
香港大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr WONG, Wai Lun Vincent

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04

Dr WONG, Wai Lun Vincent

Dr WONG, Wai Lun Vincent


Specialism Coordinator (Master of Education: Educational Administration & Management)
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee
Faculty Review Committee of Student Performance and Discontinuation
Visiting Research Fellow (University of Oxford)
Visiting Professor (Meji University, Japan)
TEFS (University of Oxford)
Chairman (RC), Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration [United Nations Public Administration Network partner] & Legal Regulatory Tech Policy Expert
Oxford and Cambridge Society of New England
Oxford and Cambridge Society of Hong Kong
International & Local Government Appointments:
Special Researcher & Visiting Fellow (HRM), Finland Government
Special Researcher (HRM, E-/ICT-Tech-Governance & Legal Regulatory), Chinese Academy of Personnel Science, China
Steering Committee on Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training and Qualifications Framework, HKSAR Government
HKSARG Education Bureau Vetting Committee (Sabbatical Leave Scheme for Professional Development)
HKSARG Education Bureau Textbook Review Committee
Visiting Scholar (Monash U, Melbourne U & Queensland U, Australia)
Monash, Durham, Beijing Normal University (BNU) Research Network
Advisory Committee (OECD-TLISC-study), Durham University Evidence Center for Education, UK
Judge, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Awards (Oscars of Education)
Vice-President(IC), Hong Kong Public Administration Association
HRM Working Group, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS-IASIA),Brussel (Belgium)
Expert Panelist, Global Liver Institute, Washington, DC, USA
HKU Faculty of Medicine Bau Institute of Medical & Health Sciences Education: Frontiers Conference Speaker (AI & Medical Curriculum Training)
Selected International Advisory Expert/Appointment/Membership/Invitation:
EROPA Human Resources Management Expert Advisory Committee(ASEAN/UN/OECD/ADB)
EROPA Public Administration Expert and Practitioner
EROPA Future Plans Committee & EROPA Secretary-General Search Committee
Harvard Faculty Club, USA
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Government of Japan
National Human Resources Development Institute, Government of Republic of Korea
Global Alumni Network, Institute of Sustainable Leadership, Cambridge University, UK
Global Alumni Network, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, USA
European Group of Public Administration
Asian Group of Public Administration
Tsinghua University, People Republic of China
Policy Forum Member, OECD
China Leadership Society Member (approved by MOHRSS-State Council-PRC)
Greater Bay, Economic & Public Affairs Committee, HKPASE
QS Ranking Intelligent Unit Collaborator, USA
Chartered Institute Member of Arbitrators, United Kingdom
Associate Editor, Public Administration & Policy
Editorial Board, Asian Review of Public Administration
Journal Reviewer: Administrative Sciences; International Review of Public Administration, Education Bureau Teacher Center Journal
Special Guest Lecturer, YLP Training Program for National Leaders (ASEAN),National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
LKS Faculty of Medicine Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education, HKU
Guest Lecturer(Leadership for Medical Professionals), LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Lecturer(Leadership in Higher Education), Institute for China Business, HKU
Guest Lecturer(Leadership in Gov Policy Administration), Macau U
Columnist: Capital CEO, Capital Weekly, MasterInsight, SCMP
Executive Committee, HK Public Administration Association
Member, American Educational Research Association
Member, British Educational Research Association
Member, Australian Council for Educational Leaders
Member, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
Member, HK Institute of Directors
Member, New Medico Legal Society of Hong Kong
Associate Member, HK Independent Non-Executive Director Association
Senior Lecturer
Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education

Selected Qualifications:
Prince of Wales BSP(Cambridge University),EESMREA (Harvard University Kennedy School)
EdD[Edu Admin, Leadership & Policy(Outstanding Doctorate Scholarship)](CUHK)
MEd[Double major: Edu Admin, Leadership & Policy: Curri & Instruction (Dist)](CUHK),
MA [Linguistics](Dist)(CUHK)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 2859 2986
Room 320, Runme Shaw Building

