

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

當代藝術, 創意媒體, 視覺藝術教育
(852) 2948 8333
Dr. Lau, Chung Yim studied Fine Arts and received his initial teacher education in the National Taiwan Normal University. He obtained his Master of Visual Arts from the Victorian College of the Arts of the University of Melbourne, and Certificate in Arts Administration in Grant MacEwan Community College. He completed a PhD at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University. Before joining the institute, he had taught art in kindergarten, junior and senior high schools in Taiwan for eight years. In 1998, he received an Art Teacher Award from the Taipei Municipal Bureau of Education. Dr. Lau is currently Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts at the Education University of Hong Kong. His research interests include investigations concerning issues in postmodernist pedagogy, understanding images of young adolescent, creativity, visual culture in art education, and art teacher education. Dr. Lau’s publications are mainly related to visual culture in art education, creativity, teaching art in the postmodern era, contemporary art curriculum. His publications can be found in international journals such as International Journal of Art and Design Education (IJADE); Visual Arts Research; Critical Perspectives on Communication, Cultural & Policy Studies (ACCESS); Research in Arts Education; Australian Art Education; The International Journal of Arts Education; Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, etc.
Profile Details
PhD (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia)
MVA (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Cert (Grant MacEwan Community College, Canada)
BA (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Areas of Teaching
Art education
Art teacher education
Research methods in art education
Research Interests
Contemporary art curriculum: theory and practice
Popular visual culture
Visual culture in art education
Selected Outputs
Lau, C. Y. (2020). A cognitive learning account of the avoidance, omission and exaggerated phenomena and expressions in young adolescents’ drawings of the human figure in the visual culture art education context. International Journal of Art and Design Education, Volume 39, Issue 3, 39(3), 686-703. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12311
Lau, C. Y. (2020). A conceptual framework of critical thinking for teaching visual culture in a senior high class. The International Journal of Arts Education, 18(1), 41-67.
Lau, C. Y. (2019). Towards good practice in community‐based arts education in Hong Kong. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 38(1), 60-72. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12174
Lau, C. Y. (2019). Study on the needs of performing arts education at school levels organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) through focus group meetings. The Education University of Hong Kong and Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Lau, C. Y., & Tam, C. O. (2017). The Perfect Marriage? – Language and Art Criticism in the Hong Kong Public Examination Context. The International Journal of Art and Design Education, 36(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12071
Research Projects
A Study of a Visual Culture Art Education Model for Promoting Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills in the Senior High School Context, 2019
A Study on the Needs of Performing Arts Education Programmes at School Levels Organised by LCSD through Focus Group Meetings (HKSAR Government Commissioned Research Project), 2017
Teaching Visual Culture: A Pilot Case Study, 2016
Developing students’ critical response to visual arts: A study of inquiry approaches and outcomes in learning art criticism, 2015
Evaluation Study on Curriculum Implementation in Arts Education Key Learning Area, 2011
A Research Study and Professional Support for the Development and Implementation of the New Senior Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, 2010
External Appointments
External examiner, Open University (2011-12).
Invited speaker of the “Seminar on Contemporary Art and Cultural Theories”. Topic of lecture: “Feminist’s Perspective on Art”, organized by the Business College, Beijing Union University (April 8, 2008; June, 2012)
Invited speaker of the “Teaching Art when Art is everywhere, Secondary and Tertiary Art Education in Hong Kong”. Topic of lecture: “How We Understand Visual Culture in Art Education”, organized by the CUHK (May 19, 2007)
Invited speaker of the “Seminar Graduate Institute of Visual Art Education National Hualien University of Education December 13-24, 2007
Invited speaker of the “Seminar on Issues and Reflections of Contemporary Art Education Symposium”. Topic of lecture: “Understanding Young Adolescents’ Popular Visual Culture”, organized by Graduate Institute of Art Education, National Changhua University of Education (December 26, 2006)
Invited scholars and speaker of the World Creativity Submit (5-7 June, 2008), organized by International Society for Education through Art (InSEA), Taiwan
Major External Research Grants
A Study of a Visual Culture Art Education Model for Promoting Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills in the Senior High School Context (GRF,2018-19)

相关话题/艺术 创意 香港教育大学