
香港理工大学英文及传意学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Margo Louise Turnbull

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Dr Margo Louise Turnbull Research Assistant Professor

Location AG411
Phone +852 2766 7558
mail margo.turnbull@polyu.edu.hk

Open Platform for University Scholars

Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology Sydney

Research Interests
Critical discourse analysis
Post-structural research methodologies and methods

Research Output

Turnbull, M. (Under review). (Re)thinking space and place in nursing: Using heterotopia to explore the localisation of primary health care. Nursing Philosophy.

Turnbull, M., Wu, X., & Watson, B. (Under review). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on end-of-life workers in Hong Kong and Australia: An initial study of communication and interaction in community-based services. Communication & Medicine.

Turnbull, M. (Accepted). Negotiating identity and power during a crisis: An analysis of ‘small stories' told by Australian Christian priests during the COVID-19 health crisis. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion.

Turnbull, M., Jin, Y., Yau, A., Lai, S., Cheung, Y. & Watson, B. (2021). mHealth in hyper-connected Hong Kong: Examining attitudes and access to mobile devices and health information among older Chinese residents. mHealth, 7(43).

Turnbull, M., Watson, B., Jin, Y., Lok, B., & Sanderson, A. (2020). Vicarious trauma, social media and recovery in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 102032. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102032

Reich, A. & Turnbull, M. (2018) Using Foucault: Genealogy, governmentality and the problem of chronic illness. Genealogy, 2(2):13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy2020013

Hor, S., Wyer, M., Gilbert, G., Urwin, R., Turnbull, M., Murphy, M., & Jorm, C. (2017) Reintroducing practical logic to PPE use: A video-based survey, Infection Disease and Health, 22 (sup.1), s15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idh.2017.09.062

Turnbull, M., & Wu, X. (Accepted). Emotional reflexivity during a global health crisis: Emotion ‘work’ in online health communication research. In Consoli, S. & Ganassin, S. (Eds), Reflexivity in Applied Linguistics Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Suggestions. Routledge.

Yau, A., Turnbull, M., Angus, D. & Watson, B. (2020). Visualizing conversations in health care: Using Discursis to compare Cantonese and English data sets in Watson. In B. & Kreiger, J. (Eds), Expanding Horizons in Health Communication, Humanities in Asia, Springer.

Reich, A. & Turnbull, M., (2018). Using Foucault: genealogy, governmentality and the problem of chronic illness. In M. Clifford (Ed.), Beyond Foucault: Excursions in Political Genealogy, (pp. 104-115), Geneva: MDPI.

Olson, R., Burton, A., Byron, P., & Turnbull, M. (2014), Exploratory comparison of providing formative assessment feedback in three different modes: Hardcopy, desktop and tablet. In: 17th International First Year in Higher Education Conference, 6-9 July 2014, Darwin, NT, Australia.

Turnbull, M. (2014), Sitting next to Nellie: Job shadowing as job learning in primary health care. In: Conference Proceedings for ProPEL International Conference, 24-27 June 2014, University of Stirling, Scotland.


2022-2024: Primary Investigator: “Normally you sit beside a bed and hold someone’s hand”: Covid-19 and end-of-life care practices in Hong Kong and Australia (Funded by General Research Fund, Hong Kong) (HK$535, 000)
2021: Primary Investigator: Exploring the interface between global and local health literacy: Health communication and migrant worker groups in Hong Kong (Start-Up Fund, PolyU) (HK$250, 000)
Primary Investigator: Using cues and heuristics to test responses of older Hong Kong residents to digital health promotion messages (Funded by Departmental General Research Fund, PolyU) (HK$106, 000)
2020: Primary Investigator: Leveraging ‘uncertainty’ during a health crisis: A comparative analysis of the use of hedges in the speeches of four international political leaders during the first six months of the Covid-19 global health crisis (Funded by the Dean's Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU) (HK$105, 000)
Co-Investigator: Analysing Stress, Anxiety and Disruption across Languages and Cultures: A Longitudinal Study (Funded by the Dean's Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU)
Co-investigator: Covid-19 and the new ‘frontlines’ of infection control: A mixed methods study of emotional labour, stress and burn out amongst teachers, carers and end-of-life service workers in Hong Kong and Australia (Funded by Departmental General Research Fund, PolyU)
2019: Co-investigator: Using Wireless Technologies in Health Communication: Using mHealth to Promote Safety in the Home amongst Hong Kong Elders (Funded by VP's Reserve, PolyU)
Postdoctoral Fellow: Visualising health communication: using Discursis on Cantonese data sets (Funded by the Dean’s Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU)

Esteem Measures

Member, International Communication Association
Member, Asian Association of Social Psychologists
Member, International Association of Language and Social Psychology
Member, The Australian Sociological Association

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