
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering硕士申请指南

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-07-28

Programme Objectives

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) have emphasized the importance for engineers to keep abreast of the latest developments in technology. This is essential to their careers and to meet the challenges introduced by advances in technology. This MSc programme is designed with the aim of providing practicing engineers with the knowledge and capability to use some of the latest technical advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, especially related to Energy Systems.

Specifically, the programme aims to:

  • disseminate knowledge in the latest technologies and tools which are relevant to the careers of practicing mechanical and automation engineers
  • introduce some of the latest design tools, software and practical techniques employed in mechanical and automation engineering
  • provide courses to allow practicing engineers, possibly from other disciplines, to embark on a career in mechanical and automation engineering

Admission Requirements

In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should have:

1. graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree in engineering or science discipline, normally with Second Class Honours or higher, or an average grade of "B" or better in undergraduate study; or

2. completed the related study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree in related fields; or

3. graduated with a degree in other fields but have a relevant background, e.g. extensive working experience in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, automation, energy and environment related industries.

Study Programme Requirements

I. Applicable to students admitted in 2017-18 and thereafter

  • Students are required to complete at least eight graduate courses (24 units or above) for graduation.

    • Elective courses from the following list: 24 units

      • MAEG5710, 5715, 5720, 5725, 5735, 5745, 5750, 5755, 5760, 5770, 5775, 5780, 5785, 5910
      • Students may select one graduate course from the following courses: ENGG5402, 5403, 5404, 5405, MAEG5030, 5060, 5070, 5080, 5090, 5110, 5120, 5130, 5140
      • Students may select one graduate course offered by the M.Sc. programmes from Divisions within the Faculty of Engineering with code BMEG, CMSC, ECLT, ELEG, IEMS and SEEM, subject to the approval of Divisions concerned.

    II. Applicable to students admitted in 2015-16 and thereafter and 2016-17

    • Students are required to complete at least eight graduate courses (24 units or above) for graduation.

      • Elective courses from the following list: 24 units

        • MAEG5710, 5715, 5720, 5725, 5735, 5745, 5750, 5755, 5760, 5770, 5775, 5780, 5785, 5910
        • Students may select one graduate course from the following courses: ENGG5402, 5403, 5404, 5405, MAEG5030, 5060, 5070, 5080, 5090, 5110, 5120
        • Students may select one graduate course offered by the M.Sc. programmes from Divisions within the Faculty of Engineering with code BMEG, CMSC, ECLT, ELEG, IEMS and SEEM, subject to the approval of Divisions concerned.

    Other Requirements:

    • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/gss.
    • A Student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.

Curriculum Structure

The following elective courses will be offered:

  Code Course Title
1. ENGG5402 Advanced Robotics
2. ENGG5403 Linear Systems Theory and Design
3. ENGG5404 Micromachining and Microelectromechanical Systems
4. ENGG5405 Theory of Engineering Design
5. MAEG5030 Topics in Computer-Aided Geometric Design
6. MAEG5060 Computational Intelligence
7. MAEG5070 Nonlinear Control Systems
8. MAEG5080 Smart Materials and Structures
9. MAEG5090 Topics in Robotics
10. MAEG5110 Quantum Control and Quantum Information
11. MAEG5120 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications
12. MAEG5130 Computational Mechanics
13. MAEG5140 Materials Characterization Techniques
12. MAEG5710 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
13. MAEG5715 Computer Interface and Simulation
14. MAEG5720 Computer Vision in Practice
15. MAEG5725 Control and Industrial Automation
16. MAEG5735 Applied Computational Intelligence
17. MAEG5745 Measurement and Instrumentation
18. MAEG5750 Microelectromechanical Systems Technology and Applications
19. MAEG5755 Robotics
20. MAEG5760 Smart Materials and Structures
21. MAEG5770 Industrial Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
22. MAEG5775 Energy and Environment
23. MAEG5780 Railway Engineering and Systems
24. MAEG5785 Precision Machine Design and Vibration Control
25. MAEG5910 M.Sc. Project

Course Description

ENGG5402 Advanced Robotics

Lagrange formulation of robot dynamics, Newton-Euler equations; motion control, force control, visual servoing, grasping analysis, object manipulation; sensors and sensor networks, medical robotics, advanced topics in recent development of robotic theory and applications.

