
Postgraduate education expectations: A survey of Hong Kong graduate nurses (1996)_香港中文大学

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-25

Postgraduate education expectations: A survey of Hong Kong graduate nurses
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
Professor Eleanor Anne HOLROYD (那打素护理学院)


Web of Sciencehttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/1WOS source URL
Scopushttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/4Scopus source URL


摘要Tertiary education for nurses in Hong Kong is in its early development. With many overseas universities competing to secure Asian students, the need for locally developed programmes to meet Hong Kong's needs can be overlooked. In this survey 705 nurses with degree level qualifications working for the major public and private employing agencies completed a questionnaire designed to obtain details of postgraduate study plans and preferences for the type, focus and mode of postgraduate programmes. Analysis of responses showed 50% of the graduates surveyed intended to pursue further study in the next two years with a clear preference for course work masters, degree programmes (55%), studies with a specialist (7http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/1%) rather than a generalist focus, and programmes offered locally (85%) on a part-time basis (86%). Future educational needs were also found to vary according to gender, marital status, place of employment and nursing post. The findings from this survey have considerable implications for educational and professional nursing developments and planning to meet the future health care needs of Hong Kong. In addition, the information may inform the planning of other countries newly embarked on tertiary education for nurses.

着者Simsen B.J., Holroyd E., Sellick K.
期刊名称Journal of Advanced Nursing
出版社Blackwell Publishing Inc.
出版地United Kingdom
页次827 - 835

相关话题/国际 香港中文大学 护理学院 语言 英语