5268号逸夫科技馆电子邮件:xiehm136@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历 谢海明,男,汉族,籍贯内蒙古四子王旗,中共党员,教授,博士生导师;十三五国家重点研发计划新能源车专家组专家;动力电池国家地方联合工程实验室, 主任;物理化学学科带头人PI;化学学院教授委员会委员;吉林省长白山学者,教 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12