
香港树仁大学HongKongShueYanUniversity英国语言文学系老师简介-Prof. Peter Roland George STOREY

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05

Peter Roland George STOREYProfessor & Head of Department
PhD(Investigating construct validity through test-taker introspection), University of Reading, UK
MAin Applied Linguistics (with Distinction), University of Reading, UK
Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults, Royal Society of Arts
PGCE in English & TESL, University College, Aberystwyth, University of Wales, UK
BA in History and English, St. David's University College, University of Wales, UK
Courses TaughtGraduate Level:
Written and Spoken Discourse
Psycholinguistics & Second Language Acquisition
Subject Curriculum Teaching (English)
Literature & Language Arts in English Language Teaching
Undergraduate Level:
Oral English I & II
English Usage I & II
Legal Literacy I & III
Spoken and Written Discourse
The Art of English
Creativity in Everyday English
Doctoral Thesis Supervision (EdD)Teaching strategies of EFL primary school teachers in Macau (Withdrawn)
The effectiveness of peer assessment in improving students' writing (Completed)
An exploration of the strategies teachers use to teach English reading skills in primary schools in Hong Kong (Completed)
Introducing dynamic assessment techniques into informal speaking assessment of learners of English as a second language at a tertiary institution in Hong Kong (Completed)
Research InterestsCorpus-based data-driven learning
Corpus Stylistics
Language Programme Evaluation
Recent Research Activities1st Co-investigator:
(The Open University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Azusa Pacific University, San Diego, California, USA)
Evaluation of the Primary Native-English Speaking Teacher Scheme (2014-16)
Evaluation of the Enhanced Native-English Speaking Teacher Scheme in Secondary Schools (2016-2018)
Project Leader
(The Open University of Hong Kong)
Consultancy Study on Extended Learning Activities Conducted in English in Chinese Medium Schools in Hong Kong (2007 -2011)
Academic Director
(The Education University of Hong Kong in collaboration with the Assessment Research Centre of the University of Melbourne)
Effectiveness of the Primary Native English Teacher Scheme in Hong Kong (2003-7)
Principal Investigator
(The Education University of Hong Kong)
The Monitoring and Evaluation of the Native English teacher scheme (1998-2001)

