
香港理工大学电子计算学系老师教师导师介绍简介Lei Zhang

本站小编 免费考研网/2022-02-03

Lei Zhang

Chair Professor of Computer Vision and Image Analysis

Fellow of IEEE
Department of Computing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Office: PQ816
Email: cslzhang at comp.polyu dot edu.hk




Dept. of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China.



Dept. of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China.



Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering, Shenyang Inst. of Aeronautical Engineering, Shenyang, China.

Work Experience


Chair Professor, Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Professor, Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Associate Professor, Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Canada.


Research Assistant/Associate, Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Visual Computing Lab (our mission):

Y learning and beyond: for future visual enhancement and understanding


My Google Scholar Citation Profile:




The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Program





1.     The training code of GPEN ("GAN Prior Embedded Network for Blind Face Restoration in the Wild", CVPR21) was released. Please go to code for details.

2.     Some PhD positions on Low-level Vision and Computational Photography are available. Please send me your CV if you have interest.

3.     Some PhD positions (PolyU degree, joint supervision with HKISI-CAS) on Deep Learning and Computer Vision are available. Please click here for more information.

4.     I'm looking for Research Assistants/Associates and Postdocs on Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Computational Photography. Please send me your CV if you have interest.

5.     I've been selected as a "Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher" from 2015 to 2021. (https://clarivate.com/hcr).


1.     J. Ma, S. Guo, L. Zhang, "Text Prior Guided Scene Text Image Super-Resolution," preprint. (paper) (code) (Text images can be much better enhanced than what you think.)

Newly accepted

1.     W. Liu, G. Ren, R. Yu, S. Guo, J. Zhu, L. Zhang, "Image-Adaptive YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions," in AAAI 2022. (paper) (supp) (code) (Adaptively enhance the image for better object detection in bad weather!)

2.     X. Yang, W. Xiang, H. Zeng, L. Zhang, "Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme," in ICCV 2021. (paper) (dataset&code) (The first real-world video super-resolution dataset!)

3.     G. Chen, C. Chen, S. Guo, Z. Liang, K-Y. Wong, L. Zhang, "HDR Video Reconstruction: A Coarse-to-fine Network and A Real-world Benchmark Dataset," in ICCV 2021. (paper) (dataset&code) (A large-scale real-world HDR video reconstruction dataset!)

4.     J. Tang, J. Lei, D. Xu, F. Ma, K. Jia, L. Zhang, "Sign-Agnostic CONet: Learning Implicit Surface Reconstructions by Sign-Agnostic Optimization of Convolutional Occupancy Networks," in ICCV 2021. (oral) (paper) (code)

5.     B. Chen, Z. Yan, K. Li, P. Li, B. Wang, W. Zuo, L. Zhang, "Variational Attention: Propagating Domain-Specific Knowledge for Multi-Domain Learning in Crowd Counting," in ICCV 2021. (paper)

6.     X. Zhang, H. Zeng, L. Zhang, "Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices," in ACM Multimedia 2021. (oral) (paper) (code) (Make real-time video super-resolution on mobile devices possible!)

7.     S. Guo, Z. Liang, L. Zhang, "Joint Denoising and Demosaicking with Green Channel Prior for Real-world Burst Images," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 6930-6942, Aug. 2021. (paper) (code)

8.     K. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Zuo, L. Zhang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte, "Plug-and-Play Image Restoration with Deep Denoiser Prior," IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021. (paper) (code)


PhD Students Supervised


Biometrics, Computer Vision and Image Processing

Graduated in 2011


Image Segmentation and Graph-based Optimization

Graduated in 2011


Texture Classification, Dictionary Learning and Sparse Representation

Graduated in 2012


Face Recognition, Sparse Representation and Computer Vision

Graduated in 2012

ZHANG Kaihua

Visual Tracking, Image Segmentation and Level Set Methods

Graduated in 2013

ZHU Pengfei

Metric Learning, Computer Vision and Pattern Classification

Graduated in 2014

GU Shuhang

Image Restoration, Computer Vision, Low Rank and Matrix Factorization

Graduated in 2017

XU Jun

Sparse and Low Rank Methods, Computer Vision, Machine Learning

Graduated in 2018

CAI Sijia

Machine Learning, Computer Vision

Graduated in 2018

LI Hui

HDR Imaging, Multiple Exposure Fusion

Graduated in 2019

CAI Jianrui

Image and Video Enhancement, Deep Learning, Camera Pipeline

Graduated in 2020

YANG Lingxiao

Visual Tracking, Deep Learning

Graduated in 2019


Color Constancy, Image and Video Restoration

Graduated in 2021

LI Lida

Face Analysis, Deep Learning

Graduated in 2021


Deep Learning, Image Quality/Aesthetics Assessment

Graduated in 2021

LIANG Zhetong

Computational Imaging, Camera ISP

Graduated in 2021

XIANG Wangmeng

Deep Learning, Person ReID

Expected to graduate in 2022

ZHANG Xindong

Computer Vision, Intelligent Transportation

Expected to graduate in 2022

LI Shuai

Deep Learning, Object Detection

Expected to graduate in 2022

YONG Hongwei

Deep Learning, Image Modeling

Expected to graduate in 2022

ZHENG Hongyi

Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Expected to graduate in 2022

HE Chenhang

3D Object Detection, Deep Learning

Expected to graduate in 2022


Image/Video Restoration, Camera ISP

Expected to graduate in 2023


Image/Video Enhancement, Camera ISP

Expected to graduate in 2023


Computational Photography, Image-to-Image Translation, Style Transfer

Expected to graduate in 2023

LI Minghan

Image/Video Segmentation

Expected to graduate in 2023

Ying Sun

Deep Neural Network Optimization

Expected to graduate in 2023

Jianqi Ma

Image Enhancement, Deep Learning

Expected to graduate in 2024

Du Chen

Image Enhancement, GAN

Expected to graduate in 2024

Yabin Zhang

Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Expected to graduate in 2024

Zhe Jiang

Computer Vision, Deep Learning

Expected to graduate in 2024

Ruihuang Li

Deep Learning, Segmentation

Expected to graduate in 2024



