

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-04

[1] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, et al. WAMS-based Coherency Detection for Situational Awareness in Power Systems with Renewables.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.**.(SCI IF=5.255)
[2] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, et al. CRITIC-based Node Importance Evaluation in Skeleton-Network Reconfiguration of Power Grids,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 206-210.(SCI IF=2.450)
[3] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, et al. Data-driven Coherency Identification for Generators Based on Spectral Clustering.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 1275-1285.(SCI IF=5.430)
[4] Lei Sun,Zhenzhi Lin, et al. Optimal Skeleton-Network Restoration Considering Generator Start-up Sequence and Load Pickup.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2018.**.(SCI IF=7.364)
[5] Yuxuan Zhao,Zhenzhi Lin*, et al. A Model Predictive Control Based Generator Start-Up Optimization Strategy for Restoration with Microgrids as Black-Start Resources.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.**.(SCI IF=5.255)
[6] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, et al. Wide-Area Coherency Identification of Generators in Interconnected Power Systems with Renewables,IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 18, pp. 4444-4455.(SCI IF=2.213)
[7] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Yusheng Xue. A Restorative Self-Healing Algorithm for Transmission Systems Based on Complex Network Theory,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 2154-2162.(SCI IF=7.364)
[8] Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Junhua Zhao, Yusheng Xue. Controlled Islanding Schemes for Interconnected Power Systems Based on Coherent Generator Group Identification and Wide-Area Measurements,Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2016, 4(3): 440-453.(SCI IF=2.122)
[9] Hong Wang,Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Gerard Ledwich, Yusheng Xue, Yuzhong Zhou, Yuchun Huang. Black-start Decision-making with Interval Representations of Uncertain Factors,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2016, Vol. 79, pp. 34-41.(SCI IF=3.610)
[10] Lei Sun, Can Zhang,Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Yusheng Xue, Md. Abdus Salam, Swee Peng Ang. Network Partitioning Strategy for Parallel Power System Restoration,IETGeneration, Transmission and Distribution, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1883-1892.(SCI IF=2.213)
[11] Weijia Liu, Lei Sun,Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Yusheng Xue. Multi-objective Restoration Optimization of Power Systems with Battery Energy Storage Systems,IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 1749-1757.(SCI IF=2.213)
[12] Lei Sun, Xiaolei Wang, Weijia Liu,Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, Swee Peng Ang, Md. Abdus Salam. Optimization Model for Power System Restoration with Support from Electric Vehicles Employing Battery Swapping,IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 771-779.(SCI IF=2.213)
[13] C. Zhang, L. Sun, F.S. Wen*,Z.Z. Lin, G. Ledwich, and Yusheng Xue. An Interpretative Structural Modeling Based Network Reconfiguration Strategy for Power Systems,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015, Vol. 65, pp. 83-93.
