Joseph Tin Yum WONG
PhD in Biology
Univeristy of Stirling, 1992
Division of Life Science
(852) 2358 7343
Room 5454
Personal Web
Scopus ID
Research Interest Publications Projects Teaching Assignment RPG Supervision Space used
Research Interest
Dinoflagellate life cycle transition
Liquid crystalline chromosomes
Cell wall and cellulose biology
Cell biology
Chromatin structure
Cell cycle
Environmental biotechnology
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage
Marine genomics and proteomics
Molecular biology
Synthetic biology
Membrane biology
Plant biology
Micrroalgal biology
All Years 105 2022 0 2021 0 2020 2 2019 3 2018 1 2017 1 2016 98
2020 2
Functional Responses between PMP3 Small Membrane Proteins and Membrane Potential
Environmental Microbiology, v. 22, (8), 19 April 2020, p. 3066-3080
Kwok, Chun Man; Zhang, Fang; Ma, Zhiyi; Chan, Wai Sun; Yu, Vivian C.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
Knockdown of Dinoflagellate Condensin CcSMC4 Subunit Leads to S-Phase Impediment and Decompaction of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
Microorganisms, v. 8, (4), April 2020, article number 565
Yan, Kosmo Ting Kin; Wu, Zhihao; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
2019 3
Architectural organization of dinoflagellate liquid crystalline chromosomes
Microorganisms, v. 7, (2), February 2019, article number 27
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
DNA Damage Response Pathways in Dinoflagellates
Microorganisms, v. 7, (7), July 2019, article number 191
Li, Chongping; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
Knockdown of Dinoflagellate Cellulose Synthase CesA1 Resulted in Malformed Intracellular Cellulosic Thecal Plates and Severely Impeded Cyst-to-Swarmer Transition
Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 10, March 2019, article number 546
Chan, Wai Sun; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
2018 1
Compatibility study of Danggui Buxue Tang and its chemical ingredients, a simple Chinese herbal decoction prepared from Astragali Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix, triggers the expression of neurotropic erythropoietin in cultured NTERA-2 neuron cell model
International Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2018: Inheritance and Innovation - In Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Li Shizhen, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 16-17 August 2018
Kwan, Kin Leung; Liang, Yanting; Fung, Yun Zhen; Dong, Tingxia; Tsim, Karl Wah Keung Conference paper
2017 1
A cellulose synthase orthologue dCesA1 was dramatically upregulated early during pellicle cyst-swarmer cell transition in thecate dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
11th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO11), Bordeaux, France, 17-21 July 2017
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Chan, Wai Sun Conference paper
2016 3
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellate
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Kwok, alvin chun man; Chan, Wai Sun; Yuan, wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Conference paper
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates
Xivth Cell Wall Meeting, 2016
Chan, Wai Sunsun; Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Kwok, Chun Man Conference paper
Cellulose synthesis is required for regeneration of swarmer cells from ecdysal cysts in thecate dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Chan, Wai Sun; Kwok, alvin chun man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Conference paper
2015 3
Dinoflagellates evolved from a mishappened event in a life-cycle stage of early ciliates
Molecular Biology of Ciliates, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy, July 2015
Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
DNA damage repair in cells with mostly \
2015 Gordon Research Conference on Marine Molecular Ecology Conference, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2-7 August 2015
Wen, Shaoping; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Histone Modifications during Reversible Transitions between Motile and Non-motile Stages of Dinoflagellates
European Journal of Phycology, v. 50, (sup 1), August 2015
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Wen, S.P. Conference paper
2012 2
Counterion-Mediated Decompaction of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
DNA and cell biology, v. 31, (12), December 2012, p. 1657-1664
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Liu, Mingxue; Dong, Faqin Article
Histone-like Protein HCcp3-induced Liquid Crystalline DNA Condensation
Chemistry Letters, v. 41, (9), September 2012, p. 874-876
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yim; Dong, Faqin; Liu, Mingxue Article
2011 4
Effects of deformability and thermal motion of lipid membrane on electroporation: By molecular dynamics simulations
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, v. 404, (2), 2011, p. 684-688
Sun, Sheng; Yin, Guangyao; Lee, Yi-Kuen; Wong,Tin Yum Joseph; Zhang, Tongyi Article
Effects of External Electric Fields on the Self-assembly of Phospholipids/water Mixtures-coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Soft matter, v. 7, (19), 2011, p. 9307-9310
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi Article
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase transition of lamellar lipid membrane in water under an electric field
Soft matter, v. 7, (1), 2011, p. 147-152
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi Article
Patterning Cell Using Si-Stencil for High-Throughput Assay
RSC Advances, v. 1, (5), October 2011, p. 746-750
Wu, Jinbo; Zhang, Mengying; Chen, Longqing; Yu, Vivian; Wong, Joseph Tin-Yum; Zhang, Xixiang; Qin, Jianhua; Wen, Weijia Article
2010 7
Birefringence and DNA condensation of liquid crystalline chromosomes
Eukaryotic Cell, v. 9, (10), 2010, p. 1577-1587
Chow, Man H.; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Telomere maintenance in liquid crystalline chromosomes of dinoflagellates
Chromosoma, v. 119, (5), 2010, OCT, p. 485-493
Fojtova, Miloslava; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Dvorackova, Martina; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Sykorova, Eva; Fajkus, Jiri Article
The Activity of a Wall-Bound Cellulase Is Required for and Is Coupled to Cell Cycle Progression in the Dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant Cell, v. 22, (4), 2010, APR, p. 1281-1298
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
Structural and Functional Diverity of the Eukaryotic Genome. 14- 16 October, 2010. Brno, Czech Republic, , 2010
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Dinoflagellate chromosomes as a model for studying plant telomeric chromosomes
Proceedings of 2010 Annual Meeting of Plant Cell Biology of Botanic Society of China. 29-31, October 2010, Nanking, P.R.China, , 2010
Yan, K.T.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
The nucleosome-like fundamental unit of liquid crystalline chromosomes revealed by atomic force microscopy
The 12th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. May 10-12,2010. Poster MoP-09
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Ultrastructure of cellulosic thecal plates imaged by atomic force microscopy
Croucher Advanced Study Institute New Developments in Optical Microscopy: Seeing in to the Future of Cell Biology, HKUST, Hong Kong, 11th-15th January, 2010
Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2009 4
Cyclic ADP-ribose links metabolism to multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell calcium, v. 45, (4), 2009, APR, p. 346-357
Lam, Connie M.C.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Lee, Hon Cheung; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Multiplex fluorimetric assays for monitoring algal toxins
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 89, (2), March 2009, p. 287-293
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
The replication of plastid minicircles involves rolling circle intermediates
Nucleic acids research, v. 37, (6), 2009, APR, p. 1991-2002
Leung, Siu Kai; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Three Dimensional Imaging Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes by Synchrotron hard X-Ray Tomography
2nd International Workshop on Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation, 6 - 10 November 2009, Sanya, Hainan (P. R. China)
Sun, Shiyong; Li, Wenjie; Guan, Yong; Yang, Yunhao; Wu, Wenquan; Tian, Yangchao; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2008 1
Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes: Birefringence and DNA Condensation Oral Presentation BL1-5
The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, July, 2008
Chow, M.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2007 13
Concentration-dependent organization of DNA by the dinoflagellate histone-like protein HCc3
Nucleic acids research, v. 35, (8), 2007, APR, p. 2573-2583
Chan, Yuk-Hang; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Mechanical Characterization of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates by Nanoindentation
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 7, (2), February 2007, p. 452-457
Lau, Ringo K. L.; Kwok, Chun Man; Chan, W.K.; Zhang, Tongyi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
Novel Method for Preparing Spheroplasts from Cells with an Internal Cellulosic Cell Wall
Eukaryot Cell, v.6, (3), 2007, Mar, p.563-567
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Mak, Carmen C.M.; Wong, Francis T.W.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Unusual S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene from dinoflagellate is methylated
BMC molecular biology, v.8, (1), 2007, OCT 4, p.87
Ho, Percy; Kong, K.F.; Chan, Y.H.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
A DNA-binding protein from liquid crystalline genomes – An AFM study
ChinaNano2007. Beijing, 4-7th June, Poster 5P-087