Research Expertise
Educational Change, Leadership and Administration
Educational Policy
Higher Education Policy and Practice
Organisational Leadership and Development
Teacher Education and Development
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise EdD students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Personal Homepage
HKU Scholars Hub

International Government Expert:
Education; HRM; Legal Regulatory; Governance; Leadership Innovation; Taleent Development; Public Administration; Policy Promotion


Teaching Exchange Fellow Scheme Awardee (HKU)

Visiting Research Fellowship (University of Oxford)

Outstanding Teaching Award (Faculty/ School), HKBU

Outstanding Doctorate Award, Faculty of Education, CUHK

Bronze Award (CPD), Hong Kong Institute of Directors

Best Debater, Inter-university Competition, CUHK

Published papers in scholarly journals:

Wong, V. (2021). Hong Kong as public administration metropolis in the internationalization of public administration education: one Hong Kong university experience. Asian Education and Development Studies. doi/10.1108/AEDS-03-2021-0064

Tan, C. Y., Liu, P., & Wong, W. L. V. (2020). Different patterns of relationships beween principa leadership and 15-year-old students' science learning: How school resources, teacher quality, and school socioeconomic status make a difference.Frontiers in Psychology - Educational Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02257

Wong, V. (2017). The Model of Communication, Collaboration and Coordination (3C) in Public Administration: Case of Free Quality Kindergarten Education in Hong Kong and Implications for Policy Makers. Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration Bulletin 1 (2016): 11.

Wong, V. (2016). The Model of “Qualification, Dissemination & Networking (QDN)” in Teacher Professional Development”: Highlighted Strategies of Education Bureau in the 2015 Policy Address and Implications for School Leaders. Hong Kong Teachers’ Center Journal. Volume (14) 2016

Wong, V. (2015). The Reconstitution of Advisory Committee on Teacher Education Qualifications (ACTEQ) to Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP): Implications for Principals on Staff Development. Journal of Public Administration & Policy. Volume 17(2) 2015 Fall

Wong, V. (2015). Two Missing Links of Some Principals in Implementation of Life Education: Teachers’ Soul and Leadership Style. Hong Kong Teachers’ Center Bulletin. Issue No. 87. P.5-6 2015 Spring

Wong, V. (2014). The Model of Government, Schools, Self-financing Institutions Partnership (GSSIP): Successful experience of Education Bureau in Hong Kong. Journal of Public Administration & Policy Volume 17(2) 2014 Fall

Invited Lecturers and Keynote Speeches at Academic Conference:

Keynote Speeches at Academic Conference

Keynote Panel Speaker
Strengthening Successful Collaborative Governance Network in age of hyper-connectivity: insights from the CCVP model: a case study of few ministers’ experiences
2019 Global Public HR Conference, Ministry of Personnel Management, Republic of Korea

Keynote Speaker
Electronic Governance: How to Balance between Managerial Efficiency and Legal Protection? Implications from Case Studies in Hong Kong SAR
2018 International Seminar on “E-Governance: Governance Innovation & Legal Guarantee (GILG) jointly organized by Chinese Academy of Personnel Science, Research Institute for government Reform and Construction of Ruling by Law, School of Law, South China Normal University

Key Panelist at Conference

Keynote Panel Speaker
Innovative Medical Policy Leadership: Implications for policymakers
2021 International NASH Day organized by Global Liver Institute & International Experts from Top Medical Schools

Keynote Panel Speaker
2020 Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2020 Medical Education Disrupted –2020 Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2020 Medical Education Disrupted – Negativity or Creativity
Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2020 organized by Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education & LKS Faculty of Medicine

Academic/ Governmental Conference Presentations

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Motivation: the Outstanding Case of Finland Employee Mobility Scheme
2021 Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration Conference “Public Governance for Inclusive Growth” jointly organised by Government, the Republic of the Philippines, the EROPA Secretariat and the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Government of Thai on 22-2-3 August 2021

Educational Leadership and School Transformation Series: Supporting for HK Principals: what, when and how?
Visiting Scholar Seminar on 5 March, Melbourne University, Australia

How to prepare STEM policy in the second phase: Implications for policy-makers of Queensland Department of Education
Government-Scholar Consultancy Seminar on 4 March, Queensland State Government, Australia

