H.K. Ng is Chair Professor at the Chinese of University of Hong Kong. His interests are in the molecular genetics of brain tumours, both adult and pediatric. He was previously Department Chairman. H.K. Ng is both a neuropathologist and a general pathologist.
H.K. was also Associate Dean (Education) of the Medical School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2004 to 2019. He is an Associate Editor of Laboratory Investigation (IF:5.7) and Associate Editor of Neuro-Oncology Advance (as sister journal of Neuro-Oncology) and is also on the Editorial Boards of Acta Neuropathologica (IF:17.1), Brain Pathology (IF:6.5), Glioma, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (IF:8.1), Clinical Neuropathology, Pathology (IF:5.3) and International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology.
He is a member of the Consensus Group of the 2007 and 2016 WHO classifications of the brain tumours. He is also a member of cIMPACT-NOW, which is an extension of The WHO classification. For the upcoming WHO 2021 Classification, he is one of the only 10 neuropathologists from around the world to have been selected for the Consensus Group.
As an educationalist, H.K. Ng organizes the Bioethics curriculum in the medical school and was Chair of the Licentiate Examination of the Hong Kong Medical Council. He also co-ordinates The Asia Pacific Bioethics Education Network.
H.K. Ng was part of the teams who received the 2nd Tier Award of The National Science and Technology Award of China in 2010 and the First Tier Science and Technology Award of Shanghai in 2019. He received the International Academy of Pathology Gold Medal twice in 2006 and 2017.
Recent invited lectures
Lecture to ALGGN
Molecular diagnostic panels
Hong Kong and Shanghai Brain Consortium (HSBC)
Ng Lab
Neuro-oncology song by medical students Amy and Rachel
Yang RR, Li KK, Liu AP, Chen H, Chung NY, Chan AK, Li F, Chan DM, Mao Y, Shi ZF, Ng HK. Low-grade BRAF V600E mutant oligodendroglioma-like tumors of children may show EGFR and MET amplification. Brain Pathology 2021 (PMID 33032379)
Wong QH, Li KK, Wang WW, Mao Y, Zhang ZY, Shi ZF, Ng HK. Molecular landscape of IDH-mutant primary astrocytoma Grade IV/glioblastomas. Modern Pathology 2021. PMID 33692446
Wong GC, Li KKY, Wang WW, Mao Y, Zhang ZY, Shi ZF, Ng HK. Clinical and mutational profiles of adult medulloblastoma groups. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2020. PMID 33172502
Yang RR, Shi ZF, Zhang ZY, Liu XZ, Mao Y, Li KK, Ng HK. IDH mutant lower grade astrocytomas can be stratified for risk by CDKNZA, CDK4 and PDGFRA copy number alterations. Brain Pathology 2020 PMID:31733156
Yang RR, Aibaidula A, Chan AK, Li KK, Ng HK. Pediatric low-grade gliomas can be molecularly stratified for risk. Acta Neuropathol 2018; 136:641-655
Chan AKY, Mao Y, Ng HK. TP53 and histone H3.3 mutation in triple-negative adult lower-grade gliomas. New England Journal of Medicine 2016;375: 2206-2208
Aibaidula A, Chan AK, Shi Z, Li Y, Zhang R, Yang R, Li KK, Chung NY, Yao Y, Zhou L, Wu J, Chen H, Ng HK. Adult IDH wild-type lower-grade gliomas should be further stratified. Neuro-Oncology 2017;19:1327-1337
Wang L, Yamagnchi S, Burstein MD, Terashima K, Chang K, Ng HK, Wheeler DA, Lau CC. Novel Somatic and germline mutations in intracranial germ cell tumours. Nature 2014; 511: 241-5 .
Chan AK, Yao Y, Zhang Z, Chung NY, Liu JS, Li KK, Shi Z, Chan DT, Poon WS, Zhou L, Ng HK. TERT promoter mutations contribute to subset prognostication of lower-grade gliomas. Modern Pathology. 2015;28:177-86.
Chang RC, Ho Y S, Wong S, Gentleman SM, Ng HK. Neuropathology of cigarette smoking. Acta Neuropathologica 2014; 127:53-69.
