Dr. LI Danfeng Denver (李丹枫) PhD, University of Geneva
M.Phil., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
B.Eng., Zhejiang University
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
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Phone: 34427837, +852 34427837
Author IDs ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6894-6765
Scopus Author ID: 56152881900
Willing to take PhD students: yes
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BiographyDr Danfeng Li obtained his B.Eng. from Zhejiang University and M.Phil. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (advisor: Prof Ji-yan Dai). Shortly after earning his Ph.D. (2016) in the Department of Quantum Matter Physics at University of Geneva (advisor: Prof Jean-Marc Triscone), Dr Li joined Stanford University as a Swiss National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow, working with Prof Harold Hwang. He has been an Assistant Professor at CityU from November 2020. Dr Li's main research interests span across condensed-matter physics and materials science, focusing on atomic-scale fabrication of oxide heterostructures and nanomembranes, kinetic based synthesis of unconventional quantum materials, low-dimensional superconductivity, oxide interfaces for emergent states, etc. In 2019, a team led by Dr Li and Prof Hwang discovered the first nickelate superconductor, which had been a target of continuous materials search for over three decades.
李丹枫博士,本科毕业於浙江大学材料科学与工程专业,随後获得香港理工大学应用物理系研究型硕士学位(师从戴吉岩教授),2016年获得瑞士日内瓦大学量子物理系博士学位(师从Jean-Marc Triscone教授)。 2017年2月受瑞士国家自然科学基金资助,加入美国斯坦福大学从事博士後研究(合作导师Harold Hwang教授)。2020年11月加入城大物理系任助理教授。主要从事新型氧化物电子薄膜制备、原子尺度异质结外延生长、低维超导体系及界面新奇物理性质等相关研究。近年来在Nature、Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters、Nature Communications等学术期刊发表多篇重要论文。 2019年,他与Hwang教授领导的研究小组在世界上首次发现镍氧化物超导材料,解决了困扰超导学界超过三十年的难题,引起很大反响。
Research Interests/AreasGrowth and study of the newly discovered nickelate superconductors; physics in the phase diagram.
New materials synthetic approaches to novel superconductors and other quantum materials.
Low-temperature quantum transport and possible topological phases at the oxide interfaces
Various degrees of freedom and their coupling strength in the transition-metal oxide heterostructures/superlattices.
Qualifications/ExperiencesAssistant Professor,?City University of Hong Kong (11.2020 - present)
Postdoctoral Fellow?(Advisor: Harold Hwang),?Stanford University (02.2017 - 10.2020)
Postdoctoral Scholar (Advisor: Jean-Marc Triscone),?University of Geneva (11.2016 - 01.2017)
Graduate Research Assistant (Advisor: Jean-Marc Triscone), University of Geneva (04.2011 - 10.2016)
Research Assistant (Advisor: Ji-yan Dai),The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (09.2010 - 01.2011)
Editor or Editorial MembershipGuest editor to Frontiers in Physics, “Rare-Earth Nickelates: From Synthesis and Emergent Properties to Potential Applications”
KeywordsKeywordsQC Physics - Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, Complex Oxides, Quantum Materials, Thin films and Heterostructures
香港城市大学物理学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. LI Danfeng Denver (李丹枫)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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