
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK数学与资讯科技学系老师简介-Dr. So Wing Wah Simon

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Dr. So Wing Wah Simon
Assistant Professor
2948 7846
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Dr. So has many years of working experience. He has held various technical and managerial positions in IT industry in the past. His academic experience spans many universities; the University of Alberta, the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Melbourne, Karratha College (for Edith Cowan University ) and Victoria University . He has published research articles widely and his publications include books' chapters and articles in journals, professional series and international conferences. His services to the international research community include serving as Program Committee member, Organizing Member, Technical Expert and Regional Director of major international conferences and professional organizations in Australia, Europe, Asia and US. He has been appointed as External Examiner for a number of doctorial and master research dissertations and Reviewer of many journal articles and conference papers internationally. Dr. So also serves as the subject member and provides consultation works for government bodies in education.
Research Interests
STEM Learning and Teaching, Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality for Education, Web-based Learning, E-Learning, Game-based Learning and Mobile Learning Educational Use of Multimedia and Internet Technologies Mobile Multimedia and Wireless Technology Multimedia Databases Multimedia Information Retrieval XML-based and Web Standards
Selected Outputs
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
So, S. (2007). M-Learning with mobile phones. In D. Taniar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce (pp.418-423). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI.
Journal Publications
So, S. (2017). Students' Game Playing Preferences and Personality Traits. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, November Special Issue, 1014-1022.
So, S. (2016). WhatsLearn: The use of whatsapp for teaching and learning. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Teachnology, December Special Issue, 1359-1365.
So, S. (2016). Mobile instant messaging support for teaching and learning in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 31(2016), 32-42.
So, S. (2014). Mobile Learning: A Topography and Research. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 4(4), 340-344.
Law, C., & So, S. (2010). QR Codes in Education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 3(1), 85-100.
So, S. (2009). The development of a SMS-based teaching and learning system. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 2(1), 113-124.
So, S. (2008). A study on the acceptance of mobile phones for teaching and learning with a group of pre-service teachers in Hong Kong. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 1 (1), 81-92.
So, S. (2005). Efficient image indexing and retrieval over mobile devices. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 1 (2), 149-160.
Conference Papers
So, S. (2019, June). Virtual Reality in Visual Arts Education: A Study on Using Google Tilt Brush. EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Amsterdam.
So, S. (2018, April). Developing the STEM Experience for In-Service Primary Teachers through Micro-controlling Hardware and Coding. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Portugal.
So, S. (2011, December). Beyond the simple codes: QR in education. Paper presented at Conference ASCILITE 2011, Hobart.
Lai, T. & So, S. (2010, December). TV as a Multimedia Synchronous Communication for Cooking and Eating Activities: Analysis of TV Cooking Shows in Hong Kong. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2010), Taichung, Taiwan.
So, S. (2009, June). A SMS e-learning system for teaching and learning. Paper presented at the International Association for Development of the Information Society - Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (E-learning), Algarve, Portugal.
So, S. (2007, October). A study on the acceptance of mobile phones for teaching and learning with pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Mobile Learning, Melbourne, Australia.
All Other Outputs
So, S. (2019). Review of a journal paper. SAGE (The International Journal of Electrical Engineering education).
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of a Journal paper. Elsevier (Thinking Skills and Creativity).
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of a journal paper. Elsevier (The Internet and Higher Education).
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of 3 papers. SICET.
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of a paper. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange.
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of a paper. Wiley (British Journal of Educational Technology).
So, S. (2018). External Examiner. 3 BEd Courses. Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2018). Reviewer of a paper. Osaka, Japan: The 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology.
So, S. (2017). Reviewer of 2 papers. IEEE TALE.
So, S. (2017). Reviewer of a paper. Wiley (British Journal of Educational Technology).
So, S. (2017). Reviewer of a paper. Elsevier (Internet and Higher Education).
So, S. (2016). Reviewer of a journal paper. Elsevier (Computers & Education).
So, S. (2015). External Examiner. Three BEd courses. Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2015). Keynote Speaker. Mobile Learning: Research and Practice, International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2005). Bali: International Academy of Computer Technology.
So, S. (2014). External Examiner. Three BEd Courses. Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2014). Reviewer of a journal paper. JETDE. Beijing.
So, S. (2014). External Examiner.Three BEd courses. Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2013). Reviewer of a journal paper. Elsevier.
So, S. (2013). Reviewer of a journal paper. SICET.
So, S. (2013). Reviewer of three papers. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2012). External Examiner. Three BEd Programme Modules. Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2012). External Examiner, MEd Research Thesis. The University of Macau.
So, S. (2012). Reviewer of two papers. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2012). Reviewer of two papers. International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology. Beijing: Educational Technology Institute, Tsinghua University.
