
Quality of life in Chinese women with gynaecological cancers (2000)_香港中文大学

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-25

Quality of life in Chinese women with gynaecological cancers
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
陈叶咏娴教授 (那打素护理学院)


Web of Sciencehttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/27WOS source URL


摘要Sixty-two Hong Kong Chinese women with gynaecological cancers participated in this cross-sectional study to assess their quality of life (QOL), Chinese versions of the World Health Organisation Quality of Life Measure abbreviated version, the Profile of Mood States, and the Sexual Relationships subscale of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale were used. Qualitative data were collected about the meaning of QOL and the areas of life most affected by the cancer and its treatments. The overall QOL was found to be moderate (mean 92.4, SD 36.34), with the domains of psychological health and social relationships most affected. The distressed facets of life were related to pain, dependency, finances, sexuality, psychological health and spirituality. Mobility, accepting one's outlook, social support and "eating" were areas considered by these women to contribute to a better QOL. The meaning of QOL was described in terms of happiness and material resources. The overall mood score was found to be impaired (mean 43.84, SD 32.31), with relatively high scores for depression, anger and tension. Depression could explain 45% of the variance in the QOL. Despite some missing data, sexual relationships among the respondents were moderately affected, with reduced sexual desire and activity. However, the patients' relationships with their husbands were minimally affected, suggesting the men's understanding and support in the cancer trajectory of their wives. Areas of life that may need further support, such as sexual functioning and psychosocial adjustment, could be improved by the use of sex therapy or group support interventions. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are discussed.

着者Molassiotis A, Chan CWH, Yam BMC, Chan SJ
期刊名称Supportive Care in Cancer
页次414 - 422

关键词Chinese; gynaecological cancer; quality of life
Web of Science 学科类别Health Care Sciences & Services; HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES; Oncology; ONCOLOGY; Rehabilitation; REHABILITATION, SCI

相关话题/国际 语言 电子 英语 香港中文大学