
香港大学建筑学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Chang, Wallace P.H. 鄭炳鴻

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-01

Chang, Wallace P.H. 鄭炳鴻

B.A (A.S.), B Arch (Dist), HKU; M.Arch, MIT; RIBA; FHKIA; HKIUD; Assoc AIA; RA (HK, PRC)
Fellow of HKIA; Registered Architect in Hong Kong and China; Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, HKU; Chairman of 1a Space;Director of the Urban Place Research Unit; Visiting Scholar in Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University; Advisory Committee Member on Revitalization of Historic Buildings. He is both an architectural practitioner and theorist on urban design, cultural conservation and community participation. His award-winning designs range from urban washroom to university academic building. Also, he is a social activist to promote a civil consciousness on urban environment, community conservation and sustainable planning, including his recent advocacy on the redevelopment planning and architecture of Shek Tsai Leng [Dills Corner Garden] Elderly Caring District.? He has been conducting research with exhibition in Habitat City and Bamboo Theatre. ?His latest research, Kai Tak River Green Corridor Community Education Project [HKADC 2013 Award of Arts Education, International Award for Public Art 2015], focuses on cultural identity and urban sustainability issues during the urban transformation process in Hong Kong and southern Chinese cities. To recognize his contribution to the promotion of cultural conservation, he was awarded Certificate of Commendation by the Secretary for Home Affairs in 2015.
香港建築師學會資深會員;香港及中國注冊建築師;香港大學建築學院副教授;1a 空間主席; 社區營造學社總監;美國哈佛大學燕京學社訪問學者;活化歷史建築諮詢委員。同時是城市設計、文化保育及社區參與的建築實踐者及理論家;其設計由城市衛生間到大學教學樓曾多次獲獎;亦是社會推進者,通過城市環境、社區保育及持續規劃倡導公民意識,更積極倡議石仔嶺老人院區規劃及相關建築設計;其研究成果展覽包括「人居城市」及「竹跡。築跡」;近年研究「啟德河綠廊社區教育計劃」 [香港藝術發展局 2013藝術教育獎, 2015 國際公共藝術獎] , 聚焦香港及華南城市都市更新過程中的文化認同及城市持續發展議題;為表揚鄭氏對促進文化保育的貢獻,獲民政事務局局長於2015頒發「嘉許狀」。
Performing ‘Hong Kong Memory’Wallace Chang
MArch Studios2017-18

Making Architecture: ShophouseBernard Brennan , Donn Holohan , Eike Schling , Geraldine Borio , Ulrich Kirchhoff & Wallace Chang
BA Studios2019-20

Design ShapingChang Su , Geraldine Borio , Rosalia Leung , Sunnie Lau , Ulrich Kirchhoff & Wallace Chang
BA Studios2018-19

E-pathy HomeWallace Chang

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