
香港理工大学英文及传意学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Rita Kelly

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Dr Rita Kelly Teaching Fellow

Location AG403
Phone +852 2766 7353
mail rita.kelly@polyu.edu.hk

Teaching Areas French language
Language and society in Europe
Postcolonial studies and literature
English for academic writing
English as a global lingua franca

Research Interests
French language and francophone cultures
Colonial discourse analysis
Postcolonial fiction
Cross-cultural communication
Sino-Western and Sino-Indian relations
Cultural Studies

Research work Senior Research Assistant to Professor Douglas Kerr in projects on George Orwell and Arthur Conan Doyle

PhD thesis title: Constructed meanings and contesting voices – the Opium War in archival, historical and fictional Anglophone narratives

Conference activities, presentations and proceedings
Translating the other on more equitable terms – striving to transform Sino-British relations in Timothy Mo’s An Insular Possession (International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education, Osaka, Japan)

Cultural differences when teaching French in China (National Conference on teaching French in China, Beijing)

Student motivation in learning French (National Conference on teaching French in China, Beijing)

Events manager for ‘Siting Postcoloniality’, international conference co-organized by HKU, UC Berkeley, NYU and Oxford University

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