
香港中文大学病理解剖及细胞学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Ka-fai TO(杜家辉)

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

Ka-fai TO(杜家辉)MB ChB (CUHK), FRCPA, FHKCPath, FHKAM(Path)kfto@cuhk.edu.hkDr To is a histopathologist and currently is the Chairman of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology (ACP) Department, CUHK and Honorary Chief of Service (COS) in ACP, Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) . He is the Associate Director of State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK), management committee member of the Institute of Digestive Disease and Principle investigator in Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences , CUHK. He also served as the Director of the Pathology Teaching Laboratory, CUHK and facilitates the pathology teaching for medical students. Dr To is supervisor for PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. Currently three of his PhD graduate s are appointed at A ssociate/Assistant Professor rank.
Dr. To's research interest include s common Asian Cancer s and G astro-intestinal pathology . As a practicing pathologist, his service interest also involves Molecular D iagnostic , Renal, Pediatric and Infectious Pathology. He also participates in clinical trials and is served as consultant or advisor for clinical trials and organizing molecular diagnostic workshops. He currently served in the Pathology Committee in the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).

Selected Publications Tang PM, Zhou S, Meng XM, Wang QM, Li CJ, Lian GY, Huang XR, Tang YJ, Guan XY, Yan BP, To KF, Lan HY. Smad3 promotes cancer progression by inhibiting E4BP4-mediated NK cell development. Nat Commun. 2017 Mar 6;8:14677.

Li YY, Chung GT, Lui VW, To KF, Ma BB, Chow C, Woo JK, Yip KY, Seo J, Hui EP, Mak MK, Rusan M, Chau NG, Or YY, Law MH, Law PP, Liu ZW, Ngan HL, Hau PM, Verhoeft KR, Poon PH, Yoo SK, Shin JY, Lee SD, Lun SW, Jia L, Chan AW, Chan JY, Lai PB, Fung CY, Hung ST, Wang L, Chang AM, Chiosea SI, Hedberg ML, Tsao SW, van Hasselt AC, Chan AT, Grandis JR, Hammerman PS, Lo KW. Exome and genome sequencing of nasopharynx cancer identifies NF-κB pathway activating mutations. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 18;8:14121.

Lau CC, Sun T, Ching AK, He M, Li JW, Wong AM, Co NN, Chan AW, Li PS, Lung RW, Tong JH, Lai PB, Chan HL, To KF, Chan TF, Wong N. Viral-human chimeric transcript predisposes risk to liver cancer development and progression. Cancer Cell. 2014 Mar 17;25(3):335-49.

Lo KW, To KF, Huang DP. Focus on nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Cell. 2004.

Tong JH, Yeung SF, Chan AW, Chung LY, Chau SL, Lung RW, Tong CY, Chow C, Tin EK, Yu YH, Li H, Pan Y, Chak WP, Ng CS, Mok TS, To KF.MET Amplification and Exon 14 Splice Site Mutation Define Unique Molecular Subgroups of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma with Poor Prognosis. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Jun 15;22(12):3048-56.

Huang T, Kang W, Zhang B, Wu F, Dong Y, Tong JH, Yang W, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Cheng AS, Yu J, To KF. miR-508-3p concordantly silences NFKB1 and RELA to inactivate canonical NF-κB signaling in gastric carcinogenesis. Mol Cancer. 2016 Jan 22;15:9.

Chan AW, Chan SL, Wong GL, Wong VW, Chong CC, Lai PB, Chan HL, To KF. Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI) Predicts Tumor Recurrence of Very Early/Early Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Surgical Resection. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Dec;22(13):4138-48.

Kang W, Tong JH, Lung RW, Dong Y, Zhao J, Liang Q, Zhang L, Pan Y, Yang W, Pang JC, Cheng AS, Yu J, To KF. Targeting of YAP1 by microRNA-15a and microRNA-16-1 exerts tumor suppressor function in gastric adenocarcinoma. Mol Cancer. 2015 Feb 22;14(1):52.

The role of Epstein-Barr virus in epithelial malignancies. Tsao SW, Tsang CM, To KF, Lo KW. The role of Epstein-Barr virus in epithelial malignancies.J Pathol. 2014 Sep 24.

Chung GT, Lung RW, Hui AB, Yip KY, Woo JK, Chow C, Tong CY, Lee SD, Yuen JW, Lun SW, Tso KK, Wong N, Tsao SW, Yip TT, Busson P, Kim H, Seo JS, O'Sullivan B, Liu FF, To KF, Lo KW. Identification of a recurrent transforming UBR5-ZNF423 fusion gene in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Pathol. 2013 Oct;231(2):158-67.

Lo KW, Chung GT, To KF. Deciphering the molecular genetic basis of NPC through molecular, cytogenetic, and epigenetic approaches. Semin Cancer Biol. 2012 Apr;22(2):79-86.

Yes-associated protein 1 exhibits oncogenic property in gastric cancer and its nuclear accumulation associates with poor prognosis. Kang W, Tong JH, Chan AW, Lee TL, Lung RW, Leung PP, So KK, Wu K, Fan D, Yu J, Sung JJ, To KF. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Apr 15;17(8):2130-9.

Lung RWM, Tong JH, Sung YM, Leung PS, Ng DCH, Chau SL, Chan AWH, Ng EKO, Lo KW, To KF. Modulation of LMP2A expression by a newly identified EBV-encoded microRNA miR-BART22. Neoplasia, 2009 Nov;11(11):1174-84.

相关话题/细胞 病理 香港中文大学