Jos Bartels Associate Professor in Organizational Communication
PhD, University of Twente, the Netherlands
(852) 3411-2336
CVA Room 906
Jos Bartels is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University.
He received his BSc in Marketing from the Fontys University of Applied Sciences Venlo, the Netherlands and his MSc and PhD in Communication Science from the University of Twente (UT), Enschede, the Netherlands. He started his career as a Lecturer and Assistant Professor in Marketing and Organizational Communication at the UT. During that period, Jos finished his PhD thesis on the relationship between communication climate, perceived external prestige and employees’ organizational identification at different organizational levels. He also worked as a Senior Researcher in Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University & Research, The Hague, the Netherlands. In his previous jobs, Jos was an Assistant Professor in Communication Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. He is also an (unpaid) research associate at Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK and at Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Department of Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
His research activities focus on quantitative studies on 1) organizational communication, social media usage and organizational identification, 2) corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. His research in these areas appeared in ISI-ranked academic journals such as: British Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Environmental Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Management Communication Quarterly and International Journal of Business Communication.
Research InterestsSocial Media and Employee Behaviour
Social Identity and Organizational Identification
Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental Sustainability and Consumer Behaviour
PublicationsYasin, R. M., Bashir, S., Abeele, M. V., & Bartels, J. (in press). Supervisor Phubbing Phenomenon in Organizations: Determinants and Impacts, International Journal of Business Communication [ISI, Q3].
Bartels, J., Reinders, M. J., Broersen, C., & Hendriks, S. (2020). Communicating the Fair Trade Message: The Roles of Reputation and Fit. International Journal of Advertising, 39(4), 523-547 [ISI, Q1, ABS 2].
Bartels, J., Van Vuuren, H. A., & Ouwerkerk, J. W. (2019). My colleagues are my friends: the role of Facebook contacts in employee identification with the organization. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(3), 307-328 [ISI, Q3; ABS 2].
Van Prooijen A. M., & Bartels J. (2019). Are brands only human, after all? The role of perceived brand traits in interactive CSR communication and consumer endorsements on Facebook. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 18(6), 474-483 [ISI, Q3, ABS 2].
Vanden Abeele et al. (2018). Does Facebook use predict college students’ social capital? A replication of Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe’s (2007) study using the original and more recent measures of Facebook use and social capital. Communication Studies, 69(3), 272-282.
Vos, M., & Bartels, J. (2018). Putting words into action: Marketing organic products with existing brand associations. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 10(2), 1-15.
Van Zoonen, W., Bartels, J., van Prooijen, A. M., & Schouten, A. P. (2018). Predicting online ambassadorship behaviors on Facebook and LinkedIn. Computer in Human Behavior,87, 354-362. [ISI, Q1; ABS 3]
Van Prooijen, A. M., Ranzini, G., & Bartels, J. (2018). Exposing one’s identity: Social judgments of traits can influence employees' Facebook boundary management. Computers in Human Behavior, 78, 215-222. [ISI, Q1; ABS 3]
Batenburg, A. E., & Bartels, J. (2017) Keeping Up Online Appearances: How Self-Disclosure on Facebook Affects Perceived Respect and Likability in the Professional Context. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 265-276. [ISI, Q1; ABS 3]
Du, S., Bartels, J., Reinders, M. J., & Sen, S. (2017). A Social Identification Perspective of Organic Consumption: A Cross-Country Investigation. Food Quality and Preference, 62, 190-198 [ISI, Q1]
Schons, L. M., Scheidler, S., & Bartels, J. (2017). Tell me how your treat your employees! Journal of Marketing Behavior, 3(1), 1-37.
Reinders, M. J., & Bartels, J. (2017). The role of brand equity and store image in the consumption of store and national brands: The case of green branding. Journal of Brand Management, 24, 68-85. [ISI, Q3; ABS 2]
Bartels, J., & Reinders M. J. (2016). Consuming apart, together. Multiple identities in sustainable consumer behaviour. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40, 444-452. [ISI, Q3; ABS 2]
Van ’t Riet, J., Onwezen, M. C., Bartels, J., Van der Lans, I. A., & Kraszewska, M. (2016). Investigating the effects of marketing claims on the adoption of novel fruits and fruit products: A choice experiment. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22(3), 332-349.
