Dr Bruce Morrison Adjunct Associate Professor
Phone +852 2766 7542
mail bruce.morrison@polyu.edu.hk
Research Overview My research over the years has focused mainly on five areas within the field of second language learning and teaching: independent language learning, English medium instruction, technology-enhanced learning and teaching, the challenges facing non-native English speakers in higher education, and academic writing.
Education and Academic Qualifications BA English and American Literature and History, University of East Anglia
MA Applied Linguistics, University of Reading
PhD Applied Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dip. TEFL, Royal Society of Arts
Cert. TEFL, Royal Society of Arts
Academic and Professional Experiences Jun 2003 – Jan 2020: Director, English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Aug 1994 – Jun 2003: Senior Lecturer (previously Lecturer, Instructor), English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1988 – 1994: Director/Assistant Director of Studies, British Council, Beijing, Rome, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur
1986–1988: Lecturer, Tsing Hua University, Beijing
Teaching Areas Second language learning and teaching
Independent learning
Academic writing
Research Interests
English medium instruction
Challenges facing non-native English speakers in higher education
Independent language learning
Academic writing
Technology-enhanced learning and teaching
Research Output
Journal Articles
Lin, L. & Morrison, B. (2021). Challenges in academic writing: Perspectives of faculty and L2 postgraduate research students in engineering. Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 63, 59-70. https://dli.org.10.1016/j.esp.2021.03.004.
Morrison, B. & Evans, S. (2018). Supporting non-native speaker student writers making the transition from school to an English-medium university. Language Learning in Higher Education, 8, 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2018-0001.
Morrison, B. & Evans, S. (2018). University students’ conceptions of the good teacher: A Hong Kong perspective.Journal of Further and Higher Education,42:3,352-365,DOI:10.1080/0309877X.2016.1261096.
Evans, S. & Morrison, B. (2016). English-medium instruction in Hong Kong: illuminating a grey area in school policies and classroom practices. Current Issues in Language Planning, 18, 3, 1-20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14664208.2016.1270106.
Evans, S. & Morrison, B. (2016). Adjusting to higher education in Hong Kong: the influence of school medium of instruction. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2016.1228600.
Morrison, B. (2014). Challenges faced by non-native undergraduate student writers in an English-medium university. The Asian ESP Journal, July 2014, 136-174.
Lai, C. & Morrison B. (2013). Towards an Agenda for Learner Preparation in Technology-enhanced Language Learning Environments. CALICO Journal, 30, 2, 154-162.
Evans, S. & Morrison, B. (2012). Learning and using English at university: Lessons from a longitudinal study in Hong Kong. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 9, 2, 21-47.
Morrison, B. (2011). A Framework for the Evaluation of a Self-Access Language Learning Centre. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 2, 4, 241-256.
Evans, S. & Morrison, B. (2011). Meeting the challenges of English-medium higher education: The first-year experience in Hong Kong. Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 30, 3, 198-208.
Evans, S. and Morrison, B. (2011). The student experience of English-medium higher education in Hong Kong. Language and Education, 25, 2, 147-162
Evans, S. & Morrison B. (2010). The first term at university: implications for EAP. English Language Teaching Journal, 65, 4, 376-386.
Lin, L. H. F. & Morrison, B. (2010). The impact of the medium of instruction in Hong Kong secondary schools on tertiary students’ vocabulary.Journal of English for Academic Purposes,9, 255-266.
Morrison, B. (2009). From the thrill of drilling to the dangers of scaffolding. IATEFL Independence Newsletter Spring 2009, 25-27.
Morrison, B. (2008). The role of the self-access centre in the tertiary language learning process. System, 36, 2.
Morrison, B. (2007). Grounded Theory Research: increasing accountability through the use of the “worked example”. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2, 3, 413-424.
Morrison, B. (2005). Evaluating learning gain in a self-access language learning centre. Language Teaching Research, 9, 3, 267-293.
Morrison, B. & Lee, W. (1998). A Role for newspaper articles in developing autonomous language learning skills. RELC Journal, 29, 2, 90-121.
Morrison, B. (1995). Working in groups in Beijing & Hong Kong: experience of a group-access approach to language learning. Working Papers in ELT & Applied Linguistics 1, 1, 105-118. Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Hong Kong.
Morrison, B. (1993). Setting up a self-learning unit in China. English Studies, 1993, 27-32. British Council: London.
Morrison, B. (1989). A teacher training course in China. The Teacher Trainer, 3, 2, 26-29.
Morrison, B. (1989). Using news broadcasts for listening comprehension. ELT Journal, 14-19.