How Finnish top policy-makers foster a STEM-conducive culture at national level with a newly-established strategic steering group? The magical “MERGE” model [Human Resources Management (M), Entrepreneurial (E), Republic (R), Government (G), Educational (E)] behind the scene.
Visiting Scholar Seminar on 3 March, University of Queensland, Australia

Reflection and re-engineering for STEM policy-makers: Implications from Finnish STEM-conducive culture based on Finnish’s “MERGE” model [Human Resources Management (M), Entrepreneurial (E), Republic (R), Government (G), Educational (E)]
Visiting Scholar Seminar on 2 March, University of Queensland, Australia

How the concept of social justice is transformed in the heart, hand and feet of an Education Minister: life experience of one ASEAN country Education Minister and how we can contribute ourselves to the social justice through participating in her education projects?
Visiting Scholar Seminar on 28 February, Monash University, Australia

Strategic Development on Leadership and Human Resources Development
2020 Human Resources Director Summit, Finnish Government on 29 January, Helsinki, Finland

How Social Equality and Well-Being (SEWB) be Protected under the Shield of Public Administration: the case of Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) and its implications for future public administrators
2019 Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration Conference “The Future of Public Administration: Rethinking Resilience, Equity, and Sustainability in the Region and Beyond” jointly organised by Government, the Republic of the Philippines, the EROPA Secretariat, the University of the Philippines' National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP NCPAG) on 22-27 September 2019 in Manila, Philippines

How Harvard, Cambridge and Tsinghua talk about organizational change and leadership reflection: why, what and how to prepare for New Leadership in Higher Education Settings
Special Lecture on Leadership for University Leaders in Institute for China Business (SPACE), University of Hong Kong

How Harvard, Cambridge and Tsinghua talk about leadership: why, how and when to get there from here with a portfolio
Special Lecture on Leadership in Medical and Pharmaceutical Professionals, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong

How to build Home-School Cooperation (HSC) Model to avoid Crisis Management?
Special Lecture on Leadership in Joint-School Kindergarten Principal & Teacher Development Day on 2018.3.28

International Competition of Talents at University Level: Implications of QS World University Rankings and QS University Rankings Asia: to Government Policy-makers and University Administrators
2017 Annual Conference of Asian Group for Public Administration on Internationalization of Human Resources and Management of Skilled Migrants on 20 November, 2017 in Xiamen China, jointly organized by Asian Group for Public Administration; PRC Government; Japanese Government; Republic of Korea (ROK) Government, Indonesian Government and other 7 Asian Member Countries

Establishing a New Civil Service College (CSC): Reflections from a Former Senior Civil Servant & Civil Servant Trainer
China-Japan-the Republic of Korea (ROK) Roundtable on Civil Service System Modernization at the 2017 Annual Conference of Asian Group for Public Administration on Internationalization of Human Resources and Management of Skilled Migrants on 20 November, 2017 in Xiamen China, jointly organized by Asian Group for Public Administration; PRC Government; Japanese Government; Republic of Korea (ROK) Government, Indonesian Government and other 7 Asian Member Countries

Sustainable Strategies (SS) on Human Resources Management and Development in an Era of Public Sector: Reflections from Hong Kong Qualifications Framework and Its Implications for Policy-makers”
2017 Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration General Assembly and Conference jointly organised by OECD, United Nations Project Office on Governance, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Ministry of Personnel Management, National Human Resources Development Institute of Korean Government, ASEAN Member Countries held from 11-15 September 2017 in Seoul, South Korea.

“Offering Professional Doctorate (PD) in Public Administration: Lessons from Doctor of Business Administration, Education, Childhood Studies and other disciplines”
2017 European Group for Public Administration Annual Conference jointly organised by European Group for Public Administration, Italian Government, European Union Member Countries & Politecnico di Milano held from 28 August to 1 September 2017 in Milan, Italy.

The Policy implications of Principal’s Training Framework (PTF) for school administrators
World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, co-organised by the Education Bureau and OMEP – Hong Kong

“2017 Professional Development Series: Do your students enjoy your lesson? Implications for Teaching Effectiveness and Lesson Studies’ for School Principals and Teachers”
Education Bureau and Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre on 10 August 2017 in Hong Kong.