Bartels, J. Reinders, M. J., & Van Haaster-de Winter, M. A. (2015). Perceived sustainability initiatives: retail managers’ intrinsic and extrinsic motives. British Food Journal, 117(6), 1720-1736. [ISI, Q3; ABS 1]
Onwezen, M. C., Bartels, J., & Antonides, G. (2014). Cultural differences in the self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt: The case of environmentally-friendly consumer choices. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, 239-248. [ISI, Q1]
Onwezen, M. C., Bartels, J. & Antonides, G. (2014). The self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt in sustainable and health consumption. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 53-68. [ISI, Q2; ABS 3]
Bartels, J., & Onwezen, M. C. (2014). Consumer willingness to buy products with environmental and ethical claims: the roles of social representations and social identity. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38, 82-89. [ISI, Q3; ABS 2]
Onwezen, M. C., Antonides, G., & Bartels, J. (2013). The Norm Activation Model: An exploration of the functions of anticipated pride and guilt in pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Economic Psychology, 39, 141-153. [ISI, Q2; ABS 2]
Onwezen, M. C., & Bartels, J. (2013). Development and cross-cultural validation of a shortened social representations scale. Food Quality and Preference, 28, 226-234. [ISI, Q1]
Reinders, M. J., Bartels, J., & Backus, G. (2012). Market opportunities for sustainable foods: An investigation of the different roles of consumers and retailers, catering companies and brand manufacturers. EAAP Scientific Series 133(1), 57-66.
Verain, M.C.D., Bartels, J. ,Dagevos, H., Sijtsema, S.J., Onwezen, M. C., & Antonides, G. (2012). Segments of Sustainable Food Consumers: A Literature Review. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36, 123-132. [ISI, Q3; ABS 2]
Bartels, J., & Hoogendam, K. (2011). The role of social identity and attitudes toward sustainability brands in buying behavior for organic products. Journal of Brand Management, 18, 697-708 [ISI, Q3; ABS 2].
Bartels, J., & Van den Berg, I. (2011). Fresh fruit and vegetables and the added value of antioxidants: Attitudes of non-, light, and heavy organic food users. British Food Journal 113(11), 1339-1352. [ISI, Q3; ABS 1]
Onwezen, M. C., & Bartels, J. (2011). Which perceived characteristics make product innovations appealing to the consumer? A study on the acceptance of fruit innovations using cross-cultural consumer segmentation. Appetite 57(1), 50-58. [ISI, Q2]
Bartels, J., & Reinders, M. J. (2011). Consumer innovativeness and its correlates. A propositional inventory for future research. Journal of Business Research,64, 601-601. [ISI, Q1, ABS 3]
Bartels J., & Reinders, M. J. (2010). Social identification, social representations, and consumer innovativeness in an organic food context: A cross-national comparison. Food Quality and Preference, 21, 347-352. [ISI, Q1]
Fransen, M. L., Reinders, M. J., Bartels, J., & Maassen R. L. (2010). The influence of regulatory fit on evaluation and intentions to buy genetically modified foods: The mediating role of social identification. Journal of Marketing Communications, 16(1), 5-20 [ABS 1].
Bartels J., Peters, O., Jong, de M. D. T., Pruyn A. Th. H., & Van der Molen, M. (2010). Horizontal and vertical communication as determinants of professional and organizational identification. Personnel Review, 39(2),210-226. [ISI, Q3; ABS 2]
Bartels, J., Pruyn, A. Th. H., & De Jong, M. D. T. (2009) Employee identification before and after an internal merger: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 113-128. [ISI, Q2; ABS 4]
Bartels, J., Pruyn, A. Th. H, De Jong, M. D. T., & Joustra, I. (2007). Multiple organizational identification levels and the impact of perceived external prestige and communication climate. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 173-190. [ISI, Q1; ABS 4]
Bartels, J., Douwes, R. M., De Jong, M. D. T., & Pruyn, A. Th. H. (2006). Organizational Identification During a Merger: Determinants of Employees’ Expected Identification with the New Organization. British Journal of Management, 17, s49-s67. [ISI, Q2; ABS 4]
Awards/Grants/HonorsBest Teacher 2019-2020, Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Department of Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Finalist Best Teacher Award 2019-2020, Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011. Bartels J., Peters, O., Jong, de M. D. T., Pruyn A. Th. H., & Van der Molen, M. (2010). Horizontal and vertical communication as determinants of professional and organizational identification. Personnel Review, 39(2),210-226.
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity传播系老师简介-Jos Bartels
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
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