Morrison, B. (1988). Teacher training & the role of teaching practice. Hong Kong University Working Papers in Linguistics & Language Teaching, 11, 16-25. Hong Kong University: Hong Kong.
Morrison, B. (1988). Using Auntie: BBC World Service broadcasts as a source of authentic material for listening practice. Modern English Teacher, 15, 2, 36-39.
Morrison, B. (1987). Listening skills & their place in EFL pedagogy. College English Teaching & Research, 63-68. Qing Hua University: Beijing, China.
Book Chapters
Shepard, C. & Morrison, B. (2021). English medium instruction at university in HongKong:A historical perspective. In Lasagabaster, D. & Doiz, A. (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Language Aspects and Teacher Development in English-Medium Instruction. Routledge.
Morrison, B. (2014). The case studies: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In Gardner, D. & Miller, L. Managing Self-Access Language Learning(pp. 91-100). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Morrison, B. (2011). From the thrill of drilling to the dangers of scaffolding. In Everhard, C.J., Mynard, J. & Smith, R. (Eds.) Autonomy in language learning: Opening a can of worms (pp. 145-7). Canterbury: IATEFL.
Morrison, B. (2006). Mapping a self-access language learning centre. In Lamb, T.& Reinders, H. (Eds.) Supporting Independent Learning: Issues and Interventions. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Morrison, B. (2002). The troubling process of mapping and evaluating a self-access language learning centre. In Benson, P. & Toogood, S. (Eds.) Learner Autonomy 7: Challenges to Research and Practice (pp.71-85). Dublin: Authentik.
Morrison, B. (1999). Evaluating a self-access language learning centre: why, what and by whom?In Bruce Morrison (Ed.).Experiments & Evaluation in Self-Access (pp.123-135). Hong Kong: HASALD.
Morrison, B.& Cheung, R., (1998). The development of a system for the management of computer-based educational resources in a self-access language learning environment.In Chow, V.W.S. (Ed.) Multimedia Information Systems in Practice (pp. 233-244). Singapore: Springer-Verlag.
Morrison, B. (1997). How do you use it?InBoswood, T. (Ed.), New ways of using computers in Language Teaching (pp. 7-11). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Morrison, B.(1997). Bringing it all together: the development of an integrated computer language learning network.InChow, V.W. S. (Ed.), Multimedia Technology & Applications (pp. 200-210). Singapore: Springer Verlag.
Morrison, B., Fitzgerald, S., and Morrall, A.(1996). Catering for Individual Learning Styles: Experiences of Orienting Students in an Asian Self-access Centre. In Autonomy 2000: the Development of Learning Independence in Language Learning (pp. 55-69). Bangkok, Thailand.
Morrison, B. (1996). Using radio news. In Gardner, G. & Miller, L. (Eds.) Tasks for Independent Language Learning (pp. 85-87). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Conference Proceedings
Morrison, B. (2005). A Framework for the evaluation of a self-access language learning centre. In Reinders, H., Anderson, H., Hobbs, M., and Jones- Parry, J. (Eds.) Supporting Independent English Language Learning in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Independent Learning Association Conference – 2005(pp. 1-17). Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Morrison, B.& Heuring, C. (1998). Getting them in and keeping them in!In Dimmitt, N.J. & Stroupe, R.R. (eds.)The 18th Annual Thai TESOL International Conference (Selected Proceedings) (pp. 21-24). Hat Yai, Thailand.
Edited books
Morrison, Bruce, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, & Alan Urmston (Eds.). (2021).English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2021.1220.
Morrison, B. (Ed.) (2011). Independent Learning: Building on experience, seeking new perspectives. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Morrison, B., Green, C. & Motteram, G. (Eds.) (2003). Directions in CALL: Experience, Experiments & Evaluation. Hong Kong: English Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Morrison, B., Gardner, D., Keobke, K. & Spratt, M. (Eds.) (2001). ELT Perspectives on IT & Multimedia. Hong Kong: English Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Morrison, B., Cruikshank, D., Gardner, D., James, J. &Keobke, K.(Eds.)(1999). IT and Multimedia in English Language Teaching. Hong Kong: English Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Morrison, B. (Ed.) (1999).Experiments & Evaluation in Self-Access Language Learning. Hong Kong: HASALD.
