
香港理工大学英文及传意学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Julia Chen

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Dr Julia Chen Associate Professor (by courtesy)

Location TU626a
Phone +852 3400 3173
mail julia.chen@polyu.edu.hk

Open Platform for University Scholars

Research Overview My main areas of research are learning analytics for quality assurance and enhancement and English Across the Curriculum, a localized version of the US Writing Across the Curriculum. My recent research projects explore the affordances of modern technology for language learning. I am the Project Leader of two large-scale projects on English Across the Curriculum (one institution LEG and the other a 5-university joint project funded by the UGC’s Teaching and Learning Related Proposals Scheme) and a third project with Stanford University on developing an online learning platform with automatic error correction. I led the organisation of the 1st and the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum held in December 2015 (http://eacconference.elc.polyu.edu.hk/) and in December 2018 (https://elc.polyu.edu.hk/conference/EAC2018/) respectively.

Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Master of Arts in English Language Teaching, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bachelor of Science, University of Toronto
Postgraduate Certificate in Education, The University of Hong Kong

Academic and Professional Experiences Director, Educational Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2016 – )
Associate Director, English Language Centre (2010 – 2016)
Chair, Faculty of Humanities' Learning and Teaching Committee (2013 – 2016)
Coordinator, 4YC Language & Communication Requirement English language subjects (materials development and QA) (2011-2016)

Teaching Areas I mainly co-teach the subject "Curriculum and Assessment" in the Professional Doctorate programme Doctor of Applied Language Sciences offered by the Faculty of Humanities. I have also taught PhD and MPhil students from across the disciplines a subject that I developed entitled "Thesis Writing for Research Students". I have also taught undergraduate EAP subjects and an elective “English for Literature and Film”.

Research Interests
My main areas of research are English Across the Curriculum, a localized version of the US Writing Across the Curriculum, and learning analytics for quality assurance and enhancement. My recent research projects explore the affordances of modern technology for language learning.

Research Output

Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019). Disciplinary challenges in first-year writing courses: A big data study of students across disciplines at a Hong Kong university.Asian EFL Journal, 25(5.1), 313-331.

Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019). A learning analytics approach to the evaluation of an online learning package in a Hong Kong university.TheElectronic Journal of e-Learning, 17(1), pp. 11-24, available online atwww.ejel.org

Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019). Discovering disciplinary differences: Blending data sources to explore the student online behaviors in a university English course.Information Discovery and Delivery,47(2), 106-114.https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-10-2018-0053

Chen, J. (2018). Comprehensive review of university English subjects: Results and reflections.JACET Journal, 62, 1-14.

Cheng, G., Chen, J., Foung, D., Lam, V., & Tom, M. (2018). Towards automatic classification of teacher feedback on student writing.International Journal of Information and Education Technology,8(5), 342-346.

Chen, J., Chau, J., Lim, G. & Li, V. (2016). Online language learning to develop English reading and listening skills in university students: A pilot study in Hong Kong.International Journal for 21st Century Education, 1(1), pp.35-54.

Chan, F. & Chen, J. (2012).Impacts of alignment between ESP and content subjects on biomedical engineering students.Asian ESP Journal, 8(2), 27-54.

Chau, J., Wu, W., Chen, J., & Lughmani, S. (2012). ESL readers' comprehension performance: the Chinese secondary context.ELT Journal;doi: 10.1093/elt/ccr088.

Chen, J. (2011). From reactive to proactive: Handling student plagiarism in higher education.Higher Education Quality Assurance(pp.240-251).

Chan, F., Chen, J., Fung, F., Cheung, A. and Wong, M.S. (2010). Does inter-departmental curricular partnership help achieve biomedical engineering-specific language learning?RELC Anthology Series 52, pp. 190-217.

Chen, J. (2002). Commander and serviceman: The story of Kim. In P. Benson & D. Nunan (Eds.),Special Edition of the Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 73-90.

Hamp-Lyons, L., Chen, J. & Mok, J. (2001). Introducing innovation incrementally: Teacher feedback on writing.Thai TESOL Bulletin, 14(2), 59-66.

Chen, J. (1997). Issues in the Teaching of Writing in Hong Kong.HKPU Working Papers in ELT & Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 29-38.

