Welcome to Dr. CHUNG Fu-Lai (Korris)'s Page!
Chung, Fu-lai Korris, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Office: PQ805, HKPolyU
Email: cskchung [at] comp.polyu.edu.hk
Phone: (852) 2766-7289
Research Interests: Machine Learning and AI, Data Mining and Big Data Analytics,
Computational Intelligence and Creativity
Upon receiving my M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a B.Sc. degree from the University of Manitoba, I joined the Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is now an associate professor. My primary research interests are in the study of intelligence, learning and recognition and their applications to a wide spectrum of tasks which involves text data (social media), time series (finance and stock) data, multimedia (image and video) data, network/graph data, bioinformatics data, etc. I published widely in prestige journals, including IEEE Transactions, ACM Transactions, and various AI/ML international journals, and also served on program committees of top international conferences.
Please contact me for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme's application details if you are interested in my research areas.
Research Interests & Publications
Currently, I'm working on deep transfer learning, adversarial learning, feature learning, social network analysis and mining, big data analytics and computational creativity. My Google scholar profile can be found here, my dblp computer science profile can be found here, and my Scopus profile can be found here and my ORCID is here. Here is a selected list of my recent journal and conference publications.
Recent papers:
Shuang Zhou, Qiaoyu Tan, Zhiming Xu, Xiao Huang, Fu-lai Chung, “Subtractive Aggregation for Attributed Network Anomaly Detection,” Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM’21), pp.3672-3676, 2021.
Xiao Shen, Quanyu Dai, Sitong Mao, Fu-Lai Chung, snf Kup-Sze Choi, “Network together: Node classification via cross-network deep network embedding,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 32(5), pp.1935-1948, May 2021.
Jiaxin Chen, Xiao-Ming Wu, Yanke Li, Qimai Li, Li-Ming Zhan, and Fu-lai Chung, “A Closer Look at the Training Strategy for Modern Meta-Learning,” Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
Xiao Shen, Quanyu Dai, Fu-lai Chung, Wei Lu and Kup-sze Choi, ‘Adversarial Deep Network Embedding for Cross-network Node Classification,’ Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’2020), pp.2991-2999, 2020.
Jiaxin Chen, Liming Zhan, Xiaoming Wu and Fu-lai Chung, ‘Variational Metric Scaling for Metric-Based Meta-Learning’ Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’2020), pp.3478-3485, 2020.
Xiao Shen, Sitong Mao, and Fu-lai Chung, ‘Cross-Network Learning with Fuzzy Labels for Seed Selection and Graph Sparsification in Influence Maximization,’ IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems., 28(9), 2195-2208, 2020.
Wei Lu, Wenhao Jiang, Fu-lai Chung, Martin Ester and Wei Liu, 'A Deep Bayesian Tensor Based System for Video Recommendation,' ACM Trans. on Information Systems (ToIS), vol.37, no.1, 7:1-7:22, January 2019.
Wenhao Jiang, Hongchang Gao, Wei Lu, Wei Liu, Fu-lai Chung, and Heng Huang, 'Stacked Robust Adaptively Regularized Auto-regressions for Domain Adaptation, 'IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 31(3), 561-574, March 2019.
Yumeng Guo, Fu-lai Chung, Guozheng Li, James C. Gee and Jiancong Wang, 'Leveraging Label Specific Discriminant Mapping Features for Multi-Label Learning,' ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 13(2), 24:1-24:23, May 2019.
Yuanpeng Zhang, Fu-lai Chung and Shitong Wang, 'A Multi-view & Multi-exemplar Fuzzy Clustering Approach: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Studies,' IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems (TFS), 27(8), 1543-1557, 2019.
Bin Qin, Fu-lai Chung, Shitong Wang, 'Biologically Plausible Fuzzy-Knowledge-Out and Its Induced Wide Learning of Interpretable TSK Fuzzy Classifiers,' IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems (TFS), 28(7), 1276-1290, 2019.
Xiao Shen, and Fu-lai Chung, 'Deep Network Embedding for Graph Representation Learning in Signed Networks,' IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics (TCyb).
Wenlong Hang, Shuang Liang, Kup-sze Choi, Fu-lai Chung and Shitong Wang, 'Selective Transfer Classification Learning With Classification-Error-Based Consensus Regularization,' IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.
Wenhao Jiang, Wei Lu, and Fu-lai Chung, “Knowledge Transfer for Spectral Clustering,” Pattern Recognition, vol.81, pp.484-496, 2018.
Xiaoqing Gu, Fu-lai Chung, and Shitong Wang, 'Fast Convex-hull Vector Machine for Training on Large-scale ncRNA Data Classification Tasks,' Knowledge Based System, vol.151, pp.149-164, 2018.
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