Research Projects (funded projects – both internal and external)
Supporting and developing English literacy practices in the disciplines - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Collaborative funding HK$3.28million. (Team member)
Online Support for academic writing for the engineering curriculum - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Collaborative funding HK$6.37million. (Team member)
Online Project for the Improvement of University Speaking (OPTIMUS) - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Collaborative funding HK$2.37million. (Team member)
Meeting the challenges of English-medium higher education: The undergraduate experience of the new Hong Kong curriculum – Hong Kong General Research Funding HK$675,000. (Co-investigator)
The Further Development and Implementation of the DELTA: A Web-based English Language Diagnostic Assessment and Tracking System for University Students in Hong Kong - - Hong Kong University Grants Commission funding (HK$3.4m). (Team member)
Developing measures and support for English language related Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme outcomes, and evaluating achievement of these outcomes by individual students and the BBA Programme as a whole – PolyU funding HK$280,000. (Joint project leader)
Web-based English language learning and exit portfolio system - Elearning Development & Support project, PolyU funding (HK$319,000). (Project leader)
Design, development, trialling, and implementation of an inter-institutional learning/exit e-portfolio - Hong Kong University Grants Commission funded, inter-institutional initiative (HHK$10m allocated to project, HK$1.1m to ELC, PolyU). (Project Management Group member)
Meeting the challenges of studying at an English-medium university in Hong Kong – PolyU funding HK$230,000. (Project leader)
An investigation into the academic vocabulary knowledge of PolyU students- - - PolyU Teaching Development Grant (HK$110,100). (Project leader)
Video showcasing of good ELC learning & teaching practices – PolyU funding (HK$70,000). (Project leader)
Integrating the administrative systems of the CILL, SEP, GILLS & WAP on-line – PolyU funding (HK$25,000). (Project leader)
A study of the implementation of the World Wide Web as a research facility in the English Department - PolyU Departmental Research Grant (HK$50,000). (Project leader)
An examination of the use of a range of multimedia computer applications within a self-access language learning environment - PolyU Departmental Research Grant (HK$12,500). (Project leader)
An on-line writing assistance service: developing independent and critical revision ability in student writers - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Learning & Teaching Development Grant (HK$90,000). (Team member)
A preliminary examination of the study styles and strategies of users of the Centre for Independent Language Learning as reflected in their learning journals - PolyU Departmental Research Grant (HKHK$11,000). (Project leader)
English language learning for study and professional purposes: using CD-ROM multimedia with World Wide Web support - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Learning & Teaching Development Grant (approx.HK$150,000). (Team member)
English Language Learning and teaching on the Internet: establishing a Hong Kong-wide “Virtual” Language Centre in a World Wide web environment - Hong Kong University Grants Commission Language and Teaching Development Grant (HK$3m). (Team member)
Integrating multimedia into language learning in the English Department - PolyU Departmental Learning & Teaching Development Grant (HK$34,600). (Project leader)
Development of a website to assist all third-year students with the writing of their Final Year Project. – PolyU funding (HK91,000). (Team member)
Plenary/Keynotes Talks
EAP instruction in Hong Kong universities: Bridging the gap between school and tertiary English Medium Instruction at International EAP Conference, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, China, 29-30 March, 2019.
English language learning beyond the formal curriculum at School of Foreign Languages and Culture, Chongqing University, China, 26 April, 2018.
A look under the bonnet: How the English Language Centre at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) supports a PolyU student’s academic study and future career at Symposium on Strategies and Resources for Supporting and Encouraging Students to Self-study English on and off Campus, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 3 March, 2018.
University students’ conceptions of the “good” teacher: What do Hong Kong tertiary students think? at Shantou University, Shantou, China, 19 May, 2017.
Susan Sheerin’s self-access state of the art paper at Hong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development Seminar, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 18 February, 2016.
Closing panel discussant at English Language Centre Symposium 2013, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3 June 2013.
Learning and using English in the Hong Kong tertiary context: Some issues and implications at Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, 11 March, 2013.
Panel discussant as English Language Leadership Symposium, University of Macau, Macau, 15-16 June, 2012.
Closing panel discussant at English Language Centre Symposium 2012, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, 1 June 2012.
What is a self-access centre in 2012? at Hong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development Seminar, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 9 March, 2012.
Closing panel discussant at English Language Centre Symposium 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 3 June 2011.
Language education with regard to the impact of the 3-3-4 academic structure on self-financed sub-degree programme Units at Joint Quality Review Committee seminar, City University Telford Campus, Hong Kong, 21 January, 2011.
Plugged in? A case study of how IT is really used in a tertiary language centre in Hong Kong at 12th KAMALL-APAMALL Joint International Conference 2009, Dongduk Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea, October 24, 2009.
香港理工大学英文及传意学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Bruce Morrison
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
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