Chan, Y.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Artifically-induced secretion of cellulose from daughter to mother cell wall
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, 2007. Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PB05)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Mak, C.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Birefringence in liquid crystalline chromosomes
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007. Amsterdam (Abstract P044)
Chow, M.H.; Bennett, M.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Cellulose degradation at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, Tokyo, 2007, Japan. (Abstract PB01)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Cellulosic thecal plates as nanocomposites
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25, S007, Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PC02)
Wei, Yuan; Lau, Ringo, K.L.; Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Liquid crystalline chromosomes
Gordon Research Conference, “Liquid Crystals'. Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA, 10-15 June, Poster D4-15
Wong, J.T.Y.; Bennett, M.; Chan, Y.H.; Chow, M.H. Conference paper
Liquid crystalline chromosomes in the cell cycle of live dinoflagellates
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007 Amsterdam (Abstract L15.1). Chromosome Research 15 (Suppl 2): 95
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Bennett, M. Conference paper
Role of calcium signaling in the dinoflagellate cell cycle: from mechanically induced cell cycle arrest to multiple fission
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27th July-3Aug, 2007 (Abstract 1-18)
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27 July - 3 Aug, 2007 (Abstract P3C-8)
Leung, S.K.; Lau, R.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2006 9
Alveolata histone-like proteins have different evolutionary origins
Journal of evolutionary biology, v. 19, (5), 2006, SEP, p. 1717-1721
Chan, Y.H.; Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Development of single-cell PCR methods for the Raphidophyceae
Harmful algae, v. 5, (6), 2006, DEC, p. 649-657
Kai, A.K.L.; Cheung, Y.K.; Yeung, R.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Article
Involvement of calcium mobilization from caffeine-sensitive stores in mechanically induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell Calcium, v. 39, (3), March 2006, p. 259-274
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; Lam, Connie Mo Ching; Ma, Zhiyi; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G1 and G2/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 115, (4), August 2006, p. 341-341
Mak, C.K.M.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Evolution and Diversity of Dinoflagellates: Molecular Perspectives
Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution / Vol. 2, Part B: Lower groups / Edited by A.K. Sharma, A. Sharma. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers, c2006, p.89-115
Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph Book chapter
Cell-based Fluorimetric assays for monitoring Gembierddiscus toxins
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal blooms in the South China Sea, p1-5. June, 2006. The Association on Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Liquid crystal genomes and their chromosomal proteins
International Conference of Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T06), Basel, Switzerland, July 2006, Poster 773.
Bennett, M.J.; Chan, Y.H.; Ng, D.C.H.; Chow, M.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Symbiodinium spp. from Hong Kong are phylogenetically diverse
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, P-47
Bennett, M.J.; Chau, K.L.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Ang, Put O.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
To metabolically grow, but not to divide: signalling of metabolism to cell division in dinoflagellates
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, M-33
Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2005 7
An aqueous extract of the popular Chinese nutraceutical Kwei Ling Ko (Tortoise shell-Rhizome Jelly) activates the PPARγ pathway and down-regulates the NFκB activity
Phytomedicine, v. 12, (10), November 2005, p. 748-759
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Liu, A.M.F; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Characterization of a Karenia papilionacea-like dinoflagellate from the South China Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 85, (4), 2005, AUG, p. 779-781
Yeung, PKK; Hung, VKL; Chan, FKC; Wong, JTY Article
Lipid biosynthesis and its coordination with cell cycle progression
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (12), 2005, DEC, p. 1973-1986
Kwok, ACM; Wong, JTY Article
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (6), 2005, JUN, p. 1021-1027
Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Proliferation of dinoflagellates: blooming or bleaching
BioEssays, v. 27, (7), 2005, JUL, p. 730-740
Wong, JTY; Kwok, ACM Article
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G(1) and G(2)/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 114, (6), 2005, DEC, p. 420-431
Mak, CKM; Hung, VKL; Wong, JTY Article
A drop on cellulosic content at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression.
PlantBiology 2005. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, Washington, USA. Abstract 660
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Kwok, Alvin C.M. Conference paper
2004 5
Correlation between Ca2+ and Multiple Fission
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Mechanically-induced cell cycle arrest involves mobilization of calcium from caffeine-sensitive stores in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004. (Poster)
Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Molecular characterization of the dinoflagellate chromosomal protein HCC3.
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Conference “Dynamic Organization of Nucleur Function” Sep.29-Oct.3/2004, Cold Spring Harbor, U.S. (Poster)
Chan, Y.H.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong (Poster), Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
The possible role of calcium in dinoflagellate cell cycle control: From shaking to sizing
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, Nov/Dec. 2004.
Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
2003 4
Cellulose synthesis is coupled to cell cycle progression at G(1) in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant physiology, v. 131, (4), 2003, APR, p. 1681-1691
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Histone-like proteins of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii have homologies to bacterial DNA-binding proteins
Eukaryotic cell, v. 2, (3), 2003, JUN, p. 646-650
Wong, JTY; New, DC; Wong, JCW; Hung, VKL Article
Inhibition of cell proliferation by mechanical agitation involves transient cell cycle arrest at G(1) phase in dinoflagellates
Protoplasma, v. 220, (3-4), 2003, p. 173-178
Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Molecular Characterisation of raphidophytes isolated from Hong Kong waters
Poster presented at Symposium of International Conference on Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal Bloom in the South China Sea (2003HABSCS), 5-7 November
Cheung, Yuk-Kam; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
2002 9
Fluorescence activated cell-sorting of haemocytes in Penaeid prawns
Aquaculture, v. 204, (1-2), 2002, JAN 21, p. 25-31
Yip, ECH; Wong, JTY Article
Large subunit rDNA sequences from Alexandrium catenella strains isolated during harmful algal blooms in Hong Kong
Journal of applied phycology, v. 14, (2), 2002, APR, p. 147-150
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
Mimosine, the allelochemical from the leguminous tree Leucaena leucocephala, selectively enhances cell proliferation in dinoflagellates
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (10), 2002, OCT, p. 5160-5163
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
Transcript levels of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A gene peak at early G(1) phase of the cell cycle in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (5), 2002, MAY, p. 2278-2284
Chan, KL; New, D.; Ghandhi, S.; Wong, F.; Lam, CMC; Wong, JTY Article
A positive correlation of Ca at G1 and the frequency of multiple fission
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:303a.
Lam, Connie; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
An increase in intracellular calcium levels induces multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:139
Lam, Connie; Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Cell wall lytic activities in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:257a
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Comparisions of agitation induced and colchicine-induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:161a
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Isolation and characterization of two new clones of the dinoflagellates basic chromosomal proteins HCC3 and HCC4
Molecular Biology Cell, 13: 372a
Wong, Joseph; Hung, Victor Conference paper
2001 5
A dinoflagellate mutant with higher frequency of multiple fission
Protoplasma, v. 216, (1-2), 2001, p. 75-79
Lam, CMC; Chong, C.; Wong, JTY Article
Bacterial formyl peptide mediated chemotaxis and extracellular acidification in shrimp haemocytes
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, v. 25, (4), May 2001, p. 269-277
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
cAMP in the cell cycle of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii (Dinophyta)
Journal of phycology, v. 37, (1), 2001, FEB, p. 79-85
Lam, CMC; New, DC; Wong, JTY Article
A novel G(1) checkpoint in dinoflagellates related to the integrity of the cortical cytoskeleton?
