
香港树仁大学HongKongShueYanUniversity英国语言文学系老师简介-Dr. LAM Yee Man

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05

LAM Yee ManAssistant Professor
PhD in Cultural Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil in Intercultural Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.A. (Hons) in Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Courses TaughtPopular Culture
Travel and Culture
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Literature, Culture and Ecological Ethics
Science, Film and Fiction
English Usage
English Writing
Research InterestsDiscourse analysis
Environmental Studies
GrantsUGC-FDS15-H12-14 Project title: Risk yet to be socially realized: Light pollution in Hong Kong (1 January 2015-31 December 2017)
PublicationsLam, Yee Man. "More than Darkness Preservation: The Importance of the Dark, Star-Filled Skies in Urban Areas". Nature and Culture 15(3) 2020: 296-317.
Lam, Yee Man. "A Zen-flavored Feminist Environmental Selfhood and its Contemporary Implications".Ethics and the Environment22(2) 2017:99-123.
Lam, Yee Man. "Is Risk a Drive for Change? Pollution and Risk Displacement in 1970s to 1980s Hong Kong".Nature and Culture11(2) 2016: 165-195.
Lam, Yee Man (2009) A Different Monstrosity? A Case Study onJourney to the West.Creating Humanity, Discovering Monstrosity. [E-book]

相关话题/语言 英国 香港树仁大学