The Art of Leadership and Governance: Reflections on Learning Organisations and Implications for the Management of Vice-principals, Middle Managers and Teachers”
2017 Symposium on Curriculum Development and Pedagogical Excellence jointly organised by Education Bureau and Hong Kong Teachers’ Association held on 11 March 2017 in Education Bureau, Hong Kong.

“The Strategic Value of MTR Academy on Organisational Learning and Urban Innovation: Implications for Leadership and Governance”
2016 Symposium on Organisational Learning and Urban Innovation: Mega City Governance and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Collaborative Development jointly organised by the Administrative Structure Reform Committee, the Chinese Academy of Governance, PRC Government, the Organisational Learning Unit for Governance and Innovation, Tsinghua University, Beijing Municipal Government Organisational Learning Unit for Governance and Innovation held on 17 December 2016 in Beijing, PRC.

When MOOCs meet Organizational Learning in the times of Big Data---Reflection of HK Senior Bureaucrats and Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL) Ambassador: Implications for government policy-makers and institutional leaders in leadership, public administration and governance
2016 International Seminar on Big Data and Public Service: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Chinese Academy of Personnel Science, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

The Model of Communication, Collaboration and Coordination (3C) in Public Administration: Case of Free Quality Kindergarten Education in Hong Kong and Implications for Policy Makers”
2016 Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration Conference jointly organised by Asian Pacific Member Countries and Civil Service Commission, Republic of the Philippines from 9-10 October 2016 at the Republic of the Philippines.

The Introduction of Competition Ordinance in Hong Kong: Implications for Public Governance, Government Performance and Public Sector (PGGPPS) Model
2016 The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) Joint Congress: IIAS, IASIA, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Chinese Academy of Governance, PRC: Special Collaborator: United Nations, OECD, Asian Development Bank. Chengdu, PRC

The Prototypical Roles of Hong Kong Housing Society’s Elderly Project: Tanner Hill for Elderly Housing Policy: Implications for Public Policies and Governance (PPG)
The 11th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong: Japan, Hong Kong, Asia and Alternative Modernities: Graduate School of Humanities and Faculty of Letters, Kobe University

The Implementation of Whole-person Development in School Leadership & Management
2016 Education Conference on Teacher Education. Education Bureau

Improving Governance through the Establishment of Electronic Consultation Channel (ECC): Case of Public Affairs Forum in Hong Kong and Implications for Managerial Innovation
The Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) 2015 Annual Conference. Shanghai

The Strategic Roles of Principals (SRP) in Engaging Teachers and Students in “English Across the Curriculum’: Implications for School Leadership
International Conference on English Across the Curriculum 2015

“Crisis Management in Organizational-based Context: Categories, Formation, Mentality and Innovation”
2015 Joint School Professional Development Seminar of Christian and Missionary Alliance on 1 September 2015 in Hong Kong.

The Significance of Multiple Learning Experiences: Implications for Teachers
2015 Education Conference on Teacher Education. Education Bureau

The Vital Roles of Pedagogical Strategies and Effective Lesson : Implications for Teachers
2015 Education Conference on Teacher Education. Education Bureau

How to Lead Middle and Senior Management at Schools: Implications for School Managers
2015 Education Conference on School Leadership. Education Bureau

The Model of “Government, School & Self-financing Institutions Partnership (GSSIP)” in
Hong Kong.
Federation of Self-financing Tertiary Education 20th Anniversary Conference: The Way Forward. Hong Kong

How to Build Effective Home-School Cooperation with Parent?
2014 Education Conference on School Leadership. Education Bureau

School Policies, Procedures and Guidelines: Implications for Management
2014 Education Conference on School Leadership. Education Bureau

The Journey of a Doctorate Reflective Action Researcher: Conference on Principals’ and Teachers’ Professionalism
Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Managing Effective Teaching and Panel Performance
2013 Education Conference on School Leadership. Education Bureau

Re-engineering of Teacher Professionalism
2013 Education Conference on Educators. Education Bureau

