LEONG, Hong-Va (Dr.)
Associate Professor
B.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
(Multimedia and Affective Computing, Mobile and Internet Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Distributed Databases, Geographical Information Systems)
Dr Leong graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara and joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his undergraduate and first graduate degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since then, he had been working as teaching and research assistants throughout his graduate career and held several scholarships and fellowships. He is active in research and has published over 100 refereed research papers. His research interests lie in distributed systems, distributed databases, mobile computing and multimedia affective computing. He is also interested in applications originating from the domains of parallel programming, internet, and geographical information systems. He has served on the program committee and organizing committee of numerous international conferences as well as chairing some of them. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society.
Selected publications:
Publication Listed at Computer Science Bibliography Server
- M.X. Huang, J. Li, G. Ngai, H.V. Leong, and K.A. Hua. Fast-PADMA: Rapidly adapting facial affect model from similar individuals. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(7):1901-1915, 2018.
- M.X. Huang, J. Li, G. Ngai, and H.V. Leong. Quick bootstrapping of a personalized gaze model from real-use interactions. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 9(4):43 (25 pages), 2018.
- E.Y. Fu, M.X. Huang, H.V. Leong, and G. Ngai. Cross-Species Learning: A Low-Cost Approach to Learning Human Fight from Animal Fight. In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, pages 320-327, 2018.
- M.X. Huang, J. Li, G. Ngai, and H.V. Leong. ScreenGlint: Practical, In-situ Gaze Estimation on Smartphones. In Proceedings of ACM CHI, pages 2546-2557, 2017.
- Fu, E.Y., Leong, H.V., Ngai, G., Huang, M.X., and Chan, S.C.F. Physiological mouse: Towards an emotion-aware mouse. Universal Access in the Information Society: An International Journal, 16(2):365-379, Springer, 2017.
- Huang, M.X., Ngai, G., Hua, K., Chan, S.C.F., and Leong, H.V. Identifying user-specific facial acts from spontaneous expressions with minimal annotation. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 7(4):360-373, IEEE, 2016.
- Leong, H.V., Chan, A.T.S., and Ngai, G. Approximate web database snapshot. In Proceedings of IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pages 367-376, July 2015.
- Li, J., Ngai, G., Chan, S.C.F., Hua, K.A., Leong, H.V., and Chan, A. From Writing to Painting: A Kinect-based cross-modal Chinese painting generation system. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference in Multimedia, pages 57-66, November 2014.
- Chow, C.Y., Mokbel, M.F., and Leong,H.V. On environmentcient and scalable support of continuous queries in mobile peer-to-peer environments. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10(10):1473-1487, IEEE, October 2011.
- Lee, K.C.K., Lee, W.C., and Leong, H.V. Nearest surrounder queries. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 22(10):1444-1458, IEEE, October 2010.
- Lee, K.C.K., Lee, W.C., Leong, H.V., and Zheng, B. Navigational path privacy protection: navigational path privacy protection. In Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge and Information Management, pages 691-700, ACM, November 2009.
- Lan, K.C., Ho, K.S., Luk, R.W.P., and Leong, H.V. Dialogue act recognition using maximum entropy. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(6):859-874, 2008.
- Chow, C.Y., Leong, H.V. and Chan, A. GroCoca: Group-based peer-to-peer cooperative caching in mobile environment. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 25(1):179-191, January 2007.
- Ho, K.S., Leong, H.V., Lam, W. and Luk, R.W.P. Integrating XML and CORBA to support collaborative writing using off-the-shelf editing software. Information Systems: An International Journal, 31(6):465-488, September 2006.
- Leong, H.V. and Si, A. Multi-resolution information transmission in mobile environments. In Mobile Information Systems Journal, volume 1, number 1, pages 25-40, January 2005.
- Chan, A.T.S., Wong, E.Y.C. and Leong, H.V. Xstream: a middleware for streaming XML contents over wireless environment. In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 30, number 12, pages 918-935, December 2004.
- Chim, J.H.P., Lau, R.W.H., Leong, H.V. and Si, A. CyberWalk: a web-based distributed virtual walkthrough environment. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 5, number 4, pages 503-515, December 2003.
- Lee, K.C.K., Leong, H.V. and Si, A. Semantic data broadcast for a mobile environment based on dynamic and adaptive chunking. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 51, number 10, pages 1253-1268, October 2002.
- Chan, B.Y.L., Si, A. and Leong, H.V. A framework for cache management for mobile databases: design and evaluation. In Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Volume 10, number 1, pages 23-57, July 2001.
- Choy, M., Leong, H.V. and Wong, M.H. Disaster recovery techniques for database systems. In Communications of the ACM, Volume 43, number 11, pages 272-280. ACM, November 2000.
- Chan, B.Y.L., Leong, H.V., Si, A. and Wong, K.F. MODEC: a multi-granularity mobile object-oriented database caching mechanism, prototype and performance. In Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Volume 7, number 3, pages 343-372, July 1999.
- Chan, B.Y.L., Si, A. and Leong, H.V. Cache management for mobile databases: design and evaluation. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Engineering, pages 54-63. IEEE, February 1998.
- Leong, H.V. and Si, A. Database caching over the air-storage. In The Computer Journal. Volume 40, number 7, pages 401-415. Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Si, A. and Leong, H.V. Query processing and optimization for broadcast database. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, pages 899-914. LNCS, September 1996.
- Choy, M., Leong, H.V. and Wong, M.H. On distributed object checkpointing and recovery. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 64-73. ACM, August 1995.
- Agrawal, D., Choy, M., Leong, H.V. and Singh, A.K. Mixed consistency: A model for parallel programming. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 101-110. ACM, August 1994.