本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-04
2017.06-2020.02,Harvard Medical School,博士后
2017.01-2017.05,Johns Hopkins University,博士后
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,PLoS One,Physica A,,Knowledge-Based Systems等国际期刊审稿人。入选2018年度“青年井冈****奖励计划”。
[1] S. Nie, H. E. Stanley, S.-M. Chen, B.-H. Wang, X.-W. Wang?,Control energy of complex networks towards distinct mixture states. Scientific Reports 8, 10866 (2018).
[2] J.-Q. Shen, X.-W. Wang?,and L.-L. Jiang, The influence of panic on the efficiency of escape. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 491, 613 (2018).
[3] X.-W. Wang, S. Nie, L.-L. Jiang, B.-H. Wang, and S.-M. Chen, Role of delay-based reward in the spatial cooperation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 465, 153 (2017).
[4] X.-W. Wang, L.-L. Jiang, S. Nie, S.-M. Chen, and B.-H. Wang, Promoting cooperation through fast response to defection in spatial games. New Journal of Physics 18, 103025 (2016).
[5] X.-W. Wang, S. Nie, L.-L. Jiang, B.-H. Wang, and S.-M. Chen, Cooperation in spatial evolutionary games with historical payoffs. Physics Letters A 380, 2819 (2016).
[6] X.-W. Wang, S. Nie, L.-L. Jiang, and B.-H. Wang, Cooperation transition of spatial public goods games. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016, 123403 (2016).
[7] S. Nie, X.-W. Wang, B.-H. Wang, and L.-L. Jiang, Effect of correlations on controllability transition in network control. Scientific Reports 6, 23952 (2016).
[8] S. Nie, X.-W. Wang?,and B. Wang, Effect of degree correlation on exact controllability of multiplex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 436, 98 (2015).
[9] X.-W. Wang, L.-L. Jiang, S. Nie, and B.-H. Wang, Uncovering cooperative behaviors with sparse historical behavior data in the spatial games. Applied Mathematics and Computation 271, 317 (2015).
[10] X.-W. Wang, S. Nie, W.-X. Wang, and B.-H. Wang, Controlling complex networks with conformity behavior. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 111, 68004 (2015).
[11] X.-W. Wang, Z. Wang, S. Nie, L.-L. Jiang, and B.-H. Wang, Impact of keeping silence on spatial reciprocity in spatial games. Applied Mathematics and Computation 250, 848 (2015).
[12] X.-W. Wang, S. Nie, and B. Wang, Dependency links can hinder the evolution of cooperation in the prisoner’ s dilemma game on lattices and networks. PloS One 10, e** (2015).
[13] Y. Peng, X.-W. Wang?, Q. Lu, Q.-K. Zeng, and B.-H. Wang, Effects of aspiration-induced adaptation and migration on the evolution of cooperation. International Journal of Modern Physics C 25, ** (2014).
[14] S. Nie, X.-W. Wang?,H. Zhang, Q. Li, and B. Wang, Robustness of controllability for networks based on edge-attack. PloS One 9, e89066 (2014).
[15] X.-W. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Nie, and B. Wang, Evolution of public cooperation with weighted and conditional strategies. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 392, 4668 (2013).
[16] X.-W. Wang, Z. Zhu, and X. Ren, Evolutionary prisoner’ s dilemma game on complex networks with conformist mentality strategy. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 55, 1225 (2012).
[17] J.-P. Xia, X.-Z. Ren, C. Hong-Lu, X.-W. Wang, and S. He, Quantum evolution of entanglement property two-qubit and oscillator coupling system. Acta Physica Sinica 61, 1 (2012).
[18] X.-W. Wang, X.-Z. Ren, S. He, and X. Liao, Accurate Calculation of the Mandelbrot Coefficient to the Cliques Networks. Complex Systems and Complexity Science 3, 012 (2012).
[19] X.-Z. Ren, S. He, H.-L. Cong, and X.-W. Wang, Two-site Hubbard-Holstein model polaron of quantum entanglement properties. Acta Physica Sinica 61, 12 (2012).
[20] X.-Z. Ren, S. He, X.-W. Wang, and J. Xia, Quantum entanglement of the binomial field interacting with a cascade three-level atom beyond the rotating wave approximation. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 54, 1625 (2011).
[21] X.-W. Wang, X.-Z. Ren, J.-P. Xia, and H.-L. Cong, Quantum Properties of the Binomial State Field Interacting with a V Type Three-level Atom Without Rotating Wave Approximation. Acta Photonica Sinica 40, 6 (2011).
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