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12: 1519
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Cellulose deposition in the internal cell wall and cell cycle progression in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:761
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
2000 3
Cloning of a novel G-protein-coupled receptor from the sea anemone nervous system
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 271, (3), May 2000, p. 761-769
New, David C.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Inhibition of malignant trophoblastic cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo by melatonin
Life sciences, v. 67, (17), 2000, SEP 15, p. 2059-2074
Shiu, SYW; Xi, SC; Xu, JN; Mei, L.; Pang, SF; Yao, KM; Wong, JTY Article
The spindle checkpoint in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Experimental cell research, v. 254, (1), 2000, JAN, p. 120-129
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; New, David C.; Leveson, Alexis C.; Yam, Cain H.; Poon, Randy Yat Choi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
1999 3
Melatonin-induced inhibition of proliferation and G(1)/S cell cycle transition delay of human choriocarcinoma JAr cells: Possible involvement of MT2 (MEL1B) receptor
Journal of pineal research, v. 27, (3), 1999, OCT, p. 183-192
Shiu, SYW; Li, L.; Xu, JN; Pang, CS; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF Article
Melatonin-induced stimulation of rat corpus epididymal epithelial cell proliferation
Life sciences, v. 65, (10), 1999, JUL 30, p. 1067-1076
Li, L.; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF; Shiu, SYW Article
PCNA-like proteins in dinoflagellates
Journal of phycology, v. 35, (4), 1999, AUG, p. 798-805
Leveson, AC; Wong, JTY Article
1998 4
Evidence for heterotrimeric G proteins in sea anemones
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 7, (1), March 1998, p. 31-38
New, David C.; Mcgaughey Nicola Jane; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Flow cytometric analysis of nocodazole-induced cell-cycle arrest in the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin
Journal of applied phycology, v. 10, (6), 1998, p. 569-572
Ng, CKF; Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Regulation of calcium influx and phospholipase C activity by indoleamines in dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 24, (3), April 1998, p. 152-161
Tsim, Siu-Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
The evidence for G-protein-coupled receptors and heterotrimeric G proteins in protozoa and ancestral metazoa
Biological signals and receptors, v. 7, (2), 1998, MAR-APR, p. 98-108
New, DC; Wong, JTY Article
1997 3
Biology of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors in the epididymis and prostate of mammals
Chinese Medical Journal, v. 110, (8), 1997, p. 647-655
Shiu, S.Y.W.; Li, L.; Wong, J.T.Y.; Pang, S.F. Article
Calcium ion dependency and the role of inositol phosphates in melatonin-induced encystment of dinoflagellates
Journal of Cell Science, v. 110, (12), June 1997, p. 1387-1393
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Cyclins in a dinoflagellate cell cycle
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology, v. 6, (3), 1997, SEP, p. 172-179
Leveson, A.; Wong, F.; Wong, JTY Article
1996 7
An improved method of cell cycle synchronisation for the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii Biecheler analyzed by flow cytometry
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 197, (1), 1996, p. 91-99
Wong, J.T.Y.; Whiteley, A. Article
CGP 52608-induced cyst formation in dinoflagellates: Possible involvement of a nuclear receptor for melatonin
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 21, (2), September 1996, p. 101-107
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Effects of Dibutyryl cAMP and Bacterial Toxins on Indoleamine-Induced Encystment of Dinoflagellates
Biological Signals, v. 5, (1), January-February 1996, p. 22-29
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Possible involvement of G proteins in indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 5, (2), June 1996, p. 162-167
Tsim, Siu Tai; Yung, Ying; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Possible mechanisms of indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Frontiers of hormone research, v. 21, 1996, p. 7-13
Wong, JTY Article
Protozoan cell cycle control
Biological signals, v. 5, (6), 1996, NOV-DEC, p. 301-308
Wong, JTY Article
Sequence data for two large-subunit rRNA genes from an Asian strain of Alexandrium catenella
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 62, (11), 1996, NOV, p. 4199-4201
Yeung, PKK; Kong, KF; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
1994 2
Indolemine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K, v. 74, 1994, p. 467-469
Wong, J.T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Crustaceana, v. 67, (Part 3), 1994, NOV, p. 296-315
WONG, JTY Article
Article 2
Functional Responses between PMP3 Small Membrane Proteins and Membrane Potential
Environmental Microbiology, v. 22, (8), 19 April 2020, p. 3066-3080
Kwok, Chun Man; Zhang, Fang; Ma, Zhiyi; Chan, Wai Sun; Yu, Vivian C.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Knockdown of Dinoflagellate Condensin CcSMC4 Subunit Leads to S-Phase Impediment and Decompaction of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
Microorganisms, v. 8, (4), April 2020, article number 565
Yan, Kosmo Ting Kin; Wu, Zhihao; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Article 3
Architectural organization of dinoflagellate liquid crystalline chromosomes
Microorganisms, v. 7, (2), February 2019, article number 27
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
DNA Damage Response Pathways in Dinoflagellates
Microorganisms, v. 7, (7), July 2019, article number 191
Li, Chongping; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Knockdown of Dinoflagellate Cellulose Synthase CesA1 Resulted in Malformed Intracellular Cellulosic Thecal Plates and Severely Impeded Cyst-to-Swarmer Transition
Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 10, March 2019, article number 546
Chan, Wai Sun; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Conference paper 1
Compatibility study of Danggui Buxue Tang and its chemical ingredients, a simple Chinese herbal decoction prepared from Astragali Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix, triggers the expression of neurotropic erythropoietin in cultured NTERA-2 neuron cell model
International Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2018: Inheritance and Innovation - In Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Li Shizhen, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 16-17 August 2018
Kwan, Kin Leung; Liang, Yanting; Fung, Yun Zhen; Dong, Tingxia; Tsim, Karl Wah Keung
Conference paper 1
A cellulose synthase orthologue dCesA1 was dramatically upregulated early during pellicle cyst-swarmer cell transition in thecate dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
11th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO11), Bordeaux, France, 17-21 July 2017
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Chan, Wai Sun
Conference paper 3
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellate
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Kwok, alvin chun man; Chan, Wai Sun; Yuan, wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates
Xivth Cell Wall Meeting, 2016
Chan, Wai Sunsun; Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Kwok, Chun Man
Cellulose synthesis is required for regeneration of swarmer cells from ecdysal cysts in thecate dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Chan, Wai Sun; Kwok, alvin chun man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Conference paper 3
Dinoflagellates evolved from a mishappened event in a life-cycle stage of early ciliates
Molecular Biology of Ciliates, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy, July 2015
Wong, Joseph T.Y.
DNA damage repair in cells with mostly \
2015 Gordon Research Conference on Marine Molecular Ecology Conference, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2-7 August 2015
Wen, Shaoping; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Histone Modifications during Reversible Transitions between Motile and Non-motile Stages of Dinoflagellates
European Journal of Phycology, v. 50, (sup 1), August 2015
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Wen, S.P.
