??????? 天之道,損有餘而補不足。
???? 人之道,則不然,損不足以奉有餘。
????? 孰能有餘以奉天下?唯有道者。
??????????????????????????????????? It is the way of Heaven to offer where there is agreat abundance and to supplement where there is deficiency.
This is not so with men's way. Hetakes away from those who have not enough to serve the powerful and the rich.
Who could use one's superabundance tohelp those in need ? Only the man in possessionof TAO.
<< Lao Tsz >>
CHUNG,Shu-hung Henry (
Dean of Students
Chair Professor, Departmentof Electrical Engineering
Director, Centrefor Smart Energy Conversion and Utilization Research
BEng (Hons), PhD, FHKIE, FIEEE
Current teaching activities
Introductionto Electronic Design [GE 1354]
? SustainableEnergy Systems [EE 4101]
Research areas
Lighting technology
? Smart gridtechnologies
Renewable energy conversion technologies
? Application ofcomputational intelligence in power electronics
Brief Profile????????????????????????? Full CV
Contact details
Room: G6413
Tel: +852 3442 7807
Fax: +852 3442 0562
Email: eeshc@um.cityu.edu.hk