Dr. Leung King Shun
Adjunct Assistant Professor
2948 7823
More details on RICH
Dr Leung King Shun is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology. He earned from The Chinese University of Hong Kong a BSc(Hons), an MSc and a PhD, all in mathematics. His doctoral dissertation won him the CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Awards. Dr Leung studied mathematics education at The University of Hong Kong, from which he gained a Cert Ed and an MEd. Before joining the teacher education profession, he had been teaching mathematics at a government secondary school for seven years. He also held part-time teaching posts at The Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong (currently The Open University of Hong Kong) and The Baptist University. In 1995, he received the Fifth Anniversary Tutor Awards from the former. He also has rich experience in serving mathematics subject committees in the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
Research Interests
Tilings, fractals, mathematics of paper-folding, Recreational mathematics, Number theory, Problem-solving, Affective domain of mathematics education.
Selected Outputs
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Leung, C. K., Lai, M. Y., Poon, K. K., & Leung, K. S. (Eds.) (2007).?Proceedings of the Hong Kong Mathematics Education Conference 2007. 223 pp., Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education.
Man, Y.K., Ng, Y.K., & Leung, K.S. (1999). Learning Elementary Number Theory with the World Wide Web: A Design of a Homepage on the Internet. In Bradbeer & Ng (Eds.),?Current Practice in Multimedia Education?(133-139). Hong Kong: The City University of Hong Kong.
Journal Publications
Wang, L. & Leung, K. S. (2020). Radix expansion and connectedness of planar self-affine fractals. Monatschefte fur Mathematik (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-020-01461-0), 193 (3), pp. 705-724.
Leung, K. S., Luo, J. J. & Wang, L. (2020). Connectedness of a class of self-affine carpets.?Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, 28, 1-10.
Leung, K. S. (2018). Paper-folding and cutting activities to demonstrate five-fold symmetry.?The Mathematical Gazette, 102(555), 413-421.
Leung, K. S. & Luo, J. J. (2017). A characterization of connected self-affine fractals arising from collinear digits.?Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456(1), 429-443.
Leung, K. S. (2017). Approaching quadratic equations from a right angle.?The Mathematical Gazette, 101(552), 424-438.
Leung, K. S. & Luo, J. J. (2015). Connectedness of planar self-affine sets associated with non-collinear digit sets.?Geometriae Dedicata, 175(1), 145-157.
Leung, K. S., & Luo, J. J. (2013). Boundaries of disk-like self-affine tiles.?Discrete and Computational Geometry, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp 194-218.
Leung, K. S. (2012). Converting a fraction into a decimal by hand calculation.?Mathematical Spectrum, 45 (1), 34-37.
Leung, K. S. (2012). Dividing a right-angled trapezium into two similar quadrilaterals.?The Mathematical Gazette, 96 (536), 304-309.
Leung, K. S., & Luo, J. J. (2012). Connectedness of planar self-affine sets associated with non-consecutive collinear digit sets.?Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 395 (1), 208-217.
Leung, K. S. (2012). Similar triangles and the Cosine Rule.?The Mathematical Gazette, 96 (535), 169-172.
Leung, K. S., & Lau, K. S. (2007). Disklikeness of planar self-affine tiles.?Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 359 (7), 3337-3355.
Leung, K. S., & Sze, C. L. (2007). Paper folding fractions.?The Mathematical Gazette, 91 (520), 87-91.
Conference Papers
Leung, K. S. (2011, May).?The connectedness of planar self-affine sets associated with non-consecutive collinear digit sets. 2011 National Mathematics Conference on Fractals Theory and Dynamical Systems, Zhangjiajie, Hunan.
Leung, K. S. (2008, December).?Dislike self-affine tiles. Paper presented at the Seminar on Fractal Geometry and Related Topics, Zhuhai, China.
All Other Outputs
Research Projects
Radix Expansion of Rational Points and Disk-like Self-affine Tiles
In this project, we develop a method for finding the radix expansion of a rational point on the plane with respect to an expanding matrix A and a digit set D with |detA| elements. It is also required that the self-affine set T generated by A and D is?. . .
Project Start Year : 2018? Chief Investigator(s) :?LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信
Disklike Planar Self-Affine Tiles Associated with Non-Collinear Digit Sets
In this project, we study the condition for the class of planar self-affine tiles associated with non-collinear digit sets to be connected and disklike (being homeomorphic to the closed unit disk). The main tools used are the radix expansion method d?. . .
Project Start Year : 2016? Chief Investigator(s) :?LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信
Developing Exploratory Pedagogy to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
This project aims to: (a) develop exploratory pedagogy for enhancing teaching and learning of mathematics; (b) design and develop relevant exploratory teaching and learning materials for use by lecturers and students; (c) study the impact of the end-?. . .
Project Start Year : 2010? Chief Investigator(s) :?MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光???(Dr LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信 as Co-Investigator)
The HKIEd Longman Mathematics Day 2007
It aims to promote our Institute and Department to senior secondary students and in-service teachers, and it is achieved through involving these students and teachers in interesting and meaningful mathematics activities at our campus. These activitie?. . .
Project Start Year : 2007? Chief Investigator(s) :?WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華???(Dr LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信 as Co-Investigator)
The HKIEd Longman Mathematics Day 2006
This project intends to promote HKIEd and the Mathematics Department to senior secondary students, and is achieved through involving these students in interesting and meaningful mathematics activities at our campus. These activities are designed to s . . .
Project Start Year : 2006? Chief Investigator(s) : WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華 ??(Dr LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信 as Co-Investigator)
Further Development of Complete Teaching and Learning Materials for Mathematics Modules
The Department of Mathematics has noted that students have frequently expressed their concern about the difficulty of learning mathematics, and about the shortage of appropriate learning materials. These concerns have validity because of the differe?. . .
Project Start Year : 2005? Chief Investigator(s) :?LAM SUK WAH, LOUISA 林淑華??(Dr LEUNG, King Shun 梁景信as Co-Investigator)
External Appointments
Dr Leung King Shun was invited by the Education Bureau to run a series of workshops titlted "Unfolding Mathematics through Paper-folding" for secondary school mathematics teachers in Dec 07. The same workshops were re-run in Jun 08. Dr Leung was invited again by the Education Bureau to give a series of seminars titled "Paper-folding Activities to Enhance the Learning of Mathematics" for secondary school mathematics teachers in Dec 08. On 3 May 08, Dr Leung gave an invited talk on "The Disklikeness of Self-affine Tiles" in the Dynamics and Fractals May Meet coorganised by Sun Yat Sen University and South China University of Technology in Guangzhou. Dr Leung was invited by the College of Mathematics and Computer Science of Hunan Normal University to visit them for academic exchange from 5 Oct 08 to 9 Oct 08. He gave two talks during the visits, one on "Disklike Self-affines " and the other "The Boundaries of Self-affine Tiles".
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK数学与资讯科技学系老师简介-Dr. Leung King Shun
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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Dr.SoWingWahSimonAssistantProfessor29487846D4-1/F-17swwso@eduhk.hkMoredetailsonRICHProfileDr.Sohasmanyyearsofworkingexperience. ...香港教育大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-02-06