ENGG5403 Linear System Theory and Design

Review on linear algebra; Linear system model and properties; State space representation: equivalent systems, canonical forms, realization, discrete-time systems; Stability: definitions, Lyapunov Theorem; Controllability and Observability: Grammians, canonical decomposition, sampling effects; Minimal realizations; State-Feedback and State-estimators: regulation and tracking, state estimator feedback, reduced-order estimator, multivariable system; Pole placement and Model Matching.

ENGG5404 Micromachining and Microelectromechanical Systems

Broad overview of microfabrication and microelectromechanical systems. Introduction to basic micromaching techniques such as photolithography, isotropic and anisotropic wet etching, dry etching, physical and chemical vapor deposition, electroplating, metrology, statistical design of experiments, MEMS release etching, stiction, and MEMS device testing. Review of MEMS microsensors, microactuators and microstructures. Topics include accelerometers, pressure sensor, optical switches, cantilever beams, thin-film stress test structures and bulk micromaching test structures. Fundamentals of central dogma of molecular biology, cell and tissue biology. Principles of transduction and measurements of molecules, cells and tissues.

ENGG5405 Theory of Engineering Design

Introduction of engineering design and design procedure, design innovation and TRIZ, axiomatic design, nature's design and complex systems, design analysis (modeling and simulation), statistical analysis, design optimization, statistical design optimization, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). Practical examples of design and applications, such as pendulum, bicycle, windmill and propulsion.

MAEG 5030 Topics in Computer-Aided Geometric Design

Advanced topics in recent development of computer-aided geometric design. The detailed course contents may be changed from year to year depending on the current development.

MAEG 5060 Computational Intelligence

Concepts, models, methods, and applications of computational intelligence. Topics include neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy systems, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and their applications to control, robotics, automation, manufacturing, and transportation.

MAEG 5070 Nonlinear Control Systems

Ordinary differential equation description of nonlinear state space systems. Phase plane analysis. Linearization. Concepts of stability. Lyapunov theory. LaSalle theory. Limit cycles. Feedback linearization. Sliding mode control. Backstepping.

MAEG 5080 Smart Materials and Structures

Overview of smart materials technology. Characteristics of smart materials such as piezoelectric materials, magnetorheological fluids, and shape memory alloys. Smart actuators and sensors. Structural modelling and design. Dynamics and control for smart structures. Integrated system analysis. Applications in biomedical devices, precision machinery, transportation, and buildings.

MAEG 5090 Topics in Robotics

One or more of the following topics will be discussed in the class. Advanced robot control: adaptive control; cooperative robot control; underactuated robot control; multi-finger hand control. Mobile robot: obstacle avoidance; learning; control; and mobile manipulators. Space robotics: dynamics; control; telescience. Human and robot interaction: interface; learning skills. Biorobotics: robots and intelligent systems for medical, healthcare, and laboratory automation and clinic surgery. Robot motion planning: configuration space; search algorithm; potential field, and sensor-based motion planning.

MAEG 5110 Quantum Control and Quantum Information

Mathematics foundation: Hilbert spaces; manifolds; groups; Lie groups and Lie algebras. Physics foundation: quantum phenomena; states and operators; observables and measurement; quantum dynamics. Quantum control systems: modelling; controllability and observability; optimal quantum control.

MAEG 5120 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications

This course provides both fundamental knowledge of nanomaterials and nanotechnology and advanced topics related to applications. These topics cover basic principles, which include the scaling law, the surface science for nanomaterials, observation and characterization tools for nanomaterials, the nanofabrication techniques, building blocks for nanodevices and systems, etc. In the second half of this course, advanced topics on applying nanomaterials and nanotechnology for applications in mechanical engineering, energy engineering and biomedical engineering will be covered.

MAEG5130 Computational Mechanics

Mechanics is the foundation of many emerging research and engineering topics. With the rapid advancement in computing power, numerical methods are preferred to solve differential equations governing the physical process. It opens a whole new domain in industrial design, manufacturing process analysis, material behaviour prediction, etc. This course covers theoretical fundamentals in computational mechanics, including continuum mechanics, finite element methods, and computational plasticity. In addition, the course will also introduce practical skills to applying computational mechanics in research, including multi-physics simulation and advanced finite element simulation techniques.