Article 2
Counterion-Mediated Decompaction of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
DNA and cell biology, v. 31, (12), December 2012, p. 1657-1664
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Liu, Mingxue; Dong, Faqin
Histone-like Protein HCcp3-induced Liquid Crystalline DNA Condensation
Chemistry Letters, v. 41, (9), September 2012, p. 874-876
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yim; Dong, Faqin; Liu, Mingxue
Article 4
Effects of deformability and thermal motion of lipid membrane on electroporation: By molecular dynamics simulations
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, v. 404, (2), 2011, p. 684-688
Sun, Sheng; Yin, Guangyao; Lee, Yi-Kuen; Wong,Tin Yum Joseph; Zhang, Tongyi
Effects of External Electric Fields on the Self-assembly of Phospholipids/water Mixtures-coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Soft matter, v. 7, (19), 2011, p. 9307-9310
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase transition of lamellar lipid membrane in water under an electric field
Soft matter, v. 7, (1), 2011, p. 147-152
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi
Patterning Cell Using Si-Stencil for High-Throughput Assay
RSC Advances, v. 1, (5), October 2011, p. 746-750
Wu, Jinbo; Zhang, Mengying; Chen, Longqing; Yu, Vivian; Wong, Joseph Tin-Yum; Zhang, Xixiang; Qin, Jianhua; Wen, Weijia
Article 3
Birefringence and DNA condensation of liquid crystalline chromosomes
Eukaryotic Cell, v. 9, (10), 2010, p. 1577-1587
Chow, Man H.; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Telomere maintenance in liquid crystalline chromosomes of dinoflagellates
Chromosoma, v. 119, (5), 2010, OCT, p. 485-493
Fojtova, Miloslava; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Dvorackova, Martina; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Sykorova, Eva; Fajkus, Jiri
The Activity of a Wall-Bound Cellulase Is Required for and Is Coupled to Cell Cycle Progression in the Dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant Cell, v. 22, (4), 2010, APR, p. 1281-1298
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Conference paper 4
Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
Structural and Functional Diverity of the Eukaryotic Genome. 14- 16 October, 2010. Brno, Czech Republic, , 2010
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, J.T.Y.
Dinoflagellate chromosomes as a model for studying plant telomeric chromosomes
Proceedings of 2010 Annual Meeting of Plant Cell Biology of Botanic Society of China. 29-31, October 2010, Nanking, P.R.China, , 2010
Yan, K.T.H.; Wong, J.T.Y.
The nucleosome-like fundamental unit of liquid crystalline chromosomes revealed by atomic force microscopy
The 12th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. May 10-12,2010. Poster MoP-09
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Ultrastructure of cellulosic thecal plates imaged by atomic force microscopy
Croucher Advanced Study Institute New Developments in Optical Microscopy: Seeing in to the Future of Cell Biology, HKUST, Hong Kong, 11th-15th January, 2010
Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Article 3
Cyclic ADP-ribose links metabolism to multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell calcium, v. 45, (4), 2009, APR, p. 346-357
Lam, Connie M.C.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Lee, Hon Cheung; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Multiplex fluorimetric assays for monitoring algal toxins
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 89, (2), March 2009, p. 287-293
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
The replication of plastid minicircles involves rolling circle intermediates
Nucleic acids research, v. 37, (6), 2009, APR, p. 1991-2002
Leung, Siu Kai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Conference paper 1
Three Dimensional Imaging Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes by Synchrotron hard X-Ray Tomography
2nd International Workshop on Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation, 6 - 10 November 2009, Sanya, Hainan (P. R. China)
Sun, Shiyong; Li, Wenjie; Guan, Yong; Yang, Yunhao; Wu, Wenquan; Tian, Yangchao; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Conference paper 1
Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes: Birefringence and DNA Condensation Oral Presentation BL1-5
The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, July, 2008
Chow, M.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Article 4
Concentration-dependent organization of DNA by the dinoflagellate histone-like protein HCc3
Nucleic acids research, v. 35, (8), 2007, APR, p. 2573-2583
Chan, Yuk-Hang; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Mechanical Characterization of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates by Nanoindentation
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 7, (2), February 2007, p. 452-457
Lau, Ringo K. L.; Kwok, Chun Man; Chan, W.K.; Zhang, Tongyi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Novel Method for Preparing Spheroplasts from Cells with an Internal Cellulosic Cell Wall
Eukaryot Cell, v.6, (3), 2007, Mar, p.563-567
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Mak, Carmen C.M.; Wong, Francis T.W.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Unusual S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene from dinoflagellate is methylated
BMC molecular biology, v.8, (1), 2007, OCT 4, p.87
Ho, Percy; Kong, K.F.; Chan, Y.H.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Conference paper 9
A DNA-binding protein from liquid crystalline genomes – An AFM study
ChinaNano2007. Beijing, 4-7th June, Poster 5P-087
Chan, Y.H.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Artifically-induced secretion of cellulose from daughter to mother cell wall
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, 2007. Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PB05)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Mak, C.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Birefringence in liquid crystalline chromosomes
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007. Amsterdam (Abstract P044)
Chow, M.H.; Bennett, M.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Cellulose degradation at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, Tokyo, 2007, Japan. (Abstract PB01)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Cellulosic thecal plates as nanocomposites
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25, S007, Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PC02)
Wei, Yuan; Lau, Ringo, K.L.; Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Liquid crystalline chromosomes
Gordon Research Conference, “Liquid Crystals'. Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA, 10-15 June, Poster D4-15
Wong, J.T.Y.; Bennett, M.; Chan, Y.H.; Chow, M.H.
Liquid crystalline chromosomes in the cell cycle of live dinoflagellates
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007 Amsterdam (Abstract L15.1). Chromosome Research 15 (Suppl 2): 95
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Bennett, M.
Role of calcium signaling in the dinoflagellate cell cycle: from mechanically induced cell cycle arrest to multiple fission
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27th July-3Aug, 2007 (Abstract 1-18)
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y.
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27 July - 3 Aug, 2007 (Abstract P3C-8)
Leung, S.K.; Lau, R.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Article 4
Alveolata histone-like proteins have different evolutionary origins
Journal of evolutionary biology, v. 19, (5), 2006, SEP, p. 1717-1721
Chan, Y.H.; Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Development of single-cell PCR methods for the Raphidophyceae
Harmful algae, v. 5, (6), 2006, DEC, p. 649-657
Kai, A.K.L.; Cheung, Y.K.; Yeung, R.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Involvement of calcium mobilization from caffeine-sensitive stores in mechanically induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell Calcium, v. 39, (3), March 2006, p. 259-274
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; Lam, Connie Mo Ching; Ma, Zhiyi; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G1 and G2/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 115, (4), August 2006, p. 341-341
Mak, C.K.M.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Book chapter 1
Evolution and Diversity of Dinoflagellates: Molecular Perspectives
Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution / Vol. 2, Part B: Lower groups / Edited by A.K. Sharma, A. Sharma. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers, c2006, p.89-115
Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph
Conference paper 4
Cell-based Fluorimetric assays for monitoring Gembierddiscus toxins
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal blooms in the South China Sea, p1-5. June, 2006. The Association on Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Liquid crystal genomes and their chromosomal proteins
International Conference of Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T06), Basel, Switzerland, July 2006, Poster 773.
Bennett, M.J.; Chan, Y.H.; Ng, D.C.H.; Chow, M.H.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Symbiodinium spp. from Hong Kong are phylogenetically diverse
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, P-47
Bennett, M.J.; Chau, K.L.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Ang, Put O.; Wong, J.T.Y.
