Garcia, Renato J.C.
BSArch, BSCE Philippines; UAP; PICE; Architect PRC (Philippines); Civil Engineer PRC (Philippines)
Renato Jose C Garcia obtained degrees in both Architecture and Civil Engineering and had acquired professional registration in both Engineering and Architecture in the Philippines in 1985/1986.? His professional experience encompass building structural analysis & design, architecture, civil works and software design & development in structural/civil engineering and has also been involved in registration committees of Buildings Department , HKSAR and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects professional assessment. His academic career began at the UP College of Architecture in 1985 and in 1991 joined the Department of Architecture of HKU where he is currently and Associate Professor. Areas of teaching and research focus primarily on building technology & structures, intelligent buildings and digital interaction and exploration of structures.
TransferDonn Holohan , Renato Garcia & Ulrich Kirchhoff
MArch Studios2015-16