MAEG5140 Materials Characterization Techniques

This course focuses on a suite of materials characterization techniques that are useful in energy and environmental sciences. The main targets of these techniques include functional materials that are used in energy and environmental applications as well as solid, liquid, and gas samples that are involved in energy production and conversion, and pollution monitoring and control. The techniques include mass spectrometry (MS), gas chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), electron microscopy, and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. Students will receive lectures on the theory and operation principle of each technique as well as its limitations, and obtain hands-on experience with some of the techniques in supplemental lab sessions.

MAEG 5710 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Curves and surfaces design: surface intersection, trimming, blending and fillets. Solid modeling: representation schemes, Boolean operations. Parametric and feature based design. Tool path generation.

MAEG 5715 Computer Interface and Simulation

Computer interface: sensor interface, interface design for automated systems, human-computer interaction, and teleoperated systems. Virtual reality: solid modeling, graphic software, haptic interfaces, and applications. Simulation: off-line programming, motion planning, introduction to dynamic simulation.

MAEG 5720 Computer Vision in Practice

Imaging Models. Segmentation. Pose Estimation by visual means. 3D Shape Estimation by Stereo Vision. Camera and Stereo Calibration. Motion Tracking. Case studies and practical applications.

MAEG 5725 Control and Industrial Automation

State space representation, realizability, stability, controllability, observability. Linear control design methods (pole placement, observer, asymptotic tracking and disturbance rejection, internal model design, feedforward design). Introduction to nonlinear systems. Examples of industrial control systems (robot control, satellite's attitude control, servomechanism, etc).

MAEG 5735 Applied Computational Intelligence

Various areas of emerging technologies of computationally intelligent systems. Introduction and review of neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy systems, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms. The applications of intelligent systems to control, robotics, automation, manufacturing, and transportation systems.


MAEG 5745 Measurement and Instrumentation

This course is intended to provide basic concepts, the methods to interface electro-mechanical parts and sensors to computers. Topics include: analogue and digital circuitry; design of linear circuits with existing ICs and Op-amps; design of low-noise circuit to enhance the sensed signal.

MAEG 5750 Microelectromechanical Systems Technology and Applications

Introduction to micro systems: integrated circuit and micromachines; microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication techniques; operational principles of micro sensors and actuators; macro to micro world scaling effects and issues; design and analysis of micro sensors and actuators; applications of micro sensors and actuators in robotic, biomedical, aerospace, and manufacturing industries.

MAEG 5755 Robotics

Introduction to robotics and its applications in industries and services. Classification of robot systems, forward and inverse kinematics associated to manipulator motion, robot design, control, sensing, and programming.

MAEG 5760 Smart Materials and Structures

Overview of smart materials technology. Characteristics of smart materials such as piezoelectric materials, magnetorheological fluids, and shape memory alloys. Smart actuators and sensors. Structural modeling and design. Dynamics and control for smart structures. Integrated system analysis. Applications in buildings, automobiles, trains, robots, manufacturing systems, and biomedical devices.

MAEG 5770 Industrial Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

Overview of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, including nature of fluids, fluid statics, integral and differential equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy (Navier-Stokes Equations); internal and external flows, steady and transient heat conduction, natural and forced convection, and radiation. Case studies of application of fluid mechanics and heat transfer solutions in manufacturing plants in the Pearl-River Delta Region.

MAEG 5775 Energy and Environment

Trends of golbal energy consumption and supply. Thermodynamic principles of energy conversion and efficiency, fossil fuel usage, operation of nuclear power plant. Emerging technologies utilizing renewable energy sources, energy harvesting and storage. Impacts to the environment. Energy systems management and government policy.

MAEG 5780 Railway Engineering and Systems

Operations and key components of modern railway systems; railway-related telecommunication, control, and simulation; radio-based driverless systems; gauge rail and overhead electrification technologies; design of high-speed trains and railways; impact of railway systems on environment; safety and risk management of railway systems.

MAEG 5785 Precision Machine Design and Vibration Control

This course is designed to address the challenges of modern precision and high speed automation machinery design technology. It covers design methods, selection on components and systems, precision measurement and vibration control with industrial practical knowledge.