To metabolically grow, but not to divide: signalling of metabolism to cell division in dinoflagellates
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, M-33
Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Article 6
An aqueous extract of the popular Chinese nutraceutical Kwei Ling Ko (Tortoise shell-Rhizome Jelly) activates the PPARγ pathway and down-regulates the NFκB activity
Phytomedicine, v. 12, (10), November 2005, p. 748-759
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Liu, A.M.F; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Characterization of a Karenia papilionacea-like dinoflagellate from the South China Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 85, (4), 2005, AUG, p. 779-781
Yeung, PKK; Hung, VKL; Chan, FKC; Wong, JTY
Lipid biosynthesis and its coordination with cell cycle progression
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (12), 2005, DEC, p. 1973-1986
Kwok, ACM; Wong, JTY
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (6), 2005, JUN, p. 1021-1027
Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY
Proliferation of dinoflagellates: blooming or bleaching
BioEssays, v. 27, (7), 2005, JUL, p. 730-740
Wong, JTY; Kwok, ACM
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G(1) and G(2)/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 114, (6), 2005, DEC, p. 420-431
Mak, CKM; Hung, VKL; Wong, JTY
Conference paper 1
A drop on cellulosic content at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression.
PlantBiology 2005. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, Washington, USA. Abstract 660
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Kwok, Alvin C.M.
Conference paper 5
Correlation between Ca2+ and Multiple Fission
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Mechanically-induced cell cycle arrest involves mobilization of calcium from caffeine-sensitive stores in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004. (Poster)
Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Molecular characterization of the dinoflagellate chromosomal protein HCC3.
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Conference “Dynamic Organization of Nucleur Function” Sep.29-Oct.3/2004, Cold Spring Harbor, U.S. (Poster)
Chan, Y.H.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, J.T.Y.
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong (Poster), Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y.
The possible role of calcium in dinoflagellate cell cycle control: From shaking to sizing
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, Nov/Dec. 2004.
Wong, J.T.Y.
Article 3
Cellulose synthesis is coupled to cell cycle progression at G(1) in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant physiology, v. 131, (4), 2003, APR, p. 1681-1691
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Histone-like proteins of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii have homologies to bacterial DNA-binding proteins
Eukaryotic cell, v. 2, (3), 2003, JUN, p. 646-650
Wong, JTY; New, DC; Wong, JCW; Hung, VKL
Inhibition of cell proliferation by mechanical agitation involves transient cell cycle arrest at G(1) phase in dinoflagellates
Protoplasma, v. 220, (3-4), 2003, p. 173-178
Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY
Conference paper 1
Molecular Characterisation of raphidophytes isolated from Hong Kong waters
Poster presented at Symposium of International Conference on Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal Bloom in the South China Sea (2003HABSCS), 5-7 November
Cheung, Yuk-Kam; Wong, Joseph
Article 4
Fluorescence activated cell-sorting of haemocytes in Penaeid prawns
Aquaculture, v. 204, (1-2), 2002, JAN 21, p. 25-31
Yip, ECH; Wong, JTY
Large subunit rDNA sequences from Alexandrium catenella strains isolated during harmful algal blooms in Hong Kong
Journal of applied phycology, v. 14, (2), 2002, APR, p. 147-150
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY
Mimosine, the allelochemical from the leguminous tree Leucaena leucocephala, selectively enhances cell proliferation in dinoflagellates
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (10), 2002, OCT, p. 5160-5163
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY
Transcript levels of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A gene peak at early G(1) phase of the cell cycle in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (5), 2002, MAY, p. 2278-2284
Chan, KL; New, D.; Ghandhi, S.; Wong, F.; Lam, CMC; Wong, JTY
Conference paper 5
A positive correlation of Ca at G1 and the frequency of multiple fission
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:303a.
Lam, Connie; Wong, Joseph
An increase in intracellular calcium levels induces multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:139
Lam, Connie; Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph
Cell wall lytic activities in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:257a
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph
Comparisions of agitation induced and colchicine-induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:161a
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph
Isolation and characterization of two new clones of the dinoflagellates basic chromosomal proteins HCC3 and HCC4
Molecular Biology Cell, 13: 372a
Wong, Joseph; Hung, Victor
Article 3
A dinoflagellate mutant with higher frequency of multiple fission
Protoplasma, v. 216, (1-2), 2001, p. 75-79
Lam, CMC; Chong, C.; Wong, JTY
Bacterial formyl peptide mediated chemotaxis and extracellular acidification in shrimp haemocytes
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, v. 25, (4), May 2001, p. 269-277
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
cAMP in the cell cycle of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii (Dinophyta)
Journal of phycology, v. 37, (1), 2001, FEB, p. 79-85
Lam, CMC; New, DC; Wong, JTY
Conference paper 2
A novel G(1) checkpoint in dinoflagellates related to the integrity of the cortical cytoskeleton?
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12: 1519
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph
Cellulose deposition in the internal cell wall and cell cycle progression in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:761
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph
Article 3
Cloning of a novel G-protein-coupled receptor from the sea anemone nervous system
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 271, (3), May 2000, p. 761-769
New, David C.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Inhibition of malignant trophoblastic cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo by melatonin
Life sciences, v. 67, (17), 2000, SEP 15, p. 2059-2074
Shiu, SYW; Xi, SC; Xu, JN; Mei, L.; Pang, SF; Yao, KM; Wong, JTY
The spindle checkpoint in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Experimental cell research, v. 254, (1), 2000, JAN, p. 120-129
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; New, David C.; Leveson, Alexis C.; Yam, Cain H.; Poon, Randy Yat Choi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum
Article 3
Melatonin-induced inhibition of proliferation and G(1)/S cell cycle transition delay of human choriocarcinoma JAr cells: Possible involvement of MT2 (MEL1B) receptor
Journal of pineal research, v. 27, (3), 1999, OCT, p. 183-192
Shiu, SYW; Li, L.; Xu, JN; Pang, CS; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF
Melatonin-induced stimulation of rat corpus epididymal epithelial cell proliferation
Life sciences, v. 65, (10), 1999, JUL 30, p. 1067-1076
Li, L.; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF; Shiu, SYW
PCNA-like proteins in dinoflagellates
Journal of phycology, v. 35, (4), 1999, AUG, p. 798-805
Leveson, AC; Wong, JTY
Article 4
Evidence for heterotrimeric G proteins in sea anemones
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 7, (1), March 1998, p. 31-38
New, David C.; Mcgaughey Nicola Jane; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y.
Flow cytometric analysis of nocodazole-induced cell-cycle arrest in the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin
Journal of applied phycology, v. 10, (6), 1998, p. 569-572
Ng, CKF; Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY
Regulation of calcium influx and phospholipase C activity by indoleamines in dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 24, (3), April 1998, p. 152-161
Tsim, Siu-Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
The evidence for G-protein-coupled receptors and heterotrimeric G proteins in protozoa and ancestral metazoa
Biological signals and receptors, v. 7, (2), 1998, MAR-APR, p. 98-108
New, DC; Wong, JTY
Article 3
Biology of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors in the epididymis and prostate of mammals
Chinese Medical Journal, v. 110, (8), 1997, p. 647-655
Shiu, S.Y.W.; Li, L.; Wong, J.T.Y.; Pang, S.F.
Calcium ion dependency and the role of inositol phosphates in melatonin-induced encystment of dinoflagellates
Journal of Cell Science, v. 110, (12), June 1997, p. 1387-1393
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Cyclins in a dinoflagellate cell cycle
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology, v. 6, (3), 1997, SEP, p. 172-179
Leveson, A.; Wong, F.; Wong, JTY
Article 7
An improved method of cell cycle synchronisation for the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii Biecheler analyzed by flow cytometry
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 197, (1), 1996, p. 91-99
Wong, J.T.Y.; Whiteley, A.