Chan AK, Pang JC, Chung NY, Li KK, Poon WS, Chan DT, Shi Z, Chen L, Zhou L, Ng HK. Loss of CIC and FUBPI expressions are potential markers of shorter time to recurrence in oligodendroglial tumors. Modern Pathology 2014; 27:332-42.
Li KK, Pang JC, Lau KM, Zhou L, Mao Y, Wang Y, Poon WS, Ng HK. MiR-383 is down regulated in medulloblastoma and targets peroxiredoxin 3 (PRDX3). Brain Pathology 2013; 23:413-425.
Lau KM, Chan QK, Pang JC, Ma FM, Li KK, Yeung WW, Cheng AS, Feng H, Chung NY, Li HM, Zhou L, Wang Y, Mao Y, Ng HK. Overexpression of HMGA1 deregulates tumor growth via cdc25A and alters migration/invasion through a cdc25A-independent pathway in medulloblastoma. Acta Neuropathologica 2012;123:553-71.
Li KK, Xia T, Ma FM, Zhou LF, Lau KM, Ng HK. miR-106b is overexpressed in medulloblastomas and interacts directly with PTEN. Neuropathology Applied Neurobiology 2015; 41:145-64.
香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Ho-Keung NG(吳浩強)
本站小编 免费考研网/2022-01-29
香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Ka-fai TO(杜家辉)
Ka-faiTO(杜家辉)MBChB(CUHK),FRCPA,FHKCPath,FHKAM(Path)kfto@cuhk.edu.hkDrToisahistopathologistandcurrentlyistheChairmanofAnatomical&Cel ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Fernand M. LAI(黎永祥)
FernandM.LAI(黎永祥)MD(Lyon),FRCPA,FHKCPath,FHKAM(Path),MScFI(Leicester)fmlai@cuhk.edu.hkMajorResearchInterests:Thediagnosticaspects:a)c ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Margaret H.L. NG(吴香玲)
MargaretH.L.NG(吴香玲)MBChB;MD(CUHK);FRCPath(UK)margaretng@cuhk.edu.hkPersonalProfile: ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Kwok-wai LO(罗国炜)
Kwok-waiLO(罗国炜)BSc,MPhil,PhD(CUHK)kwlo@cuhk.edu.hkDrKWLo’slongtermresearchinterestistounveilthemolecularbasisofnasopharyngealcarcin ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Wei KANG (康伟)
WeiKANG(康伟)MM,MB,PhD(CUHK)weikang@cuhk.edu.hkDr.KangiscurrentlyanAssistantProfessorinAnatomicalandCellularPathology,FacultyofMedic ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Gary M.K. TSE(谢文杰)
GaryM.K.TSE(谢文杰)MBBS,FRCPC,FCAP,DAB(AP),FRCPath,MIACgarytse@cuhk.edu.hkProf.Tseisahistopathologistwithactiveinterestsinbreastpat ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Anna Chi Man TSANG (曾智敏)
AnnaChiManTSANG(曾智敏)B.Sc.,Ph.D(HKU)annatsang@cuhk.edu.hkDrTsangjoinedtheDepartmentofAnatomicalandCellularPathologyfromOctober2018. ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Patrick Ming Kuen TANG (邓铭权)
PatrickMingKuenTANG(邓铭权)B.Sc.,Ph.D.(CUHK)patrick.tang@cuhk.edu.hkDr.PatrickTangcompletedhisBachelorofScienceandDoctoralofPhilosophy ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Paul C.L. CHOI(蔡祥龙)
PaulC.L.CHOI(蔡祥龙)MBChB(CUHK),FRCPA,FHKCPath,FHKAM(Path)paulchoi@cuhk.edu.hkDrChoiisaconsultanthistopathologist.Heisthedirectorofsur ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Amy B. W. CHAN (陈碧云)
AmyB.W.CHAN(陈碧云)MBChB(CUHK),BMedSc(Hons),FHKCPathabwchan@cuhk.edu.hkCurrentReseach:Molecularcytogeneticsofsquamouscellcarcinom ...香港中文大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-29