
香港中文大学生命科学学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Professor Tsui Tsz Ki, Martin

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Professor Tsui Tsz Ki, Martin
(Office): Rm 288, Science Centre South Block, CUHK
(Lab): Rm 376, 376A and 377, Science Centre South Block, CUHK

(Office): (852) 3943 6123
(Lab): (852) 3943 1307

Fax (852) 2603 7246

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web https://sites.google.com/view/cuhk-hg-group/home

Education2010 Ph.D., University of Minnesota

2002 M.Phil., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2000 B.Sc., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Positions2021/6-now Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2019-2021 Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2013-2019 Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2011-2013 Turner Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
Research InterestsEnvironmental pollution
Ecosystem biogeochemistry
Stable isotope applications
Representative PublicationsKu P, Tsui MTK, Liu S, Corson KB, Williams AS, Monteverde MR, Woerndle GE, Hershey AE, Rublee PA (2021) Examination of mercury contamination from a recent coal ash spill into the Dan River, North Carolina, United States. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 208: 111469.
Tsui MTK, Uzun H, Ruecker A, Majidzadeh H, Ulus Y, Zhang H, Bao S, Blum JD, Karanfil T, Chow AT (2020) Concentration and isotopic composition of mercury in a blackwater river affected by extreme flooding events. Limnology and Oceanography 65: 2158-2169.
Liu S, Tsui MTK, Flower J, Lee E, Jia Z (2020) Uptake, efflux, and toxicity of inorganic and methyl mercury in the endothelial cells (EA.hy926). Scientific Reports 10: 9023
Tsui MTK, Blum JD, Kwon SY (2020) Review of stable mercury isotopes in ecology and biogeochemistry. Science of the Total Environment 716: 135386.
Tsui MTK, Liu S, Brasso RL, Blum JD, Kwon SY, Ulus Y, Nollet YH, Balogh SJ, Eggert SL, Finlay JC (2019) Controls of methylmercury bioaccumulation in forest floor food webs. Environmental Science and Technology 53: 2434-2440.
Ku P, Tsui MTK, Nie X, Chen H, Hoang TC, Blum JD, Dahlgren RA, Chow AT (2018) Origin, reactivity, and bioavailability of mercury in wildfire ash. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 14149-14157.
Woerndle GE, Tsui MTK, Sebestyen SD, Blum JD, Nie X, Kolka RK (2018) New insights on ecosystem mercury cycling revealed by Hg isotopic measurements in water flowing from a headwater peatland catchment. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 1854-1861.
Tsui MTK, Adams EM, Jackson AK, Evers DC, Blum JD, Balogh SJ (2018) Understanding sources of methylmercury to songbirds with stable mercury isotopes: Challenges and future directions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 166-174
Tsui MTK, Blum JD, Finlay JC, Balogh SJ, Nollet YH, Palen WP, Power ME (2014) Variation in terrestrial and aquatic sources of methylmercury in stream predators as revealed by stable mercury isotopes. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 10128-10135.
Tsui MTK, Blum JD, Kwon SY, Finlay JC, Balogh SJ, Nollet YH (2012) Sources and transfers of methylmercury in adjacent river and forest food webs. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 10957-10964.
Research Grants2020-2022, Department of Energy (USA) Biological and Environmental Research, Exploratory Proposal: How does mercury methylation respond to intensive forest management and the creation of anoxia in floodplain soils?, $132,285 (USD)
2019-2024, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Earth Sciences, Collaborative Proposal: Response of mercury cycling to disturbance and restoration of low-gradient forested watersheds, $164,740 (USD)
2018-2022, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USA), Storage, reactivity, and bioavailability of mercury in managed forests-balancing mercury toxicity and wildfire risks through effective fuel reduction techniques, $199,826 (USD)
2017-2018, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Earth Sciences, RAPID: Hurricane-mediated alteration of microbial mercury methylation in coastal wetlands, $49,826 (USD)
2014-2015, North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute (USA) Competitive Grant, Linkages of mercury and methane cycles in Piedmont streams and rivers in North Carolina, and implications for mercury bioaccumulation in food webs, $60,000 (USD)
2014-2017, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Environmental Biology, Collaborative Proposal: Identifying sources and degradation mechanisms of methylmercury in temperate forest ecosystems, $97,000 (USD)
Awards2015, Candace Bernard & Robert Glickman Dean’s Professorship, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2011, Honorable Mention, Dissertation Award, Universities Council on Water Resources
2010, Turner Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan
2009, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota
2009, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, U.S. National Science Foundation
2007, Chris Lee Award for Metals Research, Society Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
Professional ActivitiesEditoral Services
Editorial Board member,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2021-now)
Associate Editor,Journal of Environmental Quality (2017-now)
Research Proposal Review
National Science Foundation (USA)
Manuscript Review (selected journals)
PNAS, Nature Geoscience, Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment, etc.

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