Chen, J. & Foung, D. (in press). A motivational story: A mixed-method learning analytics study of a blended EAP course in Hong Kong – Goals for blended learning designers and learners. In M. Freiermuth. (ed.).Language Learning Psychology and Technology in TELL.London: Palgrave-Macmillan. [Full paper accepted]
Chen, J. (2020). EAP in Hong Kong. In H. Terauchi, J. Noguchi, & A. Tajino (Eds.).Towards a new paradigm for English language teaching: English for specific purposes in Asia and beyond(pp. 115-126).Oxon: Routledge.

Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2018). Connecting teacher-made assessments to course learning outcomes through learning analytics: an empirical model. In White, E., & Delaney, T. (eds.),Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom,pp.101-125. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6986-2.

Chen, J. (2013). New direction in university English language training: Blended delivery. In Ji, P.Y. & Fan, Y. (Eds.),New Directions in TESOL(pp. 86-103). Shanghai: Fudan University Press.

Hamp-Lyons, L. and Chen, J. (2001). An investigation into the effectiveness of teacher feedback on student writing. In Kember, D., Candlin, S. & Yan, L. (Eds.),Further case studies of improving teaching and learning from the Action Learning Project.Hong Kong: Action Learning Project.

Chen, J., Foung, D., & Armatas, C. (2018). Adopting Learning Analytics to Enrich Regular Curriculum Review and Enhancement: A Case Study of a University English Programme in Asia. In A. Pardo, K. Bartimote, G. Lynch, S. Buckingham Shum, R. Ferguson, A. Merceron & X. Ochoa (Eds.),Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Sydney, Australia: Society for Learning Analytics Research.

Cheng, G., Chwo, S.-M. G., Chen, J., Foung, D., Lam, V., & Tom, M. (2017). Automatic classification of teacher feedback and its potential applications for EFL writing.Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017)(pp. 884-889). New Zealand.

Armatas, C., Tse, A., Chow, J., Foung, D., Chen, J., & Chan, C.S. (2017). Exploring the relationship between the time of completing online quizzes and students' performance in academic writing.EduLearn17 Proceedings,5306-5311.

Lughmani, S., Gardner, S., Chen, J., Wong, H., & Chan, L. (2016). English across the curriculum: Fostering collaboration. ELTWO:Special Issue on 5th CELC Symposium Proceedings.


PI: Language enhancement for capstone projects using interactive apps
Funding: UGC competitive Teaching & Learning Related Proposals Funding Scheme; $7.87m
Universities involved: PolyU (lead), CUHK, HKUST, CityU, BU
Deliverable: Capstone Ninja mobile app, available on Apple and Google stores

PI: English Across the Curriculum
Funding: LEG; $2m

Co-PI: Developing a PolyU-Stanford adaptive learning online platform for English and exploratory adaptive assessment for Science subjects
Funding: UGC Institutional TDG; $1.5m
Universities involved: PolyU & Stanford University (co-lead)

Co-I: Towards automatic tracking of student responses to teacher feedback in draft revision Funding: GRF; $423,994; PI: Dr KS Cheng, EdUHK; includes PolyU, HKU & Taiwan Hungjuang U

PI: Professional Development in Enhancing English across the Curriculum Funding: UGC competitive Teaching & Learning Related Proposals Funding Scheme; $1,022,200 Universities involved: PolyU (lead), CUHK, HKUST, CityU

Co-PI: Exploring the language needs and ability of SYA students Funding: Larger-scale LEG; $170,000 Co-I: How students handle blended learning tasks – A case study of an advanced university English course Funding: Dean’s Reserve, $40,000; PI: Dr Dennis Foung (ELC)

Co-I: Identifying at-risk students with course diagnostic reports Funding: Larger-scale LEG; $217,000; PI: Dr Dennis Foung (ELC)

Co-I: Perceptions of PolyU academic staff on integrating language and literacy into different disciplines Funding: FH Dean’s Reserve Category d; $150,000; PI: Hannah Lai (ELC)

Chen, J. (2019 November).Developing and evaluating the core business of an educational development centre.2019 International Conference for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Peking University, Beijing, PRC.

Chen, J. (2019 June).Quality course development: a PolyU approach.Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau Quality Education Development Conference, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, PRC.

Chen, J. (2019 June).Higher education development: Where are we and where are we going?Yunnan-Hong Kong-Macau Higher Education Exchange Platform, Yunnan, Kunming, PRC.