CGP 52608-induced cyst formation in dinoflagellates: Possible involvement of a nuclear receptor for melatonin
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 21, (2), September 1996, p. 101-107
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Effects of Dibutyryl cAMP and Bacterial Toxins on Indoleamine-Induced Encystment of Dinoflagellates
Biological Signals, v. 5, (1), January-February 1996, p. 22-29
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Possible involvement of G proteins in indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 5, (2), June 1996, p. 162-167
Tsim, Siu Tai; Yung, Ying; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Possible mechanisms of indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Frontiers of hormone research, v. 21, 1996, p. 7-13
Wong, JTY
Protozoan cell cycle control
Biological signals, v. 5, (6), 1996, NOV-DEC, p. 301-308
Wong, JTY
Sequence data for two large-subunit rRNA genes from an Asian strain of Alexandrium catenella
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 62, (11), 1996, NOV, p. 4199-4201
Yeung, PKK; Kong, KF; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY
Article 2
Indolemine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K, v. 74, 1994, p. 467-469
Wong, J.T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou
Crustaceana, v. 67, (Part 3), 1994, NOV, p. 296-315
2016 3
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellate
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Kwok, alvin chun man; Chan, Wai Sun; Yuan, wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Conference paper
A Novel Family of Cell Wall Protein Involved in Biogenesis of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates
Xivth Cell Wall Meeting, 2016
Chan, Wai Sunsun; Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Kwok, Chun Man Conference paper
Cellulose synthesis is required for regeneration of swarmer cells from ecdysal cysts in thecate dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2016
Chan, Wai Sun; Kwok, alvin chun man; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Conference paper
2015 3
Dinoflagellates evolved from a mishappened event in a life-cycle stage of early ciliates
Molecular Biology of Ciliates, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy, July 2015
Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
DNA damage repair in cells with mostly \
2015 Gordon Research Conference on Marine Molecular Ecology Conference, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2-7 August 2015
Wen, Shaoping; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Histone Modifications during Reversible Transitions between Motile and Non-motile Stages of Dinoflagellates
European Journal of Phycology, v. 50, (sup 1), August 2015
Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Wen, S.P. Conference paper
2012 2
Counterion-Mediated Decompaction of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
DNA and cell biology, v. 31, (12), December 2012, p. 1657-1664
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum; Liu, Mingxue; Dong, Faqin Article
Histone-like Protein HCcp3-induced Liquid Crystalline DNA Condensation
Chemistry Letters, v. 41, (9), September 2012, p. 874-876
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph Tin Yim; Dong, Faqin; Liu, Mingxue Article
2011 4
Effects of deformability and thermal motion of lipid membrane on electroporation: By molecular dynamics simulations
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, v. 404, (2), 2011, p. 684-688
Sun, Sheng; Yin, Guangyao; Lee, Yi-Kuen; Wong,Tin Yum Joseph; Zhang, Tongyi Article
Effects of External Electric Fields on the Self-assembly of Phospholipids/water Mixtures-coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Soft matter, v. 7, (19), 2011, p. 9307-9310
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi Article
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase transition of lamellar lipid membrane in water under an electric field
Soft matter, v. 7, (1), 2011, p. 147-152
Sun, Sheng; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Zhang, Tong-Yi Article
Patterning Cell Using Si-Stencil for High-Throughput Assay
RSC Advances, v. 1, (5), October 2011, p. 746-750
Wu, Jinbo; Zhang, Mengying; Chen, Longqing; Yu, Vivian; Wong, Joseph Tin-Yum; Zhang, Xixiang; Qin, Jianhua; Wen, Weijia Article
2010 7
Birefringence and DNA condensation of liquid crystalline chromosomes
Eukaryotic Cell, v. 9, (10), 2010, p. 1577-1587
Chow, Man H.; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Telomere maintenance in liquid crystalline chromosomes of dinoflagellates
Chromosoma, v. 119, (5), 2010, OCT, p. 485-493
Fojtova, Miloslava; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Dvorackova, Martina; Yan, Kosmo T.H.; Sykorova, Eva; Fajkus, Jiri Article
The Activity of a Wall-Bound Cellulase Is Required for and Is Coupled to Cell Cycle Progression in the Dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant Cell, v. 22, (4), 2010, APR, p. 1281-1298
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes
Structural and Functional Diverity of the Eukaryotic Genome. 14- 16 October, 2010. Brno, Czech Republic, , 2010
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Dinoflagellate chromosomes as a model for studying plant telomeric chromosomes
Proceedings of 2010 Annual Meeting of Plant Cell Biology of Botanic Society of China. 29-31, October 2010, Nanking, P.R.China, , 2010
Yan, K.T.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
The nucleosome-like fundamental unit of liquid crystalline chromosomes revealed by atomic force microscopy
The 12th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. May 10-12,2010. Poster MoP-09
Sun, Shiyong; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Ultrastructure of cellulosic thecal plates imaged by atomic force microscopy
Croucher Advanced Study Institute New Developments in Optical Microscopy: Seeing in to the Future of Cell Biology, HKUST, Hong Kong, 11th-15th January, 2010
Yuan, Wei; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2009 4
Cyclic ADP-ribose links metabolism to multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell calcium, v. 45, (4), 2009, APR, p. 346-357
Lam, Connie M.C.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Lee, Hon Cheung; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Multiplex fluorimetric assays for monitoring algal toxins
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 89, (2), March 2009, p. 287-293
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Kwok, Chun Man; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
The replication of plastid minicircles involves rolling circle intermediates
Nucleic acids research, v. 37, (6), 2009, APR, p. 1991-2002
Leung, Siu Kai; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Three Dimensional Imaging Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes by Synchrotron hard X-Ray Tomography
2nd International Workshop on Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation, 6 - 10 November 2009, Sanya, Hainan (P. R. China)
Sun, Shiyong; Li, Wenjie; Guan, Yong; Yang, Yunhao; Wu, Wenquan; Tian, Yangchao; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2008 1
Liquid Crystalline Chromosomes: Birefringence and DNA Condensation Oral Presentation BL1-5
The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, July, 2008
Chow, M.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2007 13
Concentration-dependent organization of DNA by the dinoflagellate histone-like protein HCc3
Nucleic acids research, v. 35, (8), 2007, APR, p. 2573-2583
Chan, Yuk-Hang; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Mechanical Characterization of Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates by Nanoindentation
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 7, (2), February 2007, p. 452-457
Lau, Ringo K. L.; Kwok, Chun Man; Chan, W.K.; Zhang, Tongyi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
Novel Method for Preparing Spheroplasts from Cells with an Internal Cellulosic Cell Wall
Eukaryot Cell, v.6, (3), 2007, Mar, p.563-567
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Mak, Carmen C.M.; Wong, Francis T.W.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Unusual S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene from dinoflagellate is methylated
BMC molecular biology, v.8, (1), 2007, OCT 4, p.87
Ho, Percy; Kong, K.F.; Chan, Y.H.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
A DNA-binding protein from liquid crystalline genomes – An AFM study
ChinaNano2007. Beijing, 4-7th June, Poster 5P-087
Chan, Y.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Artifically-induced secretion of cellulose from daughter to mother cell wall
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, 2007. Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PB05)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Mak, C.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Birefringence in liquid crystalline chromosomes
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007. Amsterdam (Abstract P044)
Chow, M.H.; Bennett, M.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Cellulose degradation at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25th, Tokyo, 2007, Japan. (Abstract PB01)
Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Cellulosic thecal plates as nanocomposites
Second International Cellulose Conference, October 22-25, S007, Tokyo, Japan. (Abstract PC02)
Wei, Yuan; Lau, Ringo, K.L.; Kwok, A.C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Liquid crystalline chromosomes
Gordon Research Conference, “Liquid Crystals'. Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA, 10-15 June, Poster D4-15
Wong, J.T.Y.; Bennett, M.; Chan, Y.H.; Chow, M.H. Conference paper
Liquid crystalline chromosomes in the cell cycle of live dinoflagellates
16th International Chromosome Conference, 25-30 August, 2007 Amsterdam (Abstract L15.1). Chromosome Research 15 (Suppl 2): 95
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Bennett, M. Conference paper
Role of calcium signaling in the dinoflagellate cell cycle: from mechanically induced cell cycle arrest to multiple fission
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27th July-3Aug, 2007 (Abstract 1-18)
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 27 July - 3 Aug, 2007 (Abstract P3C-8)
Leung, S.K.; Lau, R.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2006 9
Alveolata histone-like proteins have different evolutionary origins
Journal of evolutionary biology, v. 19, (5), 2006, SEP, p. 1717-1721
Chan, Y.H.; Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Tsang, Jimmy S.H.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Development of single-cell PCR methods for the Raphidophyceae
Harmful algae, v. 5, (6), 2006, DEC, p. 649-657
Kai, A.K.L.; Cheung, Y.K.; Yeung, R.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Article
Involvement of calcium mobilization from caffeine-sensitive stores in mechanically induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Cell Calcium, v. 39, (3), March 2006, p. 259-274
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; Lam, Connie Mo Ching; Ma, Zhiyi; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G1 and G2/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 115, (4), August 2006, p. 341-341
Mak, C.K.M.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Evolution and Diversity of Dinoflagellates: Molecular Perspectives
Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution / Vol. 2, Part B: Lower groups / Edited by A.K. Sharma, A. Sharma. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers, c2006, p.89-115
Bennett, Michael J.; Wong, Joseph Book chapter
Cell-based Fluorimetric assays for monitoring Gembierddiscus toxins
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal blooms in the South China Sea, p1-5. June, 2006. The Association on Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea
Mak, Carmen K.M.; Yeung, Patrick K.K.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
Liquid crystal genomes and their chromosomal proteins
International Conference of Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T06), Basel, Switzerland, July 2006, Poster 773.