MAEG 5910 M.Sc. Project

Perform research on a topic related to mechanical and automation engineering, and energy systems assigned by an MAE professor. A report and a presentation will be given to a Project Dissertation Committee for evaluation of performance.


Application Procedures

Applicants may make their applications via the Internet (https://www.gradsch.cuhk.edu.hk/onlineapp/programme_list.aspx?FAC=ERG).

Application deadline: April 30, 2018

Required supporting documents should be mailed to the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MSc Programme).

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MSc Programme)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Room 213, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T.



Address: Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MSc Programme)
Room 213, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
Telephone no.: 852-3943-8337
Email: msc@mae.cuhk.edu.hk
Homepage: http://www.mae.cuhk.edu.hk/maemsc




Teaching Time Table

Teaching Terms

First term September 4, 2017 (Mon) – December 22, 2017 (Fri)
Add/Drop September 4, 2017 (Mon) – September 18, 2017 (Mon)
Course Examination The LAST lesson of the course
Second term January 8, 2018 (Mon) – April 27, 2018 (Fri)
Add/Drop January 8, 2018 (Mon) – January 22, 2018 (Mon)
Course Examination The LAST lesson of the course

**No Summer Term to be offered**

1st Term of 2017-2018 (Period: September 4, 2017 (Mon) – December 22, 2017 (Fri)

Class Code

Course Title

Class Period


ENGG 5404

Micromachining & MEMS

Mon 14:30PM - 16:15PM

Room 304, Esther Lee Bldg, CUHK (ELB 304)

Wed 11:30AM- 12:15PM

Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 712)

ENGG 5405

Theory of Engineering Design

Tue 09:30AM - 11:15AM

Room 307, Esther Lee Bldg, CUHK (ELB 307)

Thu 12:30PM - 13:15PM

Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 712)


Nonlinear Control Systems

Tue 14:30PM - 16:15PM

Room 201, Lee Shau Kee Bldg, CUHK (LSK 201)

Thu 13:30PM - 14:15PM

Room C1, Lady Shaw Bldg, CUHK (LSB C1)

MAEG 5130

Computational Mechanics

Tue 13:30PM- 14:15PM

Room 404, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 404)

Thu 09:30AM - 11:15AM

Room 404, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 404)

MAEG 5710

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Wed 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 301, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 301)

MAEG 5715

Computer Interface & Simulation

Thu 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 306, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 306)


Control & Industrial Automation

Tue 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 301, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 301)



Mon 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 305, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 305)

2nd Term of 2017-2018 (Period: January 8, 2018 (Mon) – May 11, 2018 (Fri))

Class Code

Course Title

Class Period


ENGG 5402

Advanced Robotics

Mon 12:30PM - 13:15PM

Room703, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 703)

Wed 14:30PM - 16:15PM

Room 210, Lee Shau Kee Bldg, CUHK (LSK 210)

ENGG 5403

Linear System Theory & Design

Mon 14:30PM - 16:15PM

LT3, Lee Shau Kee Bldg, CUHK (LSK LT3)

Wed 11:30 AM- 12:15PM

Room 804, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 804)

MAEG 5080

Smart Materials and Structures

Tue 09:30AM - 11:15AM

LT2, Lady Shaw Bldg, CUHK (LSB LT2)

Thu 12:30PM- 13:15PM

Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 712)

MAEG 5110

Quantum Control and Quantum Information

Tue 16:30PM - 18:15PM

Room 804, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 804)

Thu 13:30PM - 14:15PM

Room 703, William M.W. Mong Engineering Bldg., CUHK (ERB 703)

MAEG 5750  

Microelectromechanical Systems Technology and Applications

Tue 06:30PM - 09:30PM

Room 406, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 406)

MAEG 5760

Smart Materials and Structures

Mon 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 306, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 306)

MAEG 5780

Railway Engineering & Systems

Fri 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 305, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 305)

MAEG 5785

Precision Machine Design & Vibration Control

Thu 18:30PM - 21:30PM

Room 408, Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg, CUHK (WMY 408)

MAEG 5910

M.Sc. Project

to be arranged by teacher and students


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