[14] Weijia Liu,Zhenzhi Lin, Fushuan Wen*, C.Y. Chung, Yusheng Xue, Gerard Ledwich. Sectionalizing strategies for minimizing outage durations of critical loads in parallel power system restoration with bi-level programming.International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.71, 2015, pp.327-334.(SCI IF=3.610)
[15] C. Zhang,Z. Z. Lin, F. S. Wen*, G. Ledwich, Yusheng Xue. Two-stage Power Network Reconfiguration Strategy Considering Node Importance and Restored Generation Capacity,IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91-103.(SCI IF=2.213)
[16] Z. Z. Lin, F. S. Wen*. Discussion on “Two-Step Spectral Clustering Controlled Islanding Algorithm”,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 413-413.(SCI IF=5.255)
[17] 王志奎,孙磊,林振智,文福拴,易仕敏,张宏.计及负荷和调配时间不确定性的防灾应急电源优化配置[J].电力系统自动化,2018, 42(2): 34-41.
[18] 韩畅,梁博淼,林振智,文福拴,易仕敏.防灾应急电源优化调度的机会约束规划方法[J].电力自动化设备,2018, 38(3): 147-154.
[19] 占智,邹波,林振智,文福拴,李波,李梁,毛建伟.计及可转移充放电量裕度的电动汽车充放电实时调度策略.电力自动化设备,2018, 38(6): 109-116.
[20] 王芃,刘伟佳,林振智,文福拴,董朝阳,郑宇,张睿.基于场景分析的风电场与电转气厂站协同选址规划[J] .电力系统自动化,2017, 41(6): 20-29.
[21] 丁一,惠红勋,林振智,郑梦莲,曲欣瑶,崔文琪.面向电力需求侧主动响应的商业模式及市场框架设计[J].电力系统自动化,2017, 41(14): 2-9.
[22] 姚良忠,朱凌志,周明,林振智,罗凤章,赵大伟.高比例可再生能源电力系统的协同优化运行技术展望[J].电力系统自动化,2017, 41(9): 36-43.
[23] 薛禹胜,陈宁,王树民,文福拴,林振智,汪震.关于利用空间相关性预测风速的评述[J].电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(10): 161-169.
[24] 李力,傅子昊,孙磊,杨银国,谭嫣,林振智,文福拴.基于半监督谱聚类的黑启动分区策略[J],电力建设, 2017, 38(4): 9-17.
[25] 林鸿基,赵昱宣,林冠强,李惠松,莫天文,叶晓君,林振智.基于改进节点重要度贡献矩阵的电网关键节点识别[J].电力建设2017, 38(10): 62-68.
[26] 张璨,孙磊,林振智,文福拴,王小仲.含风电场的电力系统最优网络重构策略,电力系统及其自动化学报,2016, 28 (2): 22-29.
[27] 傅子昊,孙磊,林振智,文福拴,朱炳铨,徐立中.基于节点重要度评价矩阵的网络重构双层优化策略.电力自动化设备, 2016, 36(5): 37-42.
[28] 李寰纹,魏梦,陈雨晴,林振智.基于云模型的电力应急群体决策评价方法,中国电力, 2016, 49(4): 42-48.
[29] 薛禹胜,吴勇军,谢云云,岳东,林振智,文福拴.复合自然灾害下的电力系统稳定性分析.电力系统自动化,2016, 40(4): 10-18.
[30] 孙磊,张璨,林振智,文福拴,吕浩华,李波.计及电动汽车充电站作为黑启动电源的网架重构优化策略.电力系统自动化,2015, 39(14): 75-81, 104.
[31] 梁博淼,林振智,文福拴,叶琳.发电机组并行恢复动态决策的熵权方法.电力自动化设备. 2015, 35(5): 119-125, 159.
[32] 孙磊,张璨,林振智,文福拴,张静,叶琳.大停电后电力系统黑启动分区的两步策略.电力自动化设备. 2015, 35(9): 14-21.
[33] 刘伟佳,林振智,文福拴,薛禹胜.考虑电动汽车支持的电力系统恢复多目标最优策略.电力系统自动化,2015, 39(20): 32-40.
[34] 刘伟佳,孙磊,林振智,文福拴.含间歇电源、储能和电动汽车的配电孤岛短时恢复供电策略.电力系统自动化,2015, 39(16): 49-58.
[35] 孙磊,刘伟佳,林振智,文福拴.计及线路投运风险的电力系统恢复路径优化.电力系统自动化,2015, 39(23): 72-82,95.
[36] 梁博淼,王宏,林振智,文福拴,杨滢,陈文进.电力系统应急服务多点最优选址规划.电力系统自动化, 2014, 38(18): 40-45.
[37] 王宏,林振智,文福拴,薛禹胜,李颖毅.城市移动应急电源的优化调度.电力系统自动化. 2014, 38(3): 123-129.
[38] 张璨,林振智,文福拴,薛禹胜,王函韵,吴鸣鸣.电力系统网络重构的多目标双层优化策略.电力系统自动化. 2014, 38(7): 29-38
[1] 国家自然科学基金(面上资助)项目:输电网络重构与负荷自适应恢复的广域协同优化, **, 2018.01-2021.12, 56万,主持,在研。
[2] 国家自然科学基金(青年-面上连续资助)项目:多主体、多目标、多时空尺度下的电力系统应急优化的理论与方法, **, 2014.01-2017.12, 74万,主持,结题。
[3] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目:不确定性信息环境下复杂大群体黑启动决策的理论与方法, **, 2011.01-2013.12, 17万,主持,结题。
[4] 浙江省自然科学基金项目:基于复杂网络和风险理论的输电网络重构优化理论与方法, LY17E070003, 2017.01-2019.12, 9万,主持,在研。
[5] 浙江华云信息科技有限公司科技项目:基于多属性决策理论的计量设备质量综合评价方法, 2017.07-2018.06, 36万,主持,结题。
[6] 国网山东省电力公司经济技术研究院科技项目:考虑多种能源系统源网荷储协调的“功能块”配电网精益规划技术, 2018.06-2019.05, 39.7万,主持,在研。
[1] 国家重点研发计划项目:城区用户与电网供需友好互动系统(课题三:电力需求侧主动响应的市场机制研究), 2016YFB**, 2016.07-2020.06, 30万,参与,在研。
[2] 国家重点研发计划项目:高比例可再生能源并网的电力系统规划与运行基础理论(课题五:含高比例可再生能源的交直流混联系统协同优化运行理论), 2016YFB**, 2016.07-2020.12, 45万,参与,在研。
[3] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目:高渗透率间歇性能源的区域电网关键技术研究和示范, 2011AA05A105, 2012.01-2014.12, 101万,参与,结题。

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