Bennett, M.J.; Chan, Y.H.; Ng, D.C.H.; Chow, M.H.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Symbiodinium spp. from Hong Kong are phylogenetically diverse
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, P-47
Bennett, M.J.; Chau, K.L.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Ang, Put O.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
To metabolically grow, but not to divide: signalling of metabolism to cell division in dinoflagellates
Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, June, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, M-33
Wong, Joseph T.Y. Conference paper
2005 7
An aqueous extract of the popular Chinese nutraceutical Kwei Ling Ko (Tortoise shell-Rhizome Jelly) activates the PPARγ pathway and down-regulates the NFκB activity
Phytomedicine, v. 12, (10), November 2005, p. 748-759
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Liu, A.M.F; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Characterization of a Karenia papilionacea-like dinoflagellate from the South China Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 85, (4), 2005, AUG, p. 779-781
Yeung, PKK; Hung, VKL; Chan, FKC; Wong, JTY Article
Lipid biosynthesis and its coordination with cell cycle progression
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (12), 2005, DEC, p. 1973-1986
Kwok, ACM; Wong, JTY Article
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v. 46, (6), 2005, JUN, p. 1021-1027
Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Proliferation of dinoflagellates: blooming or bleaching
BioEssays, v. 27, (7), 2005, JUL, p. 730-740
Wong, JTY; Kwok, ACM Article
Type II topoisomerase activities in both the G(1) and G(2)/M phases of the dinoflagellate cell cycle
Chromosoma, v. 114, (6), 2005, DEC, p. 420-431
Mak, CKM; Hung, VKL; Wong, JTY Article
A drop on cellulosic content at early G2 phase is required for cell cycle progression.
PlantBiology 2005. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, Washington, USA. Abstract 660
Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Kwok, Alvin C.M. Conference paper
2004 5
Correlation between Ca2+ and Multiple Fission
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Mechanically-induced cell cycle arrest involves mobilization of calcium from caffeine-sensitive stores in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Nov/Dec. 2004. (Poster)
Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Molecular characterization of the dinoflagellate chromosomal protein HCC3.
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Conference “Dynamic Organization of Nucleur Function” Sep.29-Oct.3/2004, Cold Spring Harbor, U.S. (Poster)
Chan, Y.H.; Hung, V.K.L.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
Monitoring cytosolic calcium in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii with calcium orange-AM
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong (Poster), Nov/Dec. 2004.
Lam, C.M.C.; Yeung, P.K.K.; Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
The possible role of calcium in dinoflagellate cell cycle control: From shaking to sizing
Conference:Calcium Function in Development, Health and Disease: Application in Biotechnology. The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, Nov/Dec. 2004.
Wong, J.T.Y. Conference paper
2003 4
Cellulose synthesis is coupled to cell cycle progression at G(1) in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Plant physiology, v. 131, (4), 2003, APR, p. 1681-1691
Kwok, Alvin C.M.; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Histone-like proteins of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii have homologies to bacterial DNA-binding proteins
Eukaryotic cell, v. 2, (3), 2003, JUN, p. 646-650
Wong, JTY; New, DC; Wong, JCW; Hung, VKL Article
Inhibition of cell proliferation by mechanical agitation involves transient cell cycle arrest at G(1) phase in dinoflagellates
Protoplasma, v. 220, (3-4), 2003, p. 173-178
Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Molecular Characterisation of raphidophytes isolated from Hong Kong waters
Poster presented at Symposium of International Conference on Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal Bloom in the South China Sea (2003HABSCS), 5-7 November
Cheung, Yuk-Kam; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
2002 9
Fluorescence activated cell-sorting of haemocytes in Penaeid prawns
Aquaculture, v. 204, (1-2), 2002, JAN 21, p. 25-31
Yip, ECH; Wong, JTY Article
Large subunit rDNA sequences from Alexandrium catenella strains isolated during harmful algal blooms in Hong Kong
Journal of applied phycology, v. 14, (2), 2002, APR, p. 147-150
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
Mimosine, the allelochemical from the leguminous tree Leucaena leucocephala, selectively enhances cell proliferation in dinoflagellates
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (10), 2002, OCT, p. 5160-5163
Yeung, PKK; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
Transcript levels of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A gene peak at early G(1) phase of the cell cycle in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 68, (5), 2002, MAY, p. 2278-2284
Chan, KL; New, D.; Ghandhi, S.; Wong, F.; Lam, CMC; Wong, JTY Article
A positive correlation of Ca at G1 and the frequency of multiple fission
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:303a.
Lam, Connie; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
An increase in intracellular calcium levels induces multiple fission in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:139
Lam, Connie; Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Cell wall lytic activities in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:257a
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Comparisions of agitation induced and colchicine-induced cell cycle arrest in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13:161a
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Isolation and characterization of two new clones of the dinoflagellates basic chromosomal proteins HCC3 and HCC4
Molecular Biology Cell, 13: 372a
Wong, Joseph; Hung, Victor Conference paper
2001 5
A dinoflagellate mutant with higher frequency of multiple fission
Protoplasma, v. 216, (1-2), 2001, p. 75-79
Lam, CMC; Chong, C.; Wong, JTY Article
Bacterial formyl peptide mediated chemotaxis and extracellular acidification in shrimp haemocytes
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, v. 25, (4), May 2001, p. 269-277
Yip, Eric Chun Hung; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
cAMP in the cell cycle of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii (Dinophyta)
Journal of phycology, v. 37, (1), 2001, FEB, p. 79-85
Lam, CMC; New, DC; Wong, JTY Article
A novel G(1) checkpoint in dinoflagellates related to the integrity of the cortical cytoskeleton?