How to write DoctorateThesis on Policy Studies: Implications for Doctorate Candidates? : Conference on Principals’ and Teachers’ Professionalism
Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Review articles incorporating new research or insights:
Administrative Sciences
Hong Kong Teacher Center Journal
Public Administration and Policy: Asia-Pacific Journal
Editorships/ Membership of Editorial boards:
Associate Editor, Public Administration and Policy: Asia-Pacific Journal
Contribution to Local Newspapers/Magazines:
Hong Kong Economic Journal
How Finland motivates STEM and Vocational Education: from perspective of public administration

Ming Pao
Strategies on School Admission

Ming Pao
International versus Local Schooling System: the Must-knows

Sing Tao
Prospectus on School Admission

Sing Tao
Prospectus on Admission to Local Primary School

Sing Tao
Prospectus on Admission to DSS & Private Primary School

South China Morning Post
Types of Secondary Schools: Through-train, Feeder and Nominated Schools:

Smart Parents
International Kindergarten: Pros and Cons

Baby Magazine
Parenting Style and Home-School Cooperation

South China Morning Post
Choosing Schools: Value Matching & Home-School Cooperation

Sing Tao Press
Implementation of International Baccalaureate (IB) in Hong Kong

South China Morning Post
Professional Upgrading of Principals in HK

Ming Pao
Ways Ahead for Principals in HK

Understanding Corporate Culture and Leadership: lens from Harvard Kennedy School
Capital Entrepreneur. Volume (170) P. 74

Examining leadership Strategies from Committee on Land Supply: the choices between elite leadership and democratic leadership
Capital Entrepreneur. Volume (166) P. 74

Improving Governance with Mobile Phone: Pragmatic Strategies
Capital Entrepreneur. Volume (165) P. 74

Brand-new Concept for Policy Formulation & Implementation: Tanner Hill Project
Capital Weekly. Volume (533). P.67

Maximizing Children’s rights: Introduction of New Legal Parenting Concept
Capital Entrepreneur. Volume (129)P. 69

Strategic Planning for Human Capital: Implications from Vocational & Professional Education and Training (VPET)
Capital Weekly. Volume (517). P.73

Where we are and where we are heading to? Teachers’ and Principals’ training in Hong Kong
Capital Entrepreneur. Volume (129)P. 69

Contribution to Online Media:
Selecting schools from the perspective of Human Capital
Master Insight (Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

Are you proud of your corporation: from the experience of Harvard University to Entrepreneurship?
Master Insight (Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

How to avoid being “CEO parent”?
South China Moring Post Education Column (Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

What are the tips for kindergarten admission?
South China Moring Post Education Column(Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

What are the tips for primary school admission?
South China Moring Post Education Column(Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

What you need to equip for primary school admission?
South China Moring Post Education Column(Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

How to choose suitable schools?
South China Moring Post Education Column(Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

How to lead in times of conflict?
Master Insight (Private Column under Dr. Vincent Wong)

Radio/TV Interview/Programme
Finance TV: 2015.07.19
KBS (Korea): 2019.11.3

Member, Hong Kong Chinese People's Political Consulative Conference Youth Association
Committee on Public Affairs & Education; Housing & Lands; Public Governance, Policy think-tanks
Textbook Committee, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government
Executive Committee, Hong Kong Public Administration Association
Executive Committee, Hong Kong ChongQing Friendship Federation
Invited Speaker, Hong Kong Teacher Center, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government
Member, Public Affairs forum, Home & Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government
Member, Liaison Group, Food & Health Bureau, HKSARG Government
Member, Shanghai-Hong Kong Coalition of Professionals
Assessor Panel, LPATE, Hong Kong Examinations & Assessment Authority
Journal Reviewer,Administrative Sciences
Journal Reviewer, Hong Kong Teacher Journal, Education Bureau
Selection Panel, Kowloon Region School Heads Association
Certified Trainer, Institute of Training Professionals
Member, Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Associate Member, Hong Kong Non-Executive Director Association
Member, International Institute of Management
Member, Hong Kong Architecture Center
Professional Member, Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals Association

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