Conference PresentationsStorey, P. R. G. (2020) Children and mirrors, beer and lust? Authorial gender markers in contemporary popular literature. - paper presented at the 2020 International Conference on Gender, Language and Education (ICGLE 2020), The Education University of Hong Kong, December 4, 2020 (online).
Storey, P. R. G. (2020) Using discipline-specific corpora data-driven learning in an EFL-medium university setting - paper presented at the 2020 Japan Association for Language Teaching, Computer-Assisted Language Learning conference (JALTCALL 2020), Hirosaki University, Aomori Perfecture, Japan, June 7, 2020 (online).
Bruce, N. J. & Storey, P. R. G. (2020) Big corpora development for disciplinary DDL in an EFL - medium university setting - paper co-presented at the 14th Teaching and Learning Corpora Conference (TALC 2020), Perpignan, France, 16 July, 2020 (online).
Storey, P. R. G. (2007) Collaborative observation for teacher professional development. 2007 TESOL Convention, Seattle, Washington, United States of America. March 2007.
Storey, P. R. G. (2006) Teachers finding professionalism through a structured, dual culture approach. 11th English in South East Asia Conference, Curtin University of Technology, Australia 14th - 16th December 2006.
Griffin, P. E., Woods, K., Storey, P. R. G. et al. (2004) Profiles of English Language Achievement among Primary Students in Hong Kong. Featured Address, International Language in Education Conference, Hong Kong, 17 December 2004.
Storey, P.R.G. (2002)Cross-cultural and inter-cultural communication in second language assessment conversations. Paper presented at the Language Testing Research Colloquium, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Storey, P.R.G. (2002).Cross-cultural and inter-cultural communication in second language classroom conversations. Paper presented at the First Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies International Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Storey, P. R. G. (2000). Holistic and Analytical Measures in Search for Language Gain. 16th Language Testing Research Symposium, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Selected PublicationsStorey, P. R. G., Griffin, P. & Woods, K. (2007). Required collaboration and its impact on teacher professional development. TESOL Teacher Education Interest Section Newsletter, July 2007. (70%)
Wong, M. H. H. & Storey, P. R. G. (2006). Knowing and doing in ESL Writing. Language Awareness, 15(4), 283-300. (30%)
Storey, P. R. G. (1997). Examining the test-taking process: A cognitive perspective on the discourse cloze test. Language Testing, 14(2), 214-231.
Griffin, P. E., Tomlinson, B., Martin, L., Adams, R. J. & Storey, P. (2003). An Interview Test of Englishitel-ED. Australia: Abbotsford. Robert Andersen and Associates.
Griffin, P. E., Tomlinson, B., Martin, L., Adams, R. J. & Storey, P. (2005). An Interview Test of Englishitel-ED. Melbourne: Profile Press International Pty Ltd.
Storey, P. R. G. (1995). Test-taking strategies and the autonomous learner of ESL. In M. Ingham and Bird, N. (Eds.) Learning how to learn. Institute of Language in Education Hong Kong: Education Department. 86-92.
Storey, P. R. G. (1994). Using introspection in enhancing construct validity in a test of academic reading: A Hong Kong case study. Institute of Language in Education Journal.11, 79-91.
ReportsWong, M. S., Storey, P. R. G. (50%) et al (2018). Final Report of the Evaluation of the Enhanced Native-English Speaking Teacher Scheme in Secondary Schools (230 pages). Hong Kong, Education Bureau
Wong, M. S., Storey, P. R. G. (50%) et al (2016). Final Report of the Evaluation of the Native-English Speaking Teacher Scheme in Primary Schools (162 pages). Hong Kong, Education Bureau
Storey, P. R. G. (50%) et al (2012). Final Report of the Consultancy Service for Study of Extended Learning Activities Conducted in English in Chinese Medium Schools in Hong Kong (290 pages). Hong Kong, Education Bureau
Griffin, P. E., Woods, K., Storey, P. R. G. (20%) et al. (2007). Final Report of the Evaluation of the Primary Native English-speaking Teacher Scheme. University of Melbourne. (211 pages).
Storey, P. R. G. (2001). Final report on a survey on a general medium of instruction policy for the Institute of Education. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (57 pages).
Storey, P. R. G. (30%), Gray, J., Luk, C. M., Wang-Kho, E., Lin, A. & Berry, R. (2001). Evaluation report on the monitoring and evaluation of the native English teacher scheme. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (48 pages).
Storey, P. R. G. (30%), Gray, J., Luk, C. M., Wang-Kho, E., Lin, A. & Berry, R. (2001). Technical report on the monitoring and evaluation of the native English teacher scheme. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (213 pages).
Storey, P. R. G. (30%), Cheung, W. M., Tong, H. K., Tse, K. H., Dowson, C., Sin, K. F. K., & Walson, J. (1997). Review of the workload of language teachers. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (296 pages).
Storey, P. R. G. (20%), Yu, V., Luk, C. M., Ma, A., Pang, M., Wong, C., & Wong, W. (1997). Feasibility study on extending the Extensive Reading Scheme to all levels of primary and secondary schooling in English and Chinese. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. (367 pages).
Research grants(Principal Investigator unless otherwise specified)
Study on Extended Learning Activities Conducted in English in Chinese Medium Schools in Hong Kong
(HK$14, 500, 000.00 HKSAR Government, 2007)
Feasibility study on extending the Extensive Reading Scheme to all levels of primary and secondary schooling in English and Chinese (HK$492, 200.00 Language Fund, HKSAR Government, 1997)
Review of the workload of language teachers (HK$499, 000.00 Language Fund, HKSAR Government, 1997)
Monitoring and evaluation of the native English teacher scheme (HK$2,800, 000.00 Standing Committee on Language and Research, HKSAR Government, 1999)
Effectiveness of the Primary Native English Teacher Scheme in Hong Kong (HK$5, 000, 000.00 Education and Manpower Bureau, 2003-7; Academic Director of the project working in collaboration with the Assessment Research Centre of University of Melbourne) (20%)
Community Service and Professional ActivitiesChair, Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government Vetting Committee on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (Member 2007-2010; Chair 2010 - 2014)
Member, Hong Kong Exmination and Assessment Authority Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English, Subject Committee (2011-2014)
Practical Assessor, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (DTEFL(A)) (1984 to Present) and Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA) (1999 to Present)
English Language Advisor, Radio Television Hong Kong, Education Television Programmes (2005 - 2020)
Examiner, IELTS examiner for CEPAS and IDP Australia (2008 - 2016)
External Examiner, The Education University of Hong Kong, English Language Practicum (2016-2017)
External Consultant, Centre for Language in Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, English Language Enhancement Programmes (9/2017 & 9/2020)
External Examiner, The Education University of Hong Kong, ENG 3262 Secondary ELE Methods II: Developing Literacy Skills (6/2019)

相关话题/语言 英国 香港树仁大学