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12: 1519
Yeung, Patrick; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
Cellulose deposition in the internal cell wall and cell cycle progression in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12:761
Kwok, Alvin; Wong, Joseph Conference paper
2000 3
Cloning of a novel G-protein-coupled receptor from the sea anemone nervous system
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 271, (3), May 2000, p. 761-769
New, David C.; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Inhibition of malignant trophoblastic cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo by melatonin
Life sciences, v. 67, (17), 2000, SEP 15, p. 2059-2074
Shiu, SYW; Xi, SC; Xu, JN; Mei, L.; Pang, SF; Yao, KM; Wong, JTY Article
The spindle checkpoint in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Experimental cell research, v. 254, (1), 2000, JAN, p. 120-129
Yeung, Patrick Ka Kit; New, David C.; Leveson, Alexis C.; Yam, Cain H.; Poon, Randy Yat Choi; Wong, Joseph Tin Yum Article
1999 3
Melatonin-induced inhibition of proliferation and G(1)/S cell cycle transition delay of human choriocarcinoma JAr cells: Possible involvement of MT2 (MEL1B) receptor
Journal of pineal research, v. 27, (3), 1999, OCT, p. 183-192
Shiu, SYW; Li, L.; Xu, JN; Pang, CS; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF Article
Melatonin-induced stimulation of rat corpus epididymal epithelial cell proliferation
Life sciences, v. 65, (10), 1999, JUL 30, p. 1067-1076
Li, L.; Wong, JTY; Pang, SF; Shiu, SYW Article
PCNA-like proteins in dinoflagellates
Journal of phycology, v. 35, (4), 1999, AUG, p. 798-805
Leveson, AC; Wong, JTY Article
1998 4
Evidence for heterotrimeric G proteins in sea anemones
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 7, (1), March 1998, p. 31-38
New, David C.; Mcgaughey Nicola Jane; Wong, Yung Hou; Wong, Joseph T.Y. Article
Flow cytometric analysis of nocodazole-induced cell-cycle arrest in the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin
Journal of applied phycology, v. 10, (6), 1998, p. 569-572
Ng, CKF; Lam, CMC; Yeung, PKK; Wong, JTY Article
Regulation of calcium influx and phospholipase C activity by indoleamines in dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 24, (3), April 1998, p. 152-161
Tsim, Siu-Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
The evidence for G-protein-coupled receptors and heterotrimeric G proteins in protozoa and ancestral metazoa
Biological signals and receptors, v. 7, (2), 1998, MAR-APR, p. 98-108
New, DC; Wong, JTY Article
1997 3
Biology of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors in the epididymis and prostate of mammals
Chinese Medical Journal, v. 110, (8), 1997, p. 647-655
Shiu, S.Y.W.; Li, L.; Wong, J.T.Y.; Pang, S.F. Article
Calcium ion dependency and the role of inositol phosphates in melatonin-induced encystment of dinoflagellates
Journal of Cell Science, v. 110, (12), June 1997, p. 1387-1393
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Cyclins in a dinoflagellate cell cycle
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology, v. 6, (3), 1997, SEP, p. 172-179
Leveson, A.; Wong, F.; Wong, JTY Article
1996 7
An improved method of cell cycle synchronisation for the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii Biecheler analyzed by flow cytometry
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 197, (1), 1996, p. 91-99
Wong, J.T.Y.; Whiteley, A. Article
CGP 52608-induced cyst formation in dinoflagellates: Possible involvement of a nuclear receptor for melatonin
Journal of Pineal Research, v. 21, (2), September 1996, p. 101-107
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Effects of Dibutyryl cAMP and Bacterial Toxins on Indoleamine-Induced Encystment of Dinoflagellates
Biological Signals, v. 5, (1), January-February 1996, p. 22-29
Tsim, Siu Tai; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Possible involvement of G proteins in indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, v. 5, (2), June 1996, p. 162-167
Tsim, Siu Tai; Yung, Ying; Wong, Joseph T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Possible mechanisms of indoleamine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
Frontiers of hormone research, v. 21, 1996, p. 7-13
Wong, JTY Article
Protozoan cell cycle control
Biological signals, v. 5, (6), 1996, NOV-DEC, p. 301-308
Wong, JTY Article
Sequence data for two large-subunit rRNA genes from an Asian strain of Alexandrium catenella
Applied and environmental microbiology, v. 62, (11), 1996, NOV, p. 4199-4201
Yeung, PKK; Kong, KF; Wong, FTW; Wong, JTY Article
1994 2
Indolemine-induced encystment in dinoflagellates
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K, v. 74, 1994, p. 467-469
Wong, J.T.Y.; Wong, Yung Hou Article
Crustaceana, v. 67, (Part 3), 1994, NOV, p. 296-315
WONG, JTY Article
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Teaching Assignment
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LIFS4150 Plant Biotechnology
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LIFS6114E Current Topics in Biotechnology and Traditional Chinese Medicine
SCIE1110 Great Ideas in Science
UROP1100E Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1
UROP1000 Undergraduate Research Opportunities
LIFS4961 Biochemistry and Cell Biology Capstone Project
LIFS4963 Biotechnology Capstone Project
LIFS4983 Biotechnology Project Research II
LIFS2070 Introduction to Biotechnology
LIFS4150 Plant Biotechnology
LIFS4960 Biological Science Capstone Project
LIFS4973 Biotechnology Project Research I
LIFS5070 Workshops in Biosciences
SCIE1110 Great Ideas in Science
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Research Postgraduate (RPG) Supervision From January 2019 to December 2022 (As of 30 January 2022)
All Supervisions Current RPGs Graduated RPGs
Current RPGs
Doctor of Philosophy ZHANG, Fang
Life Science( 2017 - )
Master of Philosophy CHOW, Ho Lun
Life Science( 2020 - )
LAM, Wing Tai
Life Science( 2020 - )
ANIRUDH, Vaishak
Life Science( 2018 - )
Graduated RPGs
Doctor of Philosophy LI, Chongping
Marine Environmental Science( Completed in 2021 )
ProjectsFrom January 2020 to December 2022
All Projects 1
No Projects.
State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
分子神经科学国家重点实验室(香港科技大学) Participating
Innovation and Technology Fund
Project Team (HKUST)
IP Nancy Yuk-Yu (Lead)
CHOW King Lau
DAI Wei Min
GUO Zhihong
HUANG Pingbo
MILLER Andrew Leitch
POON Randy Yat Choi
QI Robert Zhong
TSIM Karl Wah Keung
WEN Zilong
WONG Joseph Tin Yum
WONG Yung Hou
WU Zhenguo
ZHU Guang
2011 -
香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Joseph Tin Yum WONG
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
相关话题/理学院 香港科技大学
香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Yung Hou WONG
YungHouWONG王殷厚 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Wan Yin Lawrence WONG
WanYinLawrenceWONG黄允然 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Kam Sing WONG
KamSingWONG黄锦圣 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Lixin WU
LixinWU吴立昕 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Zhenguo WU
ZhenguoWU邬振国 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Angela Ruohao WU
AngelaRuohaoWU吴若昊 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Alex WYATT
AlexWYATT ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Hongkai WU
HongkaiWU吴洪开 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Renjun TU
RenjunTU屠仁军 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Gunther UHLMANN
GuntherUHLMANN ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30