
香港大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr BARRETT, Elizabeth

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Dr BARRETT, Elizabeth

Dr BARRETT, Elizabeth

Assistant Dean (Learning & Teaching)
Senior Lecturer
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences

[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 1574
Room 763, Meng Wah Complex

Research Expertise
Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Child Development
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
Not applicable.

Teaching Areas:

Childhood Bilingualism; Cognition& Language in Children; Human Development across the Lifespan; Evidence-Based Practice

Currently Teaching on the Following Programs:

BSc-Applied Child Development
BSc-Speech & Hearing Sciences
PGDE- Early Childhood Education

Research Interests:

Childhood Bilingualism; Effects of experience/training (e.g. bilingualism, music training) on language and cognition in children; Evidence of effectiveness of interventions for children with special educational or communication needs.

Teaching Awards:
Fellow of the Advance HE (formerly theHigherEducationAcademy or HEA)
University Early Career Teaching Award,The University of Hong Kong
Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award- Team Award,The University of Hong Kong
Faculty Early Career Teaching Award,The University of Hong Kong
Letter of Commendation from the Dean for Teaching Effectiveness, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

Teaching Development Grant Projects:

Breaking disciplinary boundaries: Preparing students for inter-professional practice in educational settings. (2019). PI: Elizabeth Barrett, Co-I: Anita Wong,Patcy Yeung
Experiential Learning across the BSc Speech & Hearing Sciences Curriculum. (2016). PI: Elizabeth Barrett, Co-I: Karen Chan, Estella Ma, Puisan Wong, Edwin Yiu, Gary Hartfitt

Research Projects:

"The effects of wholebody vibration on cognitive and physical function in elderly with visual impairment." (2016). Primary Investigator: Dr. Elizabeth Ann Barrett. Co-investigators: Dr. Karen Chan. Mr. Wilson Lam.
"Whole body vibration on phonatory function at different vibratory frequencies and intensities: A study of normal subjects and a treatment program for dysphonic adults." (2013-2014). Primary Investigator: Dr. Elizabeth Ann Barrett. Co-investigator: Prof. Edwin Yiu.
"The effects of second-language proficiency and L1-L2 linguistic distance on cognitive abilities in bilingual children." (2006-2011). Primary academic advisor: Dr. Anita Wong. Co-Advisor: Prof. Edwin Yiu.
"Processing capacity, executive functions and narrative comprehension in Cantonese-speaking school-age children" (2008-2009). Primary Investigator: Dr. Anita Wong, Co-Investigator: Elizabeth Ann Barrett.

Journal articles:

Yiu, E.M.L., Liu, C.C.Y., Chan, C.Y.P., Barrett, E.A., Lu, D. (in press). Vibrational Therapies for Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Voice. DOI:10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.07.009
Barrett, E. A., Lam, W., Yiu, E.M.-L. (in press). Elicitation of Minimum and Maximum Fundamental Frequency and Vocal Intensity: Discrete Half Steps Versus Glissando. Journal of Voice. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.09.023.
Yiu, E.M.L., Lo, C.M.,Barrett, E.A.(2016): A systematic review of resonant voice therapy, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, doi: 10.1080/**.2016.**
Yiu, E.M., Lau, V.C., Ma, E.P., Chan, K.M,Barrett, E.(2013). Reliability of laryngostroboscopic evaluation on lesion size and glottal configuration: A revisit. Laryngoscope. doi: 10.1002/lary.2452
Yiu, E.M.L., Wang, G., Lo, A.C.Y, Chan, K.M.K, Ma, El, Kong, J.,Barrett, E.(2013). Quantitative highspeed laryngoscopic analysis of vocal fold vibration in fatigued voice of young karaoke singers. Journal of Voice, 27(6), doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2013.06.010

Book Chapters:

Carless, D., Chan, K.K.H., To, J., Lo, M. & Barrett, E. (2018). Developing students’ capacities for evaluative judgment through analyzing exemplars. In D. Boud, R. Ajjawi, P. Dawson & J. Tai (Eds.), Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for knowing and producing quality work. London: Routledge.

Conference Papers:

Barrett, E.A., (2019, Nov). Assessment of or for learning? Striking a balance in assessing experientail learning. Presented at: Showcasing Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2019. Singapore.
Barrett, E.A., Chan, M.K., Ma, E.P.M., Wong, P., Yiu, E.M.-L., Harfitt, G. (2018, Dec). Incorporating Experiential Learning into Courses Across an Undergraduate Curriculum: The role of a Community of Teaching and Learning. Presented at: Co-Constructing Excellence-Recognizing, Scaffolding, and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching. Hong Kong.
Barrett, E.A., Lam, W., Yiu, E.M.L. (2017, Oct). Elicitation of minimum and maximum fundamentalfrequency and vocal intensity: Discrete half steps versus glissando. Presented at: The 12 International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice, and Speech Research. Hong Kong, HKSAR.
Barrett, E.A.& Yiu, E.M.L . (2016, June). Elicitation of Maximum Pitch and Loudness in Adults with Healthy Voices Using Vocal Glide. Paper presented at: The Voice Foundation's 45th Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Tsang, CLC,Barrett, E.A.& Yiu, E.M.L (2016, June).Whole-body vibration as a potential method to improve phonatory function: A passive alternative to vocal function exercise. Paper presented at: The Voice Foundation's 45th Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Yiu, E.M.L., Lo, C.M.,Barrett, E.A.(2016, Oct). A systematic review of resonant voice therapy, Paper presented at: Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2016, Hong Kong.
Barrett, E.A.& Yiu, E.M.L. (2015, Feb). Whole-body vibration as a potential treatment to improve phonatory function in adults with voice disorder*. Paper presented at: Science of Learning Spring Symposium: Young Researchers in the Science of Learning, Hong Kong.
Barrett, E.A.& Yiu, E.M.L. (2014, Nov). Whole-body vibration as a potential method to improve phonatory function. Paper presented at: 2nd Australasian and Asia Pacific Laryngology Conference, Hobart, Australia.
Barrett, E.A.& Wong, A.M.Y. (2011, June). The effects of bilingualism and L1-L2 linguistic distance on attention, inhibition, phonological awareness, and reading in children. Poster session presented at: International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway.

Guest Reviewer:

Journal of Research in Reading
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism
Learning & Individual Differences
Disability & Rehabilitation
Journal of Voice

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