So, S. (2012). Super Barcodes Links Smartphones to Web. South China Morning Post.
Tu, C., Mclsaac, M., Blocher, M., Shearer, R., Pastore, R., & So, S. (2011). Panelist (via Video Conferencing), Mobile learning disrupts e-Learning & online learning?. Jacksonville, FL, USA: Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT).
So, S. (2011). External Examiner. Three BEd programme modules. The Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2011). Reviewer of three papers. International Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2011). Reviewer of two papers. The 8th FTRA International Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, data management, and Applications. Greece.
So, S. (2011). External Examiner. Three BEd programme modules. The Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2010). Pedagogical & Technological Consideration of Mobile Learning.Keynote speech presented at The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). USA: 2010 AECT/SICET Convention.
So, S. (2010). Reviewer of a journal paper. Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing.
So, S. (2010). Reviewer of three papers, International Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2010). External Examiner, a BEd programme module. The Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2010). Reviewer of a journal paper, Journal of Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.
So, S. (2010). Reviewer of two papers, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2009). External Examiner, a BEd programme module. The Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2009). Reviewer of a journal paper, International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning.
So, S. (2009). Reviewer of four papers, International Conference on Computers in Education.
So, S. (2009). External Examiner, a BEd programme module. The Open University of Hong Kong.
So, S. (2009). Reviewer of two papers, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing.
So, S. (2009). Reviewer of four papers, SICET Convention.
So, S. (2008). Reviewer of two book chapters, Multiplatform E-Learning System and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education. IGI.
So, S. (2007). Reviewer of two papers, The 3rd Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligance Workshop. University of Linz.
So, S. (2007). External Examiner, PhD Thesis. LaTrobe University.
So, S. (2006). Reviewer of papers, 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence. Glasgow.
So, S. (2005). Reviewer of a paper, International Journal Computers and Applications. Calgary.
So, S. (2005). External Examiner of Master of Business Systems Research Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne.
Research Projects
Enhancing Creativity by an Educational Game: Using Growth Mindset Incentive?
Creativity commonly refers to the ability to generate novel yet feasible ideas, solutions or insights. It is considered as one of the most complicated and important human quality. Creativity is often obvious in children but is more and more difficult . . .
Project Start Year : 2019? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Humanoid and Virtual Learning and Teaching Environment for STEM Education?
This project aims to establish an infrastructure for innovative learning and teaching with humanoid and virtual reality environment in STEM Education. A cloud server will be established to support the humanoid and virtual reality interaction. Situate . . .
Project Start Year : 2019? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Micro-controlling Hardware and Coding in STEM Education: Developing the Learning Resources for In-service Teachers in Hong Kong?
Tinkering controlling hardware, sensors and actuators has become a growing trend in local schools, especially in STEM education. However, many in-service teachers do not have sufficient background to work with these devices but are required to teach . . .
Project Start Year : 2018? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) for Education?
The study aims to explore Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mi xed Reality (MR) for education. Recent development in Head-Mounted Display (HMD) for virtuality allows diverse applications to be used in education. Many subject areas such . . .
Project Start Year : 2017? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Enhancing Creativity by an Educational Game: Using Growth Mindset Incentive?
The research aims to develop a video game in fostering a growth mindset incentive to enhance creativity in adolescents.
Project Start Year : 2016? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Student's Game Playing Preference: A Preliminary Study?
The study aims to explore the relationship between the game play preference and the personality traits. Five personality factors of a game player will be used to measure against the game genres of seven types. It is hypothesized that game players wit . . .
Project Start Year : 2015? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
Game Making for Teaching and Learning : An Explorative Study?
This research investigates the framework of game making to nurture students’ high order thinking ability to analyse, design, develop and evaluate games that students can be built and played.
Project Start Year : 2009? Chief Investigator(s) : SO, Wing Wah Simon 蘇永華
External Appointments
Dr. Simon So has been appointed as External Examiner for the Doctor of Philosophy Programme of La Trobe University in 2007, External Examiner for the Master (Research) Programme of Monash University in 2004 and 2005, External Examiner of the Open University of Hong Kong, and External Assessor of CERG proposals. Dr. Simon So is served on the Editorial Board for The International Journal of Technology for Teaching and Learning (since 2005). Dr. Simon So has been appointed as Regional Director of The Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (since 2004). Dr. Simon So is served as PC Member of The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, The International Conference on Computers in Education, The Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence Workshop, The International Workshop on Ubiquitous Smart Worlds, and The International Conference on Advances in Mobile Multimedia. Dr. Simon So is the setter and member of the HK Sixth Form Computer Studies Subject Committee (2001-2009) for HKEAA. Dr. Simon So is a committee member on Technology Education of Key Learning Areas, Curriculum Development Council, Education Bureau.

相关话题/科技 数学 香港教育大学