Dr. YUEN, Wing Yan WinnieAssistant ProfessorAssistant Director, BSS (Hons) in Counselling and Psychology Programme
Research Interest
- Positive Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Recovery-focused Mental Health Services
- Strengths-based Intervention
- Stigma towards People with Mental Illness and other vulnerable Groups
- Trauma-informed Care
Ph.D, The University of Hong Kong
M.Psyc. (Clinical), The National University of Singapore
B.Sc., The University of Nottingham
Publications (in reverse chronological order)
Tse, S., Ng, R. M., & Yuen, W. (2020). Education about medication for people with bipolar disorder comes from many sources. Psychiatry, 14, 1-2.
Yuen, W.W.Y., Tse, S., Murray, G., Davidson L. (2019). “From my point of view, my wife has recovered”: A qualitative investigation of caregivers’ perceptions of recovery and peer support services for people with bipolar disorder in a Chinese community. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 65(4), 305-312.
Tse, S., Yuen, W.W.Y., Murray, G., Davidson, L. Lai, Q., Kan, A. (2019). Combining technical and expert-by-experience knowledge in the quest for personal recovery from bipolar disorder: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 368.
Yuen, W.W.Y., Liu, L., Tse, S. (2019). Adolescent mental health problems in Hong Kong: A critical review on prevalence, psychosocial correlates and prevention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(6), Supplement, S73-S85
Tse, S., Ng, S.M.C., Yuen, W.Y.W., Fukui, S., Goscha, R. (2019). Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating effectiveness of Strengths Model Case Management (SMCM) with Chinese mental health service users in Hong Kong. BMJ Open, 9:e026399. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026399
Wong, WCW, Yuen, W.Y.W., Tang, CSK, Holroyd, E., Tiwari, A., Fong, D. (2019). Evaluation and mechanism analysis of HIV prevention programme using resilience framework among female sex workers: A randomised controlled trial. Preventive Medicine Reports, 13, 229-237.
Yuen, W.W.Y., Lee, A., Chan, P.K.S., Tran, L., Sayko, E. (2018). Uptake of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Hong Kong: Facilitators and barriers among adolescent girls and their parents. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194159.
Tse, S., Mak, W.W.S, Lo, I., Liu, L.L. Yuen, W.W.Y., Yau, S., Ho, K., et al., (2017). A one-year longitudinal qualitative study of peer support services in a non-Western context: The perspectives of peer support workers, service users, and co-workers. Psychiatry Research, 255,27-35.
Zhu, S., Tse, S., Goodyear-Smith, F., Yuen, W., Wong, P. (2017). Health-related behaviors and mental health among Hong Kong employees. Occupatioal Medicine, 67(1) 26-32.
Zhao, Y., Wong, C.K.H., Miu, H.Y.H., Yuen, W.Y.W., Luo, T., Wong, W.C.W. (2016). Psychometric Properties of a Condom Self-efficacy Scale (CSES) Chinese Version. AIDS Education & Prevention, 28(6), 499-510.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Tran, L., Wong, CKH, Wong, Holroyd, E., Tang, CSK, & Wong, WCW (2016). Psychological health and HIV transmission among female sex workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Care, 28(7), 816-824.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd E., Tiwari, A.F.Y., Fong, D.Y.T., Chin, W.Y. (2015). Promoting resilience for HIV prevention in female sex workers in HK: A randomised controlled trial. The Lancet-CAMS Health Summit Abstracts Booklet, 386, Special Issue, S24.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Holroyd, E., Tang, C.S.K. (2014) Resilience to work-related stress from the voices of women in sex work. Qualitative Health Research, 24(9), 1232–1241.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd, E., Tiwari, A.F.Y., Fong, D.Y.T., Chin, W.Y. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of personal resilience and enrichment programme (PREP) for HIV prevention among female sex workers: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 13, 683.
Newspaper Articles
Tse, S. & Yuen, W.W.Y. (28 Jan 2019). 復康者領同路人走出迷路. Ming Pao, Features Section – Life.
