Liu, Jinlong 劉金龍
BSc(Nanjing); MSc(Nanjing); PhD(Wageningen UR)
Professor Liu Jinlong has achieved a track record of international scholarship and public services in the ?elds of local governance, natural resources management, poverty alleviation and community building. Using an inter-disciplinary research approach, he has published extensively in internationally top academic journals. Professor Liu has been highly successful in securing competitive research grants both locally and internationally. His funding agents include The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Paulson Institute, Ford Foundation, The European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, National Natural Science and Social Science Foundations of China, and other Chinese government authorities.
Professor Liu established the Centre of Forest, Environment and Resources Policy Study in collaboration with scholars from Yale University, University of Michigan, University of Illinois, University of British Columbia, Wageningen University, and Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen to promote research on community development, forest policy and governance. Using the analytical framework developed by this network, he led a team to conduct a comparative research on forest transition in 10 Asian countries, including Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and China. His research ?ndings have contributed to public policies in the promotion of biodiversity, natural resource conservation, traditional knowledge and culture conservation, and poverty alleviation through his strong engagement with the academic community and NGOs worldwide. He also co-founded the China Innovative Urban-rural Governance (CIURG) Research Network to provide a supportive context for the advancement of community governance theories and the translation of social science knowledge into action.