第二大题是generalknowledge,10小题,有英美概况和语言学吧,只记得考了不列颠岛上划了几块,还有holiday这个词最初是holy day的意思而现在意思变成…这是什么语言现象,还考了2013诺贝尔文学奖获得者Alice Munro。
Wisdom in themodern world has been displaced by learning.
Our eyes mirrorthe outside world without leaving an imprint on our souls. We prattle aboutscientific discoveries, but we have made scant use of them for our benefit.
The day is notfar off when we shall have to plunge back in search of the wisdom of thepeople. That day we shall have to seek out the illiterate of the world, theones whose brains have not been addled by learning, to renew ourselves. Weshall have to forget much in order to learn. And it is only after we haveacquired that wisdom that we will know how to make use of what information wehave acquired.
An ounce ofwisdom is worth a million tons of books. They who have known how to live, andkeep their health and strength, on less than is necessary, should be given theopportunity to teach us how to make use of more than can be consumed withoutstarving.
Let us go towisdom of the illiterate to find justice, beauty, tolerance and anunderstanding of the eternal recurrence of things.
I was born in aregion inhabited by illiterate Danubian peasants. The wisest men were not thepriest and the schoolteacher, who mumbled words out of books, but people whohad drawn their wisdom out of the sources of life. They had a clearerperception of Relativity than some of our eminent physicists; knew morepsychology than most of our professional analysts, and knew about all there wasto be known about the fundamentals of Materia Medica. It wasn't knowledgeexactly. It was a fundamental wisdom, a wisdom which is the source of allknowledge - chiefly because it is based on factual observations and is not theresult of repetition, with additions, of the researches of others.
——节选自The Wisdom ofthe Illiterate凡人的智慧
by KonradBercovici(1882-1961)美国小说家