

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-07-29

Division of Communication
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil in Communication

31 January 2018

PhD in Communication

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 1 December 2017

PhD applications will be considered mainly in this first round of admission. Preference will be given to those applying for the PhD programme through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS).


MA in Global Communication

1st round: 17 December 2017

2nd round: 21 January 2018

MA in Journalism

1st round: 17 December 2017

2nd round: 21 January 2018

MSc in New Media

1st round: 17 December 2017

2nd round: 21 January 2018

MSSc in Advertising

1st round: 17 December 2017

2nd round: 21 January 2018

MSSc in Corporate Communication

1st round: 17 December 2017

2nd round: 21 January 2018

Division of Economics
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil-PhD in Economics

For MPhil applicants: 1 December 2017

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 1 December 2017

MSc in Economics

1st round: 16 October 2017

2nd round: 6 December 2017

3rd round: 26 February 2018

Division of Geography and Resource Management
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil-PhD in Geography and Resource Management

For MPhil applicants: 9 January 2018

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 9 January 2018

MSc in Geoinformation Science (jointly offered with the Division of Earth System and Geoinformation Science)

30 April 2018

MSSc in Sustainable Tourism

30 April 2018

Division of Government and Public Administration
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil-PhD in Government and Public Administration

For MPhil applicants: 31 January 2018

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 31 January 2018

MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China)

1st round: 20 December 2017

2nd round: 30 April 2018

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.

MSSc in Public Policy

15 March 2018

Division of Psychology
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil-PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

For MPhil applicants: 1 December 2017

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 1 December 2017

MPhil-PhD in Psychology

For MPhil applicants: 1 December 2017

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 1 December 2017

PhD in Clinical Psychology

1 December 2017

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

29 March 2018

MA in Psychology

26 January 2018

MSSc in Clinical Psychology

31 January 2018

Division of Social Science
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MSc in Advanced Environmental Planning Technologies

15 April 2018

MSc in Geo-survey and Public Management

30 April 2018

MSSc in Global Political Economy

28 February 2018

MSSc in Housing Studies

15 April 2018

Division of Social Work
Research Programmes
Taught Programmes
MPhil-PhD in Social Welfare

1st Round: 1 December 2017

2nd Round: 1 February 2018

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications in the First Round.

MA in Family Counselling and Family Education

1st round: 20 October 2017

2nd round: 18 December 2017

3rd round: 15 March 2018

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.

MA in Social Policy

1st round: 20 October 2017

2nd round: 18 December 2017

3rd round: 15 March 2018

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.


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