Palmquist, M., Zawacki, T., Townsend, M., & Chen, J. (2018 December).The future of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC): Building on a strong foundation.(Invited by the keynote speakers to be a member on their plenary panel). 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, PolyU, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2016 November).Enhancement of student learning in higher education: Sharing Hong Kong PolyU’s experiences.Teaching and Learning: Building Academic Discipline in Higher Education Forum. Sichuan University Pittsburgh Institute, Chengdu, Sichuan, PRC.

Chen, J. (2016 August).Teaching academic writing in Hong Kong: The case of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.International Symposium on English for Academic Purposes, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Chen, J. (2016 August).EAP curriculum development and innovation.Japan Association for College English Teaching 43rd Summer Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Chen, J. (2016 August).EAP curriculum evaluation and English Across the Curriculum.Japan Association for College English Teaching 43rd Summer Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Chen, J. & Yap, V. (2019 December).Designing a mobile app for capstone projects.Learning & Teaching Expo, CUHK, HK.

Chik, P., Chen, J., & Xu, M. (2019 September).Outcome based education and quality enhancement of university teaching.CHED Symposium 2019, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, PRC.

Chen, J., Lim, G. & Yap, V. (2019 August).A mobile app for students and supervisors of capstone projects.Teaching and Learning Symposium, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Chen, J., Lim, G., Robbins, J., Yap, V., Luk, G., Ko, A., & Ni, J. (2019 July).Language enhancement for capstone projects using interactive apps.(Poster presentation). Symposium on Emerging Innovations and Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Active Learning Pedagogies in Tertiary Education, PolyU, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2019 June).Challenges for higher education development.Yunnan College of Arts and Science, Yunnan Normal University, Yunnan, Kunming, PRC.

Chen, J. & Yap, Valerie. (2019 May).Developing a mobile app on English for final year project: What have we learnt so far?Conference of the Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2019, Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2019 April).PolyU Communities of Practice.Hong Kong Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2018 July).A Hong Kong model of enhancing students’ communication skills in the discipline: Needs, affordances and challenges.King’s College London, London, UK.

Chen, J. (2018 June).Language enhancement for capstone projects using interactive app.(Poster presentation). Technology Enhanced Active Learning Mini-Symposium, AMA, PolyU, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2018 May).English research article writing. Sun Yet Sen University, Guangzhou, PRC.

Chen, J. (2018 May).Using a mobile app to help students with the English for their final year project.Conference of the Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2018, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2017 December).How do current best practices help us shape the future learning and teaching in higher education.(Panel discussion). Excellent Teachers for Teaching Excellence Symposium, PolyU, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2017 December).Professional development in enhancing English across the curriculum.Excellent Teachers for Teaching Excellence Symposium, PolyU, Hong Kong.

Chen, J. (2017 April).Research writing for rehabilitation sciences.Sun Yet Sen University, Guangzhou, PRC.

Chen, J. (2016 December).Improving students’ English performance in content subjects.Vocation Training Council, Hong Kong.

Esteem Measures

China Higher Education Development Network, Executive Council Member

The Japan Association of College English, Honorary Member

WAC Clearinghouse Publications Review Board

Editorial Review Board of the book seriesInternational Exchanges on the Study of Writing

Editorial Team for the EAC Conference 2018 Selected Proceedings

WAC Clearinghouse Editorial Board

Guangdong College English Teaching Advisory Board

2019 Reimagine Education Learning Assessment Award by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Shortlisted

2018 Faculty of Humanities Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE), Recipient

2017 Reimagine Education Learning Assessment Award by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Shortlisted

2014 Overseas Scholarship Scheme (Teaching Development), Recipient

2013 University Grants Council Teaching Award, UGC Shortlisted Finalist

2012 President’s Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Service, Recipient (Team Leader)

2011 Faculty Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Service, Recipient (Team Leader)

2003 President’s Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Teaching, Recipient

2003 Faculty Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Teaching, Recipient

Member, Advisory Board, International WAC Conference (IWAC) 2020, 2020 June 3-7, Colorado State University (See https://iwac.colostate.edu/about/ for Advisory Board members list)

Member, Program Committee, eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) 2017 June 15-16, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University http://elfasia.org/2017/

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