Dr. LO Lap YanAssociate ProfessorResearch Coordinator, BSS (Hons) in Counselling and Psychology ProgrammeDirector, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
Research Interest?(Potential PhD/MPhil Supervisor)
- Consciousness
- Evolution
Ph.D (HKU)
Publications (in reverse chronological order)
Lo, L. Y., Ng, T. C., Lin, M., & Thompson, N. (2019). Not Only Musicians Know Major and Minor: Categorical Perception of Major and Minor in Untrained Ears Across Ages. International Journal of Developmental Science, 13(1-2), 31-39.
Lo, L. Y., Li, W. O., & Lee, L. P. (2019). Form Follows Function: An Investigation Into the Categorical Boundary of Surprise. Psychological Reports, 122(5), 1824–1842.
Au, K. H. & Lo, L. Y. (2018). March for unity: A study on an effect of synchronized actions to perceived closeness. Current Psychology, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-018-9820-z
Lo, L.Y., Li, S.W. & Lin, M. (2017). TheMario Brothers are Unfair: A study on Sense of Progression in Computer Gameplay. Current Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-017-9586-8
Lo, L. Y. (2016). Without Conscious Effort The Ability of Nontonal Language Speakers to Discriminate Lexical and Nonlexical Tones. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75, 81-89.
Conference Papers and Presentations (in reverse chronological order and APA format)
Lee, L. P., Li, W. O., Lo, L. Y., & Yeung, P. S. (July, 2016). Sadly disgust or disgustedly sad: A study on the distinctiveness of basic emotions with a new Asian emotional expression photobank. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Luk H. M., & Lo, L. Y. (July, 2016). Is there any relationship between what we hear and what we touch? The investigation between sound and tactile perception. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Lee L. P., Shek, Y. Y., Mok, R., & L. Y. Lo (2014). The role of linguistic habits and proprioception sense on mental number line. Procedia – Social and behavorial Science, 159, 174-179. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.352
Relativity of Emotion Perception and New Development of Emotional Expressions Photobank (FDS Funded Project - Reference no.: UGC/FDS15/H21/14)
Courses Taught
PSY205: Cognitive Psychology
PSY206: Research Methods and Designs
PSY371-2: Research Project
PSY404: Psychology of Consciousness
PSY507: Cognitive Psychology
Office:LG126Main Building,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemer Hill,
North Point, Hong Kong
Consultation Hours
Tue 1100-1430
香港树仁大学HongKongShueYanUniversity辅导及心理学系老师简介-Dr. LO, Lap Yan
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05
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