Tse, S., Lau, K.W., Yuen, W.W.Y., Chung, K.F. (5 Jan 2018). 明月幾時有:復元的遠景和盼望. Hong Kong Economic Journal, Features Section.
Conference Papers and Presentations (in reverse chronological order and APA format)
Tse, S., Yuen W.Y.W, Liu, L. (2019, June). Adolescent mental health problems in Hong Kong. Invited presentation at the Conference on “Adolescent Health and Well-Being Issues: Global and Local Perspectives”, Hong Kong.
Yuen, W.Y.W. & Tse, S. (2018, Jun). Professional and expert-by-experience knowledge for personal recovery. Oral presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Yuen, W.Y.W. & Wong, W.C.W. (2018, Jun). Why do we care for the women in sex work? Their psychological and sexual health revisited. Oral presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Yuen, W.Y.W. & Tse, S. (2018, Jan). Professional and expert-by-experience knowledge for persons with bipolar disorder –A collaborative inquiry. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Recovery-oriented Services and Policy Planning in Mental Health, Hong Kong SAR.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd, E. (2016, Jul). Resilience intervention for women in sex work: The mediating role of self-esteem in reducing psychological distress. Oral presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd, E. (2015, Oct). A Randomised Controlled Trial to Promote Resilience for HIV Prevention amongst Female Sex Workers in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the Lancet-CAMS Health Summit, Beijing, China.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Wong, W.C.W., Holroyd, E.A., Tang, C.S.K. (2014, Jul). The voices of women in sex work: A qualitative study of their challenges and roles of rationalising their identity and belief in ability in promoting resilience. Oral presentation at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.
Yuen, W.Y.W., Tang, C.S.K., Ho, R.C.M. (2010, Jul). Assessing stigma among psychiatric patients in Singapore – Psychometric evaluation of King’s Stigma Scale. Individual oral presentation presented in International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Grants awarded as Co-Investigator
Tse, S., Johnson, S., Yuen, W.Y.W., Michalak, E., & Clark, Luke (2020-2022). ABC, quest for a mechanism: Ambitious behavior, Bipolar disorder, and Creativity. General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Tse, S., Fukui, S., Goscha, R., Ng, C., & Yuen, W.Y.W. (2017-2020). Randomized controlled trial of Strengths Model Case Management with Chinese mental health service users in Hong Kong. General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Tse, S., Yuen, W.Y.W., Tang, P.S. (2019-2020). Involving peer researchers in an exploratory study of trauma informed care. Project commissioned by New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.
Tse, S. & Yuen, W.Y.W. (2019-2020). Project evaluation for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Love Family Centre. Project commissioned by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
Wong, W.C.W., Yuen, W.Y.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd, E., Tiwari, A.F.Y., & Fong, D.Y.T., Chin, W.Y. (2013-2016). Novel Approach to HIV Prevention: A RCT of Personal Effective Programme for Female Sex Workers. General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, W.C.W., Yuen, W.Y.W., Tang, C.S.K., Holroyd, E., Tiwari, A.F.Y., & Fong, D.Y.T. (2012-2014). A Randomised Controlled Trial to Promote Resilience for HIV Prevention amongst Female Sex Workers in Hong Kong. Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, Hong Kong SAR.
Courses Taught
COUN200 Theories and Systems in Counselling and Psychotherapy
COUN220 Cultural Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy
COUN330 Ethics: Professional Issues and Personal Awareness
CP530-1 Dissertation I - II
CP534 Specific Issues in Developmental Psychology
PSY303 Health Psychology
PSY401 Research Thesis I
PSY411 Honours Research Project I
Office:Room 102C, Library Complex,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemer Hill,
North Point, Hong Kong
Phone:(852) 2570-7110 ext. 299
Fax:(852) 2806-8044
Consultation Hours
By appointment
Ad Hoc reviewer of peer reviewed journals
Health & Social Care in the Community
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Membership of Professional/Academic Associations
Registered Psychologist, Singapore Register of Psychologists
香港树仁大学HongKongShueYanUniversity辅导及心理学系老师简介-Dr. YUEN, Wing Yan Winnie
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05
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